Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

The next morning everyone had a big discussion expect Sally. She stayed with me in her room. I didn't know what was happening right now. I hope they're all not mad at me. I told them the reason why I wanted to go back, because of that dream I had. It still scares me. Luckily Sally is making me feel better now. We played dress up, dolls and read stories to each other, mostly I read the books since Sally has a bit of trouble.

"Can we read Green Eggs and Ham after this," she asked me as I picked up the book "The gingerbread man". I nodded and started to read. I was barely getting to the third page when there was a knock on the door. We turned and in stepped Jeff. He had a glum look on his face and he beckoned me to come with him. I told Sally that we could read later. She was a little sad but she knew I would come back and read with her. I left her room and followed Jeff downstairs. We walked into Slendy's study and everyone was waiting for me. Ms.P gave me a small smile but that didn't brighten the mood. Slendy was standing in front of his desk, hands behind his back. I walked up to him and he looked down at me. "Elizabeth," he started, "we've...thought about it and....we've decided to let you go. Your magic and combat skills are high enough to which you can handle staying in the outside world without someone guarding you. But you cannot stay at your parents' house. You have to come back here. Do you understand?" I nodded and he hummed solemnly. I left the room and walked outside. I stayed out in the hall for a while. Without realizing, hot tears streaked down my face. I don't know why I'm crying. I'm not sad or frustrated. I don't know why I'm crying like this. I shuddered and headed for my room.

I walk in and sit on my bed. I throw myself across the mattress and take a shaky breath. What am I gonna do? It seems that everyone is mad at me. I have to go back. My friends are in danger and I have to keep them safe. I just hope things don't get too out of hand once I get back. I stayed lying in bed for a while, wondering how I'll deal with everything. I'm sure I have a lot of incomplete assignments to do from missing so many school days. I hope it doesn't lower my grades.

I hear light scratching on the door and I get up to open it. Something moved past me and I jumped up in surprise. I turn around only to find a grinning cat, sitting obediently on my bed. I smile and close the door. I walk back to my bed and sit down on the edge, next to Grinny. He purrs and rubs his head against my arm. I scratched his chin and he meowed happily. I pulled him onto my lap and fell back onto my bed. I pulled him up more and let him rest on my stomach. He purred and flicked his tail gently.

I starred up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that could happen once I return back. This is so stressful on me. "Ugh, why can't I have normal teenage girl problems," I groaned to myself. Grinny meowed as if actually responding to my question. I sigh and mumble, "This whole thing has got my sanity on edge..." Grinny got up and slinked up to my neck. He balled himself up next to my neck and purred. I scratch him and close my eyes. "I wonder how long I have...before I break."


"You got everything you need," Masky asked me for the thousandth time this past half hour. I nodded again and he went through my messenger bag again. "Masky I have everything I need," I explained, "there's no need to check over and over again...!"

"Just making sure," He said as he closed my bag. I rolled my eyes and slung it on my shoulder. Masky walked with me downstairs and we walked into the kitchen. One of Slendy's tentacles came up to me holding a plate of toast. "You don't have enough time to have a full breakfast so here!" Slendy said hastily. I picked the toast off of the plate and took a bite. I walked out and into the living room. Ben suddenly came out and threw my shoes at me. "Hey!" I yelled through toast. He ran off and I was left to put on my shoes.

Once I tied the last one I walked to the front door and waited. Jack ran up to me, opened the door and shoved me outside. I nearly stumbled and I ran into Jeff who was waiting for me outside. I looked up and gave him a shy smile. He chuckled and picked the last piece of toast out of my mouth. "Hey I was still eating that," I grumbled. He shrugged and popped the piece into his mouth. "You all set, Sunshine," he asked. I nodded and we started walking out into the forest, straight to town.

"Are you nervous," he asked me as we walked. "Yeah...," I muttered. He sighed in relief and replied, "Good...I'm not the only one."


Jeff couldn't go very far with me so I was eventually left to walk all by myself. My stomach is fluttering with "butterflies". What will I do once I walk in? Things will be awkward for sure. As I kept walking I could see my school's front gate up ahead. I finally reached it and took in a deep breath. Welp, here goes nothing.

I stepped in and walked through the front doors. Students swarmed the halls and so far no one had noticed my reappearance yet. I started to walk casually, thinking that things will go smoothly, when someone points me out. "Is that Elizabeth?!" they exclaimed a little too loudly. I looked around and could see that that little outburst caught everyone's attention. I stood there, completely paralyzed until I finally decided to run. I ran past kids and headed for my classroom, which I suspected, would react the same way as everyone else.

I run into my writing class and everyone immediately gives me shocked looks. I fidget and head for my desk in the back. I sit and looked down, avoiding eye contact with anyone. I can feel their eyes stare at me but not like how they used to. I take a glance up and see queen bitch herself. Maddy, Stephanie and Clare walk in, chatting, when Maddy's gaze falls on me. She gives me a horrified look and sneers. After all this time that I've been gone, she still hates my guts. That's true hate commitment right there.

The three girls take their seats and shoot a few looks at me. I look away and try to relax. A shadow falls over me and I look up. "Elizabeth?" someone questioned. I looked to see warm, hazel eyes and gentle brown hair. I blushed slightly and managed a smile. "Travis," I said. He smiled and I could see his cheeks flush red. "It's good to see you're back," he said. I nodded and he left me to take his seat. The teacher started class and made a lecture. He abruptly stopped to look at me. He smiled and said, "My, it's been a very very long time, Miss Umber! Welcome back!" I nodded and students turned to look at me then turned back around. Only Maddy looked at me long enough to glare at me. I turned away and faced my attention to the teacher. I hope things stay somewhat casual. It's bad enough I live with killers. I don't need anymore stress on my shoulders.


I was waiting for the bell to ring to signal every student to head for lunch. My classes were okay. Some students actually welcomed me back, and not in a mean way. I talked with Travis and he was really happy to have me back. Things were slightly awkward considering I never forgot that little kiss he gave me. I don't know if I'm correct or not but...I think he likes me? I never really...expected it. I've had a crush on him during my whole high school experience something actually happens. It's weird. And it kind of sucks too. Not because I like him but because I spent those countless moments fretting over him and now he feels the same way once I finally love someone else? A bit unfair once you think about it.

The bell finally rang and everyone rushed out. I packed up my stuff and slung my bag over my shoulder. I took a deep breath and headed for the door. I hope I run into Addie and Johanna. I can't wait to see them again!

I walked out into a crowd of students scrambling towards lunch. I looked all around for my friends but couldn't see them anywhere. Well, I can't expect them to be out in the hall waiting for me. I've been gone for nearly a whole month! They must've stopped waiting around for me. I sulk and lean against a locker. Everything we did was because of me. They always sit at the back because of me. They always wait around for me. Everything was for me. Without me around for so long they've stopped doing their routine. I sigh and start heading to lunch, preparing to eat alone when I hear someone squeal my name. I widen my eyes and turn around only to get tackle hugged and smacked into the lockers behind me. I groan from the pressure of the bear hug and I hear, "ERMEGERD! OUR LITTLE PIKACHU IS BACK!!!" I giggled as I knew who was hugging me so violently.

Johanna pried a squirming Addie off of me and gave me a soft smile. I ran up to her and hug her. She stumbled back and wrapped her arms around me. "I never thought you'd come back Elizabeth," she said. I smile and let go. "You're still as tall as ever," I remarked. Johanna chuckled and said, "And you're still as short as a bean." I scrunch my nose and give her a funny frowny face. She laughed and ruffled my hair. "We're so glad you're back," Addie said, happier than ever. She spun me around in a hug and put me down. I fixed up my hair and said, "Why don't we embrace in joy in the cafeteria?" They both nodded and we walked to the cafeteria. We got out lunch and headed for our usual booth. As I sat down I noticed a lot of people staring at me. But not in hatred, more like in shock. I guess they never expected me to come back. "Where we're you this whole friggin' time?!" Addie asked me, cutting in on my thoughts. I looked at the two girls and thought. I can't tell them the real reason I've been gone. What do I tell them? I thought of the only thing they'd accept. I told them that my parents sent me away to a distant relative's, thinking that the experience will do me good. Addie and Johanna gave me weird looks but shrugged, buying the lie. I take a sigh of relief and drink my juice box. As soon as I started sipping someone violently shook my shoulders and yelled "BOO". I spit out my juice and coughed. Someone slid into my side of the booth and hugged me. I was about to yell when I recognized that tussled brown hair and sly smile. "Ian," I said happily. He pinched my cheek and teased, "My little fun sized small fry is back! I've missed spooking you." I pushed him away and said, "Whatever, creeper. That's not the only reason you've missed me and you know it." He smiles and shrugs. "You're right," he started, "I've missed copying off of you in Algebra too." I punch his shoulder playfully but from his pain filled expression it was a little too hard. "Damn girl!" he exclaimed, "You went Hulk on me for a split second!" I rolled my eyes and sipped my juice.

"How have you been holding up," Johanna asked Ian. He smiled and said, "I'm doing fine. Got a new kidney and my small fry back so I'm feeling awesome." I look at him and ask, "Do you have incisions from the surgery? I bet it's a hassle bearing with them." He nodded, stood up and lifted up his shirt to show us a long, slightly red and glazed over stitch sealed cut. He gave us a smile to brighten the mood and said, "It's not all that bad really. I just can't mess with it or move around too much or else the wound will reopen. Besides, on the bright side I have a legit excuse to not participate in P.E. activities!" I rolled my eyes and thought 'Typical Ian'. He put his shirt down and sat next to me again. As we all chatted and joked around Addie suddenly blurted something out.

"I had a weird dream last night...!" she exclaimed. All of us looked at her funny, wondering what she meant. She explained the dream she had, which was more of a nightmare and I was horrified. Everything she told me was what happened to her in my dream. Her getting eaten alive from the inside, her convulsing and being scared out of her mind. She remembered every detail and every detail matched what I saw. Johanna looked uneasy after Addie was done explaining and she spoke up. "I actually had a weird dream too," she said. She explained hers and it was the same. She was strapped to that chair, a mangled figure came out and mutilated her, tearing out her organs and pulling her flesh apart. She remembered every detail as well.

Ian frowned and said, "That's weird, I had a dream almost like the two of yours." He explained his, him being on the operating table, being confused and scared, getting his eyes drilled out by that machine. He remembered every single detail, just like Addie and Johanna. All of their dreams matched what I had unfortunately witnessed. But it was all through their perspective. It must've been horrible for Ian though. It must've been horrible for all three of them. As horrified and freaked out as I was by the fact that they had those dreams I was actually relieved. I'm just glad they were just dreams.........and not their fates...


The last bell rang and everyone stormed out, ready to leave this place and head for home. I grabbed my book bag and headed out. As I walked someone ran up to me. "Hey Travis," I said. He gave me a smile and greeted me. "How's your first day back doing for you?" he asked me. I shrugged and replied with, "It's was okay. I got to see my friends again so I'm pretty happy about that." He nodded and walked along side me. We walked out the front of the school and stopped in the middle of the courtyard. Travis looks at me and says, "Hey, uh, since your back...I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again. If you want to though! Y-You don't have to agree to it!" I giggled and answered, "Sure. I wouldn't mind spending an afternoon with you. When would you want to hang out?"

"Can we do it Friday, at around six o'clock?" he asked. I nodded and he give me a bashful smile. He sighed and looked around. I told him that I needed to head home and he offered to walk me home. "Sure," I said and we headed out of the school. As I walked through the courtyard I saw Maddy standing around, talking with guys. She spotted me and glared at me. I know she likes Travis and I know her seeing him with me is unacceptable to her. I give her a devilish smile and wave good-bye to her tauntingly. She snarled and walked away into a crowd. Travis and I walk out of the school and head for my parents' house. I want to visit them again. But Slendy says I can't stay over so I can only come by for a while. We reach my neighborhood and see my house far ahead. "Nice house," Travis complimented as we came up to the porch. I thanked him and rang the doorbell. I hope my mom or dad is home. I heard the door open and my dad came out. He pulled me in for a hug and said, "Hey there, buds." I smiled into his chest and pull away.

He looks at Travis and his happy smile slightly fades. "Who's this," he asked me.

"This is Travis," I pointed out and Travis waved. My dad shook his hand but by the look on Travis' face he put a hard grip. "Come inside," my dad offered us and we walked in. I told Travis to take a seat on the couch and I went to the kitchen to get him a drink. As I was washing a glass for him I looked out the window above the sink and gasp.

"Jeff?!" I whisper yelled. He had his arms crossed and was standing right outside. I quickly finished washing the glass and set it on the counter. I walked out the kitchen's back door to get to Jeff. I walked up to him and he frowned. "What the hell is that Travis guy doing hanging around you?" he asked, annoyed. I sighed and said, "Look he offered to walk me home and I accepted. He's just being nice to me," I explained. Jeff rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, that's the thing. 'He's just being nice'. They're always being nice and before you know it they come in for the kill and woo you over!"

I groaned at his overreaction. "Whatever," I said, "now if you excuse me I have to go back inside to tend to Travis. I don't want to keep him waiting."

"Yeah, waiting for your clothes to be off..."Jeff muttered. I glared at him and scolded, "Jeffery!"

"What?!" he said and raised his hands up. I shook my head and told him to not interfere with Travis and I. He just grumbled and walked away. I frown and return back inside. I finally get Travis his drink and he thanks me. We talked for a while. After a couple of minutes the door opened and my mom came home from work. She saw me and hugged me. "Glad to see you again, darling," she said as she hung up her coat. She saw Travis and asked, "Who is this?"

"This is Travis," I said. He waves a hand and my mom smiled. "Is this the Travis you called out when I called you?" she asked me. I blushed and stammered my words. "N-No its not mom! That was...someone else! Don't bring it up please." She gave me a smile and said she wouldn't. She greeted Travis and pinched his cheek. "Well aren't you a handsome devil," she complimented. He chuckled and his face flushed red.

"Ma!" I complained. She laughed and went away to look for my father. Travis and I went back to chatting and he eventually had to go home. "I hope to see you again tomorrow, Elizabeth," he said as we stood outside on the porch. I smiled and nodded. He looked at me and shifted uncomfortably. He slowly and suddenly leaned in and was an inch away from kissing my cheek when I saw Jeff creeping up behind him, knife in hand. I gasped and push Travis away from me. "Uh, you should be heading home," I stammered, "you don't want to anger your parents! He he he...." Travis was caught off guard but then he nodded and started walking away. I can tell he was a little bummed out about him not kissing me. But if he did then Jeff would tear him to pieces.

As I watched Travis walk he eventually walked out of my line of vision and I searched for Jeff . "Yoo whoo." I heard him say and I turn around. He was sitting on the rail of the porch and he didn't look so happy. He jumped off and walked up to me. Before he could say anything I cut him off and said, "You were going to kill him, weren't you?" He was quiet and then nodded. I give him a look he said, "Well, I couldn't let him kiss you, Sunshine! You're my girl! Not his!"

"Yeah but you don't have to kill him!" I said. He frowned and looked away. I stormed off inside my house and looked for my parents. I saw them in the kitchen and I explained to them that I couldn't stay here with them. They understood and I told them that I'll still visit them everyday, after school. I got my stuff together and said good-bye to them. I left the house and headed for the forest. Jeff wasn't around anymore so I was walking alone.

As I got to the forest's edge I walked past trees. As I walked I heard rustling and I looked around. Suddenly Jeff pops up only he's hanging from the tree by his legs. I yelped and jumped back. He cackled and said, "Hey there, Mary Jane. Wanna kiss from Spidey?" I rolled my eyes and declined. "Awh come on, upside down kisses are romantic aren't they?"

"Yeah but not when I'm kissing an upside down killer," I said. He smirked and remarked, "Either way you're going to kiss me. Now hurry and smooch me before I pass out from the blood draining to my head." I sighed and shook my head. I walked past him and as I did I grabbed his hoodie and pulled, making him fall off of the tree. He groaned and whined. I giggled and kept walking. Soon he got up and walked along side me. "How was the first day," he asked me. I shrugged and said, "It was all right."

He gave me a look and said, "That's it? 'All right'? Nothing cool happened? No one got into a fight? No one died? No one picked on you today? Do I have to kill a bitch? Did anyone drop the soap? DID JESUS COME BACK?! You have to tell me more than just 'All right'!" I laughed and explained my day to him. Once I was done he smiled and said, "Much better." I giggled and we kept walking. I can tell his mood changed. I bet he's still pissed off about the whole Travis thing. I shouldn't bring it up though. I don't feel like arguing with Jeff right now.

As we kept walking and walking I started hearing something. It wasn't a regular forest sound though. It wasn't an animal, or wind, or anything of nature. It was a soft melody...and I recognize it. Everyone knows it.

"All around the mulberry bush,

The monkey chased the weasel.

The monkey thought twas all in fun,

...Pop goes the weasel."

I sang along to the tune almost in a trance. I just started singing along. Jeff was giving me a weird look and he asked, "Why are you singing that song?"

I look at him and say, "You don't hear it?" He shook his head and his face slowly grew fearful and nervous. I kept singing the song and never stopped. As I kept singing I realized the melody kept slowing down more and more and more...

Jeff begged me to stop singing but I didn't listen to him. Eventually the melody was all I could hear. It drowned out Jeff's pleading calls. The song is just so mesmerizing...I can't help it. The song was at a slow, creepy pace yet I still sang along without thought.

"All around the mulberry bush...

The monkey chased the weasel...

The monkey thought twas all in fun...-"

"Pop goes the weasel..." a raspy, maniac voice finished for me. I slowly turned around only to see a clown......

Dressed in black and white......

*Because I'm so happy I want to do something special for you guys BUT not yet! I'll see what I can do ;) Stay creepy my friends!*

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