Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Elizabeth's POV

It's been hours since I got back. The sun is setting. My parents were arguing outside my door, over how they were going to cheer me up. They couldn't. I was betrayed. I was betrayed worse than Jeff was. What I did could be forgiven and forgotten. What he did will never ever be remembered without sobbing your eyes out. Why? I know he was pissed off, but to go as far as killing Travis knowing I'd be upset is awful! I'm sure he wasn't thinking about what I would think. That dumb-ass wouldn't think for a split second even if I forced him to.

I laid on my bed, crying and cursing under my breath. I know it's my fault that Travis is dead. If I had just said something that day, if I had just stopped him from kissing me, if I hadn't made such a terrible mistake, he wouldn't be dead right now. His parents are devastated to lose their only child. If only they knew who ended his life. I'm angry, sad, confused, guilty and so many more things that I can't even comprehend what they are anymore.

As I lay on bed, finally calming down after minutes of sobbing, I could see Grinny resting on the pillow next to me. He looked up at me and his grin widened once he saw I wasn't crying anymore. I gave him a small smile and scratched his chin. Grinny has been staying here, ever since Jeff and I broke up. He's made himself comfortable here and has been warming up to my parents, although they're still trying to get used to him. He's been mostly hanging out with me and I don't mind it. Sometimes he stands on the window sill and gazes out into the forest beyond the houses that neighbor ours. I always think that he's homesick and I feel guilty. And every time I do, he turns around to look at me and gives me a smile. It doesn't make me feel completely better but it does put off the guilt. He's been cuddling with me whenever I go to sleep, he's been relaxing on me whenever I read a book, and whenever I type on my laptop he paws the keyboard and messes me up like any other cat would do.

Even though I feel bad about keeping him here when he should be with the others at the mansion, I'm glad he's here to comfort me whenever he can. Grinny crawled a little closer to me and rested his head against mine. He pawed at my hair, not scratching me or hurting me. I've noticed he does this whenever I'm in a really bad mood. He's petting my hair to give me comfort. I find it quite funny but I know his intentions are good. He's a very smart cat and he knows what he's doing.

Grinny kept petting my hair and a few minutes later there was a knock at my door and it opened. My mother stepped in and gave me a soft smile. I didn't say anything as she came over and sat at the edge of my bed. She scratched Grinny's head and he purred gently, before she turned to me and started talking. "Elizabeth...I'm not going to ask if you're okay like other oblivious parents out there. I recognize your pain and I know exactly what it is that's troubling you. You haven't told us but your father and I can tell. So, I'll ask this instead...who's broken your heart and what have they done to sadden you?"

I sniffled and looked up at her. She cupped my cheek and brushed away a falling tear. I managed to find my voice and say, "...Jeff."

"Dear lord, as if your father wasn't already planning an assassination on that boy," she muttered, which made me laugh. She smiled, knowing I was a little better. I went on, "I had done something terribly wrong when he wasn't around. I should've stayed faithful to him, but I was too depressed and desperate for him to come back that I practically became a mindless, walking zombie. I made a mistake and Jeff had gotten angry with me because of it, which resulted in him breaking up with me. At that time I was so angered and broken that I had told him I hated him. He didn't say...but I'm sure he feels the same way towards me. Although I don't hate him. I....I still love him, mom. I love him and he loved me. No one has ever made me feel this way but him and now I've driven him away. Which, only shows me that I don't deserve to be loved. I'll only mess things up, like I always do. No wonder people pick on me all of the time. I deserve all of that ridicule."

My mom frowned and said, "Don't talk like that, Elizabeth...! They just don't understand things the way you do. And besides...maybe he still loves you too. You just have your heart and mind focused on the opinion that he doesn't."

"Yeah, well, I'm not buying that considering he hates me so much that he murdered Travis," I grumbled.

"He what?!" my mom practically exclaimed. She immediately calmed down and took in a breath. "Okay...okay, uh.....well, maybe he wasn't thinking straight. Maybe he just....I honestly don't know. I should not have been surprised that he killed somebody considering that he does that...a lot."

"Yeah...when I came back and found out that Travis was killed, I knew it was him. So I went to his place to confront him about it...I may have punched him across the face and cursed him out but I ran back here before he could say anything else. I was so angry. I still am! Yet...even after what he did to Travis...I still love him." I sighed and shook my head. Tears streaked down my face uncontrollably and I muttered, "Why do I still feel this way? He committed a sin and I still love him. Mom...what's wrong with me? What have I done to deserve these mixed emotions and thoughts that make me want to scream? Dear God, I've gone mad!" I covered my eyes and curled up into a ball on the bed, sobbing terribly while my mother rubbed my back in a comforting manner.

She leaned down and said, "There's nothing wrong with you, honey. You're not going crazy and you don't deserve these troublesome feelings. But these feelings are good for you! And you want to know why?"

I stopped bawling and asked, "Why?"

She gave me a smile and said in soft, almost melodic tone, "It may seem strange considering Jeff is not very...normal but,'ve found what could most likely be your true love."

I gave her a dumbfounded look and she giggled. For a second, I believed her. But then that quickly faded as I said, "But he doesn't love me...not anymore at least..." Before I could cry even more, my mom said, "That's because you think he doesn't love you. I might have met him only once, and that was brief, but I know he would be the type of guy that wouldn't let anything he loves go, not even for the world. Because instead of taking it, he would try his hardest to give that world to the one he loves." My heart fluttered at those words. Could she really be right? Jeff did give me things; help, protection, love, care, he risked his life for me countless times, he suffered so much to be with me, he even risked his identity and exposed himself to my parents who barely gave a fuck about what he does to people. He makes me laugh, smile, blush. He made me feel welcomed in a world that was not my own. Without him I wouldn't fully be the proxy that I am. I wouldn't have known and befriended everyone back at the mansion. I wouldn't have been so happy and loved. He gave everything to me. He...he gave me a new life.

I bolted upright and stopped crying. "Oh my god...! You could be right! I mean, sure he might still hate me but I should still hold on to the fact that he could still love me as well! I've done a terrible mistake, but if I try hard enough I can earn his forgiveness, no matter how long it takes! I'll wait for him! And I hope he waits for me too! We can work things out, I'm sure. If there's a will, then there's a way, right? Yeah!" My mom chuckled at my sudden enthusiasm, and I could tell she was relieved to have made me feel so much better. I do! I really do!

"Well, for now, you should get rest, honey," my mom suggested, "And you haven't even eaten since you got back from your trip. Why don't you come downstairs and spend time with your father while I cook something up? It's almost nearing dinner time, anyways." I nodded and we both got up to walk out. I grabbed Grinny and let him sit on my shoulder. My mom and I went downstairs and I saw my dad pacing about. He saw us, and before he could say anything I ran up and hugged him tightly. He seemed surprised by my sudden happiness and hesitantly hugged me back. My mom laughed and so did I which, resulted in my father asking "What the Hell did you do?" a bunch of times. It only fueled our laughter and my dad was getting really, really freaked out.

My mom had made us all dinner, and even gave Grinny something to eat too. We all just sat down and talked. For once, I spoke. I don't talk a lot about my personal life at the table but I wanted to make a change. So I told my mom and dad about how life was at school and at the mansion when I had stayed there. I even mentioned some things in the past that I thought I had gotten over until now, but I realized that I just needed to tell my parents about it and I would feel better, and I did. I had a lot to say, considering the many years I had barely told them a thing about my life outside of the house, and it felt really good to finally get it all out. My parents listened, gave me advice, laughed whenever I told them about something funny, and they understood every word. They were happy to have their daughter to her old self again. But this time they got everything that they never knew she was. As soon as I had finished confessing almost everything I held back, I felt...lighter. I felt free. A huge weight that I never noticed, and probably had gotten used to, was finally lifted off of my shoulders and my perspective seemed so much more sharper. I felt balanced now. It wasn't until now did I realize that that was all I ever really needed all these years.

I felt happy again, and I was confident to go and talk to Jeff again. I'm still very upset with him but, like I said, I'm sure we can work things out. He may not like me anymore but I at least found out with confidence. It was getting late so I decided to go to bed. My parents suggested that I don't go to school tomorrow, just to recover more. I accepted the offer and stayed up a little late. I went up to my room, read some books, listened to music and went on my laptop. As I was setting up some Netflix I got an email. I furrowed my brow and opened it up. It's from Ben. I don't have a good feeling about this.

He sent me a link and I clicked on it only for my computer to glitch and set itself on emergency shut down. I frowned and muttered, "Dammit, Ben. You son of a-."

My laptop screen suddenly lit up and I immediately knew what was happening. I grabbed my laptop, turned it away from me and watched as a idiotic Ben tumbled out and fall face first onto my floor. "Shiiiiit..." He muttered and massaged his nose. I rolled my eyes and asked him, "Can't you ever ring the door bell or something?" He turned around to see me and shook his head. "Who ever has enough time to do that? Pfft! Anyways, I got you something that will help you out. By the way...are you feeling any better...?"

I knew what he meant and nodded. He sighed in relief and reached into a bag to give me a couple of papers. "I wrote down some more info on your grandmother. Oliver's hunch was right, she is in Northwood. The only problem is, is that she's way more secluded than you can imagine."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I skimmed through the papers. I came across a map of Iowa and saw a red dot near a very open spot. Must be the areas of pure forests, no civilizations and no residents whatsoever. Only wild animals and plants. Ben saw my gaze and pointed to the dot. "I've calculated her whereabouts, and she should be right there. I might not be precise but it should be around that area."

I smiled and said, "Thank you! God...we-we gotta head out soon."

"You should take a break from this stuff, girly," Ben suggested. "You shouldn't strain yourself too soon after the trip." I understood and nodded. I put the papers on my desk and sighed. Ben got up, dusted off his pants and said, "Welp, I gotta go! I'll see you around. Get rest, little bit."

"You too," I replied and he stepped back to hop back into my computer with a bright flash of data. I closed the laptop shut and put it away to charge. I hope Ben didn't break it. He's going to have to buy me a new one if he did.

I yawned and decided to go to sleep already. I crawled onto my bed and snuggled up under the covers. Grinny came up and laid down next to my head and I giggled. He licked my forehead and I whispered, "Goodnight." He purred in response and I closed my eyes to fall asleep.


I opened my eyes only to see darkness. I felt around me, sensing nothing and I sat up right. My head was pounding but the pain faded away eventually. I tried to get up but something told me to sit down and wait for something. Without questioning myself, I stayed put. I tried to adjust my eyes to the darkness but they never did. I'm sure I'm alone in here...wherever here is. I tried to occupy my mind with thoughts of things like my family and friends. But none of that popped into my mind. I thought of nothing. It's like I had amnesia, I know there's something to think about and remember, but it just won't come. It's all a blur. I thought harder and harder when a voice pulled me out of my struggle.

"Don't strain yourself, miss."

Wait...I recognize that voice...yet I don't know who it is. I responded to it, "Why can't I think of anything?"

"Because you are not able to," it said. It sounded like it was...everywhere all at once. I bet if I try to block out its voice, it would be in my head. Best not to try. I stayed calm and asked, "Why are you speaking to me?"

"Because I wanted to, miss," it answered.

"And why me?"

I heard what might have been a sigh and it said, "I have no time for questions, proxy. I would like to show you something." I stopped asking questions and a light was turned on. I looked forward to see a spotlight shining down on a tall object covered with a white sheet. I carefully got up and started walking towards it. I had no idea what it could be but I wasn't scared. So I walked and stood in front of it. I waited for the voice to tell me something.

"Now remove the covering, young one."

I nodded and grabbed onto the white, almost silk fabric. I inhaled and tugged on it, revealing the object it covered. It was a mirror. It was absolutely gorgeous, like nothing ever touched it. It shined in the spotlight with it's beautiful gold frame and it's polished reflective glass. I wanted to reach out and touch it but I didn't want to smudge it either. The voice seemed to chuckle and it said, "Now tell me, proxy, what do you see?" I focused on the mirror, trying to see what I was supposed to find. I only saw my reflection and that's it. But when I had blinked, the image changed. I saw me...but it wasn't me.

My eyes were a bright red and my skin had black marks on it that seemed to move and slither. Everything else seemed to be the same. I stared at what was supposed to be my reflection. I moved my hand up to touch my face and I realized that she didn't do the same. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up on end and I reach forward. Instead of hitting the mirror's glass, like I should have, my hand went through it and it rippled like water. I was close to touching my reflection's demented face when I saw that my hand had the same black markings along it. I gasped and pulled it out quickly.

My reflection finally moved after staring at me for so long and it reached out. Her hand went through and was held out for me like she wanted me to take it. The bodiless voice said, "Go on and take her hand, dear. She won't bite." I hesitated to do as the voice said but I finally gave in. I grabbed her hand and looked at her directly. She quickly flashed me a smile before tugging me into the mirror and submerging me in water. I tried to turn back to escape through the mirror but nothing was there anymore. I quickly swam to what should be the surface and burst through with a splash. I breathed in and looked at my surroundings but there was nothing. I looked at the water to see only black.

The was black. I scooped up some of it and examined it thoroughly. I couldn't even see my skin through the black muck. I retched and dumped the water out of my hand. I need to find some form of land before I exhaust myself and drown in this black ink. I started swimming when suddenly I felt a harsh force tug my leg. I yelped and tried swimming faster but I couldn't move. I could only look around frantically and panic. I reached an arm out to swim but a hand shot out of the black water and gripped my wrist firmly. I screamed as something came out of the water. I watched as a head slowly surfaced, black hair damp from the water and I saw red eyes. The water line went just under the eyes so I couldn't see the rest, although I didn't need to see anymore of it to know who it was.

Another hand surfaced and caressed the side of my face, black water dripping onto me. My reflection tucked a wet lock of hair behind my ear and placed a fingertip to my temple. Without hesitation, she drove her finger into my skull and I froze. I felt something pulsating within my skin, invading every bit of skin tissue there. A sudden uproar of whispers filled my mind and I couldn't handle the intensity of them all. I had to make them stop. They won't stop. I heard the voice from before, over the uproar of whispers and it said, "Don't resist it, proxy. This is only a taste of what you will be gifted with in the future."

"Make them stop!" I screamed. The voice only chuckled darkly and said, "I'm afraid I can't. It's already begun. We made a deal...and now, in exchange for life, you earn the greatest prize of all!" The voice paused, letting the whispers have their turn and then he said two words that made my blood run cold.

"My Mark."

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" I screamed.

My reflection pounced on me and pulled me under the water. She gripped my throat and strangled me violently. She growled at me, "Forget your confidence. Forget your forgiveness. Only know your hatred for the killer that broke your heart. Forget. Forget! FORGET!!!" As she strangled me, the whispers that still lingered, started singing, "Forget, forget, forget, forget!"

I had no control, as every thought of forgiveness crumbled away. But I wanted to keep it. I fought back so hard but nothing seemed to work. The demented girl, that was me, only kept hurting me and demanding that I forget. I couldn't take these voices invading my mind. I didn't want to hurt anymore. I wanted it to stop. Make them stop... Make the voices stop. I couldn't take it. So I did the only thing I could.

I forgot.

~End of Dream~

I woke up, feeling calm and relaxed. I sat up, stretching myself out like I did every morning. Grinny was still asleep. I smiled as the sun shined through my window and engulfed me. It's been a while since it came out. Winter has been blocking it out. I got up and decided to go downstairs, to see if my mom made breakfast. I saw my dad on the couch in the living room, and my mom was in the middle of cooking. My dad turned to see me and gave me a smile. "Morning, baby girl," he greeted. I smiled and said, "Morning, dad."

I walked into the kitchen to talk to my mom and said good morning to her. "Morning, sweetheart!" she greeted and kept mixing batter. "Need any help?" I asked. She nodded and said, "Mind mixing the batter for me?" I nodded and took the bowl in my hands and mixed it with the whisk. She sighed and muttered, "Thank you, darling." She went to go prepare some eggs and as she cracks some shells she asked me, "So when do you plan on forgiving and talking with Jeffery?"

I abruptly stopped whisking and my eye twitched. My mom saw how tense I got and she asked, "Sweetie? What's wrong?"

"Why would I want to forgive that jerk?" I grumbled as I started whisking again. My mother gave me a puzzled look and added, "But, yesterday, you said you were ready to go and talk things out with him."

"I never said that," I growled and whisked harder.


"Listen, mom, I don't know what you're talking about but I know that I will never forgive that bastard for what he did."


"I don't care if he begs on his stupid knees, I will never forgive him!"

"Ellie," my mother said, uneasiness in her voice.

"He's a killer, a sinner, an ungrateful wretch that doesn't deserve one single bit of love from anybody! I don't care for him! I hate him! He betrayed me and in return I'll make him suffer his own isolation! I want to see him suffer so much! I might have loved him before, but I barely feel that anymore. If he loves me, let him beg! If he hates me. Let. Him. Die!"

"Ellie!" my mother screamed. I turned to her and she had a horrified look in her eyes. I furrowed my brow out of confusion when I realized that I didn't have the whisk anymore. It lay, broken on the counter top and what replaced it was a butcher knife. I gasped and dropped it. I set down the bowl of batter and backed away. I stopped to look at my mother as she put the knife away and took hold of the bowl. I blinked and mumbled, "I'll just go to my room. Sorry I wasn't much help." I flashed her a smile and walked away, leaving her in pure silence. I walked back to my room, and spent my time in there, doing things to preoccupy my mind.


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