Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As soon as I saw my house I felt so much better. I'll be safe in my least for now. Jeff found an open window, that I'm sure wasn't open before, and hoisted me up and through. I made it safely to the floor and watched Jeff come in without struggle. I gave him a look. "You know I have keys to the front door...right?" I tell him. He stares at me, clearly realizing his stupid actions and just replies with, "Too mainstream." I roll my eyes and head for my room. I put my messenger bag away and take a seat on my bed. I sigh. I'm so tired. I'm tired of all of this madness. I'm tired of being mistreated for who I am. I'm tired of trying to please people. I'm tired of being the weak, shy, insecure girl. I'm tired...just tired. I close my eyes, not because I'm sleepy, because I could feel the tears coming. I didn't want to cry, not now. Not when I'm laying down and they fall too easily. Not when I want to feel strong. Not now, I don't want to cry now. 'Please...don't cry' I think to myself. 'I beg of you please. Don't you dare.'

I couldn't take it. I couldn't hold back. I let a tear slip and slide down to the bed sheets. I was about to let another fall when Jeff jumped onto the bed, surprising me. I turned the other way and wiped my face quickly. I sit up and look at him. "Wha...what the hell?" I said. He chuckled and put his hands behind his head but only managed to put one. His arm was still injured and he winced when he moved it. I frown. "Get off of my bed. You're going to dirty it with blood. Come downstairs and I'll fix it up for you." I get off my bed and walk to the kitchen. I grab the first aid kit under the sink and put it on the island counter. I saw Jeff shuffle in the room and hold his wound. I take out the right tools and tell him to take off his hoodie. He smirked, "You wanna check me out?"

I glared at him and said, "Just take off the damn hoodie." He chuckles. "Dominant girl. Jeff likey." I roll my eyes as he takes off his hoodie. He had a black shirt on. Thank goodness. I thought it was just the hoodie. I didn't want to see a shirtless Jeff in my kitchen right in front of me. It would've been weird if he had another hoodie under the hoodie. God damn. I lifted his sleeve a little and cleaned off the excess blood. I could feel his eyes on me, not watching my hands but just watching me in general. Like looking into my eyes yet I'm not looking back. I didn't want to look at him though because I know I'll meet his eyes as soon as I do and it'll be weird. I suppressed the urge to look at him and paid attention to his wound. I cleaned off all of the blood and now it was time to put the alcohol. I know Jeff won't like it but I just want to fix his wound. As soon as I dabbed some alcohol on his wound he cursed. I scolded him and he went quiet. He mumbled how I shouldn't worry about him. Clearly he doesn't see that cleaning him up expresses my concern for the poor furniture.

I finished putting the alcohol and now I had to close his wound. Good thing there was some surgical thread in the first aid kit. I got a needle and started stitching his cut. Jeff grunted and cursed. Hey he's lucky. At least I know what I'm doing. If not then it would hurt a lot more than this. I could tell he desperately wanted to get his mind off of it. When I was almost done he said, "What happened to you?" I looked at him. "What do you mean?" I ask, then go back to stitching. He grunts and says, "Your face. It's all bruised up and you have a black eye. What happened?" I stiffened. And here I thought I'd feel super nervous to tell my parents yet he's putting me in so much stress so quickly. I didn't think he would have this affect on me. I sigh and say, " No biggie."

"It is a 'biggie'," he said sternly. "Who did this to you? Tell me and I'll take care of it."

"Since when do you care about me?" I ask, a bit annoyed. I kept stitching and listened to him talk. "Since I first found out that you're the proxy. Did you hear me back in the woods? I said I would protect you. I may not know how...but I will."

I sighed. "As kind as that is I don't need your protection. If anything you do the total opposite. You nearly put me in danger a couple minutes ago in those woods."

"I saved your life," he snapped. I stopped stitching so abruptly I was worried I tore the skin. I looked at him. He looked upset. "I wasn't the one who attacked you," he said, "If anything I kept you from being taken away by Ben. If I hadn't come you would be whisked away somewhere and you would never come back home. Ever. So don't put the blame on me because I was helping you avoid such a fate. I could've killed you a long time ago. Hell I could've finished your life in those woods. I had that chance. And I still do. Even now I could strangle you senseless and grab a kitchen knife quicker than you can blink. I have that capability. You don't. Even if you are the proxy. So don't blame me unless you know I'm the reason for whatever bad comes your way."

I stood there, taken back by what he said. He does have that chance, doesn't he? He did save my life. He did defend me, protect me. I guess he's right. I looked down and mumbled, "I'm sorry." I could feel him tense up and he sighed. He patted my head again and said, "Don't say that. I know this is scary for you but you'll get used to it. And I'll help you but you have to trust me. It's the only way this will work out." I looked at him and nodded. "Good," he said. "Now since you can trust me I want you to tell me things that I need to know. Your strongpoints, your weak spots, anything that will help me help you."

"Like...," I started, "I tell you...about myself."

He shrugged. "More or less. I'll try telling you about myself if it helps you give me information. Don't feel shy. You can tell me whatever I need to know." I nodded solemnly. Should I tell him? He is a killer. And he is a dumb-ass as well. A few facts won't hurt right? I finished stitching his arm and I put bandages on top to keep from any blood loss. I looked at him and said, "Okay...I'll tell you whatever you need to know."


I could tell she was nervous. She can't hide it. I know she tries but I can see through her facade. I know she's sad today. Especially sad. I know Ben didn't give her those bruises and that black eye. And she said it was school that did it. Bullies. They get worse every year. Next thing I know they'll be terrorists. I decided to ask Ellie questions. "Okay," I started, "what are your weak points?" Ellie thinks about it then says,"Being small." I chuckled lightly, "Well you are small." I ruffled her hair and she whined. "And what are your strong points?" I ask. She thinks again and says, "My intelligence?"

"You sound unsure," I said with a smirk. She shrugs. "Okay," she says, "my turn. What are your strong and weak points?"

"Easy. I have no weak points. I'm not as vulnerable as the average human," I said. Suddenly Ellie smacks my face and I just look at her. "What," she said, "you were vulnerable." I frown. "Shut up! That didn't count." She giggled. That's the first time she does that. I've never heard her laugh. It sounds...nice. "All right," I start, "now what is your favorite thing to do?"

She smiles brightly. "Reading! Oh oh and...and uh watching movies! And learning! Learning a bunch of stuff!" She's really enthusiastic about the most boring stuff. Well I'm sure it's not boring to her. But I still think its lame. "What do you not like?" I asked. She went quiet and said, "Being an outcast, a reject. Being different." I sigh. I pat her head again and say, "Listen there's nothing wrong with being different. And your not an outcast. You're just...unique. They just don't understand you. Society's weird like that."

"How would you know what it's like?" she said, a little angry. I give her a look. "Hello! Look at me! I'm not like other guys out there am I? Believe me, I know how it feels and through my perspective it's much worse." Ellie looks at me. "Well," she mutters, "you are weird looking." I frown. I'm not weird looking! "Hell naw!" I said, "you don't know what you're talking about. I am not 'weird looking'! Bitch please, I'm flawless! You on crack if you don't think so! I'm freaking beautiful." She rolls her eyes and smiles. "Whatever," she laughs. She can laugh all she wants, I am beautiful! Freaking...on crack or somethin'...I'm fabulous...don't know beauty when she sees god...I'm perfection...freaking nerd and shiz here...I'm freaking...freaking GORGEOUS!

"Okay," she said, "what are you're favorite things? And what don't you like?" I thought about that. Of course I knew what I love. I do it all the time. "Duh! I like stabbing the crap out of filthy humans. What else would I love? And I despise being told what to do frequently. I do whatever I please." She gives me a look and I stutter, "Unless you tell me what to do I mean...ha, ha ya know I'd never disobey you right Ellie?" She folds her arms and I scratch my head. "Um, anyways!" I said, "Any, uh, bad experiences?"

Ellie thinks and fiddles with her fingers. "Uh...," she said, "I had a few when I was little. It all had to do with the forest. When I was five my parents and I went camping and one night I thought I heard something. I went outside of our tent and looked around. I didn't see anything but I knew something didn't seem right. I couldn't sleep for weeks after that. The next time was when I was eight. I was playing tag with some neighborhood kids and we wandered into the woods. I ran too far in and got lost but I didn't know it. I didn't look where I was going and I fell in a creek. I twisted my ankle and was out there for hours until my parents and other adults found me. But before they came I heard someone's voice. It sounded strange and I didn't know who it was. It seemed to have been coming from all directions. All I could hear whoever it was say was 'Stay here with me' or 'Don't fear me'. It was odd. Then when I was thirteen I was out hiking with my friends. We had only stopped for a bit when I saw someone. They would come up every so often, watching us. I don't know if they we're lost or hiking too. All I remember was that I couldn't see their face. Only a hood. But that's all I can remember. That's all of my experiences. And now I have a new one."

I grinned, "I guess you do. Well now I know that the forest is your uneasy place." She nodded and rubbed her arms. " you have any bad experiences?" she asked. I went quiet. She could tell. I frowned. "I...I don't want to talk about that. It...disgusts me." I said. She knew I was upset now. "You can tell me," she said, "it's fine. I won't say a single remark on it. I'll understand-."

"No you won't," I growled. Ellie went quiet. It pains me to yell at her but I had to. "Look it's better if you don't know at all. The less you know about me...the better." She looks down and nods. "All right. You don't have to tell me anymore if you don't want to," she said glumly. For some reason I don't like it when she's sad. Even though normally I wouldn't really care, I do. I just don't like her like this. I know this isn't her. I...I hate when she's sad. God, if she were to cry I'd blow a fuse. I can't even bear her like this. I change the subject. I pick up her chin and examine her face. "You didn't tell me who did this to you," I said darkly. She moved my hand away and mumbled, "I already told you. Just some people at school. Don't worry about it."

"I'm your protecter Elizabeth," I said, "I have to worry about it. Especially if it's something like this. Who did it?" She gulps. I know he doesn't want to. She probably thinks I'll try going after them and kill them gruesomely. That's absurd, ha, ha, I wouldn't do it today.

"Three girls," Ellie finally said, "they like to mess with me. They beat me up in the girls' washroom. They've hated me since sixth grade. But this isn't the first time they'be done this to me, although I think they've gotten more rough over the years...."

"Wait," I said, "this isn't the first time?!"

"It's fine really. I'm okay-."

"No it's not fine and you're not okay!" I growled. "They've beaten you before?! If they think they can mess with you they're wrong! Those brats mess with you they mess with me! I'm not gonna do anything right now but if it happens again you tell me and I'll make sure they suffer torment that not even Hell can give!" She looks at me like I don't mean it. I scowl. "You don't believe me? You don't think I'll do it?! I will! I'll stab their little hearts out with every pathetic breath they take! I'll make them live a nightmare. I'll tear apart their insides and splatter them on the walls. I'll cut a smile on their faces so they'll actually look pretty and not look like fake bimbos! I'll screw up all of that work on their faces and smash their stupid heads under my boots! I'll cover their whole world in their disgraceful blood! And that's just the half of it! If you don't think I'll do it then you must not fully know what I am capable of. I'm more than just a killer Elizabeth. But not even I know what else I am. All I know's a whole lot worse than the person I am now." The horrified look on Ellie's face pleased yet shamed me at the same time. I guess I got too into that little rant. I take a deep breath and exhale. I feel my muscles relax and I say, "The point is I won't stand for anyone hurting you in anyway. You just tell me and I'll take care of the rest."

"No," she said sternly, "I don't want somebody dying just because they treated me wrong. As much as I'd like to have them stop...I don't want them to stop like that. I'll tell you any problems but you have to promise me you won't try to do anything to help. All you're going to do is kill and that's never the solution to problems because it only leads to more problems. Don't do anything Jeff! If you do I'll never forgive you for it." As much as it dissatisfied me I told her I wouldn't try anything. I actually promised. Makes me want to barf but I guess I have to. I sigh and look at my stitches. Ellie did a pretty good job. I wonder where she learned. Wait why do I care? God damn she's contagious with lame. I grabbed my hoodie and slipped it on. I didn't want to walk around with just a black shirt. I don't look as menacing. I felt like killing now. Now that I'm all riled up from that rant I want to mess someone up. I was going to go into the living room when I heard the front door open. Shit, Ellie's father is back. I grabbed my knife and snuck out the window. Before I jumped out I turned to Ellie and said, "I'll see you around." I turn back and get ready to leap when I feel her grab my arm. "Wait!" I look at her and fidget. "Make it quick before we're caught!" I tell her. She gulps and says, "Will you be back?" I felt my chest tense up and my face grow warm. Did she just ask that? My god. I hesitated and muttered, "Y...yes. Yeah I will. Definitely." She smiled slightly and that made my stomach feel funny. Then before I could even say good-bye she pushed me out the window ad closed it shut. I lay on the ground outside and groaned. I looked up at the window and thought about Ellie's question. I never thought she would ask me that. If anything I thought she would ask if I could never come back. That's a first. Well, I guess she can't get enough of my perfection then. I'm just irresistible. I smirk and get up from off the ground. I run off and track down my victim/victims if I'm lucky. And judging by my hyperactiveness...this kill's gonna be fun.

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