Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

I stared at the mysterious being, dressed in black and white. He was tall, lean and had a strange outfit. He wore pinstriped black pants, black dress shoes, black suspenders, black and white striped shirt, and black and white feathers on his shoulders. His hair was black, skin pure white, his hands like claws, white eyes, razor sharp teeth and a black and white striped cone nose.

This person had an elated smile and giggled. "My, my," he spoke in a low raspy tone, "what have I stumbled upon?" He giggled yet again and Jeff growled. "Laughing Jack!" he hissed.

"That is my name, don't wear it out," Laughing Jack taunted. Jeff seethed and eyed him in hatred. Laughing Jack saw his look and giggled. "Don't get your panties in a twist, buddy."

"I'm not your buddy and never want to be with the likes of you. Go away before I give you a reason to run!" Jeff snapped.

"Lets not start a fight in front of the girl," Laughing Jack said, "maybe later we can have some fun...!"

"Pfft," Jeff started, "who would want to have a fight with you? You're a total douche bag when it comes to fighting fair."

"I'm only having fun!" Laughing Jack protested, "Besides it's not like I'm the only one who fights dirty."

"At least I don't kick people in the nads and run away like a school girl," Jeff remarked. Laughing Jack chuckled and said, "What else was I suppose to do? 'They stole my purse'! HAHAHA!!!" Jeff groaned and sneered. I looked at the two of them back and forth and finally asked, "Who the hell is he?"

Jeff was about to speak when Laughing Jack interrupted and said, "Forget about my name, doll. Who are you?" I looked at the black and white clown and mumble, "Uh...I'm-."

"None of your business," Jeff said to Laughing Jack and stepped in front of me to protect me. Laughing Jack tsked and said, "Now Jeffery, don't be so rude to the pretty lady!"

"I'm not being rude to her," Jeff growled, "I'm being rude to YOU. Now scram and go stuff your face with cotton candy you stupid clown."

Laughing Jack pouted and said, "Such mean words. Why do you hate me so much?" Jeff glared at him and said, "I only hate you because you're fucking stupid." Laughing Jack smirked and said, "Le gasp. I should be offended but I'm not. Because...I'm Laughing Jack! I don't give fuck! HAHAHA!!!!"

Jeff growled at the sound of his laughter and said, "Just shut up and leave me and Ellie alone! Scram!" Laughing Jack abruptly stopped cackling and gave us a look. He eyed me and smiled. "So Ellie is her name. Elizabeth. What a pretty name for such a pretty girl." He walked closer and Jeff held me back. Laughing Jack chuckled at this and said, "Don't bother trying to keep her from me. Besides, even though she never introduced herself I already know who she is." He looked at me and smirked, "The one and only proxy, am I not correct?" He got a hand by and placed a claw under my chin, tilting my head to look up at him more. "No wonder everyone is after you. Proxy or're pretty cute." I blushed and Jeff snapped at him. "Hands off, you clown creep!" Laughing Jack backed away and raised his hands up in surrender. "Whoa there bleach boy," he started, "no need to get angry. Why so jealous and protective? Unless...."

He thought about it for a couple of seconds and his eyes widened in amusement and shock. He looked at the two of us and gave us a devious smile. "You two are an item, aren't you?" he asked, with glee. Jeff and I look at each other and blush. Laughing Jack cackled and said, "Oh, this is delicious! No wonder Jeff is so protective of you. Jeffery's got a girlfriend! Jeffery's got a girlfriend!"

Jeff frowned and said, "Yes okay! You don't have to sing about it." Laughing Jack giggled and asks me, "So...this means must mean a lot to Jeff, huh?" I nodded hesitantly and he gave me a wide smile. I say, "I mean everything to him, and even if we didn't love each other...I'm still his first priority."

Laughing Jack nodded and stepped closer. "So, from what you've told me, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if... I take you."

"What," I said and watched him disappear in a cloud of black smoke. My eyes widened in surprise and suddenly someone grabbed me from behind. I screamed and turned slightly to see Laughing Jack had grabbed me. He cackled and said, "Let's play a game Jeffy!"

Jeff growled and took out his knife. "Put her down!" he yelled. Laughing Jack shook his head and growled, "I said lets play a game! So we're gonna fucking play! HAHAHAHA!!! Let's see how fast you can run!!!" Laughing Jack suddenly leaped up into the trees with amazing strength and agility and I screamed. "JEEEEEEEEEFF!!!" I screamed as I reached a hand out towards him.

"ELLIE!!!" Jeff yelled and started running after us. Laughing Jack noticed this and taunted, "All around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel! The monkey thought twas all in fun! POP GOES THE WEASEL!!!" And suddenly Laughing Jack disappeared into black smoke, taking me along with him.


Laughing Jack's POV

I wound up in another part of the forest and smiled. Little Ellie was thrashing around in my arms and cursing at me. Jeez, what a mouth. I started running and I giggled to myself. It really has been a long time since Jeff and I have played a game. This is the best one yet. "Put me down!" Ellie had shouted and punched my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and said, "Calm down. This isn't very fun when you're yelling like a lunatic."

"Look who's talking, clown freak," she snapped back at me. I frowned and decided to shut her up for a while. "Eat some damn candy," I told her and popped in a Jolly Rancher in her mouth. She stopped screaming and was caught off guard. I smirked as I could see that it worked. She glared at me and said, "What?! It's candy! Can't pass that up...." I chuckled and kept running and I jumped on trees too. I wonder how far in the forest we are. I don't even know! I just poofed away and that's it. I should probably think about this kind of stuff more.

After a while the little proxy started up again. "Let me go!" she yelled. I laughed instead and kept running. Suddenly I saw something flash on her and I looked over. Before I could contemplate what the hell was going to happen she punched me. I gave her a shocked look and she growled. I noticed she had bracers on her arms now. Where the hell did those come from? "Put me down or else!" she threatened. "Or else what?" I asked her, mockingly. She showed me one of her bracers and a blade popped out of nowhere. I gulped and chuckled. Then a realization hit me, I'm up in the trees. If she really wants me to put her down so bad, then so be it.. "All right," I said, "if you say so..."

I let her go and she went falling. I could tell she didn't plan on that. I was laughing in glee as I watched her fall and scream. She was getting closer to the ground and I stopped laughing. I smiled and disappeared into smoke again. I ended up below her and caught her before she went breaking her bones. She shook from near death experience and looked at me. "You said to put you down," I told her and she frowned. She tried attacking me again but I grabbed her arm and held her back. She struggled against my grip but she wasn't having any luck. "Stop struggling," I warned her, "or else your smiling boyfriend won't see you ever again for a very long time." I glared at her and she gave up trying to fight me. She huffed and turned away from me. Sheesh, how does Jeff handle her attitude? Well, I guess he doesn't temporarily kidnap her...

I decided to quit running and walk casually. I may not know where we are but I know Jeff won't be finding us any time soon. Wonder how pissed off he is right now. I get excited just thinking about the boiling anger he's got right now. He's so fun to tease. Such a sensitive little killer. Haha!

I leaped up into the trees and landed on a branch. Little proxy Elizabeth got shakey as I jumped from tree to tree. "Lighten up, doll," I cackled and she just tensed up from the fear of falling out of my arms. I kept laughing since I was having some fun doing something other than killing. As I kept jumping I stopped abruptly on a branch and looked down. Something was down there. I eyed it curiously. Is it an animal? Maybe a closer look will help.

I jumped onto a branch a little closer to the ground yet high enough to not be seen. Elizabeth looked at me and said, "What the hell are you doing?" I shushed her and watched the suspicious creature. She frowned at my shushing and looked down at what I was looking at. She suddenly tensed up and started trembling. Her eyes widened and dilated in utter fear. After a few seconds I realized why she was so shakey. That thing on the ground was a total monster. I don't even know what it is. But it seems like Elizabeth knows. I decided to let my curious temptations take over and confront the weird monster. I set Ellie on the branch and told her to cling to the trunk of the tree.

"Stay here," I told her, "don't go any where."

"How can I?" she asked me with a bit of attitude, "I'm up in a damn tree, where else would I go...?!" I frowned and rolled my eyes. I jumped down to the ground a few feet away from the weird monster and looked at it. This thing looked disfigured, mangled and mangy. It was at least the size of a dog, maybe a little bigger. It had mouths practically all over its body. It oozed a black substance and was just revolting all around. The teeth were large and sharp, possibly sharper than mine. It had empty looking eyes and an unsettling vibe. It made weird, watery cries and I retched. This thing was so ugly it was funny!

I started laughing hysterically and it whipped its head around to look at me. "What the hell are you?!" I exclaimed through laughs. "Dayum you're ugly! Holy shiznicks! HAHAHAHA!!! Jesus, Jesus help me! HAHA!!! You're so ugly! HEHEHE!! Just-just turn away before I die of laughter! Oh lawd!" I heard it growl and I stopped laughing and came down to a soft chuckle. "Aw, someone's gettin' a little butt hurt about their looks," I remarked.

The horrible creature made a guttural growl and leaped at me. I easily disappeared into smoke again and ended up a few feet behind the creature. It looked around in confusion and I only chuckled. It looked at me and snarled. I smirked and watch it run at me, ready to attack. I raised my hand and smacked it away with my claws. It whined like a dog and growled. "All right, ugly mutt," I said, "let's play." I sprinted at it and tackled it down to the ground. It thrashed around under me and I was about to kill it when one of it's mouths spit out black ooze and it hit my side.

It burned me and I groaned. I leaped off of the horrible creature and held my side. I looked at my wound and saw it was irritated. I winced and glared at the creature. I got myself together and said, "Ha...merely a flesh wound." I laughed and ran at the disgusting creature. It jumped on me and tackled me to the floor. It tried to bite at my face but I held it back and watched its teeth clamp together wildly. I managed to grab a hold of it.s muzzle and I growled, "Your constant biting is really pissing me off! Maybe if you don't have a mouth you won't try to bite." I grabbed its lower jaw and with an effortless and hard tug it ripped it off. I threw it into some nearby bushes and pushed the creature off of me.

It tried to growl and bark at me but without its jaw, it could only make gurgling noises. "That's somewhat better," I remarked and ran for the creature again. Just as I was about to put it out of its misery my side acted up. I staggered and tripped to the floor. I winced in pain and looked at the wound. Vein like markings were showing up on my skin and the burning increased. I crawled over to a tree and sat up against it. What the hell did that thing do to me? I feel like I'm gonna be sick...! I breathed harshly and watched the creature with heavy eyes as it walked over to where I threw its jaw.

It pulled it out and I saw black ooze work to reattach it. I retched at the sight and tried to move but the pain was unbearable and hard to put off. I could feel the pain course though my body slowly, practically making me paralyzed. My breathing became hard to control and I couldn't get enough air in. The horrible creature finally got its jaw back on and immediately turned to me. It snarled and hissed. I only glared at it. It came closer to me, seeing that I couldn't move from the pain it caused. As its many mouths snapped for a snack I only sneered. Looks like I might not win my game with Jeff after all.

Elizabeth's POV

I watched the fight closely as I clung to the tree. I never thought I'd see those...things again. It's still as revolting as ever. As I kept watching the fight I saw Laughing Jack stumble and fall over. I could see he was wounded and so he crawled away to sit up against a tree. That creature came back around and got near him. Since he wasn't getting up, he must be really hurt and in trouble. I might not like him but I know I shouldn't let him get killed. Especially by that corrupted monster.

I jumped down to the ground and at the last second levitated. I made it safely and turned to Laughing Jack and the corrupted creature. I whistled and it caught the creature's attention. It's not as big as the last one so I can probably fight it and if I'm lucky, kill it.

It ran at me and I shot out the spearheads. They hit the monster and it wailed from the hit. I retracted the spearheads back and took away some it the creature's flesh. It growled and came charging at me. I leaped out of the way and pointed at a branch, using the destruction spell. It snapped right off and landed on the creature. The monster fell and took a while to get back up. As it was working on getting up I looked to Laughing Jack. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

He gave me a thumbs up and said through forced breaths, "I'm totally fine...yep...I can go ballroom dancing right now...definitely fine."

"You're not, are you," I said.

"Fuck no," he replied.

I gave him a sympathetic look but had to divert my attention back to the corrupted creature. It came running at me and I jumped over it. I landed right behind it and stabbed it with one of my blades. One of the mouths shot out black ooze and I quickly dodged it. Suddenly I felt a searing pain on my side. I look to see that it had grazed me with it's claws. I held my side and felt the blood flow slightly. I was hurt and so was Laughing Jack. I'll need to buy some time. I tried using the Time-Freeze spell on the creature but it didn't work. As shocked as I was I had to pull myself together.

I used the shadow spell and brought my own shadow to life. Shadow me went ahead and attacked the corrupted creature. As they battled I went over to Laughing Jack and tried to help him. I saw his wound and it was terrible. Vein like markings slowly spread across his skin,which didn't look good for him. "Don't worry," I told him, "I'll get you fixed up. Just hang in there...!" As I as thinking of what I should do I heard a lot of growling and hissing. I turned around to see the fight I had left behind and I was horrified.

Hit after hit my shadow took from the corrupted creature. She tried using her own weapons but failed to do so. As she raised her arms to shoot the spearheads the creature jumped up and, to my utter horror, bit off her arm. Actual blood spurted out and landed on the ground. The creature dropped the severed arm and it disappeared in a small cloud of smoke. It went after my shadow again and, without her other arm, was attacked easily. She flailed on the ground, trying to get back up but the creature howled and bit down on her throat.

The corrupted creature thrashed around, mauling my own shadow. Blood shot everywhere, some drops hitting me. I wasn't sure how a shadow can bleed but I knew that if I didn't kill that thing...I'll end up like my shadow.

After a while the creature stopped tearing apart my shadow and she dissipated into smoke. It turned to me, clearly not satisfied by the kill. I gulped and ran towards it. I attacked it, stabbed it, punched it. The attacks barely did a thing to it. The creature suddenly caught me off guard and tackled me down. I screamed as it barked and snapped at me. This thing was heavy, and I couldn't fully push it off. It kept pushing itself on me and it must've been stronger because I was failing to hold it off. Just as the creature was one inch away from biting into my head, a knife struck it and the monster went flying off me.

It yelped and whined, trying to shake the knife out of its head. I looked around for the wielder and to my relief it was Jeff. He finally found us. He went running for the monster, getting back his knife and violently attacking it. I watched him fight, hoping that he can kill it or weaken it enough for me to kill it myself. I could see the rage in his eyes. The way he grit his teeth and the way he clutched his knife was enough to show how enraged he was. It was scary actually.

He kicked the monster away and threw it across the ground. The corrupted creature stumbled slightly as it tried to walk. Jeff saw his chance and came in to end it. But at the last second the creature lurched forward and bit his leg. Jeff went falling and he struggled against the creature's bite. He yelled in pain and tried stabbing at the monster's head but wasn't able to. The creature stopped biting his leg, and left him slightly crippled. The corrupted abomination loomed over Jeff and snapped its many mouths.

Jeff raised his knife-wielding hand up to stab it but it quickly bit his wrist and he cried out. He dropped his knife and screamed as the creature kept hurting him. He was loosing blood, it stained his clothes and I could see his energy drain. The creature stopped biting him again and backed away slightly. Jeff tried getting up but was too weak and his wounded leg didn't help him much. Eventually the blood loss kicked in and he passed out. Through his torn clothing on his leg and arm I could see the vein like markings appear. The creature loomed over him. The many mouths of the creature snapped, ready to tear Jeff apart.

I was scared. But mostly...pissed off.

I won't let that disgusting abomination kill my Jeff. My love, my protector. I won't let Jeff die and I won't let that creature live. Nobody, will ever hurt my loved ones. Especially Jeff. This is where I draw the line. All the anger, darkness and confusion I've held back for days will linger no more! I'm going to let my sanity break, spilt apart, crumble down until its nothing. And this time...I won't hold it back.

I screamed out and held my head from the sudden pulsating pain. The symbols on my wrist started to burn and make it seem like my flesh was tearing apart. I fell to my knees and kept screaming, laughing, a little bit of both. I felt a weird force on my right shoulder but I ignored it. Why am I letting this happen? I should hold back. But I know I have to let this keep going. If I was going to kill that corrupted monster then I'll have to let go to accomplish that. Let go of it all. Just for now.

I screamed out one last time and a sudden darkness filled the air. After a few moments it cleared up and something slithered and swayed around my shoulder. I looked and my eyes widened in shock. A dark, large hand with claws rested on my shoulder, a weird mist surrounding the base. Where the hell did this...this...thing come from..?! Tendrils of black mist rolled around it and I only stared at it. Was this thing...somewhat, a part of me? I moved my arm and hand and it mimicked my actions. I focused real hard and it flexed its fingers on my own command. Holy crap...I can control this thing. A smile came across my face as I knew what I had to do. It's going to be bloody, messy, and violent. But it's going to be fun...


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