Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

This girl named Jane grinned at me and held onto my arm tightly as she took me away from the market and into a secluded area where no one resided. I didn't have a good feeling about this. I should've kept the pendant and never spoke to her. Hell, I should've left it where it fell! But I didn't and right now I really, really regret it.

Jane stopped me and turned to look at me. She reached up and cupped my face in her hands. They were cold, stinging my face. I couldn't look away from her. Her eyes wouldn't let me. They were completely black, a white glint in them. How did she come to look this way? Her skin was paper white, hair unnaturally black and lips a deadly raven hue. She smiled and said in her now seemingly taunting voice, "You look like a frightened puppy. How cute yet pitiful." Despite that sentence being an insult, her voice was mesmerizing. Look away. Can't look away.

"You know," she said, "you're quite naive for the proxy. Though I do admire your kindness and mannerly gestures, I have to say that you should be more careful with who you meet."

She took off my beanie and brushed my hair back, tugging on it slightly, moving my head back. She chuckled and said, "Now that I see you up close, I can see why that maggot of a killer, Jeffery, is so fond of you. You're quite the delectable sight. Though, looks don't matter right now."

She reached into her boot and pulled out a knife, sharpened and ready to cut. I tensed up and clutched my hands tight. She put the tip to my chin and traced it down to my collar bone. "Sad to see such a pretty thing go to waste out here in the cold, lonely snow." Jane gripped my wrist firmly and put the knife tip to my wrist. She traced circles around my mark and said, "And it'd be a shame to have such a remarkable symbol go to waste too." She cut into my skin and started circling the mark, trying to cut it out...! I gasped and tried yanking myself out of her grip but she slammed her fist against my neck and sent me into a wall. I choked and gagged as she held me back.

"If you keep squirming, I'll end up cutting your whole hand off. You wouldn't want that, now would you?" she hissed. I could only gasp for air, like a fish out of water. She kept cutting into my skin, already have made a semi-circle around my symbol. Before she could fully cut out the area of skin, she was tackled down by someone else. I took in a big breath of air and clutched my bleeding wrist to my chest. I looked up and smiled in relief. Jeff was there, getting up from the ground next to Jane. He was growling and sneering down at her like she was a parasite waiting to spread disease. She scowled and got up too, wielding her knife towards him. She smirked and remarked, "I wondered when you'd show you're grotesque face around here. Long time no see Jeffery."

Jeff only growled and took out a knife from his jacket pocket. Jane chuckled, the sound making Jeff flinch. He growled and said, " stay the Hell away from Elizabeth!"

"Why so protective, Jeff? Last time I knew, you two broke up. Why protect her if she hates you?" she taunted. Jeff turned to me and for a split second I saw reluctance then he shook his head and turned his attention back to Jane. "That doesn't matter right now," he growled, "I'm not going to let you get in the way like you did before!"

She smirked and said, "That Travis boy sure was fun to kill. I'm surprised you hadn't gone for him before I did."

My eyes widened and I exclaimed, "You killed Travis?!"

She nodded and said, "It was amusing to see you accuse Jeff of doing something so heinous. But it worked for a while, didn't it?"

"So you didn't kill Travis," I said to Jeff, "you were telling the truth."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you this whole time, god dammit!!!" Jeff snapped at me. I felt guilty and was about to apologize when Jane interrupted. "Shame on you Jeff, yelling at such a poor, adolescent girl. She just might be better off without you."

"Shut up," Jeff growled and tightened his grip on the knife.

"Did I strike a nerve?" Jane said smugly. Jeff was full of intense rage and he said, "If you don't shut the hell up I'll rip every last one of yours out...!"

"Rude," she muttered. Jeff started shaking out of fury and I called out his name. "What?!" he snapped at me again. I jumped at the tone of his voice and forgot how much it affected me. He realized his anger and he looked away. He looked up at Jane and said, "This time...this time I'm gonna kill you for good... And I'll make sure that when I'm done with you, you look like a pile of blood, sliced flesh and crushed bones!"

Jane chuckled and twirled her knife around in her hand. "Bring it on, blood-thirsty hawk." And with that, they charged at one another to commence a fight that would surely be bloody.

Jeff's POV

As soon as I made contact with Jane, I slashed at her chest. I cut her collarbone and she growled at me. She lunged out at me and managed to slash my side, causing blood to flow. It stung but I could care less. I swiped at her with my knife repeatedly, missing her as she dodged and ducked. She cackled at my effort and without any effort of her own, she stabbed my shoulder and jumped back. I growled in pain and charged after her. I tackled her down again and raised my knife to stab at her head. I managed to nick her cheek before she punched me and threw me off.

Damn, she's gotten stronger and faster from the last time I saw her! Doesn't matter. I'm gonna finally kill that bitch and make sure she stays dead! She's the worst mistake I've ever made!

I leaped forward and kicked up her legs from out under her. She falls on her back and I come up to kick her across the face. She screamed from the hit and slashes my skin. I wince and back away from her as she gets up. She frowned and hissed, "You're just as weak as ever. You can't even kick as hard anymore."

"You wanna test that theory?" I growled and she only smirked mischievously.

"I'd like to correct that theory!" she said as she ran up to me and punched me across the face. My head jerked to the side and I stabbed at her stomach. I only grazed her side but the wound bleed profusely. She huffed in frustration and kicked me back. I fell and she straddled me, raising her knife up above her head to strike down at me. I grabbed her throat and started strangling her, though she still pinned me down, still persisted. She choked and gagged and I groaned in effort to keep her knife away from my face. Jane flashed me a sudden smirk and cut into the hand that I was choking her with. I yelped and she was about to drive her knife into my forehead, when I caught her hand and held it back. She kept punching me with her other hand but I didn't let up. I finally built up the strength to push her off and pin her down. She growled but then chuckled in a amused tone. I scowled and hissed, "What's so funny?!"

She grinned and said, "Just had a bit of déjà vu."

"What are you talking about?!" I demanded from her.

"Don't you remember? Probably not, you were too drunk to do so."

My grip on her faltered and she kept at it. "You were drunk. You were angry. I was only an amateur at the time so you were 'dominant', as so you say you were, take it from here."

I tensed up and looked away from her, but I looked in the wrong direction. Elizabeth was clutching her fists, with a look of sadness, anger and disgust in her blue eyes. Was there...tears...? No...dammit...!

I give her a pleading look and say, "E-Ellie, she's just trying to mess with me! Don't believe a word she says! She's lying!"

"Says the one who is doing the actual lying," Jane retorted flatly. I smacked her and shouted, "Shut up!" She spit out blood and only smirked. I looked back at Elizabeth and tried to explain myself in the best way possible. "Please, Ellie, don't be mad at me."

"Oh, yeah. I definitely can't be mad at you. Especially since you nailed the girl who was about to skin me alive!" she shouted.

"No, Ellie, just listen to me and-!" Jane suddenly took the wrong time to punch me and throw me off once again. I coughed up blood and sneered up at Jane. She twirled her knife and smirked, taunting me. She walked up to me and kicked me in my side. I coughed and she did this over and over again. Recovering from my accident last week hasn't been easy, and this doesn't make it any better. She kicked me across the face, on the chest, knees, even my throat once. I had trouble breathing and my vision splotched with black. I glared up at Jane as she hissed, "You're a disgusting pig. You ruined my life and now I'm going to finish you for good! You've grown soft, Jeffery. You're half the killer you used to be. What ever happened to the sadistic murderer who shows no mercy? What happened to the man who said 'Leave no witnesses' and killed whoever would tattle, even though they did nothing to deserve death? What happened to the monster that killed police officers in front of their own loyal comrades? What happened to 'Jeff the Killer'? Hmm? Now you're just Jeff the pathetic wretch. You're not even worth my revenge anymore, but I'll still kill you. And I'll kill your little 'girlfriend' too. And just think of how upset she is with you. She must be so disappointed to know that she won't be your first, when I, unfortunately, was. Just a heads up, you were terrible."

That bitch. I was drunk! I couldn't coordinate properly! Why am I concerned over this anyways?! Shut up, Jeff! Ugh!!!

Before Jane could put me down like a dog, Elizabeth came and stabbed her side with her bracers. Jane screamed in pain and they both went tumbling to the ground. Elizabeth got on her and punched with such rage that I've never seen before. She screamed out curse words and just growled with intense wrath. Jane gripped her hands and shoved her off. Ellie quickly got up and kicked her up against the wall. Elizabeth kneed her over and over again, punching her and smacking Jane's head against the wall. I saw blood specks on the brick and was astonished by Ellie's brutality. I couldn't even fathom this scene. I was...proud. But ashamed too, because I'm proud. She was my innocent Sunshine, still is, and I never wanted her to be exposed to such cruel actions and situations. But seeing her like this is...ravishing. So brutal, riled up and defiant. It's exciting and attractive beyond a level of sexiness. Ugh, the feels... God, I want her. I can't even- ughhhhh.

My thoughts of manly arousal were interrupted by the sight of something I dreaded most ever since I first saw it. Elizabeth's eyes had turned red. Uh oh...

Elizabeth's POV

Kill, kill, kill.

That's all on my mind. Jane was the most infuriating human being I've ever met! Wretched bitch! I'm gonna bash her head in until she doesn't even have a brain anymore! I was filled with so much rage, so much energy, so much bloodlust! What am I doing? I'm about to kill a human being!

Kill, kill, kill!!!

I have to. She messed with the wrong girl! I don't fully blame her for having done Jeff but she was the one who brought it up! I know it was only directed to Jeff but it struck me like a goddamn baseball bat. But she's had enough, she's practically throwing up blood.


I...I will! I'm going to destroy her and then I'll destroy everything else! Yes. I will! Its so tempting! So joyous! I want it. I want the destruction! I want the end! And I'll start by killing Jane! "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I practically screamed and threw Jane on the ground. Before I could stomp on her rib cage, she tripped me and I fell back. She leaped on me and swiped her knife at me. I blocked, earning similar cuts across my forearms. I punched her nose and blood spurted onto my fingers. She screamed in anger and pain and stabbed my shoulder. I roared in rage and flipped us over. I wrapped my hands around her pale neck and choked her while I smacked her head against the ground. Jane gagged and stabbed my arm. I screamed and let go of her, jumping off of her and backing away. I clutched my bleeding arm and sent some spear heads at her. She dodged only two, and one impaled her calf. She shrieked in immense pain and I only laughed at her agony. I retracted the spear heads, and the one that struck her was yanked out, sending a trail of blood to follow its path, making her scream even more. I charged at her and swiped my blades at her body. She dodged, but her wounded leg was slowing her down a bit. Before I could slit her throat, she swiped her knife at my face and I screamed. I felt around and touched the cut that ran along my jaw. I grit my teeth and went after her once again. This time, she kicked me across the face as I ran up to her, splitting the cut on my jaw. She started advancing on me, punching, kicking, jabbing and cutting me. I was starting to slow down myself.

I took hit after hit, feeling Jane's anger and frustration grow. She was enraged by having been so disheveled by me. Well, now I'm starting to feel the same. She kicked me to the ground and I spit up blood. My eye twitched and I slowly got up but Jane came up and kept me down. She kicked me across the face as she growled, "I have never met someone as foul as you!" -a kick to the face- "You stupid, little girl! You're weak!" -a kick to the chest- "Disgusting! How dare you disable me?!" -a kick to the throat- "I'm going to make you bleed every last drop and skin you like the pig you are!" -a kick to the face once more- "You're nothing but a little shit and that's all you'll EVER be!!!"

That was it. Something in me snapped, sparked, and ignited into something so intense that I couldn't handle it anymore, couldn't contain it, restrain. With a loud scream of anger and hatred I got up and stomped on the ground, sending a scarlet hue of light across the ground. Jane yelped and stumbled to the ground, the energy keeping her down. It took me a while to finally realize that I had used the shockwave spell without even trying. But then something else happened too. Everything went dark for a few seconds and then my vision was back. The only difference was that the dark hand was back. It was macabre yet it gave me sense of joy and eagerness. It swayed, ready to maul and destroy. Destroy. I cackled maniacally and raised up my actual hand. It mimicked my movement and I hissed to Jane, "I'm going to kill you and maul you like the prey you are and I'm going to enjoy it!!!" Jane only stared at me in utter horror. I kept cackling and I moved my hand to make a punching gesture. The dark hand did the same and nearly rammed into Jane, if she hadn't leaped out of the way at the last second. It smashed the ground and I growled at having missed. I swatted at Jane, causing her to panic and dodge my attacks with frantic effort. I just kept trying to hit her with the dark hand. Finally, she ran out of places to run to and I grabbed her at last. The dark hand lifted her up and I squeezed. She screamed in pain, tears falling from her black eyes. I'm going to crush her. I'm going to destroy her.

I'll destroy everything!!!

She had trouble breathing and I heard a few things crack and pop, earning a few chuckles from me here and there. She stopped breathing and tears fell silently. I want her to die.

Every last one of them will die.

Yes! Every single disgusting human being will die! I'll destroy them all. They'll all die!

Kill, kill, KILL!!!!

I want the destruction!

I want the insanity!

I want the death!


My sudden adrenaline was interrupted by a weapon flying at my dark hand, puncturing it and sending a jolt of pain to the same spot on my own hand. I let go of Jane, leaving her to fall to the ground with a thud. She didn't move nor did she scream from the impact. Did I succeed?

I looked at the weapon lodged in my dark hand and frowned. It was a hatchet. I recognize it. Before I could contemplate what was going on, I heard someone shout and I turned to see who it was. As soon as I did, I saw a figure raise up another hatchet and smack the butt of it against my head. I blacked out.

Jeff's POV

"Shit!" I exclaimed and sprang up to my feet. "Toby?!" I said. He had managed to catch Elizabeth before she fell to the ground and he huffed. I ran up to them and looked at Ellie's face. She had cuts and bruises but otherwise she'll be fine. I went to go check on Jane but someone was already there. Maribel was checking her pulse and she sighed in, somewhat, relief. Thank god they came. I ran up to the old lady and asked, "Is she dead?" She shook her head and got up. I looked down and winced. Jane was beaten bloody. I couldn't even do this much damage to her. Some of her bones must be broken too. What the hell happened? Dammit. This wouldn't have happened if I had just stuck with Ellie. I wanted to offer to walk with her, but I wussed out at the last second.

I looked at Maribel's now scowling face and asked, "What's wrong?" She snapped her attention towards an unconscious Elizabeth, scowling harder. Her face darkened with dread and anger, making her look grim. "That...thing...that she had been controlling. Why does she have it?" I shook my head and replied truthfully, "I don't know. I have no idea what it is either-."

"Oh I know what it is...." She growled slightly, "I'm just wondering why she has it."

I shrugged and she gave me an exasperated look. She looked down at Jane, thinking hard. "Toby," she called out. The twitching man set Elizabeth down and came over. "Take this girl to the hospital and drop her off at the emergency entrance. They'll take her and treat her."

"But won't they be freaked out? She doesn't exactly have a normal look," Toby stated reluctantly. Maribel huffed and said, "That doesn't matter. She's not our business. Whoever handles her, handles her. That's that. Now do as I said and take her away." Even though her tone was calm, I felt frightened by her defiance. Toby nodded and picked up Jane, running off out of sight of people to avoid trouble. I turned to Maribel as she said, "Take Elizabeth. We're going home."

I did as she said and picked Elizabeth up, bridal style. She was out cold. We started making our way back to the house and as I walked I asked, "What do you know about that thing? Why do you seem so disgusted by it?"

"Because it's evil, that's why," she said quickly. I frowned and asked again, "Why is it evil?"

"Jeff, just shut it and walk," she snapped and I stopped talking. What's got her so upset? I scowled and kept my head down as we walked back to the house.


Maribel quickly treated Ellie as soon as we had gotten home and she fixed me up too. I was sitting on my bed, examining my bandaged wounds. I can't take one break from pain, can I? I sighed and laid down, careful to avoid more pain. I grunted and relaxed, but then my door opened and in stepped Maribel. She shut the door behind her and ordered for me to sit up. "God dammit I just laid down," I whined and sat up. "Suck it up, buddy," she said, "we need to talk." I eyed her suspiciously. She looked pissed off but as I looked closer I could see that the anger was actually anxiety and fear. This worried me.

" don't know what that thing is, do you?" She asked me. She was referring to that weird hand Elizabeth had. This is the second time I've seen it and it still terrifies me. It's unnatural and it feels...bad. Maribel was still waiting for my response and I shook my head. She sighed and rubbed the back of her neck in stress. "Would you mind explaining to me what it is, since you seem to know?" I asked. She glared at me slightly and said, "I'm not sure if it's just a new proxy thing or not. It could be...but He has it."

"Who has it?" I demanded, growing concerned. She froze and shuddered from just thinking about whoever this he is. She took in a deep breath and said, "You wouldn't know because you've never met him. This he is...Zalgo..." At the mention of that wretched name, I cringed. He has what Elizabeth has? What's that supposed to mean? "So that thing of Zalgo's weapons? Why does Elizabeth have it?"

"I don't know. All I do know is that when she's got that thing whipped out she's going to destroy anything she can get her hands on. You saw her, didn't you? She practically lost it! That thing is either affecting her or it's an accommodation to her wrath. Listen, you need to keep that from happening again, do you understand? You cannot let that thing be summoned! Once it's out, she'll destroy everything, even you."

"Y-You don't know that," I muttered. She sighed and massaged her temple. " me, okay? Whatever is happening to Elizabeth isn't normal, and we're going to have to figure it out eventually. For now, let's just stay out of anymore trouble."

I nodded hesitantly, not wanting to drop the subject. I want to know why Elizabeth has one of Zalgo's said skills. And I want to know why her eyes do that weird shit and why she gets so crazy. Is she....corrupted? No she couldn't be. If she was she would've been looking like a zombie by now. She would've tried infecting me and Maribel and Toby and everyone else she can find. I would've had to kill her by now...

But she's not and she never will be. Whether she hates me or not I'm still her protector. I have to keep her safe, even if she can do it herself.

Maribel had walked out of my room and closed the door, leaving me in silence, leaving me alone with my anxious thoughts. I heard the front door open and the sound of Toby's voice echoed through the house. I was too dazed to pay attention to what he was saying. I have to figure out what's happening to Elizabeth. I can't let her go crazy. That's an option that should never, ever be an option. If I'm going to keep her safe then I'm going to have to figure this all out. I won't let her go crazy. I won't.


#sweg xD

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