Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

I woke up around 2 a.m. with wide eyes and a nervous beating heart. Sweat covered my face and I wiped it off with my blanket. What was that dream? Why did I have a dream about that memory? I don't remember ever falling into that creek and hearing that voice. My stupid mind must've screwed it up somehow. Ugh...I need Jeff.

I got out of bed, careful to not hurt my injury on my side. I walked out of my room and headed for the laboratory to check up on Jeff and Laughing Jack. I reached the door and opened it. Slendy was still there, treating Jeff while Laughing Jack was sitting up and arguing with the faceless man. "I can take the pain, no-face, I'm perfectly fine," Laughing Jack said, slightly groaning.

"It doesn't seem that way to me," Slendy said, "your wounds are critical and you shouldn't go just yet. I don't like the idea of you staying here even for one night, but you can't go back out there with those kind of injuries."

"I said I'll be fine," Laughing Jack growled, "besides, I'm sure bleach-boy here would drive me out eventually." He pointed to Jeff and Slendy sighed. "As true as that is I doubt he'll be waking up any time soon," Slendy explained. "Why," Laughing Jack asked, eyeing the smiling serial killer.

Slendy stopped treating Jeff for a moment and said lowly, "I'm afraid that with all the blood loss and the poison that coursed through him has sent him into comatose." Laughing Jack gave him a blank look and Slendy grumbled, "He's in a coma, you clown."

Laughing Jack looked over at Jeff and sighed. "How long do you think it will last?" he asked. Slendy shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's not up to me. It all depends on Jeff and his condition...." Slendy went back to Jeff, I could feel his tension. Before any of them could notice me I quickly slipped back into the hall. I leaned against the wall, staring at the floor in utter shock and devastation. Jeff a coma?! How long will it last?! God, comas can last for days, weeks, months...YEARS!

Ugh, calm down, Elizabeth, I'm sure it shouldn't last long. It's not like he's dying or anything. I just hope he wakes up soon. He's my protector and my boyfriend after all. I need him more than anything. I especially need him now.

I started walking back to my room to get some more sleep and to get all this out of my mind for now. I walk back in, close the door and get into bed. I lay there for a while, worrying about Jeff like never before. I hug my pillow, pretending as if it were him. I want him to hold me, kiss me, love me, talk to me in his deep, raspy voice. I want him to act stupid and weird and crazy. I want him to randomly say "I love you" and walk away like a dumb-ass. I want him to be there, in the morning, lying next to me in bed even though he wasn't there the night before. I just want him here with me. Please ok...


The next few days have been mellow without Jeff around. He's still in a coma and hasn't shown any sign of waking up any time soon. I visit him sometimes and just sit there next to him. He's so lifeless yet I know he's still alive. I just want him back already. Jack has been walking me to school every morning and walking back to the mansion with me. I'm still looking for information for Ben, so he can look up my grandmother but so far, no such luck as come my way.

Ms.P analyzed Jeff's condition and wounds. She says that those vein like markings were some sort of poison that the Corrupted injected. It turns out that if any contact is made with a Corrupted then you will be poisoned. The Corrupted's poison courses through the blood and shuts down the body, taking the victim's body over and corrupting it. Luckily Slendy could get rid of the poison or else Jeff and Laughing Jack would've ended up like one of them. I remembered when it cut me with its claws but nothing had happened to me. Those markings never appeared on me. I guess I should be grateful nothing happened, but why don't I feel that way?

I walked into school and to my first class. I've been really sad lately since Jeff is in a coma. But today is Friday and today I told Travis that we could hang out. After everything I've been through I really need something to lighten up my spirits. Travis has been nice to me and has been understanding. Addie and Johanna have been there for me too. I call them every time I get home to my parents' house. They've noticed that Travis has been very sweet with me, meaning they know he likes me. But I don't like him back, only as a friend.

Ian has been noticing Travis' attraction to me as well. He doesn't really approve of it but he doesn't bother to do anything since he knows that I'll just punish him for it.

I sit in my desk and get some hateful glares from the Barbie Trio; Maddy, Stephanie and Clare. They really don't like me, now that I'm hanging out with Travis too. They've tried getting closer to him but he just ends up blowing them off in the end.

Class starts and the teacher is lecturing us about pronouns. I listen in closely because I love words. I've said it before and I'll say it again, vocabulary is my strong point. Anything to do with it I'll love it. As I was listening in I noticed out of the corner of my eye I saw Maddy switch desks with a student next to me quickly. She leaned over and hissed, "I heard you're hanging out with Travis today."

I nodded and didn't say anything. She smirks and says, "Just give up honey. You're not good enough for him. You're a freak. Just stop and hang with your freak friends." I didn't react to what she said. I just turned to her and said calmly, "I'm not trying to get with him."

"Well if that's not what you're doing then what are you trying to do?" she asked, frowning. I smiled and said, "I'm keeping him from getting with bimbos like you." She gave me a shocked look and growled. Just as she was about to say something back, the teacher called her out. "Maddy, get back to your original seat and stop chatting." She glared at me and went back to her seat, letting the other student sit back next to me again. I turned back to the front and saw Travis looking back at me. He gave me a concerned look but then smiled. I smiled back and he turned back around. I think he knows that Maddy doesn't want me with him. She can't tell me who I hang out with. Even if it means that I might possibly get beaten for it.


"So you're seriously hanging out with Travis today?"Johanna asked, a bit shocked. I nodded and Addie gave me a pouty face. "Luckieeeeee," she whined and I smiled. Ian huffed and bit into his apple. "I don't see what's so special about that guy," he grumbled as he chewed.

Addie glared at him and explained, "It's because of three reasons. One, he's hot. Two, he's hot. And three....he's fucking hot!!!" Ian rolled his eyes and said, "So? He's all looks."

"He's nice to me," I said. He looked at me and said, "Listen, guys are like that. They act nice to get with you. Trust me, I know from experience."

"You've treated a girl nice just to get with her before," Johanna asked. He shook his head and said, "Nope."

"Then how would you know from experience?" Addie asked, puzzled. Ian sighed and said, "Let's just say.....I'm a gay man's every dream." He bit into his apple again and we all just stared at him, completely disturbed. I scoffed and said, "Ok then....that's very nice to know. Anyways...Travis said that he'd take me to the movies today. And we'd go out to dinner."

"He better not be cheap," Johanna grumbled. I smiled and said, "Don't worry, from what he's told me, he's not going I be." She nodded and sipped her juice. I ate my lunch with everyone, thinking about how Ian said that Travis was just being nice. Just how like Jeff said.... I got a little sad at the reminder of Jeff and drank my juice. I wonder how he's doing. I hope he's getting better. I hope he wakes up soon.

Ben's POV

I paced back and forth in the laboratory, wondering if I should do it or not. No-face says I have to but I can't bring myself to go through with it. I look over at a still unconscious Jeff. I feel sadness overwhelm me and I walked near his bedside. I sigh as I stare at his unconscious form. "Why do I have to bring the news to her," I mumbled to him even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I pull up a chair and sit down. I take off my green hat and hold it in my hands. I didn't care if my blonde hair was messy or whatever.

Why does this have to happen? Can't there be another way? I can't bear to see Jeff like this. I especially wouldn't bear seeing him like this...forever. I shake my head and slap myself for thinking that. Come on, Ben! Get yourself together! You've known Jeff for a long time. You know he's a fighter! He's been through a lot of shit. There's no reason for him to give up now. He can't lose to a god damn coma!

But what if he does....?

Shut the fuck up! Stop being stupid! I sigh and hold my head in my hands. Why do I have to bring the news to her? Can't Slendy do it? I can't go through this again. Not after....her.

I slap myself again and shudder. I don't want to see Jeff next to her grave, six feet under with her. One grave is enough for me.

I hear the door open and Slendy comes in. He faces me and says, "Have you called her yet?" I shake my head and mumble, "No sir." I could feel him frown and he growled, "Call her."

"But sir I-!"

"Call her now!" he snapped. I go silent and nod. I know he doesn't want her to know either but he says it's for the best. I walk over to an old telephone in the corner of the room. I pick it up and dial Elizabeth's number. With every ring my heart beat slows down until I can't even feel it anymore. Then, to my complete dread.....she answered the phone.

Elizabeth's POV

As I was walking out of the school and into the courtyard I saw Travis waiting for me with a smile on his face. I quickly walked over and met up with him. "Ready to go?" he asked me gently. I nodded and said, "Yeah. Thanks for doing this Travis. You didn't have to."

"Of course I did," he said, "you should do this kind of thing more often. I don't see why not. You're a very pretty girl-I're smart..and shit...yep." I giggled and we started walking to Travis' car. Just as we were getting in the car my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered. "Hello?" I mumbled.

"Girly," a familiar voice said. "Ben?" I started, "what are you doing calling me?"

"Old no-face told me to contact you," he explained, "he wanted me to tell you about Jeff."

At the mention of Jeff I felt my happiness slip, only replaced by high concern. "What's up with him?" I asked, shakily. There was a pause of silence but it felt like an eternity. I thought it would never end. It was deafening. Finally Ben spoke and said, "Slendy said that...with all that corruption poison that damaged Jeff's body internally....there's a possibility that Jeff might never come out of that coma. His condition is extremely critical and....if he doesn't come out of that coma.....he'll eventually die. Im sorry Elizabeth."

I shook tremendously. My Jeff....might die....? no no! He...he has to get better! "What are the chances of all the outcomes?!" I asked Ben frantically. He didn't answer me but he mumbled like he was talking with someone else next to him. He stopped talking to them and sighed. "There's a 80% chance that he could die. It's a 20% chance that he won't die but he'll stay in the coma for a long time."

"And the chances that he'll live?" I asked, on the verge of tears. Ben took a shaky breath in and croaked, like he was scared to say this, "His chances at living are......"

My eyes widened and I felt a tear slip. I was going to hang up but I didn't have to. With one last "I'm sorry" Ben hung up the phone. I let my hands fall limply on my lap. I let a tear slip...and another....and another. Silently I cried, my hair covering my tear streaked face. Travis was still with me and he asked cautiously, "Elizabeth...are you okay? What's wrong...?" I didn't answer him. I could feel his concern and tension. I started trembling terribly. Jeff could die....or never come out of that coma ever. Travis reached out for me but instead I slapped his hand away and lunged for him. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder. Travis held me and didn't say a word. As my tears fell my grip on Travis got tighter until he groaned from the pressure.

I pulled away and he asked, "What's wrong?" I sniffed and wiped my tears away with my jacket sleeve. I took in a deep breath but only ended up crying even more. Travis put a hand on my head and wiped away tears. "Calm down," he said, "take steady breaths and calm down. It's okay." I nodded and did as he said. Finally, when I was able to talk correctly I explained. "Someone that....I love and care for...with every part of my being....could be dying....and I can't do anything to stop it!!! And if they don't die.....they'll stay in a coma...possibly forever. I don't know what to do... They can't die...I don't want them to...I feel so useless!!! I'm useless...!" I bawled my eyes out and shook. Travis held me and shushed me gently. "I'm really sorry for what you're going through," he said, "but you shouldn't call yourself useless. You're not useless. Just pray for the best. I'll be here to help you out no matter what, and so will your friends. You won't be alone."

I sniffed and looked up at him. " promise...?" I mumbled. He nodded and leaned his head on mine. "I promise." he said. He softly kissed my forehead and my face flushed red. He hugged me more and let me keep crying until I had enough. He let me go and asked, "Do you want me to take you home instead? I'm sure you're not in the mood to hang out anymore."

I shook my head and said, "We're still going. Even if I'm sad right use letting everything you planned go to waste. Besides....maybe it'll take my mind off of my situation." He nodded and started up the car. He backed out of the parking space and we got out of the school gates. He turned up the radio so things wouldn't be so glum. I smiled when I caught him humming with the song playing. He chuckled and kept driving. After a while I felt the heaviness in my heart ease a little more. We made it to a restaurant and got out. We walked up to the front entrance and he opened the door for me. "After you, Madame," he said and I smiled. He's making me feel a lot better. Hopefully this lasts. If not then....I don't know what I'll do anymore. Like Travis said before....just pray for the best. But the best....are Jeff's chances at surviving. But how could that give me any closure? It doesn't give me any at all.....


Chances.....are 5%.....


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