Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Jeff's POV

As the knife headed straight for Travis' heart I stopped before I did any damage. He had his eyes closed, awaiting for the pain to strike but it never did. I didn't plunge the knife into his chest and kill him. I couldn't. But why? Why can't I kill him? Why couldn't I go through with it? Why?

Travis sensed this and finally opened his eyes. He was still terrified but he had a look of confusion now. The knife was still an inch away from his chest, from his pathetic beating heart. Just one little move of my hand and he'll be gone forever. Come on, Jeff, do it. Just do it! I tried inching the blade closer but I only pulled it away instead. No... No, no, no, no, no!!! Don't back off! No!

My hands shook and I was losing my grip on both the knife and on Travis' hair. I grit my teeth and slowly backed away. My hands twitched from fighting myself over control. Travis backed away too and watched me cautiously. Why isn't he dead? Oh yeah, I didn't kill him. But....why not...?!

I held my head from frustration and muttered, "I have to kill you. I just have to! But I can't! Dammit why can't I do it?!" Travis only did nothing. He didn't say anything to me. He took this chance to slowly get up and start walking away when I yelled at him. "Get over here! Don't you dare run away from me!" He flinched at my voice and stopped walking. I stormed up to him and grabbed him by his shirt collar. He turned his head away from me but I grabbed his hair and forced him to face me. "Why?" I asked him. He only gulped and looked me in the eyes. I frowned and said, "I asked you a question! Why? Huh? Why can't I kill you?! Answer me or so help me God I will show you Hell!"

He was hesitant to speak and then eventually gave in. "I...I don't know. Just let me leave. I don't know what I did to anger you but just please let me go...!" I growled and shoved him up against a tree. He yelped and I held him up by the throat. As he clawed at my hand, I spoke. "You not knowing just made me more angry with you! You son of a bitch! You stole her away from me! How dare you do such a thing?! You ruined everything! I know killing you won't make things any better, but at least you won't be in the way anymore!" I tensed up. A realization hit me. That's why I can't kill him. Once Elizabeth finds out that he was killed, she'll suspect me and that'll make her hate me even more, she might even try to kill me in return. I don't want to risk something like that when I'm trying to be with her again. I can't kill him. I won't.

I loosened my grip on his throat so he could breathe better. He said through gasps, "What are you talking about? Who...did I steal away? What did I...ruin?" I glared at him and hissed, "Elizabeth." His eyes widened and I could see the stupid little gears in his head turn. I gave him more information. "It may be hard to believe, but I was her boyfriend. She was my true love and now she hates me because you ruined everything. I saw you two kiss, I got angry and that resulted in us breaking up. And I want her back. So I'm not going to kill you, but if you ruin anything else I will make your life a living nightmare that you can never escape. Do you understand? Don't think I'm bluffing. I never bluff."

He nodded and mumbled, "I'm sorry about that. I really am. I...I didn't know she had a boyfriend and I never would've thought that she would-."

"Oh so what you're saying is that she's not good enough to have a boyfriend?!" I yelled and tightened my grip on his throat. He shook his head frantically and said, "No that's not what I'm trying to say! She does deserve a boyfriend, she's beautiful! But since everyone doesn't seem to think that, I just thought no one would. I don't understand it myself but that's how it is at our school."

"Well, I'm not from your terrible school so I wouldn't think that way of her. And even if I was, I would still think she's the most gorgeous girl in the world!" I stated and he gulped. I came in real close and hissed, "So tell me...why is it that you like her? I won't get mad, but if you don't give me some good answers then I might have to do something drastic." I tightened my grip just to give him an example and he choked slightly. I gave him an expectant look and he breathed out, "I like her...because she's an amazing girl. To be honest...I only talked to her because she seemed like she needed someone to talk to, what with the Satanist rumors going on at the time. Besides, she deserves the acknowledgement and no one ever gives it to her...but her friends. And I guess in the process I ended up...liking her. I didn't expect to...but it just happened. She's an amazing girl, very smart, very funny, and...she's absolutely stunning, unlike other girls who often fake it. She doesn't deserve the ridicule she gets, and I'm sorry if what I did, hurt her feelings. I never wanted to hurt anyone but I can see that I did. I only hope that you two can make up again. I want nothing more than for her to be happy. And I'm sure you feel the same way."

I calmed down some and loosened my grip on him again. He took in some air and coughed. I stared at him for a few moments and asked, "You're not making that up, are you?" Travis stopped having his coughing fit and looked at me. "No, of course not."

"So you're not kissing ass just because I have the ability to decide your fate with a single stab of my knife?" I asked menacingly and took out the new knife. He gulped when he saw it but he managed to say in a calm tone, "No. Whether you're a killer or not, I wouldn't lie about something like this. This subject isn't something to take lightly of, I know. You're her boyfriend, and in all honesty I don't fully believe that considering that you could just be some stalker and you've tricked yourself into thinking that you're dating her, but I know that you take this seriously and so do I. And, also considering the tension between you two...if it helps, I'll leave her alone for you."

I eyed him suspiciously and said, "I was her boyfriend but thanks for putting the sentence in present tense. don't have to leave her alone. I guess...ughh...I guess you can stick around. I need someone to keep her happy and safe while she's at school. And aside from her friends, you're the one who'll have to do it."

Travis gave me a look of disbelief and before he could say another word I tightened my grip yet again and growled, "But if you say or do anything romantic or intimate with her, I will come after you! You're only allowed to hug her! No kissing, no flirting! Nothing but hugs and compliments that'll make her day. You got that, hot shot?" He nodded and I finally let him go. He dropped down to his knees and touched his throat gently. I chuckled and said, "You know, you're not half bad." He looked up at me but I quickly added, "But I still hate you."

"I know," he mumbled. I stepped away and said, "This never happened, you hear? If I find out you ratted me out to the authorities I will come after you. I let you off easy, don't make me regret doing so. Now get the hell home, you bastard!" He obeyed my orders, got up from the ground and walked away, towards the park's exit. I waited for a couple of minutes before I started walking. I went through the trees and made it out of the park. I don't regret not killing Travis, but I'm not satisfied either. As long as he doesn't fuck something up, he stays alive. I was tired and so I decided to head back to the mansion so I could turn in and rest. As I walked, I felt a strange feeling. That strange, anxious, paranoid feeling you get when someone is watching you. I looked all around, trying to see someone or something but I caught no sight of anything at all. I frowned and just ignored the feeling. Although it wouldn't go away throughout the entire way to the mansion. It wasn't until I stepped foot through the front door, did the feeling disappear.

I went upstairs, into my room and I plopped down on top of my bed. I sighed, found my sleeping mask under my pillow and eventually fell into sleep.


The sound of a loud bang woke me up and I jolted. I got out of bed, took off the sleeping mask and peeked out my door. The hall was empty. No one was around. I shrugged it off and was starting to close the door when I suddenly hear a shrilled voice yell, "Where is he?!"

I stop and walk out of my room. I make my way through the hall and towards the stairs. Just before I could get within ten feet of the stairs I stop in my tracks. Standing at the top step is Elizabeth. And she looks pissed.

She was arguing with Masky until she turned and saw me. She faltered for a bit, looking me over and then her expression hardened and she growled. I was going to speak until she manifested her weapons and charged after me. I was taken aback by this and at the last second I leaped out of the way and ran into the wall. She screamed at me, "I'm going to kill you!"

"What's going on?! What did I do?!" I asked frantically. She only got angry by this and ran up to me. She managed a punch to my face and I stumbled to the floor. She was about to pounce on me but then Hoodie practically came up and tackled her down. She screamed at him to let go so she could hurt me. I had no idea why she was so pissed. I didn't do anything.

Hoodie managed to calm her down and she seethed at me, "You motherfucker! How could you?!" She suddenly started to cry and I grew worried. I took one step towards her before she screamed at me. "Don't come anywhere near me! How could you kill Travis?! Why?! He didn't deserve to die like that!!! You fucking monster!!!"

I froze in place. I...I didn't kill Travis. I spared his life just so he could take care of Elizabeth when I can't. I know I didn't kill him. I went straight home after I talked to him. I didn't kill him...!

Elizabeth's sobbing eased and she said through quiet tears, "I know you didn't like him. You never did. And both him and I made a terrible mistake but he didn't deserve to be killed...! I've seen horrible things, nightmarish monsters. But out of all of're the worst of all...! I...I hope you're happy now, you bastard!!!" She quickly got up and shoved me as she walked past me. I hit the wall again and I just stared at her as she stormed off downstairs. After a couple of moments, I saw Ben come up the stairs and he had a concerned look on his face. He saw me and frowned. "What the hell did you do?" He asked in a harsh tone. I shook my head and muttered, "I didn't do anything...! I-I didn't kill Travis, I swear! You have to believe I didn't."

He was silent. I was about to scold him for not taking my side before he said, "I believe you, I really do, but if you didn't kill the kid, then who did?" I opened my mouth to speak but then shut it. I had no idea who the killer is. I had no such evidence. I had no idea who the suspect would be. I had nothing to prove. And I need to change that before Elizabeth kills me one of these days and I would die not being the culprit of Travis' murder. Or worse. She'll never ever forgive me.

"Do you know where he was killed?" I asked Ben. He shook his head and said, "I didn't want to get in Elizabeth's business." I cursed under my breath and ran back to my room. I slipped my boots on, grabbed the knife I stole yesterday and ran back out. I ran out of the mansion and whistled. Before I knew it, Smile came bounding from the tree-line and ran up next to me. I kneeled down and patted his head. "Hey boy," I cooed. He licked my face and that made me feel better after what happened. I looked him straight in the eyes and said, "Listen boy. We need to find a killer."

He barked and nudged me. I rolled my eyes and said, "Not me! Someone else. Come on, boy!" I stood up straight and started running through the forest, Smile following right behind me. I have no clue at where the scene of the murder is, but I have an idea of where it might have taken place. I ran through the forest and I reached town. I put my hood up and Smile kept his distance as he followed. Considering my hatred for Travis, I managed to find out where he lives so in case if he goes over the line, I'll come and kill him. I guess I can't do that anymore.

I made it a block away from his house and I could clearly see police cars, and tape around the area. He was killed inside his own home. My first guess was the correct one. But this doesn't mean that I know for sure who did it. Any killer could murder his or her victim inside their own home. Thousands have done it. That's not specific.

I sneak around a couple of houses, find his backyard and peek over the fence. No police are searching the backyard although it looks like they had done so before. I make sure the coast is clear and then jump the fence. I land quietly on the green grass and watch Smile jump over too. I quickly walk to the back door and take a look through the mesh window. The kitchen is on the other side and then the living room is beyond that. Police are in there, searching the rest of the house while two others are talking to a man and woman. Travis' parents, I'm guessing. As I keep looking, I see stairs that lead up to the second floor of the house. I can't go through here, I'd be making a B-line straight through authorities. I back away from the door and examine the house. I could probably climb up and go through one of the windows. I tell Smile to keep guard down below and he obeys. I scale the wall, making my way up to a window and reach it. I open it and heave myself through. I be careful to make a soft landing so nobody will hear and I get up. It looks like a master bedroom. Must be the parents' room. I curse under my breath, realizing I'll have to find Travis' room. I just hope I don't get caught. I've done this before, sneaking into a victim's house with police about, but it's not something I'm willing to do often. I'm lucky I haven't been caught yet.

I walk towards the closed bedroom door and peek outside into the hallway. Everybody must be downstairs because no one is around. As I examined the surroundings out in the hall, I could see an open door and inside I saw traces of blood. That must be Travis' room. I slowly open the door and sneak across the hallway to get inside the his room. It reeked with a strong smell of bitter blood. Most of it was in the corner where his bed was, which was stained severely with the crimson liquid. It was a lot. I would guess the killer bled him dry. It looks a lot like what happens after I do that. I look around some more, finding faded, bloody footprints on the floor. I made sure not the step on them and I looked. The footprints had certain shape to it. A women's shoe. They had the same dainty size that they usually have. The size should also be around that of an adult women's show size. Well, that narrows a few things down. I need more though.

I look around the room some more again. Nothing but blood, blood and blood. I sigh, realizing that I'll never be able to find any evidence. I turn around to leave when I notice something. Travis has a desk against the wall, and under it were drops of blood. They were small and practically unnoticeable. As I looked closely, another drop fell. There's something under it.

I knelled down and looked under the desk. I was surprised to see a note written in blood under it. I looked closer and deciphered the message.

The blood-thirsty hawk is softening in its murderous lust, so the vengeful sparrow is left to finish the hawk's failure, in hopes of ruining the talons it scarred the sparrow with, and in hopes of further breaking the bond between the filth animal and the filth's mate. Read this, with your keen eyes, blood-thirty hawk. Let's see if you'll catch the vengeful sparrow, that was once a mere dove.

Dammit, it's a killer that likes riddles. I hate people like them. I can't solve shit like this at all. I frowned and decided to take the note, careful not to smudge the words and finally left. I snuck out the same way I came in, making sure that no one saw one bit of me. I got down to the backyard and Smile was waiting for me. I told him to follow me back to the mansion and I jumped the fence again. I ran all the way back to the mansion, eager to figure out this note and catch the murderer. I never thought I'd be acting like the cops. It's funny, actually.

I made it back into the forest and started to relax now. Smile was walking along side me, sniffing the ground occasionally and barking at a small animal nearby. He kept barking constantly once and I had thought nothing of it, although he didn't feel the same way. He just went on and on and on and wouldn't stop. I had no idea what was freaking him out so bad until something pounced on me. I yelped as I hit the dirt and Smile kept barking. I coughed and looked up at whoever my attacker was. "Oh again...?" I groaned.

"You're awake! Good to see you out and about again, bleach boy," Laughing Jack chuckled. I frowned and shoved him off of me. He only chuckled and stayed seated on the ground. I sat up and grumbled, "What the hell are you doing back here?"

He smiled and replied, "I just came by for a stroll. I saw you and I couldn't help myself! I had to pay a little visit! So here I am! How's everything been since you woke up?"

"Fucking terrible," I answered. He pouted and asked, "What happened?" I frowned and said, "It's none of your concern."


"Just drop it LJ!" I snapped.

He went quiet and I sighed. I brushed my hair back and grumbled. Laughing Jack got something out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was a lollipop. I gave him a look and he shrugged. I scowled and yanked it out of his claws. I unwrapped it and popped it into my mouth while he smirked and spoke, "So why were in town? Killing in broad daylight is pretty risky."

"I know that," I retorted, "I'm not stupid. Something happened and I went to go check it out."


"Yeah," I said and licked the lollipop. Laughing Jack smirked and teased, "Well, look at you, becoming Detective Jeffery!"

"Shut it, you clown," I grumbled and and sucked on the lollipop. He chuckled and gestured for Smile to come over. He did and Laughing Jack scratched his back. I frowned at this but I didn't want to argue with him over petting my dog. So I let it go and thought. I thought about the bloody note and what it could possibly mean. A blood-thirsty hawk, the hawk's mate, and a vengeful sparrow that was once a dove? Sounds like a goddamn fairy tale. Whoever the killer is, he or she sure was out of their wits. I was about to think more on this when Laughing Jack interrupted. "What are you thinking about, bleach boy?"

I frowned at the insulting nickname and was about to tell him off when I got an idea. I smiled at a realization. Laughing Jack has a thing with riddles and a lot of things like that. Maybe he can help...

He noticed my expression and says, "What is it?" I licked the lollipop and explained. "I've got a note for you to read." He just sat there and waited for me to do something. I took out the note and looked it over before I gave it to LJ. It was slightly smudged but otherwise he should be able to read it. I handed it to him and he read the bloody words scrawled upon the note. He gave it a strange look and said, "Where the hell did you find this?"

"At a recent murder scene," I said, "some other killer did it. And I need to figure out who it is or else I won't get Elizabeth back."

Laughing Jack furrowed his brow and asked, "What does that mean?" I mentally slapped myself for blurting that out and I quickly rephrased myself. "N-Never mind! Anyways, the writer killed this kid I didn't like. His name was Travis Wilson. I had confronted him last night while I was out killing. I roughed him up a bit but I swear I didn't kill him. This morning I hear he's dead and I really need to find out who did it."

"Any idea who it might be," LJ asked as he examined the words on the note. I shook my head. "No clue. I checked out the scene of the crime and I found the note under Travis' bedroom desk. It was unnoticeable and I don't think police found it before I did. Yet I found it like nothing. I have a feeling that this guy didn't want authorities to find it."

"So their intentions were for you to find it?" he questioned and I dwelled on that. Was that really the intention? If come it was set out for me to find? I thought a lot about this. The killer knows their stuff, hiding the note like nothing, though making sure it was me. The note said 'Read this, with your keen eyes, blood-thirsty hawk'. It's referring to me or someone like me that would notice their work or actions. "They knew I was coming...!" I blurted out suddenly. Laughing Jack looked up at me and said, "How?"

"I have no idea, but they know who I am, that's for sure!" I stated. Laughing Jack raised an eye-brow and looked at the note. "They wanted you to find this," he started, "which means that this so called 'blood-thirsty hawk' is supposed to represent you. The hawk's mate, could be Elizabeth, considering you mentioned something about her earlier. I'm also guessing things aren't going well between you two since this guy wants to make the tension even worse. And so this 'vengeful sparrow' must be the killer."

I nodded and then frowned, "That clears some stuff up. But...I don't get why this person has something against me. And how could they have known about Elizabeth and I and how could they have known to kill Travis when I couldn't?" I suddenly remembered something then. "Last night after I confronted Travis," I added, "I felt like someone was watching me. I saw nobody but I knew they were there. They must've seen me with him and when I left the perp went after him."

"So they were watching you," Laughing Jack stated and I nodded in agreement. He thought and repeated a sentence in the note. "'A vengeful sparrow that was once a mere dove'? Doves are beautiful. Sparrows are graceful too, but swift and keen. From a dove to a sparrow. 'Ruining the talons that scarred the sparrow'. The hawk is you, so you scarred someone for life."

"I scar a lot of people. It's not surprising that I don't," I remarked and he went on. "Anyways, you scarred this 'sparrow' and now it wants revenge for what you did by humiliating you for failing to kill that Travis kid and by ruining your relationship with Elizabeth. And the talons represent your killing, I suppose, or maybe just what makes you...well, you. So you, the blood-thirsty hawk, scarred a vengeful sparrow, which was once a dove, and now it wants to ruin you. Who the hell is this sparrow/dove? It's someone who knows you and hates your fucking guts for what you did to them. Any ideas so far?"

I thought about this. I thought of every possible option. Nothing came to mind. clicked. If my eyes could widen more, they would, because I'm shocked to the core. I shook my head and muttered, "No...not again...I thought it was over...!"

Laughing Jack looked up at me and asked, "Thought what was over? Did you figure out who did it?"

"Yeah and I'm not too thrilled by it," I said quickly as I got up and ordered Smile to follow me. He got up from his spot next to Laughing Jack and stood next to me. "Thanks for all your help," I told LJ, "but I need to get going."

"No prob but-."

"Bye!" I said and I ran, leaving LJ behind. I ran and ran, straight for the mansion. I don't have exact proof but I know who killed Travis. How dare they? I should've kill the son of a bitch in the first place. They wouldn't have killed Travis and ruined things between me and Elizabeth. I can't believe this! But I need to stay alert. Whether she hates me or not, I have to protect Elizabeth. I promised that, no matter what, I would. The killer murdered Travis to get in the way. The bastard wants to ruin me and get to Elizabeth. That won't happen. I won't let it. If the killer wants a battle, then I'll give her a war...!

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