Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Jeff's POV

I was out with Toby, searching for a ride back home. So far we've had no luck. We haven't found a car capable of working. Whenever we did find a car it would be broken and rusty. Neither Toby or me have the skills to fix one nor do we have the money for it, so we give up on those. Today we didn't find anything so we decided to turn in and hope to have some luck tomorrow. We can't stay here any longer. Elizabeth's parents need to see her and we need to be back before time runs out. I still remember Death's warning. Zalgo won't wait up, he told me. And we're anything but prepared right now. So we need to hurry, before Zalgo decides to drop in uninvited.

We walked back to the house and went in. I grunted as I plopped down onto the couch and brushed my hair back. "I'm gettin' tired of coming up with nothing," I sighed. Toby nodded and said, "Me too." He walked into the kitchen and I was left alone in the living room.

I got up and walked down the hall to check in on Elizabeth. She's still resting from yesterday. I walk into her room and see Maribel there, injecting a dose of morphine in her arm. I closed the door behind me and whispered, "Is she doing okay?"

Maribel nodded and said as she put the needle away, "Yes. She woke up earlier but was still too weak so she fell unconscious again." I nodded, internally scolding myself for having not been here when it happened. Maribel turned to me and said, "I'm going. Would you like to stay with her?"

"Yes," I said a little too eagerly. She smirked a little and left the room, leaving only me and Ellie. I took off my jacket to put it over the chair I would sit in. I sat down and looked over at Elizabeth's calm, sleeping face, anticipating the moment she wakes up. I looked down and twiddled my thumbs. She looks worn out. She's been through so much and I don't want to cause more problems for her either. I want to stop fighting and having awkward tensions between us. I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend again. She may say no or, she may say yes, but I'll still try.

I put my head down on the edge of her bed and sigh. Drowsiness soon took over me and I was losing to sleep. I didn't fight it though, I've have a long day today. So I fell asleep.


I woke up, feeling better and less tense. I yawned and stretched out my arms over my head. I looked down at Elizabeth...who was waking up too.

I nearly squealed with excitement and watched and waited for her to fully wake up. She scrunched up her nose as she rubbed her tired eyes. Cute. Her eyes fluttered open and, to my relief, they were ocean blue. The same ocean blue I love. She opened her mouth to yawn, her whine ending high pitched. So cute. She immediately directed her eyes towards me, being as I was the only other person in the room. She stared at me for a while, giving me a puzzled look. Her face went blank for a couple of seconds until she scowled.

"Don't talk to me," she said. I gave her a confused look for a bit and then remembered what happened. Damn. "Look, Ellie, just hear me out-."

"No!" she said.


"I said no! So don't talk to me! Get out! Now!"

I was hurt. But so was she. And I know trying to reason with her when she's like this would be useless. So I got up and walked out to give her some space. Guess I won't be asking her out anytime soon. I was only drunk. It was a mistake. It meant nothing. But I guess to her it meant everything. I rub the back of my neck and sigh sadly. I'm such a dumbass.

Elizabeth's POV

As soon as I heard Jeff's footsteps fade as he walked down the hall, I cried in frustration. That son of a bitch. How could he have had sex with that Jane girl? And he was drunk too! Douchebag! Actually, I feel bad for Jane. Having to deal with that prick. When was this anyways? Better have been a long time ago. If not then I'm going to kick his sorry ass!

I cried, wiping away tears and scolding myself for crying in the first place. Why am I so bothered by it? It was only a stupid drunk thing that Jeff did and it pisses me off! Why? I have no reason to get so worked up over this. It's not like I'm jealous. It's not like I wanted Jeff all to myself. It's not like I wanted to be his first. I shouldn't even be thinking about that stuff at this age! I know I'm a teenager but still! I'm not jealous. It just disgusts me, that's all.

I don't like him so I shouldn't be worried about him or what he does to anger me. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm just lying to myself. I do care. But obviously he doesn't. Not anymore, at least.

I groan, sitting up carefully and wiping off the last of my tears. I close my eyes, trying to calm myself down. But I only end up getting more stressed out. I saw flashes of things. I saw myself, as a little girl, running through the woods, laughing, playing tag. The memory flashed to when I got lost and was running aimlessly. Another flash. I was falling down that creek. Flash. I fell and a disgusting, bone-chilling crack erupted in my ears. My head was bleeding and I was dying in that creek. This...this didn't happen. I only twisted my ankle. Why am I...dying?


That voice. That deep, nearly demonic sounding voice. He asked for a deal. I accepted.


I looked at my hands. They were bleeding, withering, bones exposed for me to see. Then they grew back flesh and the cycle repeated over and over again. Each time, my blood becoming darker and darker until it was black. What is this...?!


Destruction. People dying. Corrupted. Sanity doesn't exist anymore. H...Him... He smiles. His image flickering. Human form. True form. Human form. True form. Eyes as red as blood. He's enjoying this apocalypse. He's the one who commenced it. His laughter, deep, evil, insane. His voice. It's him. "I'm so proud of you, darling. Reborn into a fine little devil, aren't you? Our deal paid off well." He cackled maniacally and everything got worse and worse and worse.

I shot my eyes wide open and gasped loudly. What was that? I hyperventilated, the first time in a long time, and checked my hands. They were okay, normal, flesh intact and no blood or bones. I was so freaked out, I almost thought that was real. Why...? Why did I see that? That memory wasn't correct. That supposed deal was never made. And...that apocalypse can't happen. I can't let it. And out of all the people I can think of, I can only guess that the man...the monster I saw was Zalgo. Maribel was right. I nearly went insane just seeing his true form, and we weren't even close in person. It's going to be much worse. My head hurts now and my limbs felt like stone, burning stone. I was cold yet burning a fever. I felt like Jell-o yet I was as tense as iron. Flashes still danced around my vision but I saw no more macabre scenes. Out of all the things I saw and the things I'm feeling right now, one thing is on my mind.

What's happening to me...?

Jeff's POV

It's been a couple of days. Elizabeth still doesn't want to speak with me but I need to. I'm getting worried for her. She gets jittery and paranoid more and more frequently. Maribel says that she's burning up yet she doesn't have a fever. Sometimes she stays up late and mumbles things to herself. 'Stop it', 'Don't think about it', 'I'm okay', 'It'll stop', 'Leave me alone'. We're all worried. Especially Maribel. Since she was so freaked out about that hand thing she's been keeping close eye on Elizabeth, making sure she doesn't lose it and go on a rampage. She hasn't shown any signs of dementia but I have a feeling that something is definitely wrong.

I was outside, enjoying the snow and taking a break from all the work I've been busting my ass with. I miss everyone back home. Especially Smile. I bet he was so excited when he saw the snow. I hope Ben has been taking him outside lately to enjoy it. I miss my loyal, canine companion. We could be rolling around in the snow together. Smile would probably try eating it and I'd watch and laugh. God I miss everything so much. I haven't killed since we got here. How long has it been? At least...two weeks without killing? That's the longest I've gone without slaughtering. Damn. I need to let off some steam too. But getting back home is more important than killing right now.

I stay outside for a bit more, until I've had enough and went back inside the house. Toby and Maribel were dressed to go outside and I asked, "Where are you guys going?"

"I'm heading out for work," Maribel said briefly.

"And I'm going out to find a car. Today, you should take a break," Toby explained himself. I nodded, not really wanting to take a break from our work. He hadn't taken a break either, but then again Toby's practically on drugs most of the time. His blood might as well be energy drinks. Maybe it is...

I sit down and watch the both of them leave. Before closing the door, Maribel said, "Take care of Elizabeth while we're gone. Keep an eye on her." I nodded and she finally left. I sat in the living room, house silent, warm and cozy. I sigh, getting up from the couch and walking down the hall. I put my jacket away in my room and then go to Ellie's to check on her. I peer in and see her talking on the phone. Probably calling her parents.

"I wish I could be there to celebrate your promotion, dad," she said, smiling sadly. She stayed silent and then spoke up again, "I miss you too, dad," she murmured. She paused again. "Yeah, tell mom I said hi for me. ......... I love you too dad. Bye." She hung up the phone and set it down on the nightstand beside her bed. She sighed, hanging her head sadly and I saw something twinkle on her cheek. It was a tear. A feeling of sadness and guilt washed over me. I should be with Toby, looking for cars than staying here doing nothing. I have to help her. But I can't leave. I have to take care and protect Ellie, quite possibly from herself. I walk away and retreat to my room, thinking of ways to try and relax once again. So far, I got nothing.


Maribel and Toby have been gone for five hours now. Ellie hasn't come out of her room yet but I've asked if she needed anything. The answer was all the same: "I'm fine".

I'm seriously getting a little annoyed by this. She's not herself. I think it's high time that I talk to her straight up! Oh, but what of she rage modes on me? No, Jeff, man up and go for it!

I start walking down and hall and was about to knock on the door and it opened and Ellie stepped out. She bumped into me and we both apologized frantically. We stopped and she walked to the living room. I followed her out and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

There it is again. I try something different. "Is there anything you need?"

"I'm fine."

I frown slightly and ask, "What would you like to do?"

"I'm fine."

Son of a bitch. I walk in front of her and block her. She looks up at me and frowns. "What's the matter?" she asks, annoyed.

"Finally, you say something other than 'I'm fine'," I groan. She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You haven't been talkative lately and it's bugging the hell out of me," I explain.

"Well, maybe I'm just not talkative with you," she remarked. I frowned and said, "Now what's that supposed to mean?"

"You know exactly what it means," she said, putting her arms down. "I told you I didn't want to talk to you. What do you not understand about that?"

"I'm only trying to help you," I growl slightly. She looked away from me. "You're only making matters worse."

"Is this about that thing that happened between me and Jane?" I asked suddenly. She frowned harder and stayed quiet. "Oh my god it is...." I mutter.

"Of course it is!" she snapped. "What else do you think this is about?! Huh?"

"It's not that big of a deal-."

"It is to me!" she yelled, tears of frustration threatening to fall from her eyes. "You," she started, "are a pain in the ass and you never stop! You frustrate me! You tease me! You do everything that I hate! Take Jane for example."

"Okay," I start, "I was only drunk! And this was two years ago! Two years!"

"And you think the whole drunk thing makes your pleads any better?" she retorted. "I can't believe you'd be that low."

"I was going through some rough things okay? Drinking was an escape."

"And it ended up getting you screwed, literally," she hissed.

"Why do you have such a problem with this? Are you jealous?!" I ask, irritated.

She glared at me and said, "Fuck no! Why would I be jealous over you after the hell you put me through these past couple of days?! I have a problem with it because you did it with that Jane girl. I don't like her but I feel sorry for her, because she put up with you!"

"Stop bringing her up! This isn't about her!"

"I know it isn't but she seems to be in everything that screwed us up!"

"The only reason we screwed up is because of you and your stupid hot shot friend, who is now, fortunately, dead! And guess who's fault it was? Yours!!!"

The look on her face told me that I had crossed the line. Her fists were clenched, face red with anger, and eyes full of sadness and anger. I was almost waiting for them to turn red again. But instead she raised up her hand and slapped me, straight across the face. My head jerked to the side and just stood there, dumbfounded. Elizabeth was glaring at me with so much hatred I nearly whimpered. She hissed, "Don't you ever, EVER...bring that up again. If you do I will fucking kill you."

I sneered and said, "Is that a threat?"

"No shit, Sherlock," she growled. I frowned harder and said, "Well, maybe bringing it up is for your own good. I'd like to remind you why I dumped you in the first place until you feel sorry."

"Don't. You. Dare!" she hissed menacingly.

"You fucked up," I started. Stop. "You ruined another thing just like you ruined everything else." -What are you doing?- "You're a complete screw up and you can't go one day without being punished for it." -Stop it!- "No wonder everybody at your school doesn't like you. You ruin everything. And you even got some poor guy killed because you were too wreck-less to consider the consequences!" -Shut up!- "You're too stupid, too naive, and too dense to have a perfect life. You deserve all the shit you've been through because you never fucking learn from it." -STOP!!!- "You're meant to be a punching bag, a weak piece of shit and a fuck up. So there you have it! You're a danger to everyone around you and you'll only drag people down with your bullshit. It's a wonder your still alive. And I regret hesitating to kill you the moment I saw you." You fucking dumbass!!!

Ellie just stood there, staring at me, anger faltering. I stared back and watched her, waiting for her to say or do something. And gradually, tears welled up in her eye and she let them fall, though she didn't make a sound. Why? How could I have said such things? I shouldn't have said all of that. Now I only made matters worse between us. I was about to apologize to her when she screamed, "You son of a bitch!" and shoved me away.

I frown and say, "Don't shove me-!"

"Shut up!" she said and shoved me again.

"Quit it and calm down-!"

"I said SHUT UP!" she screamed and slapped me again. I was getting angry, really angry. I shouted, "Calm the fuck down!!!"

"Fuck you!" she shoves me again. I had enough of this. So I did something that I knew was morally wrong for a man to do to a woman. I slapped her.

The sound echoed throughout the house and I immediately regretting doing it. I was afraid. Her head jerked to the side and she had a look of disbelief plastered across her face. It was deathly silent and my anxiety grew and grew with each deafening second. Elizabeth shook and muttered, "Y...Y-You hit me...."

"E-Ellie I didn't mean to-."

She lunged at me and punched me across the face over and over again. I grabbed her wrists and pushed her away but she was quick. She punched my side and my anger ignited and took over, despite that I didn't want it to. I punched her and she stumbled back from the hit. That only made her more enraged and she pounced on me. We rolled on the floor, throwing punches, jabs, and scratches along the way. The part of me that was longing for this to stop was locked away and the part of me that was angered took control of everything I did. I grabbed Elizabeth's hair and pinned her down to the floor. She growled and choked me while she punched too. She suddenly kneed my stomach and I let her go. She got up and kicked me to the floor. Ellie got on top of me and started punching me but I threw her off. She quickly got up but I punched her to send her back down. She kicked my legs and I went falling. Ellie was about to pin me down again when I kicked up and hit her stomach. She went stumbling back into the kitchen and I got up to follow her in.

She was leaning against the counter top, holding her stomach. I walked over to go and punch her when she suddenly grabbed a pan from the dish rack behind her and struck me across the face with it. Immense pain coursed through the side of my head and I growled. I had stumbled to the side and Ellie decided to take this chance to strike. Before she could hit me again I grabbed her by the hair and pushed her down, her head striking the counter top and she fell against the cabinets under it. The pan fell out of her hand and clattered to the floor with a loud bang. I grabbed it, raised it up and struck her across the face with it over and over again.

Ellie was spitting up blood but that didn't keep her from grabbing the pan, pulling me down and head butting me. I groaned and stumbled to the side to regain my vision. Elizabeth took this time to kick me on my side and on my face. As soon as I got my senses back, I shoved her back against the counter and reached for a knife on the dish rack. I raised it and stabbed her shoulder, making blood gush out from the wound and making her scream in pain. She shoved me back, yanking the knife out of my hand along the way, and stabbed me with it too. I growled and slapped her to get her away from me. I ran at her but she tripped me in the process and I hit the refrigerator instead. She ran up, grabbed me, opened the refrigerator door and put my head inside to slam the door against my head repeatedly. I managed to stop the door before it hit me a seventh time and I yanked myself out her grip. During this, I grabbed a glass from inside and smashed it against her head. Glass shards flew everywhere and she screamed. She punched me across the face once more until I was fed up again. I tackled her out of the kitchen and into the living room, the both of us tumbling over one of the couches and crashing into the coffee table, breaking it in the process. I was on top of her, punching her again and again. She grabbed a piece of broken wood and smashed it against my face. A gash was made and blood splattered on us. She pushed me off and started beating me too. Though gradually, both of us got weaker and weaker. I managed to build up enough strength to push her off and she fell next to me. But she didn't get up, she only laid there and panted heavily.

We laid there for what seemed like hours, breathing heavily and aching with pain. After a while I heard what sounded like crying coming from her. I looked over but instead of crying she had a smile on her face. She was...laughing.

I gave her a weird look and she looked at me too. She looked bruised, bloody and exhausted....but she looked beautiful. She looked truly happy for the first time in a long time. I asked, "What the hell are you laughing about?"

She chuckled and said, "I don't know." I stared at her for while, until I snickered and started laughing too. We both sounded like a bunch of mental patients and we didn't stop. After a while our laughter died down and we took some breathers again. My stomach ached both from laughing and straining myself too, but I didn't care. As I stared up at the ceiling I heard Ellie say, "I'm sorry."

I look over at her and say, "Wh...What?"

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry about everything. Our fights, our breakup, everything that happened between us. It was all my fault and I took it out on you when you didn't deserve it. I got Travis killed, I ruined our relationship and I got us both beaten bloody just now. And I'm sorry for not being responsible and admitting that it was all my fault. And you're right. I am a screw up. I probably do deserve all the shit I've been through too. But I try to fix everything even though I make things worse. I never meant to hurt you and I just hope that you can forgive me. It's fine if you don't, I understand, but like I said, I tried. Please, keep that in mind."

I looked at her again, and saw a glum look in her eyes. I smile slightly and say, "I know you try. don't screw up. I just keep you from fixing what's broken. And I'm sorry. It's not just your fault. I screwed up a lot of other things too. Like when I broke up with you. I was too upset to forgive you, even though I should've. This wouldn't have happened if I just forgave you for what now seems like a little mistake. And I'm sorry for hurting your feelings throughout the days. I just didn't want you to see how upset I was so I covered up my emotions by being a total jerk. I thought you hated me and I'm sure you still do, but I just didn't want to be seen as weak when I'm supposed to be strong for you. I'm so sorry for the things I've done too. And I hope you'll forgive me too."

She turned to me and mumbled, "Y...You thought I hated you...?" I nodded and she shook her head. "Jeff...I don't hate you. I didn't mean it when I said it. I thought you hated me. So that's why I was being a bitch so you wouldn't hurt me further. And you're right, I was jealous over the fact that Jane was your first." I smirked and she caught it. "N-Not that I wanted to be! ANYWAYS! I'm really sorry for hurting you and betraying you when you've done so much for me. But I could never hate you, no matter what stupid thing you've done, did or will do. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry."

"Okay, sorry."

"Stop saying sorry."

She nodded and said, "....sorry."

I chuckled and she smiled. We laid there for a few seconds more in silence. After a while I spoke up and said, "So...we don't hate each other...?" She looked at me and mumbled, "I guess so..."

I nodded and we laid there for a few more minutes. Suddenly something brushed up against my hand and I had a feeling that it was what I think it is. It brushed more and more against my hand and held on, and so did I. I looked down to see that I was right. Ellie's hand was holding on to mine and my emotions ran wild. She made it all the more better by intertwining our fingers, slowly and softly, like she was hesitant. She shouldn't be. I almost forgot how soft her skin was, how warm her touch was. I missed it. And now it was within my reach again. I looked at her and saw a lovely pink hue on her luscious face. The same shade I love. It was there again. She turned to me and my heart skipped a beat. Her eyes, full of longing and beauty stared at me. The look I dearly loved and embraced. It was all there again. This is it. I know it is.

Without warning or hesitation, I sprung up and got on top of her, surprising her in the process. I looked directly into her eyes, nearly swooning over them. I knew what I had to do. With some bravado I said, "I still love you!" The look in her eyes was priceless, but I saw another look too. Relief. I felt the same. Thank god. She smiled brightly and said, "I still love you too!" I couldn't help but let joy overflow my entire state of mind. I'm hopelessly and utterly in love with this girl. I leaned down and, finally, placed my lips on her's. The world seemed to fade away from consciousness. Nothing else mattered but this one moment. The 'butterflies' in my stomach were going crazy and my heart was nearly ready to burst from the joy I was feeling right now. I didn't care if I was bleeding and bruised, I didn't care that I was aching all over, I didn't care for anything else but Ellie. This is it. She's all mine and only mine. And I'll never let her go.

This isn't exactly a perfect fairy tale kiss. We're bloodied and bruised, laying on a broken coffee table and the only thing similar to a fairy tale kiss was the kiss. But that doesn't matter. This is the most perfect moment that anyone could have. I'm in love. And that's all that matters. I have my girl again. My one and only. My true love. My Sunshine. I couldn't ask for anything better.

I pulled away and looked down to see an adorable sight. Ellie was blushing but smiling. I leaned down and put my head against her's, sharing a moment of embrace and peace together. But we were interrupted by the front door opening and the sound of Maribel's voice saying, "Holy crap...!" We looked up and saw her and Toby standing in the doorway. Maribel had a look of disbelief on her face and said, "M-My coffee table..!" Toby just stood there, shifting awkward and twitching too. Ellie and I stared back, frozen in our position. Maribel closed her eyes and massaged her temples. "Toby," she started, "let's go through the back door."

"But we're already insi-."

"I said let's go to through the back door, boy!" she exclaimed and started marching out of the house. Toby sighed and followed, closing the door behind them. I almost felt relieved until I remembered where the back door was. "Oh shi-."

"My fucking kitchen!!!" Maribel shrieked and I could hear Toby sigh. Ellie and I looked at each other and I offered, "Wanna bail?"

"Yup," she said and we both got up, but were stopped from our escape by Maribel snatching us by the back of our shirts and she said, "Get back here! Don't think I'm gonna let you two run off after the mess you made. Get your asses over here!" She dragged us into the kitchen, both of us frowning stubbornly and muttering incoherent words. We just had to fight, didn't we? But one good thing came out of it. I looked over at Ellie and she turned to me. Maribel dropped us and I asked, "Will you be my girlfriend again?" Ellie's face flushed red and her smile was wide and bright. She nodded and said. "Yes-."

A broom hit her head and she groaned. I looked up just in time to see Maribel get a mop and slap it in my face. "Get to work, you two," she ordered, "I wanna see this kitchen sparkle by nine!"

Ellie and I protest in unison, "But-!"

"No excuses!" Maribel stated and walked out of the kitchen, Toby following her out. I sigh and we both get up from the floor. I looked at Elizabeth and said, "Well...let's get started. What do you say...Sunshine?" Ellie beamed at me and jumped, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me sweetly. She pulled away, leaving me breathless and blushing, saying, "I love you so much." I smiled like an idiot and went to kiss her again, but as soon as our lips touched, Maribel came in and sprayed us with a spray bottle full of water like we were cats. "No!" she scolded and sprayed us again.

"Dammit woman!" I exclaimed, "We just got back together! Let us love in peace!"

"No!" she scolded and sprayed me in the face. I grumble and start mopping, earning a scolding from Maribel. "You call that mopping, boy?! Do it right!" Ellie seemed to find some entertainment in Maribel's scoldings for me. But she was happy again. And that's all that matters.

"Put your back into it!"

"Shit lady!" I exclaimed and mopped my little heart out. I've never worked so hard in my life! Damn! But I at least have Ellie to look forward to. Hopefully I don't drown in the water Maribel sprays at me every five seconds! But despite this and me and Ellie's make-up was a great day.

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