Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

As the large, dark hand swayed in patience I stared at the corrupted creature. It stared back, empty eyes full of rage and a lust for blood. I sneered at its grotesque figure and was about ready to attack it. But instead it took the first move and charged me. It was close to hitting me but I jumped up and brought down the dark hand on it. Dirt went flying and the Corrupted growled. It leaped for me again but I sliced at its neck with one of my blades. The wound sealed up and the Corrupted howled at me. I brought down the dark hand again and it grabbed the Corrupted. I focused and the dark hand threw it across and it hit a tree with strong impact. I heard things crack and the Corrupted went limp as it fell back on the ground. I walked over towards it and reached down but it lunged at me at the last second. I ducked but it tackled me and we went tumbling.

I sneered and pushed it off of me. It growled and spat out black ooze from its mouths but I used the dark hand to block the shots. I smacked the Corrupted aside and it skidded across the ground. I grabbed it and started beating it over and over again. With every hiss, every growl, every pleading whine I only grew more adrenaline, more anger, more crazed. As I kept beating it, red haze clouded the edge of my vision, but I didn't care for it. I finally had enough for the moment and threw it against a tree. I huffed and chuckled. I knew this would be fun. But I'm not satisfied yet...

Jeff's POV

I was barely conscious at the time. I was weak, tired, beaten. Hate that ugly ass thing. Now my Sunshine was fighting it off with some weird hand practically following her. I kept watching the fight no matter how bad my vision got at some point. I noticed her eyes had gone red again. What's up with that? Something happened to Ellie and I'm worried for her. Her behaviour, her actions, her vibe is not the same anymore. What's happened to my Sunshine?

I could fell the pain increase with every passing moment. I'm feeling paralyzed now. Laughing Jack is the same. I feel sorry for the poor bastard actually. I'm sure we're suffering the same thing, but we just don't know what it is exactly.

Even with the raging pain coursing through my numb body I was still determined to watch the fight. Ellie had thrown that ugly creature against a tree and she smiled with glee. She walked over to it and grabbed it yet again. She started gouging out one of it's empty looking eyes. It cried out in an awful wail and struggled against her grip. She smashed it's head against the tree and backed away when she was done. She just stood there, watching it writhe in pain. I tried speaking but I didn't even have enough energy for that.

That ugly creature finally got up and was shaking. Ellie clutched her fists and gritted her teeth. Her eyes flared with intense hatred and she stormed over to the little monster. She kicked its head against the tree and stabbed it over and over again. One of the mouths opened to bite her but she grabbed the tongue with a single move of her hand and cut it off with her other. Then she shoved the disgusting, severed tongue into another mouth and chuckled briefly. Holy shit.

I looked over at Laughing Jack to see him retching at her actions. I felt the same way. I mean...I would be pleased to see such a sight but not when Ellie is the one doing it. She's innocent and cute, not psycho and murderous like she is now. I wouldn't even recognize her as the beautiful girl I love. She's still beautiful...but...not like this.

When I diverted my eyes back at the fight I saw her stomping on the creature's head repeatedly. She smiled viciously and kept stomping. That weird hand come down on the battered animal and started punching it into the ground. Ellie just watched as the hand kept going. Dirt flying, black blood splattering all over the ground. When the hand stopped she loomed over the damage she had done and smiled again. I couldn't see much but I could see that creature twitching.

Ellie grabbed it but the back legs and dragged it out of the hole that the hand made. She dragged it a few feet away and stopped, dropping the legs and sighing. She crouched down and held its head and upper half down. The hand came around and grabbed the lower half of it. With a slight jerk the hand pulled it apart.

The creature whined frantically and Ellie shushed it gently. "Everything will be ok," she said, "I know it hurts. But it helps. You're an abomination. But with my help you won't be anymore. Everything will end. Just hold still..."

She dug her hand around inside the upper half of the creature, searching for something. She made a face that must've meant she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a rotten, black heart and smiled. She set it on the ground and stood up. She lifted her foot and with one last, psychotic laugh she stomped down on the heart, causing it to burst and splatter. The ugly little monster shuddered and then went limp. It started rotting with a fast pace then crumbling down to nothing. The entire time Ellie just stared at the splatter marks of the destroyed heart. She sighed and turned around.

She fell to her knees and clutched her head in pain. She groaned and screamed. The hand disappeared in lashing tendrils and Ellie finally stopped screaming. She panted heavily and raised her head, hands trembling in front of her. She managed to calm down and as I stared at her I noticed her eyes were back to blue. She stood up and quickly looked at me and Laughing Jack. She helped me over to Laughing Jack and looked at the both of us in frantic concern. She tried calling us out but I couldn't hear anything. I just saw her trying desperately to call us out. Before she could try anything to help again my vision got blurry, I stopped breathing, my whole body went numb and everything went dark. My last thought being...

She can't be a monster...she can't...

Elizabeth's POV

How would I ever get these guys help? God, if I don't do something Laughing Jack and Jeff will die! I can't have that. I started thinking quickly, willing to take any idea that comes to mind. I got something after a while. Over the weeks Slendy tried teaching me how to teleport with other people. Although the lesson was only for teleporting one person I have to at least try saving the both of them.

I grabbed Laughing Jack's and Jeff's arms tightly, closed my eyes and concentrated. I hope this works...

I felt my body tingle and the air around pulsated with a soft heat and static. As I opened my eyes I saw that I was outside of the mansion. I smiled in relief but then remembered Laughing Jack and Jeff, and their dire need for medical help. I let go of the both of them and ran into the mansion, yelling for anybody to come and help me. Jack came downstairs and I dragged him outside in a panic. "What happened?" he asked me hastily as he looked at the two. "I'll explain later! Just please help me!" He nodded and ran inside, shouting for Slenderman. I just hope he comes in time.


I sat out in the hallway, Masky tending to my wounds while Slendy was busy with Laughing Jack and Jeff. Masky was cleaning my wound where the Corrupted had cut me with its claws. I winced when he put the rubbing alcohol but calmed down. I was worried about Jeff and, for some reason, Laughing Jack. Their wounds didn't look good, nor possible either. What happened to them? What could've made those vein like markings? Was it some sort of poison, an infection, a disease? I'm curious and deeply concerned. I just hope Slendy can fix them.

"What happened," Masky asked me suddenly. I looked at him and, with a bit of hesitation, explained all that happened. He seemed disturbed by it but didn't completely show it. He kept fixing my wound and as he did he said, "I'm not sure what those things are but I wouldn't like to run into them. Also...why would Laughing Jack be here in the first place?" I shrugged and winced as he started patching up the wound. "I don't really know who he is but I'm sure you guys do."

"Yeah we do," he started, "although he doesn't come often, and hasn't for at least four years, we've known him for a long time. Jeff doesn't really like him though."

"Why," I asked.

"Because," Masky says, "he kills adults and children. Jeff doesn't kill little kids. He could but that's just not his thing. He says that he doesn't kill kids because they're too young and innocent to realize what a filthy world they live in and to be a part of it. Laughing Jack barely cares at all. Jeff doesn't like the fact that he kills little kids most of the time. That's where most of his hatred comes from."

I never knew Jeff didn't like killing kids. I mean, I know it's wrong but I just thought he killed whoever he pleased. But I think it's logical that he doesn't kill little kids. His reason for not killing kids is logical as well. He may have as much common sense as any other person could. Maybe he's not as insane as people say he is. I smile at the thought.

Once Masky was done helping me he sent me to my room. I paced around wondering of Laughing Jack and Jeff's condition. I hope they're all right. I'd be devastated if anything happened. Especially to Jeff. Just the thought of him...gone brings me to tears. I plop down on my bed and groan from the small bolt of pain that ran up my side. What am I going to do? What can I do? I want to see Jeff already but I'm sure Slendy is still busy with him. I sighed and put my hands in my face. I was about to put them down when I noticed something. I stared at my marks, examining them intently. The symbols had tiny red veins on the edges. I touched them gently but nothing happened. I don't feel right. I just need sleep is all. Yeah...that must be it.

I change into something comfortable and crawl into bed. I close my eyes and as quick as I could take a breath I had fallen asleep.


With a wide smile on my face I ran through the woods. Laughing trailed behind me and my heart rushed with adrenaline. Before I could even giggle in excitement I felt someone nudge my shoulder and say, "Tag your it!" I screamed and laughed out of surprise and happiness. I started running for everyone else, trying to find my victim. I tried going for one of the girls but she dodged me every time. A boy ran past me and I reached out for him. I got him just in time and screamed as I ran away, "Tag your it!"

I flailed my child arms around in excitement and ran. The boy never caught me and the laughing of the other kids became distant but I still ran. Being an adrenaline rushed, paranoid child I didn't want to stop and take chances. When it comes to tag, things are serious.

Eventually the laughter wasn't heard anymore and I could only hear my small giggles and heavy breathing. I craned my neck around to see behind me as I ran. No one was coming after me. But maybe they're just playing tricks on me. At the thought I ran faster, still slightly looking behind me. As I looked straight forward again I stumbled and fell. I tumbled down into a creek, twigs, leaves and rocks scraping my little body. I finally hit what seemed to be the bottom and I was in a small stream of water. I groaned from the fall and tried getting up. I was too weak and stopped straining myself. I watched the stream pool around me, gleaming in the bright summer sun. I giggled at how it sparkled so beautifully.

I kept watching the water around me and I saw a different color come into view. I stared at the new color curiously as it swirled with the water. It was red and very dark. The new color made the sparkling water not so beautiful anymore but a bit eerie. Where was it coming from? A sudden pain pulsates through my head, which I hadn't felt before until now. As more dark red swirled my energy drained. I was growing sleepy. It's not nighttime yet so I shouldn't be falling asleep. I didn't have a bed to sleep on, a blankie to cuddle with and a bedtime story to sooth me. I was just in an old creek. But I didn't try fighting my tiredness. My eyes gave in and closed. But as I saw only black I finally realized I was falling asleep...forever. As my mind tumbled into darkness I heard a voice. Deep, scratchy and powerful. I listened to it intently, hoping it was someone coming to help me. In a way it was someone coming to help me, to save me. But yet it was evil. As my life slowly slipped away I heard the powerful voice say...

 You Seem To Be An Interesting Soul.........Let's Make A Deal...

~End of dream~


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