Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

As the blade came closer towards me I realized I had no where to run. So I did what I could. As soon as the blade was about to hit me I teleported behind my attacker. Her scythe ended up hitting the fence, making a loud metallic bang. She growled and turned around to see me. I looked at my marks and remembered to bring out my weapons. I focused and soon light wrapped around my hands and wrists manifesting into my weapons. I saw my attacker charging after me as I looked up. I raised my right hand and triggered the spearheads. They shot at her but she jumped over them all and swung her scythe. I rolled back to avoid the blade and got up.

My attacker ran at me, ready to strike me. I dodged and she missed me. I spun around and swiped my blades at her side. She sneered and spun around. I ducked as her scythe was about to hit me again. I sprinted up at her and landed a punch. She grunted and kicked me away. I fell back and glared at her. She tried stabbing me while I was still on the ground but I'd roll away from the blade back and forth. I couldn't keep up and she gazed my arm, tearing the short sleeve of my dress and cutting the skin. I winced and shot up at her. I tackled her down to the ground and raised my hand. I aimed for her chest and I stabbed down on where her heart should be with my blade.

She gasped from surprise and then started to laugh. I pulled out the hidden blade and looked at her. She suddenly shot a hand up and grabbed my neck, choking me. I gagged and she slowly got up, still holding onto me. She raised me up higher and hissed, "Silly, pathetic girl...! I'm Scarecrow! I am made of only straw and rags. Meaning I have no heart for you to stab! Or any organs for that matter. But you do. I'll made sure to destroy them all!!!" She squeezed my throat one last time and threw me against a tree. I yelped and panted. I started to get up when she kicked me across the face and I spit up blood.

"Some proxy you are," she remarked, "you're not worth anyone's time!" She kicked my gut and I gagged. Scarecrow raised up her scythe and chuckled evilly. I looked up at her and focused on another spell. I don't have enough strength to fight yet so I should buy myself some time. I focused on Scarecrow and watched as she threw down her scythe. I closed my eyes and waited for my death. But no such thing happened. I opened my eyes to see that my Time-Freeze spell had worked. Her blade was so close to hitting me. I rested for a bit, savoring the time that I have left until the spell wears off.

After I felt that I rested enough I carefully got up and got closer to Scarecrow. I examined her and got an idea. I bent down and grabbed her leg. She can't get me if she only has one left. I started cutting into her rag skin with my left blade. Once I was about to cut the last bit of fabric that left the leg hanging the spell wore off. "What do you think you're doing?!" she yelled. I quickly cut the last bit of fabric and grabbed the severed leg. She growled loudly and screamed out, "You little brat! How dare you?! I'LL KILL YOU!" She tried to move but fell over as she only had her right leg.

She groaned and screamed at me. I held her left leg in my hand and sneered at her. "Give me back my leg you brat! RAH!!! I'm going to kill you!!!"

"I don't think that's any way to speak to the person who has your only other way to be mobile again," I said. She growled and picked up her scythe. She planted the base of it into the ground and started pulling up. "I...will not....," she breathed as she hoisted herself against her scythe, " a mere....mortal girl!" She finally stood up straight and held herself up using her scythe. She started walking towards me, using her weapon like a crutch. I frowned and backed away. She's not fast like this. I might as well run off with her leg and leave her out here to struggle.

But I stayed put and would only move away whenever she was getting closer. She growled and seethed out of anger and frustration as she walked. Soon enough she grew helpless and fell over. I almost felt bad for her but remembered that she tried to kill me. So this is what she deserves. After a while I started hearing small, whining pleads from her. "Please give me back my leg...," she whimpered, "please. Just give it back....please...!"

It was silent for a while, despite her cries. Then I spoke. "If I give it back, will you attack me again," I asked. She looked up and said, "No...I'll promise if I have to. Just...please give it back!" I looked down at her then at the ground next to me. Should I give it back? Maybe she won't attack. Ugh! Don't be stupid Elizabeth! Of course she will! Don't fall for her pleading bullshit! I frowned and backed away from her more. She noticed this and cried out, "No...don't go...! Give it back! Please!" I shook my head and kept backing away when she screamed at me. "You pathetic mortal! I will kill you! I don't care if Lord Zalgo punishes me for it! I'm going to rip you apart!"

I froze at the sudden mention of that word. Lord Zalgo? So...Zalgo is actually a person, not just a word. And this person is Scarecrow's master. Oh, no way in Hell will I give back her leg. As I was in thought she was hoisting herself up again with her scythe. She growled and hissed, "I knew something like this would happen. Luckily My Lord gave me something to bring along." She laughed menacingly and raised her hand. She put her thumb and index finger in her mouth and whistled. Nothing happened for a while. I was about to run off when I heard pounding. I looked to my right and watched the trees. The pounding got louder and louder. What the hell is going on?

Something started coming out of the trees. I had no idea what it was but it was coming for us. I saw two red, glowing dots as what I could guess were eyes. But then more started appearing all around them. What the hell is it? Something finally came out into my sight. I started to tremble. What stood before me was something beastly. Something born of Hell. Something that should never be seen. This was an abomination. I couldn't call it an animal, nor a was just a monster...

It was big, like a rhino. It had disfigured body parts. It walked on all fours, had a human face...but it wasn't entirely human. Empty eye sockets, mouth handing open too far down...the eyes and mouth leaked black ooze. It...had mouths on it's arms...and legs...with jagged teeth and long tongues. Some parts of the beast leaked black ooze. It had many red eyes around the human face. It had horns coming out of it's back, that were splattered in what must've been blood. The monster made guttural sounds...and made low bellows, some what like a whale. I shivered from the sight. I heard Scarecrow laughing and said, "I see you are mesmerized by it."

I turned towards her with wide and terrified eyes. "What the hell is that thing?!" I shrieked. She chuckled and said, "Why don't you find out, duckling?" She raised a hand and pointed a finger at me. Then she said something I dreaded.

"Sick 'em boy." The beast made a guttural sound. Its many mouths snapped and it started moving towards me. I dropped Scarecrow's leg and I ran. I didn't care if I would give Scarecrow her mobility back. I had to get away from that thing! I could hear it going after me. It's pounding footsteps echoed in my ears. Then the footsteps got faster. I was panicking. The loud wails and roars resonating behind me.

Dear god, what do I do? What do I do?! Someone save me please! I was breathing heavily as I ran faster. I ran in different directions, trying to throw the monster off of my trial. Unfortunately it still bounded after me. I kept running, and running and running. I could feel the beast get closer and closer. It roared and I covered my ears. I prayed that someone save me from this thing. I need somebody. I need Jeff! But how could he kill a beast such as this one? He'd be killed! And if he doesn't stand a chance then neither do I.

As I ran I recognized something sparkling up ahead. The lake!!! Please let one of the guys be there! I ran out of the trees and into the lake area. I saw nobody there. I breathed harshly, about to hyperventilate and go into panic. Just as I was about to run away again I felt a strong force hit me from my left. I was thrown into the lake and I landed in with a loud splash of water. The water surrounded me and I tried returning to the surface. My left side hurt from the impact of whatever hit me. I reached the surface and took in a big breath of air. I tried to keep myself afloat but I was never entirely good at swimming. It won't be long before I start to sink. I looked all around and saw the beast by the lake's edge. It made a whale like groan and leaned over the water's edge. One of the mouths spit up black ooze and it landed in the water.

I wanted to vomit but then I noticed something. The black ooze was slithering over to me. My eyes grew wide and I wheezed from fear. I tried to swim away from the black substance but something tugged on my leg. I yelped and then it tugged again until suddenly I was dragged underwater. I flailed my arms around and tried to wiggle free. I was able to see what had me and it was the black ooze. It trailed up my leg and covered me up to my waist. I struggled and tried to swim up to the surface again but I couldn't get out. The water around me started getting black and it surrounded me. Parts of the ooze morphed into agonized and screaming faces. They wailed, their cries echoing in my ears. I screamed out of fear, water entering my mouth and throat. The black ooze was almost covering me. It was crawling up my neck and I shivered from the feel.

I looked up and saw what little light that was coming from the surface. I'm either going to die from suffocation or die from the beast killing me. Either way, things won't turn out well for me. I stopped struggling as I got light headed. I'm drowning now. Water filled my lungs and it was unbearable. I looked up at the surface again. As I kept staring at it I saw that the surface broke, like something was coming in. Something slithered down towards me. At first I thought it was just more black ooze but then I thought otherwise as it shooed away the black ooze. The substance dissipated as something else grabbed me. I was pulled away from the substance and I made it to the surface.

I coughed horribly and was raised above the lake. I looked at what was wrapped around me and felt a wave of relief overwhelm me. A long black tentacle was wrapped around my waist. I was pulled away from the lake and into someone's arms. I looked up and recognized who saved me. "Slendy," I said. He didn't look down at me or say anything. He was just facing towards something else. I looked over and saw the beast again. It made a guttural sound again and snapped its mouths. "Are you all right, Elizabeth," I heard Slendy ask. I look up at him and nod. He sighs in relief and turns back to the monster. He suddenly brings up tentacles to grab me and he lifted me onto his back.

I wrapped my arms around him and he holds my legs with more tentacles. "Hold on tight," he said. I nodded and tightened my hold. He then teleported, along with me, over to the monster and lashed his tentacles at it. I watched as the monster struggled and tried to fight back but Slendy was too quick. He pushed it back with his tentacles and lashed at it again. One of the mouths on the beast bit down on one tentacle and Slendy growled. The beast let go and charged towards us. Slendy teleported behind it and attacked it swiftly. The monster tumbled across the ground and roared horribly. "What is that thing," I asked. Slendy huffed and said, "I honestly do not know. But I do know that this thing needs to be killed!"

He raised a whole hoard of tentacles and shot them all at the beast. It roared in anger and struggled to fight against Slendy. More tentacles kept coming and attacking the monster. After a while it seemed the monster grew tired and the mouths spurted out black ooze. I retched and watched as Slendy wrapped tentacles around it. He lifted it up and left it raised. The beast started wailing in what I would guess to be pain. I didn't know why until it happened. Slendy's tentacles moved away from each other, pulling the monster in two. Black entrails and blood spilled and splattered everywhere and I watched it all with horrified eyes.

Slendy dropped the two pieces of the monster and surprisingly it was still alive. Its upper half crawled along the dirt, searching for the rest of it. Slendy reached an arm out and picked something up that was next to it. I got a good look at it and saw that it was a heart. Although it was disgusting. Black, rotten and oozing. Slendy snarled and hissed in a tone I've never heard before. "I may be a demon...but you're the most absurd thing to ever live. Go back to the dark realm you came from!" He suddenly crushed the heart in his hand, causing the monster to shudder horribly and then die. It was silent throughout the area. Slendy and I just watched as the corpse of the beast fell apart, flesh melting away, then bones crumbling, and then there was nothing left. It was trully dead.

Slendy sighed and said, "What a grotesque creature." My hold on Slendy tightened and I cried silently. We stayed in silence for a while until the sounds of clapping echoed. Slendy turned around to see what was making the noise and he growled. I looked to see what he saw and my eyes widened. "I must say Slenderman, that was quite the fatality," Scarecrow said mockingly. She had both of her legs now. She must've fixed herself. Slendy tensed and growled, "Scarecrow. How dare you attack my proxy?!" She laughed out loud and said, "Your proxy? Oh you have it all wrong. See she may have your symbols and she may be in your watch but she belongs to someone else."

"What is she talking about," I asked Slendy, a bit frightened. He shook his head and said, "Don't listen to her. She's just trying to get to us, is all."

"I am not the one who speaks lies," Scarecrow said, eyeing Slendy. I was worried. "What is she talking about?" I asked again. "Nothing," Slendy answered, "I told you don't listen to her."

"What are you trying to say?" I ask Scarecrow.

"Elizabeth!" Slendy scolded.

"Well," Scarecrow started, "if you really want to know I might as well tell you. Besides, it will save time from Lord Zalgo to explain it to you. Allow me to explain. You see-."

She suddenly choked as a knife blade went through her throat. It was pulled out and she fell forward, holding her neck and wheezing. I looked to see who the wielder of the knife was. To my relief it was Jeff, who had a total look of rage on his face. He looked down at her and snarled. He leaned down and grabbed her hair roughly. He threw Scarecrow across the ground and started stabbing down at her neck. He started growling, "NEVER! EVER! RUN! FROM! A FIGHT WITH ME! YOU'VE GOT ME REAL PISSED AND I DON'T LIKE BEING PISSED! NEVER RUN FROM ME! I WILL KILL YOU! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND I WILL KILL YOU! RIP YOU TO SHREDS! TEAR YOU DOWN UNTIL YOU'RE NOTHING! NEVER! RUN! FROM! ME!!!" After a while Slendy ordered Jeff to stop stabbing her. When he wouldn't listen he grabbed him and pulled him away with a tentacle.

He seethed in rage and eventually Slendy let him go. We all watched as Scarecrow sat up slowly and wheezed horribly. She gave us all pleading looks but could say nothing. She stood up and picked up her scythe. Jeff was about to charge her but she wasn't intending on attacking. He stopped once he realized this and just glared at her. She looked at me, giving me a fearful look. She then hung her head and ran off into the trees. She never came back out. Jeff panted and fell to his knees. I looked at him and noticed something I didn't see before. He was all beat up, cut and bruised. Did he fight Scarecrow while Slendy was fighting the monster? I shouldn't worry about who he fought. He's badly injured and he needs help. And so do I.

So Slendy took to the both of us back home to the mansion. I looked back at the lake and at the park, wondering if I'll ever meet Scarecrow again, or another grotesque creature. Finally as we left the lake area Slendy teleported Jeff and I back home.


"OW! Dammit Slendy, just dab! I'm not taking a bath in the stuff," Jeff scolded as Slendy was putting disinfectant alcohol on his cuts. Slendy groaned and kept dabbing. I was sitting next to Jeff, with a bandage on my shoulder where Scarecrow had grazed me. Masky came in a while ago to give us the stuff we left behind at the lake. So now I was hugging Christopher Bubbles tightly as I waited for Slendy to finish up. Once he was done Jeff put his shirt back on and sighed. "Are you okay," I asked. He looked over and chuckled. "Yeah I'm fine," he answered. It was quiet throughout the room. Slendy was in the corner putting the medical supplies away.

"All right," he started, "now the both of you try not to strain your wounds. I don't feel like fixing you two up all over again." He then walked out, leaving me and Jeff behind. It was silent and none of us said anything. And then suddenly Jeff said, "I'm sorry." I looked to him and asked, "Why are you sorry?"

He sighed and said, "I shouldn't have run off like that. And I'm sorry I didn't protect you from Scarecrow. I should've been there to save you and to keep you out of harm's way. But I didn't and I'm sorry for it. I'm also sorry for making this the crappiest Halloween/date you've ever been on." I gave him a sympathetic look and said, "It's okay. You don't have to apologize about it-."

"No it's not okay," he interrupted, "I put you in danger. I wasn't there for you. And from what Slendy has told me, you almost drowned! That would have never happened if I was there. I promised to protect you...and I did the complete opposite." It was quiet again. I looked at Jeff, raised a hand and smacked the back of his head. He yelped and rubbing his head. "What the hell?" he groaned.

"Stop putting the blame on yourself," I said, "something like this was bound to happen. That's why I trained. So I could be ready to protect myself when you can't. And I might not of done a good job tonight but that's why I'll try harder so nothing like this happens again. So don't be down about it. I don't like to see you this way."

He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well," he muttered, "I guess you kind of have a point. But I should still protect you no matter what. And this date was still the crappiest. I'm sorry about that. I tried really hard. I just wanted you to have a good time and just be happy. Instead we get bruises, cuts and more enemies."

"Sure we get that," I said, "but it doesn't mean I didn't have fun. And you did to. We enjoyed it for as long as it lasted and that's all that matters. And to think that you'd actually take me out on a date makes me happy enough. You're the only guy that's actually shown so much affection towards me. And...I'm glad that you're the only guy." He chuckled and said, "I'm glad to be your only guy." He gets off the bed he's on and sits next to me. He leans in and nuzzles his head into my neck. I winced as he touched my damaged shoulder slightly. He moved away and said, "Sorry," He then kissed my bandaged shoulder sweetly. It hurt a little but I didn't mind.

He moved away and nuzzled my neck again. I leaned my head on his and sighed softly. "Ellie," Jeff started. "Yeah." I mumbled. He grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. I blushed and he said, "I....I......I love you."

I felt a wave of excitement rush through me from hearing those words. I was about to speak when Ben came into the room. "Hey love birds," he called, "come with me. We got something for you." Jeff and I gave each other curious looks and we got up. We followed Ben to a room down the hall. Everyone was there waiting for us. When we came up to everyone Ben spoke up, "Since your little date didn't go as planned."

"We thought we could make things okay again," Sally finished. Hoodie opened the door and inside was somewhat of a lounge room. I smiled as I saw stacks of movies, a bunch of junk food, pizza, soda and blankets, pillows and Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling, courtesy of Sally I'm guessing. Jack spoke up and said, "It may not be the best thing's all we could give you two."

"You guys didn't have to do this for us," Jeff said. Masky chuckled and said, "We wanted to. So we hope you enjoy." I looked up at Jeff and shrugged. He smiled and said, "Thanks." We walked in and before we went Jeff asked Jack and Ben, "So who won the challenge?" Ben started laughing hysterically and Jack just grumbled. "Blue boy here didn't even get one girl!" Ben cackled. Jack crossed his arms and said, "People thought I looked...cute. And not the good kind..." Ben started laughing more after that and walked away, still laughing. Jack stormed off and grumbled to himself. Jeff shrugged and grabbed my hand.

"Come on, Sunshine," he said. I smiled and he lifted me up and onto his back for a piggyback ride. I laughed and hugged him. He ran around the room with me and we laughed. "Smackdown!" he exclaimed and fell down on the couch with me. I yelped and smacked a pillow in his face. He smothered me in a blanket and we got tangled up in it. "We're a freaking burrito!" Jeff yelled happily. We finally stopped and I lay on top of him. I hugged him and said, "I love you too." His chest tensed up and he blushed. He pushed himself up and kissed me lovingly. I love him. That's it. That fuzzy, good feeling I've had towards him for weeks is this feeling. I never really expected to ever fall in love with a killer, especially one such as Jeff. But I shouldn't have regrets or doubts about it. All that really matters is that I know for sure that I'm in love with him. I don't want to have second thoughts.

Jeff held onto me warmly and pulled back from the kiss. He held me and got something off from the coffee table in front of us. He suddenly shoved a chocolate bar piece in my mouth and I ate it. "Feed me slave," I said. He rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever. I'll torture you with a horror movie instead."

"No!" I exclaimed. He stuck his tongue out at me and jumped for the stack of movies. I jumped on him and we started tumbling across the floor, play fighting. This isn't what most girls expect on a date. But even if I did get attacked and I'm going out with a psychotic killer....this is the best date anyone could ever be on.


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