Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Jeff's POV

It's not easy, sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast with the friends and family that aren't even real. Yet I keep up the act. I don't know why, but I fear that if I do show that I'm aware of my situation, something bad will happen. Maybe my stupid brain will be a total douche and shut every organ down once I show that I know what's going on. I know it seems like a stupid analogy, but I have absolutely no control of my body. I've tried to fight myself for it, to regain control of my body. But either I keep losing, or I don't try hard enough. It's all the same in the end. I don't win.

"Jeff!" Ellie called. I looked at her and said, "What?"

"I've been calling you for a couple of moments now," she said, "did you space out or something?" I stared at her for a few seconds, trying to find some sort of indication on her face that tells me that she's fake but she looks very real. After a while I choked out a chuckle and said, "Yeah...I spaced out. Went into my own little dream world, you know? Hehe..!"

"Well, pay attention next time, okay?" she said and I nodded. She got up from her seat and walked out of the kitchen. I didn't watch her walk away. Something so beautiful can't be fake, but that's just the case. Disgusting how my mind has tricked me. You're a real douche, you know that?

I sighed and got up. I walked out of the mansion to get away from everyone, despite the fact that no matter where I go, nothing is real there. I walk through the woods, in search for a spot to rest. I found a decent place on the ground to take a nap. I was about to crouch down when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look and nearly attacked. In the instant that I looked I caught a glimpse of a figure, shadowed by trees and a black cloak. But it disappeared instantly, so I could only see what I saw just now.

Is someone watching me? It's probably just Ben, or Jack. I sat down on the ground and leaned against a tree. I pulled my hood over my head and started to relax when I heard rustling. I sat up and looked around. Like I said before, it's probably one of the guys. Although by now they would've blown their cover by laughing hysterically like total idiots.

I got suspicious and stood up from my spot. I looked around but saw no sign of anyone or anything. I grumbled and went to go sit back in my spot to take my damn nap. Once I turned around though, I nearly had a heart attack. I was face to face with someone else I didn't recognize. All I saw was silver eyes and a cruel scowl. That's when they disappeared again. I stood there, not knowing what just happened. After a while I let out a strong exhale and panted. What the hell was that? Well...more like who?

[Two days later...]

I can't stand being here. It's agonizing. The worst torture possible is battling yourself over something that you can probably never, ever get again. But I have to keep trying. For everyone back home.

The noises echo louder, taunting me, angering me to the point where I fall into despair. I kill and kill and kill but it never seems to lighten up my mood. So I've stopped doing that since I know it will do no good for me anymore. Saddening how it's come down to this.

I hate myself for not being strong enough to get out of this wretched coma. Can't I at least feel while I'm in this place? At least something. I'll take anything really. Sometimes, when I'm really frustrated and angry I try to make myself feel something. And by that I mean hurt myself to the point where I should be dead by now.

Once I went into the bathroom and stabbed myself in there. When I could see that it did nothing for me I got angry and smashed my head into the mirror. And still nothing. All I got out of it was wounds that didn't affect me and a very angry Slenderman. Everyone is worried for me but I know that it was just my mind being an ass.

I've seen that mysterious figure sometimes. At times they'll be standing around far off, and other times they'll be staring at me while I try to sleep. Oh god, the fucking irony... I don't know who this person is but it's seriously bothering me. And none of the others see them, only I can. But why? This is really weird and I'm already going through enough weird.

Sometimes when I sleep, I dream. Well i wouldn't necessarily call it dreaming. I see nothing but I hear things more clearly. The noises always seemed slightly muffled, but when I dream, they're way more clear, as if I were right next to these sounds. But then I wake up in my room. I need to find a way to escape this cage I call my imagination. But I never seem to find the right way out. Where is it? How do I achieve it? When will I achieve it? I need to know, before it's too late for myself and everyone else.

[Five more days...]

"For the love of god, Smile Dog! Quit your barking!" I snapped. Smile quit barking and whined. I would feel bad if he weren't fake. I sighed and went outside for another one of my many walks. I decided to go farther into the forest so I can take longer to come back to the mansion even though I could just leave the place like I had done before.

I walked deeper into the woods, taking a liking to the beautiful, fake scenery around me. At least my mind made this whole place for me. It's the only thing I like here and I hate nature.

I climbed a tree, thinking about old times as I did. I'd always loved climbing trees and I still do, now that I think about it. But because of my loss of sanity, and me growing up, I never had a lot of time to have fun. The only thing I would do for fun is just kill. That was before I came close to everyone. But then my rebellious, douche side had came in and I was kicked out of the mansion by Slendy. Nobody had seemed to care though, except Masky. I don't usually spend a lot of time with him yet he was the only one who had cared enough to still think about me. I'd call that gay but right now...I'd really like for that to happen.

I made it up the tree and looked down. Slight dizziness hit me but then I enjoyed it. I got perched up on a tree branch and pulled my hood up. I chuckled and smirked at the realization of the Assassin's Creed moment I was having just now.

I scanned my surroundings and sighed at the empty life. It's only me and the trees. At least that's what I thought until I looked down. Shit! It's the mysterious figure again. I gasped slightly and froze. It wasn't looking up at me, just staring at the tree's trunk, waiting. I don't want to go down. I don't know who that is and I don't know why they would be here. I'll just stay up here until they leave.


They definitely won't be leaving anytime soon. This person has stayed in the same position for at least and hour and I can't stay up in a tree forever. Maybe I should just make a run for it. I gulped down my nervousness and started getting ready to jump. I leaped off of the branch and landed on the ground. I tumbled forward slightly and quickly got up to run. I made sure to keep my hood up just in case and I ran as fast as I could. My heart was racing and everything was just a wild blur as I sprinted through the forest to get to the mansion. I didn't look back because I know that the figure will be there. I ran faster and faster until bad luck kicked in and I tripped. I tumbled on the ground again and skidded to a halt. I coughed up dirt and slowly got up.

Once I looked up I saw those silver eyes and cruel scowl yet again. Nothing scares me this easily but I'm shaking. They stared at me for a couple of seconds until they huffed and gave me a different look. They looked down at me as if I was a mangy mutt begging for scraps. The figure slowly raised their hands and grabbed hold of the hood. Ever so slowly they lowered it and I could now see them perfectly. It was a man, jet black hair, the menacing silver eyes that have been haunting me, pale skin that seems to be growing whiter the more I stare, and a strong, dark demeanour that makes your knees buckle from fear and anxiety. After a while of staring at this man he spoke up, breaking a heavy silence. "It's not nice to stare," he said with a growl. His voice sent a small echo into my ears yet it was enough to make me shiver. I looked up at him again and noticed something shine.

I looked at his neck and saw a silver medallion, holding his cloak together like a pin. A skull with a cross on the forehead and wings. Where have I seen that before? I looked at him directly and brought up the courage to frown and growl at him slightly. "Why have you been following me?" I asked, demanding. He scowled and said, "Watch your tone, you incompetent fool! Hasn't that faceless demon ever taught you not to mess with death?"

I froze slightly, wondering why he would ever bring up Slenderman. I frowned again, about ready to punch the lights out of this man when I started thinking about what he said. 'Mess with death'? What the hell does that mean? I caught a glimpse of his medallion again and remembered some things. When Slendy took me in I had always spent a lot of my time in his study reading some of his books, mostly out of boredom but some were interesting. Like this one book I had stumbled upon. Slendy had forbade me to ever read it so because of that I decided to read it! It talked about a lot of strange stuff such as different realms of reality and supernatural beings. It was some pretty trippy shit so I didn't take it seriously at the time. But I do remember one page of that old book. It showed a picture of a skull with a cross on the head with wings, just like the man's medallion. I tried to think back on it more, trying to remember what the page was talking about. Then I got it.

That symbol meant death. Not only that but only one being in the entire world is allowed to ever present it as a show of who they are. And I remember exactly who it's for. My blood ran cold and my breath became short. The air around me constricted and got dense. I hesitated but eventually I looked up at the man before me. His silver slate eyes glared down at me with coldness and slight cruelty which scared me. The air around us got colder and I was afraid I'd start seeing my own breath. I know who he is now, which concerns me. This means I don't have a lot of time left and he knows it too. Of course he does, that's why he's here. I looked at him, trying to hold back the fearful look in my eyes but by the way he had smirked I betrayed myself. Even with the smile he still feels so cruel and cold.

"It's a pleasure to see you at last," he said with a small cackle, "I've been waiting for this day to come...!"

I gulped and trembled terribly. Slendy had always told us all that if we disobeyed and got out of line or even exposed ourselves to the real world without reason, someone would come after us and take us away, no matter what. At first I bought the lie but then I stopped believing in that crap. I thought he wasn't real. If he's here then maybe he's fake, just like everything else. But he seems too real. His vibe is strong and completely suffocating. There's no doubt about it. He's the real deal. What I've feared when I was naive and he's what I fear now in this moment. He's coming to take me away.

In a small shaky tone I muttered, "Death..."

To be continued...

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