Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

It's been about a week since I got back from the trip and Travis' death. I heard there was a funeral a couple of days after but I didn't attend. I've gone back to school and, of course, people bully me for his death. They spread rumors, saying that I was the killer, or something even more stupid. They keep saying that if he just left me alone then he would still be alive. That's kind of true but it's not my fault. Stupid Jeff..

I haven't seen anyone from the mansion, not even Ben has come along. It doesn't bother me but I do get curious from time to time. I wonder how they're holding up without me there. Probably just went back to their old routine, before I came along. I've done the same. I go to school, I come home, read some books, have dinner with my mom and dad, and sleep until the next day.

School hasn't been easy, but when is it not for me? Right now, I'm getting beaten the shit out of by Maddy and her two bimbos, Stephanie and Clare, in the girls' locker-room. Although, apparently they've changed it up a bit. They brought some new people to join in on the "fun". Hell, they even got guys to beat on me. That's new.

My head was slammed against a locker and I was bleeding profusely. A girl smacked my face and a guy stomped on my rib cage. I could knock these guys out in no time flat, but I just wasn't willing to. Finally, everybody stopped and Maddy said, "She's had enough for today. Come on, let the bitch choke on her own blood." She spit on me, before leading out her entourage and leaving me on the floor, bruised and bleeding. I sighed and wiped away her spit from my face. I slowly got up and groaned from the pain. I've suffered worse. Their beatings are just annoying and don't terrify me one bit anymore.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the locker-room, limping slightly. It was already nearing the end of school so I decided to go home already. I walked the usual route back home in silence. I passed the open area where I could see the forest's tree-line. I stopped to look at it and sighed. Memories flooded back into mind which filled me with sadness and nostalgia. Maybe just one visit? No, I couldn't. Maybe they hate me too. Best not to pry anyways.

I started walking again when I heard a sharp ringing in my ears. I winced and covered them. A white haze surrounded the edge of my vision and I closed my eyes. The ringing only got louder and each time I open my eyes, the white haze slithers closer and closer to the center of my vision. I couldn't stay here any longer so I started running but I didn't get far. Something grabbed my leg and I screamed. I was going to attack whatever was after me but before I moved my surroundings changed as I saw a bright white flash and static. It only lasted for a second and then it all cleared. I wasn't on the sidewalk of my neighborhood anymore. I was in the forest now.

I panicked and looked around me. Before I could teleport back home, a voice caught my attention. "Wait, Elizabeth!" I looked around and finally saw my kidnapper.

"Slenderman?" I looked up at him he nodded. I was almost going to hug him until I frowned and said, "Why the hell did you kidnap me?"

"I didn't kidnap you. I simply borrowed you for a while," he explained. I gave him a look and said, "Just like you borrowed me for nearly two months?" He sighed and grumbled, "Fine! I kidnapped you!"

"Why?" I questioned. He held out a hand for me and I took it. He lifted me up and upon his slim shoulders and he gave me a tentacle to hold on to. He started walking casually as he explained himself. "I knew you wouldn't come willingly, Elizabeth, so I took you instead. I've been keeping watch over you ever since you left, and so far I've seen that people at school don't treat you very well."

"They don't," I muttered.

"Anyways, Ben told me all about what happened on the trip and your plans to go and find your grandmother in Iowa. I've already planned a trip for you to go there. I had gotten Ben to rent a car for you and I've got money for you to use in case you need to buy somethings on your way there, or if you stay there longer than intended."

I grinned widely and exclaimed, "I can't believe you'd do that for me! Thank you so much, Slendy!" I hugged his bald head and he chuckled. "But," he started, and my smile faded, "You will be chaperoned."

"Oh, okay," I remarked, "that's fine. Is Ben coming along with me again? Or are you? Oh my gosh that'd be so awesome if you did!"

He nodded and said, "Yes I'm sure it would be marvelous if I were to go, but unfortunately I won't be your chaperone."

I was puzzled and so I asked, "Then who will it be?"

Slendy paused for a moment, as if he didn't want to say, but he finally answered, "Ms.P and I have discussed this and we both think it be best if your chaperone be Jeff."

I nearly toppled off of him but one of Slendy's tentacle's caught me by the ankle and I hung upside-down. I frowned and exclaimed, "What?!"

"I know you and Jeff aren't on very good terms right now, but I know that this trip will help you two make-up," he explained and I huffed. I crossed my arms over my chest and said, "He's a complete jerk! Do you and Ms. P really want him to get pummeled to death by me? Because it seems like you really, really do!"

He sighed and turned me right side up. He leaned in and practically growled, "This is to help you two get along again. You two will have to forgive each other at some point and I do not have any patience left for that...! So you will go on this trip with Jeff, and you're going to behave, or else I'll be forced to punish you."

I smirked and said, "And how would you do that?" I wish I shouldn't have asked. Slendy shook his head and leaned away from my face. He brought more tentacles up and a jagged opening appeared where his mouth should be. My face went slack at the sight and I watched as he inhaled and let out a deep screech, sending a painful static to engulf my vision. I screamed and waved my hands at his face. "OKAY! OKAY! OKAY! I GET IT! I GET IT! I'LL GO ON THE TRIP! I'LL GO! I'LL GO! JUST PLEASE STOP!!!!"

He immediately pulled away and his face went blank again. He stopped the static and cleared his throat. "Thank you, dear," he said and I was left panting and sweating. Slendy brought me back onto his shoulders and kept walking deeper into the forest. As we walked I asked him, "So when do I go on the trip?"

Slendy seemed to chuckle and he answered, "Tonight."


We made it to the mansion and as soon as I walked in, I was tackle hugged by a squealing Sally. She hugged me tightly but not roughly and said, "You're back! Yay! I missed you so much!" I smiled down at her and ruffled her messy hair. She backed away and someone else came to tackle hug me. To my surprise it was Masky...and then Hoodie...

They clung onto me and they exclaimed in unison, "Welcome back, Ellie!" I giggled and hugged them back. "You guys are just too weird," I said and they laughed too. They pulled away and I was, once again, tackle hugged, only this time I fully fell down. I fell on the floor and yelped at the weight on top of me. I looked up and saw a wide smile, and black and red fur. A tongue licked the side of my face and I giggled insanely. "Smile! Haha! I missed you too, boy!" He barked happily and kept licking my face, making me go into hysterical laughter. Everyone laughed at the sight and smiled. My stomach started to hurt from all of my laughter and I gasped, "Okay! Okay! That's enough, boy!" Smile leaped off of me and I scratched his chin. His smile grew wider and he leaned in more. His black and red tail wagged back and forth and I smiled.

I got up from the floor and took in some air from all the laughing. Everyone greeted me again and asked how I was all this time. I told them what I could, but it was very boring now that I had thought about it, and that's what I did with my life! I need to get out more. Once I finished talking I heard the front door open and shut. I looked over and my smile faded.

Jeff came in and groaned, brushing his dark hair back. It fell in his face once more and I felt a slight tingle rush through me, but it quickly disappeared. He took a step and looked up, only to freeze as he sets his unblinking eyes on me. Utter silence kicked in, even when the others were talking. It was like the world stopped just to let this moment commence. Jeff and I just stared, never looking away. Our gazes intensified, as I could feel the energy building up within him, and I'm sure he can feel mine too. This silence went on, although it screamed louder than words. I felt something spark, and I wasn't sure if it was hate or...that intoxicating feeling that made me so emotionally weak. It couldn't possibly be that. Not after what he did...

I realized that our eyes were still locked onto each other's and I abruptly turned away, pulling myself out my trance. Jeff was released from his too and he shook his head to focus on something else. He looked back at me, looked down, and muttered, ".....Nope." He started walking back out the way he came but Slenderman quickly shot out a tentacle in his direction and reeled him back from the door. Jeff grumbled at him and he crossed his arms. He glanced back at me and scoffed. "Elizabeth...," he said and I frowned. "Jeff...," I muttered and there was a moment of silence. After a while Sally spoke up and sang, "Awkward..."

Jeff face-palmed himself and sighed. Finally, someone broke the silence and Slendy said, "Anyways...why don't we prepare you two for the trip!"

"I still didn't agree to it," Jeff muttered.

"I didn't give you an option, child," Slendy growled and Jeff rolled his eyes. He muttered something under his breath, which Slendy must've heard. As Jeff went up the stairs and passed the corner, the tall faceless man whipped a tentacle at him, causing him to scream. I couldn't help but giggle quietly, and I blushed. I quickly stopped and tried to pat the blushes away.

A couple of minutes went by and Jeff came back downstairs, with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He walked to the front door and stood there, with crossed arms. Slender told me that it was time to get the car. I said good-bye to everyone and they bid me farewell. Sally was a little sad to have me leave so soon, but I told her that she would see me again. She had given me a smile and I felt a lot better about leaving.

We left out the door and Slendy grabbed a hold of me and Jeff, and teleported. We all ended up at my parents' house and Slendy ordered for me to pack up some things. I went inside and, sure enough, my dad was home. "Where've you been," my dad asked me as I walked in. I explained to him Slendy's plan and he seemed to grow glum. "I'll help you pack your stuff," he offered and he lead me upstairs so we could grab some things from my room, like clothes, toiletries, my laptop, anything that I thought I needed for this trip.

I could see the worry on my father's face as he folded up my clothes. I sighed and hugged him. He tensed up and I said, "I promise I will come back. You don't have to worry."

He gave me a soft smile and mumbled, "Thank you for assuring me, baby, but that's not the only thing I'm worried about."

"What else is there? I promise I'll come back, and maybe even bring grandma back too!" I said happily. His eyes sparked with sadness and he said, "That's the thing....I don't think I'd be ready to see her. I...I'm kinda scared...maybe even terrified. But, as long as you come back then I'll be happy again." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Now let's finish up so you can head out," he said and went back to preparing my clothes. I smiled and did the same.

After fifteen minutes, I managed to get all that I needed and my dad walked me to the door. "What are you going to tell mom," I asked him. He shrugged and said, "I'll figure something out. I'm sure she'll understand, but she might get a little upset about it." I nodded and said, "Make sure to tell her good-bye and I love you for me. I promise I will come back." My dad chuckled and ruffled my hair. "I know, baby-girl. I have faith in you. We'll be here, waiting for you." I gave him a big smile and I walked out the front door to go meet up with Jeff and Slender. Slendy teleported us again, and we ended up in an empty parking lot with only one car in it.

I looked around and didn't see Slendy anywhere so I assumed that this was it. Jeff and I glanced at each other, and sighed. We walked to the lonely car and I saw the car keys taped to the side of it. I yanked them off and went around to the driver's side. I unlocked the car's doors and I went inside. Jeff was seated and all that was left was to start up the car. It roared to life and I gripped the steering wheel tightly and looked over at Jeff. He just sat there, with his arms crossed, and a look of anxiety in his black eyes. "Are you ready?" I asked him. He shifted his eyes over to me and nodded. I sighed and stepped on the gas, to exit the parking lot.

[One Hour Later]

Jeff had found a map to Iowa in the dashboard, that either Slendy or Ben left for us, and also two wads of money for either one of us. Where the hell do they get the money? I'd rather not think about it. Jeff was in charge of the map while I was in charge of driving. We had made it out of town and out into open road, with very few buildings here and there. The sun was setting and the headlights of the car turned on to light the way. Jeff had told me to stop by a gas station so we could take a break. I filled up the car's fuel tank and ran inside the convenient store to get some snacks.

I went back into the car and tossed Jeff a can of Monster. He caught it and snapped the tab to open it. I had gotten one too, just to keep me going for a while. Jeff and I both took a sip of our drinks and sighed in unison. We chuckled but then quickly turned away. There was an awkward silence and then I got ready to drive again. I started up the car and we went back onto the road.

The farther we drove, the more the roads started getting a little confusing. Jeff kept eyeing the map and I groaned in frustration. "Why don't I get down and ask for directions?" I suggested, pointing to a little town up ahead. Jeff scowled and said, "No! I got this!"

I rolled my eyes and replied, "You obviously don't."

"Uh, yes I do! Look, I can figure this shit map out! Don't worry about it, Ellie!"

"What's with men and not asking for directions?!"

"Because we're men, and we can do this simple little task!"

"You make it seem like rocket science," I grumbled and he huffed. "Don't defy my intellectual skills. I'm smarticles..."


"Yeah! I said it! That's a word now." He exclaimed

I rolled my eyes again and asked, "Since when?!"

"Since now! Because I'm a man, and I can find the right directions!"

"No you can't!"

"Yes, I can! God dammit, map stop crumpling!!!" He growled and wiggled his arms out of frustration. A small smile tugged on my lips and I tried really hard to suppress it. Jeff eventually got things in order and we had no more directional problems. I lasted long enough for me to make it to another small town until I started drifting off. Jeff had woken me up by screaming and trying hard to steer the car back on track. I jerked awake and decided that it was time to sleep.

I parked the car at a motel and sighed. "You want to stay here?" Jeff asked, and eyed the building with a questioning look. I shrugged and muttered, "It's the only place around, and it's pretty decent."

"I don't like it....," he muttered. I frowned and said, "Well, deal with it, I'm paying for a room." I got out of the car and grabbed my bags. Jeff had no choice but to come along. He grabbed his duffle bag and pulled his hood up to cover his face. I went inside and paid for a room. The lady at the front desk gave me a key card and we went up to our room. I unlocked it and walked in, dropping my bags in the corner and sighing. Jeff came in and examined the room. I could tell he didn't want to be here.

His gaze dropped to the bed and he frowned. "Only one bed...," he muttered. We glanced at each other quietly, and suddenly pounced forward to try and claim the bed. I got on it first and pushed him off. "What the hell?!" He whined.

"I'm taking the bed tonight," I said and he scowled. "How come you get the bed?" He asked.

I mimicked him from earlier and said, "Because you're a man, and you're supposed to be tough. You can go one night without a bed, right you manly man?"

He frowned and got up with a huff. He went into the bathroom to change and I changed out in the room. As soon as I slipped on my shorts and got on the bed, Jeff came back out wearing sweat pants and a white muscle shirt. He decided to sleep on the cushion bench near the window instead, and shifted around to get comfortable. He barely fit in it and he had no choice but to curl up into a ball and sleep like that. He slipped on his sleeping mask and grumbled. I smirked and laid down to go to sleep.

As I was trying to sleep, I could hear Jeff shuffling on the bench and cursing under his breath. I opened my eyes to see him tangled in the blanket and he eventually just threw it all off. He sat up and crossed his arms, staring out the window with a frustrated look in his eyes. He sat like that for a couple of minutes and I could tell he was getting drowsy. I kept watching him, as he shifted around uncomfortably and tried to sleep sitting up but he couldn't. He nodded off and banged his head against the window, causing him to awake from his almost successful slumber.

I had had enough of seeing him this way and quietly sat up. I managed to make my way over to him and tapped his shoulder. He flinched and tensed up but relaxed once he saw me. "I thought you were sleeping," he said. I shrugged.

"You need to go to sleep, you've been driving for at least three hours, maybe more, and it's night time." he said and I ignored his suggestion. Instead, I grab him by the shirt collar and drag him off of the bench. He protests against whatever I was going to do but I didn't let him go. I took him around the bed and told him to stay put. Jeff just gave me a weird look as I gathered up all the pillows but two and lined them up on the center of the bed. I turned to Jeff and pointed to his side, "You only stay in this spot, got it? If I even see one finger on my side, I'll throw you right out the window." I shuffled over to my side and plopped down. I got under the covers, my back turned away from Jeff and I waited for him to get in the bed. I felt the mattress dip and the blankets shift as he laid down. After a few seconds of pure silence, he spoke up and told me, "Thanks..."

A small smile played at my lips and I said, "Shut up and go to sleep." Jeff didn't say anymore after that as he put on his sleeping mask and rested after the long day. I could tell he was still awake though. He kept shifting around, which was what he did when he was awake yet trying to act like he's sleeping. It's quite stupid, but it's cute.

No it's not.

Wait, why'd I say cute? Get your shit together, Elizabeth. You're just really tired from today. I dug my face into the pillow and closed my eyes, finally feeling tranquil. Little did I know that Jeff still snores slightly. His soft snores kept me awake and I sighed. I can't believe I used to go to bed with that echoing around. As he kept snoring, he made a loud one and jerked slightly. I couldn't help but giggle quietly and listen to his breathing. The rhythmic sounds calmed me down for some reason and I eventually feel asleep to it. As I slept, a nostalgic feeling lingered, as it seemed like everything was how it used to be. But I knew, that it wasn't.


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