Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Elizabeth's POV

I was way too tired to even want to get up. But I had to do it or else Slendy will get after me and throw me out of my own room. So I got up anyways. I got my clothes together, changed, brushed my hair and shuffled my feet downstairs. I said good morning to everyone as best I could without slurring my words from my grogginess. I didn't want any breakfast so I just got my messenger bag and left the mansion. I walked into town and went on the route to school. The weather kept getting colder and colder each day and so I had to pile on more fluffy clothes to keep me warm. Slendy gave me winter boots, a red bubble jacket and a white scarf, along with a red beanie. I'm pretty much prepared for whatever winter throws at me.

I made it to school and went into my first class. I sat down and took out my stuff. As I took out my notebook I heard someone say, "Nice clothes, freak." I looked up and saw Maddy, smirking at me. I sighed and said, "At least I still don't wear skirts. No wonder you have a cold." She frowned and said, "So! At least I still look good. You never do." I rolled my eyes and ignored her insults. Class started and Maddy was forced to sit down and stop bothering me. I almost fell asleep during class but luckily Travis woke me up before the teacher noticed. "What's going on with you lately?" he asked, concerned, "you always seem out of it."

I yawned and answered, "I've been busy."

"With what?" he asked. I looked down and thought about all I was doing. I'm training in combat and magic, I'm searching for my grandmother and Oliver Ferrell, I'm taking care of Jeff while he's in his coma and I'm trying to keep track with my family and friends while still dealing with school. "Just been doing some redecorating at home," I lied. He gave me a sad look and I smiled to make him feel better. He knows I'm lying but he also knows that I don't need to be questioned anymore. Class went on and so did the rest of them. Lunch came along and I decided to eat with Travis today. I never get to eat with him because I've spent all my time with Addie, Johanna and Ian, so today I gave Travis a chance.

He was pretty happy about me sitting with him. All his other friends were quite confused with my presence but I remained quiet. Some of them treated me nice and chatted with me while others didn't bother talking at all. Travis was happy that I was being social with other people other than my friends but he knew that I didn't feel like talking at all. I was just tired and begged for sleep but I had to get through the day. After lunch he got me a soda from the snack bar and a candy. He says that maybe it could wake me up a little, plus he wanted to be nice too. I thanked him for it and went on with my day.

As horrible as I felt the rest of the day I stayed alive for my friends and classes. Despite the fact that I was always ready to pass out, I made it through my next class. Now I just need a couple more and I'm done! Oh god, this day is going to be long.

Jeff's POV

The only thing on my mind was the fact that I'm about to die. Death is right in front of me, literally. He glared down at me with his silver eyes and I could only cower slightly. I didn't know that this was what would take me away. I always thought Death was a myth to scare me and everyone else. But no, the bastard is right here in front of me!

"Stop gaping at me, fool," Death growled to me. I snapped out of my trance and said, "Why are you here?"

He smiled and answered, "You should know. You've known for quite a while now. I'm here to take you away." I was struck with a sense of dread and fear at those words. I don't want to be taken away. No I won't be! As afraid as I was, I had to stand up to this son of a bitch and be firm with him. I stood up, balancing myself to stand straight, and glared at him. He frowned at my expression and said, "What is it?" I didn't answer him and he seemed annoyed by that. I reached into my pocket where my knife was and gripped the handle tightly. He didn't seem like he knew what I was about to do. I pulled out my knife and yelled, "I won't be taken!" As soon as I swiped my knife at his throat he disappeared in a blur. I frowned and looked around.

Once I looked to my left I was smacked across the face and I spit up blood. I coughed and looked up. Death was glaring at me with a look of so much rage that I nearly whimpered. But I regained my composure and tried attacking him again. I tried stabbing but he'd dodge every move. I tried tackling him but he'd shove me back and away from him. I went in for a punch but he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to head bud me. I fell back and held my aching forehead. I will defeat him no matter what! He won't take me away after all I have done to try and get my life back! I'm not giving up now!

I charged at him and managed to push him against a tree. He growled and grabbed me by my shirt collar. He threw me onto the ground like a rag doll and I spit up more blood. Why am I feeling pain now of all times? Is it because of him? That bastard! I got up and ran at him again. He punched me but that didn't knock me down this time. I got my knife and stabbed him in the chest, where his heart should be. He faltered and looked at me in shock. I grinned widely at my success and dug the knife in deeper. He choked slightly and spit up blood. I've got him. I've won.

Suddenly he started to growl deeply and I was caught off guard. His growl became more clear and more loud and I started getting shaky. He looked at me and I could see the skin on his cheeks stretch and tear to widen a mouth full of sharp teeth. What the hell is this guy?! I gasped and tried backing away but he grabbed me by the throat and squeezed. I choked and he only growled louder. He lifted me up and smacked me into the ground. He roared at me and smacked me into the ground again. Dirt and dust went flying around us and I spit up more and more blood. My bones cracked and cried out in agony and pain. As Death kept beating me into the ground over and over again, he suddenly stopped.

I wheezed and coughed as I tried to see him through my blurry vision. Once it cleared I could see that his face went back to normal and he looked a little more calm. He let go of me and left me writhing on the ground in pain. I could feel his eyes stare at me and he huffed. He came closer and looked at me coldly. "You," he started, "are a stupid, pathetic, incompetent weakling who will never amount to anything this way. You are absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. You make me sick!" He backed away slightly and frowned. "'ve shown me something important."

I gave him a look and he sighed. "I saw fear in you. Not a fear of dying but a fear of losing. Losing everyone you love. I know how hard you've been trying to escape your subconscious. And nothing has been working. But...that's because you're not trying hard enough."

At those words I felt rage boil up inside me. I wheezed and managed to say, "I have been trying hard enough...!"

"No you haven't," Death scolded, "you've been letting false chances come your way so you could take them and get back home. But you have to make your own chances! I'm sure you've noticed by now but every time you dream, you're back in reality, but only for a short time. You hope that when you're back that it'll be it. It'll all be over and that you can get back home. But you're wrong! You can't let what you want come to you. You have to get them yourself. And don't say you have been doing that because you haven't! You're just here, taking the pain of emptiness while you could actually be going back! You have family, friends who care for you and love you. You have a lover who would go to the ends of the earth to be with you! They're your motivation, but they're not your help. You need to help yourself out of this mess. So show me that I don't need to take your life. Wake up and go back to reality. You're nothing but trash so go and show me that you're not what I think you are! Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP!!!"


"Jeff! Wake up!"

I escaped darkness and looked around. I was outside, laying down next to the tree that I had climbed. Was I....asleep? How was that even possible? I don't remember falling asleep. And I definitely don't remember being on the ground. I looked around and saw Ellie there, giving me a worried look. I relaxed at seeing her face but then I I still in a coma? I tensed up slightly and was about to think when Ellie interrupted my thoughts. "Thank god you're awake. I thought you had hit your head badly when you fell out of that tree. I'm glad you're okay!" She gave me a smile but I didn't say anything. I started thinking and then I asked, "Am I really okay?"

She gave me a strange look and said, "Yes you are." I clutched my hands into fists and asked, "Am I awake?" Ellie giggled slightly and answered, "How am I talking to you if you weren't?"

"Am I real?" I asked. She seemed slightly taken off guard because of that question and said, "Well, of course. I'm sure you are. I seem pretty real so you should be too."

I grit my teeth and asked in a shaky tone, "Am I awake from my coma?" She furrowed her brow out of confusion and said, "Jeff....I-I don't understand-."

I growl, "It's a plain and simple question Ellie! Am I awake from my coma?" She thought about it for a second and said, "What coma?" My anger boiled up inside and I growled, "I'm not awake...!" I got up from the ground and started walking back to the mansion. "Jeff wait," Ellie called, "what's wrong?!"

"You're not real! Nobody is!" I yelled and broke into a run. I'm not awake! I'm still in my own subconscious! My own prison! I ran and ran, trying to get as far away from Ellie as possible. I made it back to the mansion and dropped down to my knees. I clawed at the ground and growled in frustration. Elizabeth caught up to me and said, "Jeff you're starting I scare me. Please stop acting like this-!"

"SHUT UP!" I snapped. She froze and I only held my head in rage. "You're not real! Nobody was! This isn't real! This isn't home!" I yelled. Death was right. I am trash. Trash who can't make his own chances.

Prove me wrong. Show me you're not what I think you are!

His words, his voice, his power. They taunt me more than the noises.

Wake up!

All I need to do it wake up. I don't need help. I don't need anyone's help but my own! My family is my motivation. I'm my own help. I'm my own ticket to getting out of here. I'm my own reality. I'll prove Death wrong! I'm not trash! He'll never take me, not yet! I'll allow myself to accept this and then I'll finally get out. This was never real! This is hell! I'm getting out! And this time...

I will come home...!

I yelled out in anger and despair and watched as everything crumbled into nothing but ash and flames. This is the only way everything will end. Burn it down and watch it fall! Burn! Burn! Burn and go away! I seethed in rage and suddenly heard a familiar voice echo. "As painful as this is to have proved me wrong. You've finally done it. But just know that this won't be the last time we meet. Someday you will die, and I'll be there to finally claim your soul. Remember this, Jeffery, or else I may have to come and teach you a lesson again." I looked up and saw Death in front of me. He glared down at me with those silver eyes and his skin tore again to reveal that inhuman mouth. "Don't make me regret sparing your pathetic life," he growled, a strange demonic voice merging with his normal one.He disappeared again and left me alone. I proved him wrong. I did it. I'm finally free now. I'm finally coming home.


The sound of a heart monitor blaring hastily hit my ears and I screamed. I thrashed around in my bed, trying to get out and unhook myself from so many machines. I heard someone come in and they rushed over. I caught a glimpse of who it was and saw Ben. "Jeff?! Holy crap!"

"Get me out!!!" I screamed. He quickly tried calming me down and unhooked me from the machines. Once I finally calmed down I looked around. I'm in the laboratory in the mansion. I looked at Ben and said, "Am I okay?"

"Seems like it," he said, a smile growing on his face. I nodded and asked, "Am I real?"

Ben chuckled and said, "Of course."

"Am I awake?" I asked, getting more serious.

"Yes you are."

"Okay," I started, "last I out of my coma?"

Ben hesitated but then said, "No, you're stuck inside an illusion." I stared at him for a few seconds and he stared back with an expressionless look. Then he laughed and said, "Nah! I'm messing with you, bitch! Welcome the fuck home!"

I chuckled and said, "Yep. I'm back." We both laughed hysterically and hugged and I was just so glad to be back. But I wanted to make sure I was free so I asked Ben to do me a favor. "Punch me," I told him. He gave me a weird look and said, "Okay...I'll do it I guess."

"Great but make sure not to-." He punched me across the face and I yelped in pain and surprise. "-punch my face directly..." He laughed at the look I gave him and I only shook my head. I was about to tell him off when I remembered something really important."Ellie! Where is she?!" I asked frantically. Ben thought about it and said, "She should be getting out of school by now. Maybe you can catch her in time and see her again." My heart jumped at the thought of seeing Elizabeth again, the real Elizabeth. I got out of the bed and got my clothes from Ben. I was too impatient to change in a bathroom so I started undressing in front of Ben. "Aw, bro, what the hell?! At least give me time to get out! Jeez!" he exclaimed as he left the room with his hands covering his eyes. I laughed at his reaction and took off my shirt. I could see dark bruises all over my chest and I thought about all the times I stabbed myself in my subconscious. Holy crap, my body inflicted wounds on itself because of my thoughts. That's weird...! I touched the bruises and they didn't sting but they still looked bad. I finished up changing and I ran out of the laboratory with excitement running through me.I ran right past everyone and I could hear their confused yet happy comments. I ran out of the mansion and sprinted through the forest with Ellie on my mind. I can't wait to see her and hug her and kiss her face. I'm so excited! "I'm coming, Sunshine!!!" I exclaimed happily, my words echoing into the forest around me.

Elizabeth's POV

School ended and I was walking out into the courtyard. I mindlessly walked and I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked and to my dread it was Maddy. She glared at me and said, "Watch where you're going, freak!"

I frowned and said, "Well maybe you shouldn't stand in my way then."

She turned to me and said, "Are you talking back to me?"

"Well, how else can I communicate?" I said, nonchalantly. She frowned and said, "Don't be a fucking smart ass with me, Umber! You better watch it." I rolled my eyes and admitted, "I honestly do not give a single fuck anymore, Maddy. Okay? Now I'm going home and forgetting I ever saw your fugly face today." I started walking when she grabbed my arm and spun me around to face her. She suddenly slapped me and that woke me up. I stared at her in shock and she shoved me back. "I was going to let you off easy, but now I've changed my mind!" she yelled down at me. Instead of making the situation less worse by pleading to be let free, I said, "So you do have a brain." She growled and grabbed my hair roughly. She pulled me up and punched my face. I stumbled back and held my bruising cheek. She started walking closer to me when someone got in between us and said, "Stop!" I looked up and saw that it was Travis. He looked furious, which is something I've never seen before. Maddy stopped and glared at him. Travis said, "Leave her alone."

Maddy smirked and said, "You're sticking up for the reject? Can't believe hot shot Travis is falling for a pig." Everyone around us that had gathered around laughed and Travis merely smiled. "I'm not falling for a pig," he said, "I'm falling for a beautiful girl that everyone should respect and love. Yet they only respect and bow down to people like you. Go look in the mirror sometime, sweetheart, because you're the only pig I see." Maddy stared at him, dumbfounded, while other people whooped at Travis's words. He huffed and turned around to look at me. He grabbed my arm and started leading me away from Maddy and the crowd. I could tell Travis's words got Maddy good but I couldn't help but feel like it wasn't enough. So I yanked my arm away and ran towards Maddy. She saw me and was about to say something when I punched her and broke her nose with all my strength. She fell back and held her face, moaning in pain. I just stood there and watched her. I looked at everyone else and said, "Carry on," and walked away casually. When I got back with Travis he just stared at me in shock. I grabbed his arm and started walking us away. Once we were at a good distance from the school he turned to me and said, "Why did you do that?" I looked up at him and said, "Do what?"

"Punch her," he reminded, "why?"

"Well, why not," I said, "after all the times she's beat me in the past, she deserved it."

"But that doesn't make you any better does it?"

"I actually feel quite satisfied," I told him and he sighed at the response. There was a pause of silence and then he asked, "Are you okay?" I nodded and tried to ignore the pain on my cheek. He didn't say anything and there was silence again. As we walked, I thought about what he said. Out of nowhere I asked, "Am I really a beautiful girl?" Travis seemed taken aback by the question and he replied, "Of course you are. You always were."

"Then how come I don't believe that I am, believe in what you had said," I asked. He sighed and answered, "Because you're not a stuck up bitch full of vanity like Maddy is.The girls who always say they're beautiful really aren't, at least on the inside. While girls like you...truly are beautiful girls, no matter what." I stared at him for a while and then smiled. He smiled too and hugged me. I hugged him back and tried not to let my bruise make contact with him. We let go of each other and walked to my house. We stepped up onto the porch and stood there in an awkward silence. I was about to break the silence when Travis said, "Listen, Elizabeth...I know I've never told you this but...I really do like you. I never expected to but you're just a really amazing girl. You're beautiful in every way no matter what people say. And...well...I like you, a lot. That's pretty much all I can say. I don't want to freak you out or anything if I do go on."

I stared at him, surprised that he would confess. His face was pink, possibly from both the weather and his confession. I smiled at him and said, "Thank you. It means a lot to me to hear you say that. I didn't think you would. I didn't think someone like you would actually fall for someone like me. It's strange."

"Is it really?" he asked, looking a little hurt. I shrugged and added, "Neither of us expected it. But it's not something bad, if you really think about it." He stared at me and then gave me a smile. I smiled too and felt happiness that I haven't felt in a while. We stood there without another word. I was going to speak again when Travis leaned over and moved my scarf down to reveal my lips. He moved closer and then kissed me softly. I didn't move, didn't even think. I just stood there, full of surprise, and let him kiss me. After a couple of moments I closed my eyes slowly and relaxed my tense body. I involuntarily kissed back gently and he pulled me closer. What were we doing? What was I doing?

The kiss still kept going and my eyes were still closed. Right then I had a strange feeling. That feeling you get when someone is watching you? That's the feeling. I opened my eyes and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone standing on the sidewalk. My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat. I got a joyful , ecstatic feeling but then it immediately plummeted into regret. No, not now. My body tensed up as I saw the person clench their own fists and frown out of pure anger. In their eyes I saw a mixture of rage, sadness and worst of all, betrayal. I wanted to call out to them and explain myself, but before I could even think of an excuse they ran off. No...please come back..., I thought.

Jeff, please come back...!


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