Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It's Sunday. I just woke up and I'm kind of groggy. I sat up and yawned. I looked at my desk and saw a note. It was from my dad. It said 'I had to go in to work today, Sweetie. I won't be back until later on tonight. You might even be asleep by then so don't wait up. Make sure to make yourself some dinner, shower and go to sleep early. Bye honey'. I sighed and put the note away. I walk out of my room, stretching, and go to the bathroom. I fix my hair and wash my face. I walk back out and grab my phone before going downstairs and getting cereal. As I'm eating my phone rings and I answer. It was Ian. He doesn't usually call me or text me. When he does he's just trying to scare me. I talk to him anyways and say, "Hello?"

~Elizabeth? Hey...we need to talk~ he said. He didn't sound like he was teasing. He sounded serious which concerned me. "Okay," I said.

~In person, Elizabeth~ he said flatly. I gulped and agreed for him to come over for a while. He hung up and I sat at the island counter in the kitchen, finishing up my cereal. When I'm done I put away my dish and go upstairs to change into some decent clothes for Ian's arrival. I put on a t-shirt and some jeans and go back downstairs. After a couple of minutes I hear the doorbell and jog up to the door. I open it and Ian is there with a blank face. I invite him in and he takes a seat on the couch. I offer him something to drink but he declines and I sit next to him. "So...," I started, "what is it you needed to talk to me about?" He scoffs and motions to my wrists. It's about my marks again. I sigh and ask, "What about them?" His expression turned stern and he said, "Look, those aren't regular marks. They're something else. Something dangerous."

"Are you trying to scare me again because if you are I don't think I want you here any longer-."

"Elizabeth," he said, "I'm. Not. Playing. Games." I saw in his eyes that he was truly concerned and serious about this. I've never seen him like this. What could these marks possibly do to make him act this way? I look him in the eyes and say, "What are they? You know don't you?" He looks down at his hands and shifts in his spot. Ian said, "I'm warning you. Wherever you go, whenever you go and whoever you're with...beware of him." I give him a puzzled look and ask, "Who is him?" There was a sudden silence. It was like the world suddenly just stopped just for this moment. I heard no cars, no people outside, no wind or birds, nothing whatsoever. It was a bit unsettling. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted Ian to speak so badly because of how quiet this moment was right now. Once I saw his lips part I sighed in relief. He spoke in a certain tone, it was firm but soft like he was afraid someone, or something would hear him. He said in that tone..., "The Operator."

Even though it was just two simple words it made me breathe in again and hold my nervousness in. This 'Operator' doesn't sound so good. I finally exhaled and said, "Who is The Operator?"

"If I told you, things might happen. You're safer not knowing," he said. I bite my lip and say, "How am I safer? From what exactly? Tell me."

"I can't," he said, "sorry Elizabeth. Just know that I wish I could tell you but I can't. I'd be putting your life at risk." I sit there looking down at my lap. I feel scared and confused. It's a horrible combination. I look up at him and say, "Who is he?"

He shook his head and said, "I said if I told you, you'd be in danger. Besides you wouldn't think I'm normal." I roll my eyes and say, "Please, I didn't think you were normal since the moment I first met you. What difference will this make?" He smiled for a second then said, "I know things no ordinary person knows. I know things that will bring people to pure insanity. I'm surprised I'm still mentally stable. So what I know, you can't know. But sometimes it takes a toll on me. It gets so bad that I have to tell someone. So that's why I spread scary rumors. To tell people what I know in a way where they think it isn't actually real or dangerous, just a little story to keep them up at night. And I want them to be scared, because in a way I'm warning them, fear is the reaction I want. Without fear there is no protection. Without fear we don't have strength. Without fear...there is no life. As much as we all hate it, we can't live without it. So it's not a part of life, fear IS life. But if anyone knew that my 'scary stories' are mostly real, this world would go into hysteria and it would never stop. So that's why I disguise these things as stories. Other people have told others about these things. They put them up online for all to see but people only think them to be fake but scary. I don't know if that was the intention but I've decided to do what they do and cover up what is most of the truth. No one else can ever know. So even though I'm putting my own life on the line like others out there I'm doing what's right and keeping the truth from you. Some of the stories I tell are fake, just to not draw suspicion. And some are real. But some will always be unknown. And even though at times I wish I knew what these things were...if its unknown to me then I'd gladly decline a chance to figure it out. Some things are better off left unsaid."

I take a deep breath. All of what he just said worried me. Not because I think he's crazy, no, it's because...I actually believe him. And I have reason to do so. I've met one of his rumored stories and possibly another too, if Ben is one of them. But even though he's keeping something dark from me it doesn't mean I have to do the same. I have to tell him. Even if it does make him a little bit more unstable he deserves to know. I breathe in, trying not to hyperventilate, and say, "Listen, Ian, there's something I have to tell you. It's really important now, considering what you just told me." He seemed to be immediately interested in what I had to say, but interested in a way where he's still scared but concerned. "What is it?" he asked. I sighed and said, "You know one of your recent stories right?"

"Jeffery? What about him?"

"Do you know whether he's real, fake or unknown?" I ask him. Ian shrugs. "I'm not sure," he says, "he's a difficult one." I gulp. Damn, this is going to be a lot harder to say now. But I have to tell him anyways. I get closer and grab his hand. "Ian...I'm going to tell you something that might make you question more about what you know right now. Bear with me. About...Jeff...." He gave me a worried look and I had to look away for a bit to control the urge to stop talking. "He's re-." Before I could finish there was a loud crash upstairs, like glass breaking. We both looked at the stairs and tensed up. I was getting scared right now. Ian turned to me and said, "I'm gonna go check it out upstairs, all right? You stay here."

"But Ian," I protested, "what if it's an intruder? What if he's armed?"

"That's why I'm going up alone. You stay down here and hide. I promise you'll be okay. If anything happens you run and get help, understand?" he said. He sounded firm, he was giving orders like a sergeant. It made me think that I will be fine as long as I listen to him. "I'm gonna go now. Hide. Whatever you do, do not come up. Keep hiding until you know it's time to high tail it out. Go." I nod and run into the supply closet behind the couch. I heard Ian make his way upstairs and I formed into a ball. I rocked back and forth. I was worried for him. "Please be okay," I whispered to myself, "please be okay." I said this over and over hastily. I bet I looked mental. I'm just so scared and worried. I don't want him to get hurt. I breathed in and out. I didn't hear anything. I started to calm down until I heard a bloodcurdling scream. It was Ian. And he sounds distressed. I quickly reached for the doorknob but then thought about what he said. He told me to stay hidden no matter what. But he's in trouble and he could be hurt. He's my friend, and I'm not about to lose a friend. I turn the knob and burst out of the closet. I hurried upstairs and saw my bedroom door open. He's probably in there. I ran to it but at the last second it slammed shut and I heard the click of the lock. I panicked and hit the door. "Ian!" I shouted, "Ian! Ian!"

I heard him yell, "No! No! Stop! Get off! Stop! NO!!!"

"Ian!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Open this damn door! Leave him alone! Stop! Ian I'm coming to help don't worry! Ian!" I heard a watery wail and I hit the door more. "IAN!!!!" I screamed and tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. I was crying already and my throat hurt badly from yelling. Then I heard someone call my name from downstairs. I look and see Jeff at the very bottom step. I gasp and feel a wave of relief wash over me. "Je-!" I start but he puts his hand over my mouth and stops me. He puts a finger to his lips and says, "Stand back." I do as he says and put myself against my parents' bedroom door. Jeff readies himself and kicks the door open. It popped open with a wood snapping bang and before Jeff could run in he was tackled. The intruder and him crashed into the wall next to me and they went tumbling down the stairs. I had no time to worry about him. I had to help Ian. I run into my room and see Ian and I want to cry. He was bleeding from his side and was breathing harshly. I drop next to him and grab his head. "Ian? Ian?! Oh my god! Wha-what happened?! You're bleeding!" I looked at his injury and gasp. His side was practically torn up. It's like the attacker was trying to get to his insides and gut him. Luckily it was just his side and not his actual stomach itself. He was coughing up blood. I had to get him medical help and fast. I grabbed one of my shirts and use it to block the blood flow. Ian gasps and yells. I shush him and put his hand to where the shirt is. "Hold it and put pressure. Come on! Let's get help. You'll be okay. I promise Ian." I help him up and let him lean on me. He held his wound as we walked. It was tricky getting downstairs but we managed. I carried him over to the kitchen and set him down on the floor. The blood loss was getting worse. He breathed heavily and wheezed. I pulled out my phone and called 9-1-1. I told them the situation and my address. They said they'd send out help immediately and I prayed that they get here on time. There was no sign of Jeff or the attacker anywhere, which means they probably took the fight somewhere else.

I looked down at Ian and teared up. There was blood everywhere around us. I wanted to vomit but I knew if I started freaking out he would too. I had to keep calm for his sake. I held his face in my hands and rested my head on his. "It's okay, you're gonna be okay Ian. Help is coming. Hang on. Don't leave me please." He wheezed my name and clutched my sleeve. "Elizabeth," he croaked, "please, don't get hurt. I don't want you to die like me."

"Shut up Ian," I snapped, "you're not going to die! You'll make it out of this. Just focus on me. Stay with me!" He swallowed and breathed. " bad is it?" he asked.

"How bad is what?" I said.

"My bad?" he said. I don't want him to see it because I'm afraid he'll start to freak out. I shake my head and say, "Don't worry about it okay?"

"I have to!" he growled. "Let me see!" I shook my head but he didn't listen. He lifted up his head to look and as soon as he saw the mess he screamed. "No no no no no no no!!!!" he screamed and shook his head from side to side rapidly. "Stop it!" I scolded, "stop Ian! You're increasing the blood flow! Stop!" He wouldn't do it so I clutched his hand and hugged him. He breathed heavily and I heard a watery cough. I felt droplets splatter onto the side of my head and on my shoulder. I knew it was blood. I rubbed his head and he calmed down some. He was taking slow, deep breaths. It was like he was finally calming down but I was worried he was already going. I didn't know which was which. He mumbled my name and every time he did I let a tear fall. "I won't let you die...," I said. I pushed myself up and looked down on him. He wrapped a weak hand around the back of my neck and held onto me. It was saddening to think that the reason why he's holding on to me so tight was because I'm the only thing anchoring him to this life and not the one after. I cried and stopped thinking about that. "Eli...Elizabeth...," he mumbled. "Yes?" I said, "what is it?"

"T...tell me...what it was... You were going to say...before this all happened." he said. I pursed my lips and said, "Ian now is not the time to talk about that-."

"Please...!" he pleaded, "if I go then I'd at least like to know. Tell me...please..." I had to. I have no idea if he'll make it out of this or not. I guess I have to. I'll never know. I take a deep breath and say, " real." Ian sighed and mumbled, "Dammit." I brush his hair back and hold onto his other hand. "Elizabeth...I need to tell"

"What is it?" I said, voice cracking from crying. He pulled me towards him and said into my ear so soft, I could barely hear him. He said ever so quietly....

"Don't let them take you...."

After that he was quiet. Absolutely quiet. He wasn't breathing. He wasn't moving or doing a thing. The hand he had on my neck went limp. My eyes widened as I realized what happened. I looked down at him and looked into his hazy eyes. I cupped his face in my hands and muttered, "Ian...? Ian? I-Ian? I-Ian?! Come on.... Stop messing with me...stop it. Now's not the time to joke around...heh heh, Ian? Ian?! W-wake up! Ian! Wake up! Snap out of it...! Come on...! Come back to me! Please Ian! Ian don't leave me! Don't leave me! I promised that you'd live! Stay with me! Come back! Come back! Come back! Ian!" After shaking him and slapping his face a little I knew once and for all that he was gone...and he wasn't coming back. "No...," I muttered, "no...Ian...I told you to hold on. I wasn't enough to keep you here. It's all my fault...I killed you...I'm to's my fault. And now you're gone...Ian...Ian....! Ian! I didn't want you to go like this! Ian! No! No! Ian! NO! IAN! DON'T LEAVE! NOT LIKE THIS!!! IAN!!! NO! NO! NOOOOOO!!!!"

I screamed and wailed, hoping that my suffering will bring him back, hoping that my cries will make him return to this world. Why won't he come back? Why?! Why?! Why?! I couldn't hold back any longer and I cried. I let it all out. I screamed, I cursed, I pulled at my hair and prayed that my physical pain will block my emotional suffering. I hugged Ian's body and cried into his blood soaked shirt. After a few minutes I heard sirens. I looked out the window and saw white and red lights engulfing my vision. I cried some more and held Ian. I cradled his body against mine and held him like a teddy bear. I never thought I'd do this kind of thing to him. Sad that this is the only time it happens. I kissed his forehead and pressed my face into his hair. Everything around me didn't seem to matter to me anymore. Not even when police and medical assistance came in. I didn't want to let him go. I never wanted to let him go. Even though I mean that in a physical way, deep down I never wanted to let him go mentally and emotionally. Nor spiritually. I didn't want him to go like this. But it's too late now. I'll never have him back. Not even in my own dreams.


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