Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

It's been a few days since my date with Jeff. That night in the lounge Jeff ended up falling asleep while he practically used me as a pillow. I didn't mind it at all though and let him sleep. Since that night we've been so happy together. But also everyone is on high alert for any more enemies. Slendy is usually cooped up in his study and barely ever comes out. I'm not sure what's going on with him but that night when Scarecrow tried to explain something Slender seemed pretty upset. What's got him so anxious?

Jeff is more protective as ever before and it's starting to scare me. He's starting to get on edge too. Ms.P still comes by to help me in magic and ever since she found out about the attack on Halloween she's been working me into the ground!

"Elizabeth," she said, "your levitation is lopsided. Focus." I groaned from trying to get myself straight but I just kept leaning around. Ms.P had me stop and rest. I sighed and took a seat somewhere. "Elizabeth," she started, "what's troubling you? You're not focusing straight. Something is clouding your thoughts and it's interfering with your magic. Tell me." I sighed and brushed my hair to the side. I looked up at her and muttered, "Everybody is getting worked up ever since Halloween and it's starting to bug me. And I'm also afraid. I don't know what's going on because no one will tell me a thing." She gave me a sympathetic look and put a hand on my shoulder. "Ellie, I know it must be hard but everyone is just looking out for you. They tell you nothing because they're just trying to keep you safe," she explained. I tightened my jaw and grumbled, "But how can I be safe if I don't know what's out to hurt me? I know it may be a lot to deal with but...I at least deserve to know what's going on." She sighed and looked to the floor.

It was silent and no noise was made. What am I going to do? Nobody will tell me anything and I want to know what's happening! I've tried asking Slendy but he never answers directly or he just changes the subject. I'm getting real tired of his little "silent treatment". I stood up, clenched my fists and stormed through the mansion halls in search of Slendy's study. "Where are you going," Ms.P asked. I turned to her for a brief moment and said, "I'm going to figure out what's going on once and for all...!" I turned back around and started walking again. I could hear Ms.P's hurried footsteps follow behind me. I didn't stop for one second. I will find out what's going on.

I found the door to Slendy's study and knocked on the door. Nobody answered so I just barged in without warning. Slendy jumped up in his seat behind his desk and turned towards me. I walked up to his desk, crossed my arms and demanded, "Tell me what's going on Slenderman. You can't keep hiding the truth forever. I have the right to know!"

If he had a face I'm sure he'd be frowning. He turned to Ms.P and she twiddled her thumbs. "She does have a point," she mumbled. Slendy groaned and turned back to me. "Elizabeth," he started, "there is nothing of importance that you need to know, I assure you."

"If that's true then why are you so worked up, huh?" I asked, frowning. "It can't just be nothing," I added. He sighed and rubbed his temple. "Well it is nothing, child, so don't fret over it and go back to your magic lessons," he ordered. I put my hands down and straightened up. "No," I refused sternly. He growled slightly and stood up from his seat, looming over me with his tall structure. "Elizabeth do not refuse my orders, now go back and do your magic," he said.

I huffed and said, "How about you don't refuse my questions and give me some damn answers?" I could sense his anger starting to boil. "Don't back talk me Elizabeth," he said, "now obey my orders and leave my study this instant." I frown harder, walked over to the couch and sat firmly on it. I crossed my legs and got comfortable. I gave Slendy a look and said nonchalantly, "No."

He clenched his fists and before I could comprehend it, he shot out his tentacles at me. They stopped right before they could touch me and Ms.P scolded. "Slenderman! That is enough! Elizabeth is right! She deserves to know! Now stop being so stubborn and at least answer some questions!" He sighed and slowly retracted his tentacles back to him. He sat back down and held his head in frustration. "Fine," he muttered and lifted his head up. He sat up straight and said, "I'll only tell you what you need to know for now. Got it?" I nodded, eager to know the answers to my questions. He sat up straight and asked, "What do you need to know, child?"

So many questions filled and fluttered through my mind but I know I could only choose so few. I decided to go with the questions that seemed more important now. "What was Scarecrow trying to say on Halloween night?" Slendy was quiet, in thought and after a long pause of silence he shrugged slightly and said, "Sadly I am not sure what she meant. I don't know if she was just saying things to throw us off or actually trying to tell us something. But I have no clue as to what it is." I sulked, I was hoping or a full on answer but not even Slendy knows. Damn. "What about that creature that attacked me? What the hell was that thing?" Slendy couldn't find words and Ms.P answered clearly, knowing more about the question than Slenderman. "From what I've heard," she started, "that thing is a corrupted entity. It was exposed to a high power of evil and darkness to which it got to the point of becoming an abomination. The creature you saw wasn't the only one out there though. There are many more but very few choose to come out. From rumors I've heard that they were once pure living things, such as animals...sadly, even humans. But since they were exposed to such darkness they became a creature practically born of Hell itself." I stared at her in disbelief. So that creature could've been an innocent animal...or a human? My god...what kind of evil could ever corrupt something into such a thing...?! It's unbelievable...

"Slendy," I muttered, "how did you even know how to kill that...thing?" He looked up and answered, "I've heard about such creatures like these, although I never knew what they really were. I don't know much about them as much as Ms. Pencilneck does but all I really knew was how to kill it. In order to kill it you have to destroy the heart, from what I've heard. Now I know that, that theory works." I nodded and started deciding on another question. Scarecrow mentioned somebody...Zalgo was the name. I still don't remember much from that night when I supposedly went temporarily insane but I do remember one thing from a dream I had. A voice said Zalgo and now that I know that he's an actual being then I know that that dream wasn't a coincidence. I looked up at Slendy and asked him directly, "Who is Zalgo?"

The air in the room suddenly became dense. Ms.P had wide eyes and stared at the floor, eyes full of terror. Slenderman's demeanor became shaky and slightly unstable. I don't know if I was supposed to even ask a question like that but I've already asked it. Is the name Zalgo like a whole Harry Potter thing to them where I can't say his name just like I can't say Voldemort or else bad things happen? Wait....shit I said it.

Finally after a deathly silence Slendy spoke up. " an entity who causes insanity, death and destruction to the world. He may be the one who created those corrupted creatures we just talked about. He uses them as slaves. He corrupts all innocence once he gets the chance."

"He's known for his seven mouths," Ms.P continued, "it's said that once his seventh mouth opens and sings a chant of destruction the whole world will come to an end. But so far nothing like that has happened."

"He's a destroyer of life," Slenderman said, "and he's the most evilest entity to ever live. But he can't move about in the real world so freely. Sometimes he can manifest into a human being but that takes a lot. So he chooses hosts, or in the correct term, slaves to do his bidding and once the deeds are done he can destroy innocence on his own. He only comes in dreams or maybe even visions. Like he did with you that night you practically went insane...."

He didn't exactly show up, now that I recall so I don't know what he looks like. But I'm sure he's the one who corrupted my dreams. And that little masked boy was probably one of his "servants". But what does Zalgo want with me? Is it because I'm the proxy? I don't get why he'd want any business with me though. It's not like I'm doing anything to the guy. I pushed the subject out of my mind for now and tried focusing on one more question. After a couple of silent minutes I finally figured out what to ask. "What is my true purpose as the proxy?" I asked. Ms.P and Slender got uneasy again, like they didn't want to answer and discuss the matter. I only became more curious. Slendy asked me, "Why do you ask?"

"Because," I replied, "I know I'm not only cut out for training and defeating a few bad guys every now and then. I feel like my actual purpose is something greater but I can't really figure it out. So I'm hoping that you guys know what it is that I'm truly meant for."

Slendy and Ms.P glanced at each other and sighed in unison. Slendy spoke up and said, "I might as well tell you. I would've explained it to you eventually. You're intuition is're meant for something more. And it's the most dangerous thing ever."

"It's a life and death purpose," Ms.P added, a bit frazzled. I gave them curious and eager looks. Slendy sighed and said lowly, "You're true purpose as the to battle Zalgo and put him to rest." I gave them wide eyes and my jaw slightly dropped. What did they mean by "battle" exactly...? I just sat there, contemplating on what Slenderman just said. Ms.P gave me sad looks like she couldn't believe it either even though I'm sure she knew this whole entire time. I looked up at them and mumbled, "I....I have to...battle him...? What does that even mean?"

"It means you must defeat him in order to put him in a temporary slumber until the next proxy is born and trained," Ms.P said, "this is the duty of every proxy in history. Every proxy like you. You're the only one who has the capability to stop him and put him to rest." I gave them dumbfounded looks. "But...from his description he sounds like something I can't defeat!" I shrieked, "How the hell can I ever defeat him and put him into a slumber?!"

"With training," Slendy said, "every proxy trains for their future battle. Don't fret. You won't fight him just yet. You still have plenty of time left to strengthen up and be prepared for whatever comes. And once the time comes when you have to battle him, you'll have to know everything Ms.P and I have taught you."

I shook from confusion and nervousness. So this is the true purpose for being the proxy? I looked at the two and asked, "What happens if I fail to defeat him?" They glanced at each other again and seemed uneasy. "We wouldn't know," Ms.P answered, "no one has ever seen a proxy after they fail to defeat Zalgo. Let's just say its something you do not want to do...." I gulped and sat back in my seat. Shit. I never signed up for this?! I never signed up for anything like this?! I wish I never asked what my real purpose is. But I would've found out eventually. "Slendy," I started, "you're powerful aren't you? Don't you have the ability to defeat Zalgo?" He thought about it and said, "I have the capability to fight him but not defeat him. Unfortunately my supernatural abilities are not enough to put him to rest."

"But you're more powerful than me!" I exclaimed.

"Right now I am," he said. "You're still in training. But in reality you're stronger than me. You're the proxy. This is what you're meant for."

I sulked and looked to the floor. I started thinking about all the other proxies before me and what they had to go through. Then I thought of my grandmother. She was the proxy once before. If she's still alive to this day then she must've defeated Zalgo at one point and put him to rest. I wonder how the experience was for her.

I finally stopped feeling so jittery and asked Slendy, "Did my grandmother have to battle Zalgo? And did she ever defeat him?" He nodded solemnly and replied, "Yes she did have to go through this. And she was lucky enough to succeed. Hopefully you follow in her footsteps when the time comes."

"Do you think she's still alive?" I asked. They were quiet and were trying to think. Ms.P shrugged at Slendy and he said, "I don't know, child. She left without a word. We have no idea of her whereabouts nor do we know if she's even still alive. Sorry." I sighed and thought. If she is alive hopefully she's safe. How did she defeat Zalgo? I want to know. I want to know her experience through her words. I can't do this without some advice from a former proxy. I need to know how this works. I got an idea, a stupid and wild idea, but it was something. I sat up at the edge of my seat and looked at Slendy and Ms.P. I breathed in and said confidently, "I want to search for my missing grandmother."

They looked at me. I know what they're thinking. I'm crazy for ever announcing such a thing but I mean it. It was quiet in the room once again and I was anxious for their answers. Finally Slendy said, "You want to search for your missing grandmother...?" I nodded and he seemed dumbfounded. " will you even find her? Not even we know where she is." he added. I shrugged and replied, "I'm not sure but if I want to search for her than you're damn sure I'll try." He hung his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. Funny thing is, is that he knows I'll do it no matter how hard he tries to convince me not to. I sat there, waiting for him to say anything about the situation. He faced me and said tiredly, "If you're really so set on this.......then I won't stop you." I smiled and thanked him for understanding. "But the question is," Ms.P said, "is where will you start? I mean, nobody knows. How will you get your lead?"

I thought about that, thinking of every solution to the question. She's right, where is my lead? Not even my dad knows and this is his mother I'm trying to find. After thinking through every possible solution I came down to one. It's all I have left and hopefully it works. I get up from the couch and say, "I think I know someone who can help me." I walked to the door and left the study, searching the mansion for my little helper.


"So you want me to help you find your missing grandma?" Ben asked me questionably. I nodded and he gave me a look. "If she's missing and ol' faceless doesn't know where the hell she is...then how do you expect me to find her instead?" I shrugged and replied, "Well...maybe you can bring up some records of her. You're good with tech stuff...right?" He thought about it then nodded. "Yeah you do have a point."

"Cool so you'll hack a few things?" I asked with a smile. He gave me a smug look and said,"Pfft, if I didn't know how to hack what kind of a bad-ass would I be?" I rolled my eyes and smiled. "But," he started, "I can't do my talents without some sort of lead. I'm gonna need info on the old coot. Can you get something for me?"

I thought and looked at him, "I'll see what I can do. In the mean time...try finding something please." He nodded and pixelated to who knows where. Just as he left Jeff came into the room. He folded his arms across his chest and stared at me. I stared back awkwardly and said nothing. "What's going on," he asked me. I shifted my eyes in every direction trying to seem casual but he knew something was up. He moved closer towards me and gave me a stern look. I couldn't stand his hard gaze so I gave in. "Ben's helping me out to search for my grandmother."

"The former proxy?" he asked, slightly confused. I nodded and his expression softened. "Why," he asked. I looked to the floor and twiddled my thumbs. The real reason why I want to look for her is so I can find out how she defeated Zalgo so I can do the same, that way I won't bust my ass trying to figure out how. But I don't think Jeff knows what my purpose as the proxy is. Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't but I don't want to take chances and have him more on edge. But I don't like lying to him, I'm surprised I haven't told him about that moment between Travis and I. I sighed and said, "I just want to see her and ask her a few questions about this whole proxy business." He eyed me suspiciously but eventually seemed to calm down.

He leaned in close to me and kissed my lips. I closed my eyes and felt his cold yet cozy lips. He pulled away and brushed my bangs out of my face. "I love you Sunshine," he whispered sweetly to me. I smiled and nuzzled against him. "I love you too," I said. He hugged me warmly and kissed my head. I blush and he holds my hand. "Wanna watch a movie," he asked me. I nodded and we headed for the living room. I took a seat on the couch while he popped in a random movie. He sat down next to me and pulled me closer to him, wrapping an arm around me. I hugged him and watched the movie.

After a couple of minutes into the movie Jack walked in and saw. "Hey isn't that the movie where his brother dies?" Jeff and I glared at him since clearly we've never seen the movie before. He shrugged and stayed watching it with us. I can tell Jeff wasn't too pleased with it. Then Sally came in, dancing with her teddy bear. She stopped abruptly and stared at the TV. "Hey I remember that movie!" she exclaimed, "His mother is actually his sister! It's so weird!!!" We glared at her and she backed away slightly. Great, who's next?

Masky and Hoodie came in and saw the movie too. "Dude that movie is a total mindfuck," Hoodie replied.

"I know right," Masky said, "like that moment where his dad comes back from the dead?"

"Uh guys...?" I mumbled.

"And then his dad is trying to tell him something but then the godfather kills him and he dies again?" Hoodie added.

"Guys," Jeff grumbled.

"Shit bro then the dog dies too," Masky exclaimed sadly.

"That part made me cry and as you know I don't I have any eyes," Jack added.

"And what's really weird," Hoodie started, "is that the whole movie was a dream!"

"And then it turns out that the guy isn't even real! He never existed!" Masky blared.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jeff finally snapped. They all quickly stopped talking and looked at him in surprise. Jeff frowned and calmed down. "Let's try to enjoy the movie even though they gave everything away," Jeff told me. I nodded and hugged him again. He kissed my head again but then...

"Cock blocking yo biz!!!" Ben yelled and jumped over the couch and in between me and Jeff. Ben gave Jeff a smile and said, "Hey there big boy."

"God dammit Ben!" Jeff yelled and threw him across the room. Jeff ran after him and jumped on him. Everyone was whooping and chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!". I just sat there, wondering about how much worse this could get.


After an hour of randomness Slendy sent everyone off to retire to their rooms. Since Jeff was still on edge I had to sleep in his room with him again tonight. It's not that I don't like sleeping in his room with him it's just...I don't like it when he's so cautious. I want to sleep in his room because I want to, not so he can keep watch over me. But I shouldn't argue about it with him. I'm too tired to try.

I changed into his hoodie again, which I still had to wear since I never got different pajamas. Jeff was already laying in bed, waiting for me to jump in next to him. I looked down at him and he put a hand on my hip and pulled me closer. I nearly fell on him and he chuckled. I sat on top of him and he smirked. I blushed and tried to roll off of him but he held me in place. He laid a hand on my thigh and felt a chill go up my body. He inched his hand closer to my hip. I didn't move once, afraid that if I do I'll end up shaking. He sat up carefully and pushed me up against him. He nuzzled my neck and I wrapped my arms around him. He placed his hands on my back and I suddenly went falling.

I was lying on the bed and it took me a while to realize that Jeff rolled me over. I lay under him and gave him a look. "What?" he asked, "As sexy as you look being on top, I'd rather you be under me." I rolled my eyes and knocked him over. He fell next to me and I got on him. "Good night," I said. He was about to protest when I stuffed a pillow in his face and fell asleep on him. I listened to his heart beat as I drifted off into my peaceful slumber. If only he could listen to my heart beat every time I hug him. It goes at a disorienting rate but it's mesmerizing. And so is Jeff...


Everything was dark and I couldn't see anything. It was a while before something actually happened. I heard giggling, like someone was having fun. Then more giggling. It sounded like people chatting and laughing. I overheard a couple of words from whoever it was. "I've never seen you get angry. I bet you'd be like 'Pika Pi Pikachu!' and shoot lighting everywhere! That would be awesome!"

I remember those sentences. And I recognize who was saying them. It was Addie, being weird and making jokes about me. More chatting and I even heard Johanna. "You two are such derps. But you're my derps. Come along derplings!" I giggled to myself. I remember that conversation too. We really are derps. I heard more fun times between Addie, Johanna and I. I looked all around and finally saw something. It was like a mirror but not really. I saw Addie and Johanna

We were all chatting in lunch, in our classes and in each others houses. I remember every scene. They were happy and cherishing moments. I never forget them. I miss those two. I want to come back but...I don't know what everyone will say. And I'm sure they won't let me go since they're so alert. It'll be a while until I can see them again. As I kept watching the moments between my friends and I, the scenes changed. Now they showed my parents. There was one where they took me to the zoo and I was riding on my father's shoulders. I looked so happy and cheery. Then there was my thirteenth birthday. I tried to blowout the candles but then my mom shoved my face into the cake. I had so much cake up my nose for days after that. From late nights of my parents reading me bedtime stories, to sitting around with them on movie nights. God, I miss them too. I want my dad's warm hugs and my mom's happy kisses. I want it all back. But...I'll have to see what will happen. Hopefully I get to come back home and have things the way they used to be. The images changed to me and Ian now. There was the first time we met and then the first time he told me those creepy yet true stories. One scene showed the first time I practically beat him up after he stole my book bag. But there were happy moments between us. There was one where he was clowning around in class and fell over from off of his desk. I went hysterical and he just twitched on the floor. I miss him too. His wise cracks and annoying pranks are what keep me laughing every day. I hope he's okay right now. I wonder if he misses me too. Probably. I've never told him this but he's like the big, annoying brother I never had.

All the images collided, making a little slide show of me with everyone I love. Addie and Johanna, Ian, my parents, then back again. I was nearly on the verge of tears when a voice was brought up. "Such sweet memories," the voice said. I turned all around to see who had spoken but it was nothing but darkness still. "There's no use trying to find me. I'm not visible to you yet," the voice said again. It was deep and intimidating. I stopped looking and just listened. "Who are you," I asked it. There was a deep chuckle and then it replied, "That is a question for another time. We have more important business to take care of at the moment." I frowned in confusion. What kind of business? I don't know who I'm talking to. I don't even know what's going on right now. "All right," I started, "what business are we talking about?"

The voice laughed wryly and said, "I need to ask you a few questions, Elizabeth."

"How do you know my name?" I asked suspiciously.

"I've always known. I know everything," it answered. That kind of freaked me out a little but I just kept hearing the voice out. "Anyhow," it continued, "one important question I must ask you miss your old life?" I sulked slightly at that question. "Of course I do," I answered sadly.

"And do you always wish to go back? Do you ever worry for the ones you hold dearest in that life? I'm sure you do."

I nodded and hummed my yes. "I always worry. Especially with what's happening to me nowadays. But I know I'll go back someday! Just not any time soon...."

There was a slight huff and a chuckle from the voice and it said, "Well, maybe you will go back soon. After all...........everyone in your old life is in danger."

I froze and my body went cold. My eyes widened and I trembled from nervousness. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice cracking. I looked to that mirror object and saw the images in it change. All of my friends were happy and then...everything went black. In the black I saw Johanna, strapped to a chair. She was struggling to get out and yelling out in anger. Something a few feet away from her started coming towards her. She started panicking and I did too, on the inside. I didn't know what was going on. That thing that was coming closer was a mangled figure, alive and breathing. Johanna screamed and tried to get out again but the straps were too tight. The figure suddenly grabbed her and she froze in fear. It reached a hand to her face and touched lightly. Then it reached her stomach and drove a hand in. She choked and spit up blood. The mangled figure started tearing off her flesh and throwing her intestines to the ground. I watched in horror as more and more blood splattered everywhere. Johanna never screamed once and she stopped all together. Tears of frustration started to fall, I didn't know if this was an illusion or actually real. I'm terrified!

The images stopped and someone else came into view. It was Ian. Oh no, what's going to happen to him?! He was tied down to an operating table, with tools hanging above him. He struggled to get out but couldn't break through the bonds. The fear and frustration in his eyes scared me. As he was struggling the tools above him started to move. He stopped what he was doing and watched the tools in nervousness. A drill loomed over his head and he stared at it, giving it a weird look. Two more devices came up to his face and forced his eyes open. He tried to yank his head away but the devices wouldn't let go. I could see his eyes dilate in fear as the drill started to turn. Before it could pick up any speed the drill drove itself into his right eye. I watched in fear as he screamed in agony and pain. The high pitched whirring of the drill terrified me. Blood started pouring out in a messy manner from the drill'a constant turning. I wanted to look away but I couldn't because I longed for an ending but it never came.

Finally the drill stopped churning and Ian stopped twitching. He wasn't moving any more. I shook tremendously and wanted to run away. Before the scene faded the machines started moving towards Ian's lifeless body, ready to cut him and use him like an experiment. The scene went and next was Addie. No...not her...!

She was lying helpless on the floor trembling and darting her eyes around in anxiety. She held her knees to her chest and cried. I wanted to go and hug her but remembered that she's not actually there. She started coughing and gagging. Suddenly she doubled over and hacked up something. It was some sort of black mush. She screamed in terror at the sight and backed away. She started gagging again and then she held her stomach. Blood started soaking her shirt and she cried out. She fell over and convulsed insanely. After a while I realized that something was eating away at her.......from the inside...

Her torso was completely demolished and barely anything was left of her. Blood covered her face and her eyes were dead of any life. I fell to my knees and cried. "Relax," the deep voice from before said, "that's not actually real. Those are only their fears. Johanna fears restraint and being toyed with. Ian fears hospitals now and especially operations. And Addie fears about getting eaten alive. They will all live their fears soon, unless you return to them."

I sniffed and asked, "And what happens if I don't?" The voice laughed psychotically and I froze. "Would you like to see them all die again? If so then ignore them! Let them die and stay in the life you live in now!" The images started over again, only quicker and in flashes. They died all over again...and again...and again and again and again and AGAIN!!!

"STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!!!!! NO MORE! PLEASE! NO MORE!!!" I wailed distressingly. The voice laughed harder, still psychotic. "Then return to them. Don't let them die. Now leave me, young proxy!!!"

Everything went dark and I plummeted into nothing.

~End of Dream~

I bolted up in bed and panted heavily. I wheezed and hyperventilated, thinking about what just happened. I clawed at the blanket I was under and cried. Jeff stirred awake and looked around. He put a hand on my back and asked gently, "What's wrong? What happened?"

After a few minutes I started breathing normally and I looked at him. I hugged him and buried my face into his neck. He held me and cradled me tightly. I felt weak and tired. What the fuck is going on? Why is this happening to me? Why me? Why?! I don't want these dreams...

I pulled away from Jeff and sighed. After that dream...I can't take any chances. I'm completely traumatized. I can't see that all over again. I just can't! I looked up at Jeff and pulled myself together. He looked at me, waiting for something. I finally built up the courage to tell him something he was dreading now.

"I'm going back home."

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