Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I woke up in my bed, nicely tucked in. I even had an old plushie set next to me that I kept in my closet. It was around six o'clock, mom must be back home and making dinner. I sit up and look around. Jeff and Smile arem't here anymore. I hold my head because of the flash of pain that went through the side. I groaned and looked at my desk. My paper bag and pills were on there and also a note. It looked like those notes that I read before Jeff came out today. I slipped out of bed and picked up the note. It read 'I put you to bed as soon as you passed out on me. I don't know what you were going on about before you hyperventilated but I know that I should back off for now. So don't force yourself. You're weak right now. Also you might have a cold too so take some medicine or whatever. That's all I wanted you to know. See you around Ellie! P.S. Don't end up like those sexually active teens. I will shun you until the day you die! -Jeff''. I couldn't suppress my giggle and smile. He's weird. But I am too. And...maybe that's a good thing.


The next day I went to school with a horribly stuffy nose. Jeff was right, I do have a cold. And it sucks. The neighbors found out about their dog. They claimed maybe a bear or wolf from the nearby forest came in and attacked their poor dog. If only they knew what really did the damage. I was in algebra with Ian. Things between us were still a bit touchy. We barely talked at all the past couple of minutes. Usually he blabs away! I look at him and he doesn't look back. He's too busy taking notes. I take a deep breath and say, "So...any new creepy stories to spread around to scare the weak hearted?" He smirks and finally looks at me straight. "Yes but I won't use that story until later on once Halloween starts kicking in." I smile. "Tell me," I pleaded. He shook his head. "Sorry short stack. You're just gonna have to wait." I pouted and he chuckled. At least he hasn't changed his love for trickery and his love to just annoy me to hell. I write down a couple notes when he grabs my hand and moves down my sleeve slightly to see my mark. He gives me a concerned look and sighs. I pull it down and gulp. He's still a bit upset though.

Algebra was over as the bell rung a few minutes after. I headed to the cafeteria doors and met up with Addie and Johanna. Addie hasn't said a thing about me missing her call or the marks. I just hope she keeps it that way. I don't feel like explaining. We sit at the back, as usual and eat. Addie told us about an update she got during second period. Eight more people were killed now. Jeff is still roaming around I see. Could he be upset? That I yelled sat him? If he is then I'm the reason he's killing so many people. I don't want people to die on my account. That's unsettling to me in so many ways. I just hopes he stops soon or else this town will be completely wiped out.

Lunch ended eventually and I headed to the restroom. I don't like to go during class. I'm afraid I won't get important information while I'm gone. I head to the girls restroom and walk in when I see Maddy, Clare and Stephanie. I sigh. Maddy turns and smiles. "Oh hey Elizabeth! What are you doing here? You're not pretty enough to even bother checking yourself." Clare and Stephanie giggle at the remark and I frown. "Actually if I was insecure about my looks then I would frequently check to see if I appear interesting. But if I felt I looked more than decent or confident then I wouldn't even bother to take a glimpse at myself. So really you three are the insecure ones." Maddy sneers. "Don't get smart with us! You know this is a girls' bathroom. Not a pig pen!" They start laughing and I groan. I shouldn't have to deal with this. I wish Johanna was here to tell them off. "You three don't have to tell me twice. I was already leaving this Barbie fest," I muttered. I start towards the door when I hear Stephanie. "Hey Elizabeth, you gonna show us your 'tattoos'?" I stop. I knew she'd say something about them eventually. I turn to them and say, "They're not tattoos. They're just marks. And I think you should just worry about your own skin. By the looks of it you three need to."

"What now, bitch?" Maddy growled. I sighed again. Maddy frowns, "You think you're so smart huh? Well, no one likes a smart ass. That's why everybody hates you! Why are you so freakishly disgusting? You fat pig! Go purge or something." I glared at her. I know what purging is and it's not pleasant. To think that people like Maddy can bring down people like me so much we do that to ourselves. It's not something to even joke about. "I don't need to change myself to fit to your image. I like the way I am and I don't intend on changing that," I said. "I'm not the one people should hate. You guys are." I turn to open the door when I feel my hair yanked back. It's Maddy. She threw me away from the door. What if they beat me like in sixth, eighth, and ninth grade? I don't want that to happen. I have enough bruises already. Clare picks me up and yanks my hair. Stephanie grabs my bag and dumps my stuff on me, then shoving the bag in my face. Maddy comes over and grabs my face to pull it close to hers. "Well," she hisses, "once we're done with you you'll be the one hated that your own family despises you!" Then things got worse. Maddy starts slapping my face over and over while Stephanie kicks my side repeatedly. I tried so hard to keep back tears. I was about to yell at them when Maddy suddenly punches my gut. I choke for a spilt second and slump to the floor. Clare drags me to the wall and bangs my head against the wall. She called me names. 'Worthless'...'freak'...'ugly'...'reject'...'loser'...'weak'...'whore'... Everything you can think of.

She let me go and I wheezed slightly. Stephanie comes over and picks me up only to throw me against the sink counter. I try taking a breath but Maddy runs over and smashes my face into one of the mirrors. She starts shouting in my ear. "You're disgusting! You're a worthless piece of shit! You shouldn't even be alive! You don't belong here! You should die!" She throws me back to the floor and Stephanie stomps on my rib cage, bruising my torso. She stops and I take a breather. The tears already started coming and I couldn't control it. I sobbed unbearably and spit up blood too. They called my petty for crying. I tried to breathe when Stephanie came over and kicked me in the eye. That's when I lost it. I screamed and wailed. They all started bashing on me as I lay helpless on the floor. I closed my eyes, wishing someone could come and save me.

Then I hear the door open and then shouting. I open my eyes to see two security guards and a teacher. They took away Maddy, Clare and Stephanie. The teacher stayed behind to help me pick up my stuff. She helped me up and gave me a tissue. I looked at the mirror I was smashed in and saw a crack from the impact. And I looked horrible. My black eye was starting to form and my chin was dripping with spit up blood. I started to cry more. I looked horrid. Now next time they're going to beat me I will always think of sixth grade, eighth grade, ninth grade and now...eleventh grade too.


I was walking home. Before school ended I had a talk with the principal and counselor. They're suspending Maddy and her friends for three days. Apparently I'm not the only one they've been beating up the past couple of weeks. In my opinion they shouldn't get suspended. What good does it do? It's like vacation. Just a blind excuse to get out of school. If anything they should suffer more school or something. Boot camp maybe? Oh that'll be the day. But I don't want to think about school right now. After what happened I just want to go home and take a nice hot shower and take a nap. I was just a few blocks away from my house when I got to an area where I can see the woods clearly. It felt eerie this time of year. But it felt especially eerie to me, considering my bad experiences I've had with it when I was little. I stopped looking over there because eventually I'll get paranoid, thinking something will pop out and take me at any moment. I know it's silly but I'm just like that. I start walking again when I hear water. Running water in fact, like a stream or river. But there's isn't a river or pond anywhere here for miles. I ignore the water when I hear shouting. A cry for help. Then they stop and I start to hear gurgling and splashing. Is someone...drowning?! Why would they even be swimming with this kind of weather anyways?! Well, it doesn't matter right now. If I don't do something then whoever it is will drown to death.

I ran towards the woods and followed the sound of the water and struggle. I have to find them quick. Hopefully they're near by. I don't want to go too far in and lose my way back. I look around for any sign of water, but nothing. I just have to listen in carefully. I ran around, trying to detect the noise. My breath got short and I stopped for a few seconds. In that few seconds I heard nothing. No water, no cries for help, no gurgling or splashing. The forest seems completely dead in fact. It was just so silent. Since theirs no one yelling anymore could they have already drowned? No, dammit! Well, I think I should try finding the body and call the police. That's the best to do right now. Then I hear the water again, but no gurgling or screams. Just running water. I wonder why it was so quiet just now. Then I feel something like a drop on my cheek. I touch it and feel water. Is it raining? If so then I have to get out of here. Rain with this cold weather is never good, especially if you're trying to get over a cold. I look at my finger to see the water drop but find something else. Is it...blood?

I feel another drop on my forehead. I check again and it's blood. I look up to see something horrifying. There's a boy on a tree branch, slumped there. His hand was hanging and his fingers were dripping with blood. He had no eyes, only blood leaking sockets. I was going to vomit at the sight. I looked down and suppressed it and looked back up to find he wasn't there anymore. That struck me as odd but creepy. Where did he go? Maybe I was hallucinating him. This cold must be getting to me. I think I'll just report this to the police. They can find the body. I have a bad feeling now and I need to get home quick. I turn around to go back when I come face to face with the boy that was in the tree. I didn't scream, I didn't run or panic. I just stared back at him. His eyes were empty sockets except for a tiny red light, which could be his pupil. He was the same height as me so we were eye to eye, or eye to bloody socket. He had dirty blond hair and a green outfit. He had a belt with a sheath attached to hold a sword. He had the sword to.

I stared at him for a little bit longer before I decide to make a run for it. Before I could catch up speed he grabbed my arm and spun me around. He got me in a choke hold. I clawed at his arm. He removed his arm and but his swords edge to my throat. I struggled but the more I did the more he'd put pressure. I had to stop or else he'd slit my throat. He chuckled, "So this is the fated proxy? I expected someone who looked like they can actually put up a fight." I groaned. "Wh...who are you?" He scowled and muttered, "Not important girly! But you're coming with me."

"Where are you taking me? What are you going to do with me? Just let me go dammit!" I shouted. He giggles. "So you do have a bit of spice in you. Doesn't matter. I don't need your sass. I only need your presence." He starts taking me away and I protest. I dig my feet into the dirt but he yanks me forward so I lose my footing and now he's dragging me. I pull myself up and manage to build the strength to raise my foot and stomp hard on his. He yelps and lets me go. I take the chance and run. I don't look back, I just run. I trip on a tree root and fall. I quickly get up and ignore the pain. Unfortunately I don't get far. He tackles me down and pins me to the ground. I squirm and thrash. He holds me down by my throat and I choke. "So you can put up a fight. Impressive. But you're too much of a struggle. I'm sure no-face won't mind if I spear both of your legs temporarily!" My eyes widen and I try getting out from under him but he's too heavy to slip through. He raises his sword to one of my legs. He cackles evily, "This may hurt a lot so...try to enjoy pain!" He was about to puncture my leg when he yells. He drops the sword and hols his shoulder. I look at it and see there's a blood stained knife stuck there. I'd recognize that knife anywhere.

Then I heard his voice. "Get your grubby hands off of Ellie!" I look over and see Jeff, full of rage. The boy sees him and smiles. "Hey there. Long time no see smiley face."

"Cut the crap Ben!" Jeff shouts, "Let go of Elizabeth! Right! Now!" Ben chuckles and taunts, "Or what? You'll make me go to sleep? How threatening!" Jeff growls. "No I won't, but I will make you wish you could dream again!" Ben laughs. He cackles. "Bring it whitey." Jeff tackles him off of me and grabs his knife from Ben's shoulder. Jeff stabs at him but only hits air as Ben dodged every move. He swung his sword but Jeff blocked it with his knife. He raised his knife to stab down at Ben's head but Ben grabbed his wrist and spun him around. He got him in the same choke hold as he had me in at first. Ben hisses, "Let me take her off of your hands. I'm sure she's a pain to keep around. Give her to me." Jeff growls and spins him around, pushing him against a tree. "You don't know what I want! I can take care of her! What good will you do? Why don't you just go back home and play your games!" Ben kicks him away, slashes Jeff's shoulder and pins him to the ground. "I'm not the one who'll back off! What did you expect to happen? You knew we'd find out about her! So you just thought you could keep her from us? He ordered me to collect her! If I don't they'll get her. We're not the only ones, ya know!"

"I know you guys need her! I just didn't think it'd be so soon. Can't she stay a little longer?!" Jeff pleads. Ben frowns. "No he needs her now before it's too late! If she stays any longer who knows what will happen! She needs to come with me now!" Jeff growls and stabs him swiftly. Ben rolls over and Jeff gets on him. "She doesn't need to leave because I'm going to protect her!!!" He stabs Ben about thirty times, over and over again. Until there's only blood he stops and pants. He was bloody and so was Ben. He was lifeless and unmoving. I thought Jeff actually killed him. Then Ben punches him across the face and Jeff falls back. Ben sits up and groans. "That really hurt man," he said casually. Jeff rolls his eyes and mutters, "Weakling." Ben stands up and stretches. I hear things pop and I see his stab wounds are healing up like magic. That's...impossible. He can't regenerate...can he? Can Jeff heal too? I look at him but he's still got that wound. I'm guessing that's a no.

Ben pops his back as he talks. "'re going to protect her. YOU? He's not going to like this."

"Since when have I done anything that he likes? Never," Jeff said, "besides I'm the best choice there is."

"Pfft, please! You're not a choice. You can't do anything!"

"Oh really? Look at you! You're not so good yourself! You're lazy, man! Get a hobby or something. Get a tan!"

"At least I have a complexion, unlike your skinny white ass...!" Ben remarks.

"Whatever, dumb blond!"

"That's a stereotype."

"But you make it true."

"Shut up!" Ben yells and blushes. Jeff smirks. "Look I can take care of her Ben. Now why don't you go home, sit on your lazy ass and smoke your happy grass."

"It's not happy grass," Ben says, "It's my...therapy."

Jeff cracks up. "Ha! For what? Craziness?! Ha, ha! That's funny. You're funny."

"Hey you're more insane than me!"

"Bro we're all insane! Just go home!" Jeff said. Ben frowns and says, "I made a promise to him that I would bring her and I intend to keep that promise!" He runs to me and grabs me. He runs away with me and Jeff growls. "NO!" he shouts and follows after us. I saw the desperate look in his eyes. It saddened me. I have to escape. To go home! Not for Jeff! I struggled to get out of Ben's grip but he wouldn't let go. I reach for his sword hilt and pull it out. I hit him with it and we go tumbling. I cough for a bit then grab his sword from off the ground next to me. Just as Ben was about to get up I pointed the tip to his chest. He chuckles, "Nice try but that doesn't effect me there-." I raise the tip to his neck and make him stop talking. He gulped and smiled. "Well, well, you are willing to put up a fight." I scowl. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and look to my left. It's Jeff. He grabs my hand and lowers it, moving the sword away from Ben. He makes me drop it and I obey easily. Jeff pats my head gently and looks down at Ben. He gives him a pained look then his expression turns hard. "Tell him...," he starts, "tell him I can do this one right." Jeff suddenly picks me up, bridal style, and runs off with me. We head back to my house, away from the dead looking boy called Ben.

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