Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Just as I was about to be suffocated by these monsters, I was pulled out. I bumped into someone and I looked up to see Ben back in his old form. He was sneering at the monsters that nearly killed me. I was about to speak when he pulled me behind him and told me to stand back. I hid behind him and watched as he pulled out his sword and pointed it towards the monsters. They growled at the sight of the blade and Ben only gripped the sword handle tighter. He waited a few seconds, seeing if the monsters will make a move before he does. All of a sudden he shouts out and attacks. I stand back and watch as he swipes his sword into a monster's head. It screeched before disappearing in a spray of black blood and ashes. The other monsters grew enraged at this and advanced. Ben swiped and stabbed each one. He's killed two more in under one minute. But under that one minute he was wounded.

He had scratches on his face from the monsters' claws and he was limping slightly. He panted and glared at the gang of creatures. He lunged towards the rest and attacked them again. As this happened I heard low growling from my right. I glanced over to see the demon child again. He seemed pretty pissed off. I frown and manifest my weapons. He growls even louder at the sight and elongates his black claws. I eject the spearheads at him and he dodges them. They hit the pavement with a metallic ting and retract back. The demon child growled and jumped at me. I dodged him and swiped my blades at him. I grazed his arm but it only healed back up. How the hell do I kill this kid? Maybe he's just like the corrupted. He has similar properties to them. If so then I need to destroy his heart.

I plan a surprise attack so I can get to his heart. I raise my fists and come in to stab him. He side steps and claws my arm. I grunt and stab him in his side. He screeches and smacks my face. I stumble back and touch my cheek. I can feel the bleeding scratch marks. I frown and charge him. He does the same and as soon as we made contact I grabbed hold of him and slammed him down onto the pavement. He roars and snaps his razor sharp teeth at me. I sneer and punch him in the face. He growls and pushes me off. I land on the ground and quickly get up. The demon child swipes his claws at me and I block them. He tried punching me but I swiped my blade and severed his hand in the process. He screeched loudly and hit me with the other hand. I fell back and groaned. I looked up just in time to see his hand reform again and he roared. He opened his mouth and it gaped widely, like a snake unhinging it's jaw. It roared louder than ever and leaped up to bite down on me. I had no way to escape this situation. So I had no other choice but to take a risk and let the demon child attack.

He came down on me, claws ready to shred and teeth ready to maul. I shut my eyes and prepare myself. I felt him jump on me and I immediately raise up my hand and drive my blade through his chest. He falters and gags and spits up black blood. I could feel the pulsing, slimy black heart in my hands and I knew this was it. I yanked it out through the front of his chest and he just stood there in shock. Before he could make a move I crushed the heart. The demon child shuddered and fell to the ground. His wide mouth shortened and became like a normal mouth. The black vein marks retreated from his skin and his eyes turned a chocolate brown. He looked like a normal human boy now. I leaned down and touched his head gently. He looked at me and gave me a desperate and sad look. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when he coughed up red blood and wheezed horribly. I tried to help but he just kept coughing. He raised a hand up to me, begging for help but as I took it the flesh started to peel and fall.

I shook my head and held him to me but by the time I looked him in the eyes, they were gone. He was already crumbling by the bone and I watched in silence as his white bloody bones turned to white ash in my hands. I stared at my hands in utter shock and horror. He was only a little boy, corrupted by darkness and evil...and I killed him.

I clenched my fists and stand up. I get ready to help Ben kill the rest of the monsters but I had seen that he'd already finished them all off. Black ashes and blood stained the ground and Ben leaned against the car with a tired stance and look on his face. I walk up to him and return my weapons back into the symbols in my wrists. He gives me a look of relief and asks, "Are you okay?" I nod and inhale a large amount of air. I exhale and started to walk when my legs gave in and I stumbled. Ben caught me just before I fell and he picked me up. He put me in the car, but instead of the driver's seat, he put me in the passenger's seat. I gave him a look and he only closed the door. He went around and got in the driver's seat. He started up the car and we drove again. The car seemed to ride over bumps but that was because one of the tires was deflated. One of the monsters slashed it and I don't think we have a spare. It annoyed the both of us during the drive. After a long, long silence Ben broke it. "I'm so sorry."

I stared at him and asked, "Why are you apologizing?" He gave a guilty look to the windshield and replied, "For that attack back there. I didn't warn you of it. On my computer, I installed a radar that picked up on Corrupted essence. I thought it would be convenient considering they come after you often. When it picks up something it shows a pinpoint and information on whatever it is but it just said 'Human predators'. I thought it was just a bug or I screwed up on the program but apparently it still counted as a Corrupted. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it. I'm stupid."

No wonder he was fretting over his laptop during the drive over. But it's not his fault we were attacked. He didn't know what it was. "It's fine," I said to him, "You couldn't have known. But we're fine now and that's all that matters. We got information on my grandmother, I got to see the grandfather I never knew and you got to be a fat-ass at their home. We can go home knowing this is over now." He was hesitant to agree with me but he nodded slowly and just kept quiet as he drove. I did the same and looked out the window. I watched as the sky grew darker and darker with each passing minute and the trees whizzed by so fast that I could never get the chance to look at them correctly. My eyes got heavy and I knew I shouldn't resist myself. I pulled my seat down and rested. Ben didn't pay much attention to this although he didn't say a word. So with this I fell asleep, with bruises, cuts and in a car that was slightly lopsided.


Jeff's POV
[During the day]

"Why do you keep stabbing that poor tree?" Sally asked me sweetly. I glanced at her and answered, "Because I'm angry."


"Because that's just how I am."


"Because I have problems."


"Because I'm insane and kill people."


"Please stop."

She pouted slightly and kept quiet. I breathe a sigh of relief and kept stabbing the tree in front of me. It had many cuts in the bark from where I slashed my knife into it. Most of the trees around the mansion had slash marks all over them, courtesy of me. I spent most of my time doing this, and if not this then actually killing living things. It calms me down when I get riled up at random points of the day. Slender thinks its bad for me since I'm taking my rage out on the trees when I should talk it out. Fuck that.

"Sally, come inside," Slendy called out from the mansion's front door. She groaned and obeyed his order. She picked up her teddy bear and hugged it close to her as she walked. I could've sworn that her bear grinned at me. Not the first time though, but it still freaks me out. When she went in Slendy walked out and came towards me. Great, he's going to give me a lecture about my rage again. He stopped right next to the tree and watched me. I couldn't concentrate correctly so I stopped and looked up at him. "Please stop staring at me. I'm trying to calm down and you're only annoying me," I bluntly said. He didn't say anything in return. He's doing that therapist thing to me. God dammit...

"Look, what else do you want me to do? I can't kill a bunch of people all the time to calm myself down, I can't sit still long enough to have a chat and I can't just do nothing or I'll explode! This is my only other option."

"It's the only option to you. I have plenty of suggestions." He said.

"Oh like what?" I said and went back to hurting the tree. There was a pause of silence and then he said. "You could always talk things out with Elizabeth." I jolted and plunged my knife into the tree so deep that the bark went up to the hilt. I stared at my hands that rested on the hilt and shook slightly. Slender just stood there and didn't move an inch, not even when I raised my voice at him. "Why should I?! She doesn't want to talk to me and I don't want to talk to her! She betrayed me after all I've done for her! It's all her fault!" -I stabbed into the tree- "It's her fault I'm like this!" -I stabbed a little harder- "It's her fault we're involved in this mess!" -a little more forcefully- "It's her fault I got into a coma! And it's her fault that we're over!!!" I stabbed one last time before the tip of my knife broke off and I froze. I slowly dropped to my knees and stared at my knife. "This is her fault too..." I muttered and threw it into some bushes. I put my head in my hands and Slendy sighed, still stiff as a board. He leaned down, his head next to mine and he said to me, "But you're the one who chose to be in her life."

I tensed up and looked up at him. He went on. "You're the one who decided to return to her after your first encounter. You're the one who fell in love with her. You're the one who vowed to protect her. You're the one who lived up to that vow and risked your life. You're the one who isn't forgiving her for making a mistake she didn't intend on. And now, you're the one who isn't by her side, being happy, when you haven't felt one lick of that joy since your accident all those years ago." I just stared at him, dumbfounded.

If I could slap him, I would. If I could kill him, I would. If I could say something to prove him wrong, then I'd be evidencing something I can't. Maybe he's right. Maybe I should talk things out with Elizabeth. But she wouldn't agree with it. She hates me now and she wouldn't listen to me, no matter how hard I try getting her attention. Plus, if I do get her to listen, I'm afraid I'll just say something that'll make our problem even worse. I'm not meant for this kind of stuff. Never was. Killer or not, I'm a fucking noob.

"When does she get back from her trip?" I asked Slendy. He pondered this for a bit and said, "She should get back before midnight. Do you want to consider my suggestion?"

"I don't know yet...." I muttered. He just stood there and sighed again. "Well, you have plenty of time today, to reconsider it. I suggest that you do. I'm sure these trees would like a break from your wrath." He turned around and started walking back to the mansion. I watched him go and before he went too far I called him out. "Slender!" He stopped, turned to face me and waited for me to talk. I hesitated and gulped down my nervousness. I asked, "Am I a dumb-ass?"

Without hesitation he answered, "Yes," and sharply turned around to keep on walking. I was confused and very insulted by his answer. Confused, because I'm strangely relieved to hear that I am one.


I paced around through the halls, wondering what to say to Elizabeth when she gets back.

Listen I forgive you for your mistake. No not that one.

Hey, if you kiss another guy, that's fine with me! It'll just be another accident, right? Oh hell no, what the crap?!

I'm sorry I was a jerk to you after you sucked on Travis' face. I'm terrible at this...

I sighed and leaned against a wall. What am I going to do? I want Elizabeth back...but I don't want to screw things up more. I groaned and patted my face to focus on what I want to say. After a couple of seconds, steam practically puffed out of my ears and I toppled over. I lay sprawled on the floor, being a total idiot. I can't think of anything! Why?! Whyyyyyy?!

I heard footsteps and I looked up to see Jack. I'm sure he's giving me a strange look behind that mask. "Um...are you okay?" He asked me. I reply with, "Yeah I'm totally fine. I'm just here fussing over how I'm going to talk to Elizabeth while my brain melts from the inside out. I'm good." He sighs and says, "All you have to do is talk to her. It's simple. It's not like you're trying to make it an official holiday."

"I should do that!"

"What? No, Jeff, just, uggh," he face palmed his mask and added, "You're going about this the wrong way. All you do is get the time to talk things out with her and forgive her. And if it really works out then you can ask for her forgiveness since and all you were a complete jerk to her. Eventually the problem will resolve itself and everything will go back to normal."

I pout and sit up. "But I don't want things to go back to normal. I want us to be together again. How can I do that?"

Jack thought about this and said, "I'm not sure. It's easier to ask for each other's forgiveness, but it's a whole different thing to ask to be together again."

"So...I can't be with her again...?" I asked sadly. He tensed up and shifted in his spot. After a while I knew he had no easy way to answer me so I got up and started walking. "Thanks for the advice...but I might as well not talk to her at all," I said as I walked and Jack didn't say anything back. I walked around the mansion some more and decided to ease my pain by inflicting some on innocent soon-to-be victims. I was about to go forth with the idea but then remember that my knife broke. I faltered and thought. I really liked that knife but I eventually had to get a new one. Or in my case, get an old one. So I went to my room and opened up my closet to search for another one. I don't keep a whole stash of them, but I always have a spare. Although I don't like using it.

I eventually found an old shoe box and opened it up to see another knife. I sighed and grabbed it gingerly. It looked rusted but it was the old blood stains that gave it the look. It was as sharp as the first night I used it. This was the knife I used to kill my own flesh and blood, my darling family. I never wanted to use it after that. So I kept it hidden away to keep as a sort of token to my family. Their old rust colored blood is on here, it's all that I have left of them. I stoked the edge of the blade and shivered. I put the box down and put my very first knife into my hoodie pocket. I felt a little better knowing that I have it with me again after all these years.

I walked out of my room, down the stairs and I set off into the forest. The sky was pink from dawn and the wind was fresh. By the time I get into town, it'll be dark enough for me to sneak around. This is perfect. I walked and took my sweet time, clutching my first knife as tight as I used to clutch my mother's hand, clutching it as tight as I used to hold onto my dad when I was just a little tike, clutching it as tight as I used to clutch my dear brother's hand when we arm wrestled just for the hell of it. These thoughts circulated throughout my mind and I knew I couldn't leave them hanging around. So I started running. I ran faster and faster towards town, hoping that my rage will go away once I destroy the lives of filthy, filthy people!


I ended up never using my old knife. As soon as I snuck into the first house I grabbed a knife from the owner's knife rack. I didn't want to use my old knife on wretched people. I wanted to keep it the same as it is. Only my family's blood is allowed to be on it and it'll stay that way. So when I grabbed a new knife I went to look for someone inside the house. There was a man, in an office room, working on a computer. He looked to be middle aged, stressed out and easy to scare. I snuck into the room and stood behind him as he typed away. I wanted to make this kill quick. So I reached out, grabbed his hair, slammed his head into the keyboard, making a bunch of gibberish on the screen and I stabbed the new knife into the back of his neck. I heard a loud crunch and moved the blade from side to side. After he stopped flailing I took out the blade and backed away. I left the room and snuck out of the house to move onto someone else. I later killed three women, six men and injured two children.

I was walking through the park, searching for any late night joggers or a simple security guard. So far I came across only ducks. I might've caught one, named it Sir Duckles and threw it into some bushes. This is why I need a person to kill or else shit like this happens...

As I kept walking through the trees I saw someone up ahead. A jogger. Just what I need. I started getting closer when I saw that my target looked awfully familiar. Then it clicked in. I grew enraged and clutched my new knife tighter. I took out my very first one and glared into it. This bastard is going to pay for what he's done. He'll pay with his blood. I stroked my finger against the blade's edge for good luck and put it back in my pocket to keep it safe. I raised up the other knife and was already planning on how I would kill my target. First I'll stab him in the arms, then cut into his chest, and maybe do a little beauty work on his face. My blood is boiling from the excitement and temptation. I stepped out of the darkness and walked up behind him. I could clearly see him but he couldn't see me. At least not yet.

My target stopped jogging and looked down at his wristwatch. Before he ran off again I sneered and hissed, "Hey there...! You shouldn't be out here at night, you son of a bitch...!" He turned around and immediately, a look of surprise and terror appeared on his face. He froze in his place and kept staring at me, totally vulnerable to me. I frowned once I saw his face. I changed my mind about how I'm going to kill him. I'll just go for it! I chuckled hysterically and hoarsely said, "Happy to see me, pretty boy...?! Because I am...! I can't wait to spill your pathetic blood!" He didn't say a word, he only stood there, practically paralyzed. I chuckled and shook from the suspense. "What is it? Cat got your tongue? If not, then I'd be happy to cut it right out and make you swallow it whole! HAHAHA!!!" He looked disturbed by my comment and I only laughed even more. Without warning, I stepped up right next to him and grabbed him by his hair. He cried out and I made him kneel down. He avoided my gaze, no matter how hard I pulled on his hair. "Look up at me, boy! Or else you'll have no eyes to look with!" I pointed the knife right in his face and angled it to have a direct hit to his eye. He obeyed me and looked up. What a stupid face! I hate it. I tugged on his hair even harder and said, "I can't allow you to live any longer. You'll only make things worse for me. So...Travis Wilson...I'm going to make you suffer and GO TO SLEEP!!!! I HOPE YOU NEVER AWAKE AGAIN!!!" He gave me a horrified look as I raised my knife and made it head straight for his heart.

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