Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It's been three days since I last saw Jeff. I've been on edge ever since that day with Ben. My bruises have healed up already which is good. It's Saturday so I don't have to go to school. Good thing too. But now I have no idea what I'll do today. I just don't feel like being lazy. My dad has the weekend off but my mom still has to work. She is a nurse at our local hospital. She has to be on the job a lot. But my dad usually sleeps the whole day so it's like he's not even here, despite the occasional loud snoring from time to time. I walk around the house, bored out of my mind. I check my phone for messages from anyone. It'd be nice if Jeff had a phone so I don't have to wait for him. But he doesn't have one so that's not possible. I go upstairs and lay down on my bed for a couple of minutes until I get restless and walk some more. I try something to do on my computer but it's not enough really. Man I need something to do. Then I hear my dad call me from his room. I quickly rush over and see he's still laying down in bed but is awake. "Hey sweetie," he mumbles, "I need you to do me a favor please."

"Sure dad," I said, "what is it?" He groans and yawns, "Your mother wanted me to get some groceries today but as you can fully see I am not capable of going. So, I want you to take my car and drive to the store. Can you do that?" I perk up, knowing full well that I have something to do now. "Yeah! Of course daddy," I said. He smiles slightly and says, "Thanks baby girl. There's a list of items to get on my work bag. Just grab my keys and go. Get only what's on the list okay? There's some money on the nightstand which should be enough for what we need." I nod and grab his keys and money. "Thank you," he mumbles and before I could say 'you're welcome' he's already asleep, snoring like an animal. I smile and walk downstairs. I grab the grocery list and a jacket. I head for the front door and go to start my dad's car. I'm sixteen already so I already know how to drive. I just don't do it that often so this is the first time in a while. But I still know how to drive well. 

I get in the car and start it up. I back out of the driveway and head out for the store. It's a pretty mellow day today. The tree leaves are already starting to change color instead of its usual green shades. I get to the store and park the car. I make sure to lock it just in case someone tries to break in it or steal it. I walk into the warm store and look at the list. The items are simple enough, I know where they are. I get a cart and start walking. I get a couple of the items and start heading over to another aisle when I see someone familiar. I squeak and blush. It's Travis! Holy crap! And what's worse? He's in the aisle I'm supposed to go into and he's standing right next to what I am supposed to get next. My bottom lip trembles from nervousness. I never thought I would run into him out of school...or even in school for that matter but still! I can just wait until he leaves. But then I'd look like a creep watching him from behind a display of chocolate chunky bars. Damn. I can always come back and get this item anyways right? But I don't have a pen to cross off the items. I'll forget to come back and get this item. Great. Well, I guess I'll just have to get it now.

I go into the aisle, park my cart behind him on the other side and get ready to grab what I need. I count to three and start to run for it. I quickly go to his side and grab for what I want but I didn't even get close. "Hey," I heard Travis, "I remember you. Hi there!" I whine to myself for not being quick enough. I look at him and say hello. He gives me a gentle smile and I blush. Why does he have to do this to me?! "So, how's it going," he asks. I hesitate to say anything. "Um...," I start, "good. Things are going well. How about you?"

"Same here," he said. I smiled a little and fidgeted in my spot. I hope he doesn't see how uncomfortable I am right now. "Um, hey," I said, "did your cousin notice the hairpin you stole from her?" He laughs and says, "Actually yes she did! I thought I was just making a joke when I said she counts them. She actually does." I giggle a little. Wow, she actually does. That's surprising. "How are you feeling?" he asks me. I look at him confused when I remember what happened to me. "Oh the fight? Um, I'm fine." I replied. He smiled slightly and said, "Well, that's good. At least you're okay." I nod and grab the item I was supposed to get. I start walking back to my cart and put it in. "Well, it was nice seeing you," I said. I was about to walk away when he grabbed the cart handle and said, " never told me your name." I feel my face heat up. I can't believe he's asking for my name. I didn't think anybody like him would do that. I take a deep breath and then say, "My name is Elizabeth. Uh, Elizabeth Umber." Travis smiles and says, "Thanks, Elizabeth. Can I ask you something else?" I nod and he says, "Mind if I have your number?"

I admit, I completely lost it inside. My conscience just screamed, jumped, rolled and wiggled like an idiot inside. On the outside I stayed perfectly calm. I don't say a word, fear that I'll squeak or possibly make sheep noises on accident so I just nod. I give him my number and he puts it on his phone. A couple seconds later he's done and he smiles. "Thanks again, Elizabeth. See you around." He walks back to his cart and walks out of the aisle. I just stood there, dumbfounded by what just happened. It feels like a dream but I know it's not. I manage to move and get the rest of the listed items. The rest of the way to the check-out and during my mind was blank. Once I walked out of the store did my mind come out of its shock. I loaded my stuff in the car and got in. I drove back home and put away the groceries. My dad was still asleep, snoring away. I went upstairs and returned his keys. I shuffled across to my room and fell on top of my bed. I laid there for about a few minutes. I looked at me phone. I know I shouldn't be anticipating a message or call from Travis but I can't help it. It's just so exciting for him to actually text me or even call me. Me. This was so unexpected. I'm glad I did my dad a favor. I turn onto my stomach and smile into my pillow. Suddenly my phone vibrates a little and I look at it. 

-Hey it's me, Travis :)

I blush and squeal a little. I text him back saying,


I send it and wait. I'm still so full of excitement. I honestly cannot believe this is happening. Then my phone receives another text. I look at it and read,

-I'm glad this is actually you. Last time I asked for someones number it didn't go so well xD

I smile at his little laughing face and put,

-What happened?  

I waited again and soon he replied,

-Let's just say it involved a Russian woman who really loved cats 

I couldn't help but laugh at him. I giggle and text him back. We talked for a while. Well, not really a while. More like two hours. Heh, we got carried away. Eventually the texting ended when he said he had to do some chores now. 

-I hope it's all right with you :$ 

I replied with, 

-It's fine. Do what you have to. Maybe later :)

-Yeah maybe later! Thnx Elizabeth. You're pretty cool. Gotta go. Later!

I stopped texting him after that. I was pretty sad about stopping the conversation but I guess I can always text him some other time. It was fun while it lasted anyways. I relax on my bed. Now I'm bored again. I sigh and think about what I could do to pass the time. Nothing really comes to mind. It's 1:00. Maybe watch a little television? But I don't really feel in the mood for it. I should probably go for a walk or something. I get up and get myself ready again. I go and leave my dad a note telling him I'm out walking and I leave the house. I walk to the local park. It's pretty cold outside and I'm shivering a little already. There's barely anyone outside. No children playing in their yards, no joggers, no bicyclists, nothing out on the side walks. I think it's fine. I'd rather walk alone like this. Even though beings like Ben and Jeff could come and try to take me. Or maybe those other people could come and capture me before anyone else does. Either way I'm not all that worried that something will happen to me out here. It's not like I'm in the forest. I'm out taking a stroll on the side walk. I see the park a couple blocks away and smile. I get there and barely any people are here. Some couples, kids and full families are here but very few. I walked along the park's gravel path, hearing the pebbles crunch under my shoes. It was calming. 

The park was quiet and relaxing actually. I kept walking until I reached an area where only trees were along the side. I couldn't even see the park anymore. 'Maybe I should turn back' I thought. I didn't listen to myself and just kept walking further. I was bound to reach another part of the park eventually. I walked and walked for a while. I still hadn't reached any other part. I hadn't seen anyone else on the trail either so I was completely alone. I started getting a little uneasy. I'm too far in to go back so I have no other choice but to keep moving forward. I heard bushes rustle and I picked up my pace a little. Every time I heard a noise I kept walking faster until I was running. I have to get somewhere I just have to. I ran and ran and just as I was about to stop for breath I saw a peek of an open area up ahead. I smiled and sighed in relief. I ran a little faster and pushed aside some bushes to see the open area. It was a lake. There was an old dock with a gazebo over the water, probably for fishing purposes or just to gaze at the water. I walked to it but it looked pretty old and flimsy. I'm guessing no one has been around here for years. Best to not go on it. I walked around the lake's edge and gazed at it. Surprisingly it wasn't growing any frost whatsoever. 

I sat down by the bank and put a hand in the water. It wasn't that cold either. Strange but good. I swayed my hand in the water and watched the ripples the movement made. I wonder if anything inhabits this lake. I don't see any fish, frogs or ducks for that matter. Would've been nice to see a duck. They're fluffy. I look down in the water to see my reflection. In the gloom of fall my skin tone is lighter. I look like a vampire for Heaven's sake. I just stared at my reflection for a while. I looked at my eyes. They're blue. Just like my mother's eyes. It looks beautiful on her, but I never really liked them as much. Something about them just made me dislike them somehow. My mom makes her blue eyes appealing, yet even though I have the same shade it doesn't look appealing on me. Without realizing it I was frowning. I slapped the water where my reflection was and watched as the ripples messed up my image. I couldn't see myself as it moved. I sigh and sit there for a little while longer. The water clears up and I see my reflection again. I don't mess it up this time. I look a little to my right and see a reflection's not mine. 

I quickly look and see a guy sitting down a couple feet away from me. He was looking down into the water too and without looking up he said, "Did you know that people see themselves 5% more attractive than they really are?" I look at his reflection since he won't look up and say, "Of course I know. I know a lot of things." I watch his reflection smile. But then again...he's always smiling. "Never thought I'd see you here Sunshine," Jeff said. I shrug and say, "I got bored at home so I took a walk. No one came to occupy me today." He looked up and smirked. "You were lonely without me weren't you?" he teased. I frown and reply, "No! Just because you're always hanging around me and recently haven't been doing so doesn't mean that I got lonely without you. It's a weekend and I get bored a lot." He chuckles and says, "Whatever Sunshine, you know you've missed me since I've been gone." I turn away from him and looked at my reflection. "No I haven't. Speaking of which...where have you been these past three days?" 

He shrugged and then laid down on the grass. "I've been busy. Ya know...with my 'hobby'"," he said. I roll my eyes. "How's your arm," I ask. "Good," he said, "How's your...face?" I smile slightly and reply, "It's fine. No more bruises." He nodded and stared up at the sky. It was quiet. He seemed pretty mellow today which isn't like him. I look down at him. I think he got a new white hoodie judging by how it's not torn open at his shoulder. "So," I started, "um, how many people have you killed these past three days?" I know it's a strange question to ask him but I need to break the silence. He grins and says, "I don't know. I lost count after twenty-six on the first day." I give him a look and he shrugs. "It's not my fault. I crashed a couple of slumber parties." 

"Don't you do anything else other than kill people," I ask him. He shook his head and said, "Not really." I sigh. He seriously needs to do other things. I stand up and wipe away the dirt from my pants. Jeff immediately sits up and questions me. "Leaving so soon?" he asks. I nod and start walking back. I hear him rapidly get up and sprint to my side. "But," he started, "you barely just got here. Can't you stay a while? I mean this whole lake is secluded. It can be ours! What do ya say Sunshine?"

"Flattering, but I'll have to decline your offer," I said, "besides, it's getting dark and since it's nearing winter nightfall comes quicker. I can't stay long either way. And also this place doesn't have much to do but sit around or swim and you know I can't do that. My cold's nearly gone. Can't mess it up now." Jeff looked a bit bummed out about me not staying here. It is a very nice area but I'd rather go home. I walk back along the gravel path. Hope they haven't shut down the park just yet. I still need to get out of here. Through the entire way Jeff followed me back like a lost puppy. It was quite irritating actually. I abruptly turn towards him and say, "You can stop following me. I can't be seen with you. It'll cause too much suspicion. Besides, the fact that you're following me doesn't quite put my paranoia at ease out here."

He laughs out loud, "And you think leaving you alone will make it better?! Also I'm not following you. I'm 'escorting' you out so you can walk home safely." I roll my eyes and turn back around to keep walking. Without looking back at him I say, "Whatever. I don't need you to 'escort' me. I'm perfectly fine on my-WAAH!!" I had suddenly slipped on some gravel and fell forward into the dirt. I groaned and heard Jeff chuckle slightly. "Yeah," he cackled, "You're perfectly fine." 

"Sh...shad up," I moan. I pick myself up and glare at him. "Well thanks for helping me up!" I said, "what a gentleman you are." 

"Thanks," he said. He's either trying to annoy me or just so stupid that he's totally oblivious to my sarcasm. I roll my eyes at him and huff. "Hey I'm not the klutz here," he said, "don't get mad at me for that face-plant back there, Sunshine."

"Stop calling me that!" I whined. He shook his head and smirked. I growled, "What's with the sudden nickname anyways? Why do you call me Sunshine?!"

"Cuz I want to," he said. I groan and keep walking. I swear he's just so irritating. I heard him laugh and chime, "Oh my god! Ha ha! Ellie did you see that?! I think I just saw squirrels having sex!!! That's freaking hilarious!" I sigh. No...he's not irritating. He's just an idiot. I walked all the way out of the empty park and back home with his constant chatter and laughing. Sometimes he'd laugh for no reason. And sometimes he'd find squirrels doing it again. But I've learned a few things today. One: squirrels have the tendency to do it when he's around. Two: animals are pretty sexual this year as well. And three: I'm kind of glad he's back. Considering his weirdness, I'm glad. 

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