Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

"Just a couple more miles until we're out of Iowa," Jeff said while he held a new map in his hands. I nodded and kept driving. We've been on the road for at least two hours. I wasn't tired, nor was I dazed. I was fully awake and quite eager to get home.

"We should stop in a while for a refuel," I suggested and Jeff nodded in agreement. He's been really helpful. He's getting better with directions, unlike before. And I've been doing well too. Though...I haven't gotten over my...crime. It hasn't gotten out of my head. The gunshot. The blood. My own tears. My guilt that will never fade. I killed yet I saved. I don't see how I saved. I don't see my good deed when I ended up putting my Grandmother to death. She asked for it and I couldn't oppose her, but I still wish there had been another way to have "saved" her.

I sighed and my head spun. I had to stop driving and pullover because I was just that dizzy. I stopped the car and leaned my head against the steering wheel, trying to suppress the pulsating pain in my head. "What's wrong?" Jeff asked, worry in his voice. I shook my head and said, "I'm fine. I just....I-I can't think straight..."

"Do you need to rest?" he asked. I didn't answer him because I couldn't hear him. A high-pitched, ringing echoed in my ears, like I was in deep, deep silence. My vision blurred and I strained to see correctly. I couldn't hear Jeff worry. I couldn't hear him yell for my attention. I couldn't hear anything but the ringing. Once it finally stopped all I heard was Jeff yell, "Put the gun down!!!"

I looked up to see that I was pointing a gun at my head. Jeff was backed up against the passenger door, eyes wild with surprise. "Ellie," he said softly, "J-Just put the gun down. Okay? G-Give me the gun."

He reached out a hand for me to place the gun in but...I refused. I still held the gun, my mind a blur. What was I doing? Where were we going? Where am I now?

"Ellie, please," Jeff pleaded.

I shook my head. Why? I clutched the gun tighter, still dizzy. I killed. What's to stop me from doing it again? I should just end my existence. Everyone will die anyways so why would my efforts matter to humanity? I'll just destroy.

"Elizabeth, put the gun down!" Jeff demanded sternly. "You don't have to do this. You shouldn't kill yourself!"

He's right. I'd just be killing again. So what now? How should suppress this? M...more killing? Yeah...that'd be nice.


"You're right," I muttered and Jeff sighed in relief. I chuckled but my smile faded as I pointed the gun at him instead. He froze and before he could try to stop me I pulled the trigger and watched as the window behind him spotted with his blood-

I woke up, screaming and panting. I covered my eyes and kept screaming, shocked from my terrible nightmare. Arms wrapped around me and I heard someone say, "Calm down. It's okay. You're okay." I looked up to see Jeff hugging me close. The scene where I had shot him in my nightmare had flashed through my mind and I screamed even more but he just squeezed me tighter, keeping me from freaking out too much. I eventually stopped screaming and I broke down in tears. Jeff just shushed me gently, calming me down some more. I mumble through tears, "I-I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Shhh... Just calm down, okay? Everything's fine," he whispered and I nodded. I hugged him tightly, the last of my tears still falling. Jeff stroked my hair, soothing my nerves and finally calming me down. He just rocked me back and forth and I mumbled, "Jeff...?"


I gulped and asked, "I...If I tried hurting you...killing you even....would you try and stop me? Would you kill me if things got too out of hand-?"

"Wh-Where's this coming from?" he asked. I sniffled and explained what I just saw in my nightmare. After I was done he had squeezed me even tighter. "Please don't let me answer that kind of question," he had replied. I nodded and apologized. "Just go back to sleep, please," he begged and he laid me back down on the motel bed. He laid down next to me and pulled me in close, giving me warmth. I felt terrible. How can I sleep now after seeing that horrifying dream? Would it actually happen? No, no it would not! Stop thinking about it and sleep! I'll be needing it for tomorrow.


I checked out of the motel and walked to the car, where Jeff waited. I put my stuff in the back of the car and jumped into the driver's seat. I made sure to put the gun in a bag...maybe two, three....five bags...tie the bag with a bunch a string....put it in the trunk...and then lock the trunk. Okay I put it in ten bags. I don't want that nightmare coming true! I gripped the steering wheel and took in a deep breath. "We're almost home," I muttered and started up the car. I exited the motel parking lot and made my way onto the road. Minutes in, Jeff started having problems with directions. I wish he didn't have problems like in the nightmare. That's one part I would like to come true.

After an hour of driving I started getting woozy. I had to pullover and rest my head on the steering wheel. "What's wrong," Jeff asked me, worry in his voice. "I'm fine. I just...I-I can't think straight..." I replied.

"Do you need to rest?" he asked again. Why does this seem so familiar? A high-pitched ringing sounded in my ears and my head ached. My vision grew blurry and I got even more dizzy. I winced and shut my eyes tight. Wait a second...'s like the nightmare. But I don't have to worry. I put the gun away so I can't threaten to kill myself or kill Jeff. But...what if I don't need the gun?

"Ellie?" Jeff called out. The ringing abruptly stopped and my headache faded away. My vision came back and my dizziness went away. I looked up, eyes wide and shock had nearly taken over me. I could see the concern in Jeff's black eyes and I managed a smile of relief. It's okay. Everything's okay...! I chuckled out of complete relief and Jeff just scooted away from me. "Uh...are you sure you're okay?" he asked me, uneasily.

I nodded and brushed my hair back. "Yeah I'm good," I answered, "Let's keep driving." I started driving again, while leaving Jeff confused and quiet. We had no more troubles after that. We stopped at a gas station for a refuel and got some snacks. After that things were okay. We finally made it past the boundary of my town and I sighed the biggest sigh of relief I have ever sighed in my entire life. "We made it," I said and looked at Jeff with a smile on my face. He nodded and said, "Home sweet home."

I faced forward and saw the familiar buildings and houses I grew up with. I'll be coming back to the mansion, I'll be coming back to my house, I'll be seeing my parents and friends again. I'm back. Home sweet home, indeed.


"You're back! My baby's back!" my mom exclaimed as soon as I walked through the door. Her and my dad were both home, which was great because neither of them had to miss out on seeing me as soon as I came back. I decided to keep the car since there is no need to buy another one once I start driving. Jeff chose to walk to the mansion and leave me with my parents until I come by later. "Oh my god, I've missed you so much," my dad said as he squeezed me into a hug. I groaned and my mom jumped in on the hug too, making me suffocate more. I flailed around and they finally let me go and I took in a deep breath.

"So how was Iowa?" my mom asked, "Was it nice there? Did you catch cold? Did you meet anyone new? Did you bring any souvenirs? Please tell me you didn't run into any thugs-?"

"Ma, I'll explain it all if you'll just let me," I giggled as she nodded and I took a seat. My dad and mom sat down too and I explained what I could bear with. "Oh, you and Jeffery are back together! That's...great...!" My mom exclaimed. My dad only mumbled his congrats and I could see he didn't really like the fact that Jeff and I are back together. Well, I can't blame him. My dad is a dad, Jeff was a jerk to me back then and he is a serial killer... Well, I guess I really can't blame him...

My dad looked up at me and finally asked the question that I've been so eager to avoid. "Did you actually find your grandmother?"

My heart started racing and I could feel the blood drain from my face. What do I say to him? Sorry dad, I did but I shot her in the head?! If I told him that I did find her then he'll ask me why didn't she come with me and then I'd have to tell him what really happened. I can't do that! It'd break his heart, practically kill him! And he would never forgive me, his innocent, loving daughter who would never hurt a fly. But I guess I'm not that daughter anymore considering I'm the proxy and I killed my own kin.

What do I say? I have no choice. I have to say it. It's the only way for me to feel better about this situation. "I didn't find her," I lied. My dad nodded and he looked a bit disappointed by my answer. I know he was expecting for me to find something, and I did, but I couldn't tell him. "I'm sorry daddy. Maybe I ran into her without knowing it but...I never got to meet her. I know you were so excited about seeing her again and...I-I didn't make that possible. It's my fault that...that," -you can never see her again- "that I let you down." Without realizing it, I started to cry. I failed my father and I failed my Grandmother. I failed in the most shameful way possible. I can't even look my parents in the eye knowing that I am guilty for Maribel's death, even though she said it was best for her and me. How was it best for me?! I know I wouldn't have to live with the burden of sending her to that hell hole if I had let her go but now I live with the burden of ending her life while calling it "saving".

I let some tears fall and I covered my face so they wouldn't see but, like all protective parents, they saw. "It's okay, baby girl, I'm not mad," my dad assured.

I shook my head and mumbled, "No, dad. I-I...I," -killed your mother.

"Elizabeth," he started. "It's fine. You don't have to cry. You did your best and I'm proud for your effort. I couldn't ask for anything more. Sure it would've been great to see her again, but sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. So, you just have to make the best of what you have. I'm happy. I love you and your mother and I'm happy with the life we have together. I'd rather care about the family I have now than the family I lost. I love you, Ellie, so don't cry. C'mere." He beckoned me over and I came in for a hug. He stroked my hair back and kissed my forehead. "I'm proud of you," he told me and I smiled. I looked over at my mom to see her smiling too. I took in a deep breath and said to my dad, "You know...I'm sure that your mom still loves you. And I'm sure she would've said it too."

He stifled a wry laugh and said, "I'm sure she would have." He rubbed my back playfully and said, "Well, why don't you eat up? You must be hungry after the trip." I nodded in agreement and we all got up. "I'll go make us lunch," my mom chimed and strode into the kitchen along with my dad. I sniffled and wiped the last of my tears. I managed a smile and quickly went upstairs to visit my room. Once I stepped in, I was greeted with a purr and a soft graze to my leg. I looked down and saw my favorite cat, Grinny. I picked him up and said, "Hi! How've you been without me? Did you miss Mama?" He leaned over and rubbed his nose against mine then licked it. I giggled and scratched his head. "I'll take that as a yes."

His grin widened and he crawled on my shoulder and rested on me like a scarf. I giggled and walked downstairs to go see my parents. I stepped off the stairs and walked into the kitchen just as my dad was coming out. He jumped and said, "Jesus!"

"What?" I asked, worried. He panted and said, "It's that cat." I chuckled and said, "He doesn't look that scary."

"Says the girl that's friends with monsters," he said and I shrugged. He rolled his eyes and walked upstairs, smiling. I went into the kitchen and greeted my mom. She gave me a smile before yelping and flinching. "Sweet baby Jesus, it's just the cat," she gasped and I chuckled. She took a break from cooking and turned to me. "Sweetie, your father and I got you a gift," she said gleefully. I got excited and asked, "What is it?"

She pointed behind me and I saw my dad, holding a small box in his hands. He gingerly handed it to me, saying, "For you, baby girl." I gently grabbed the box and looked at it. The box was aqua blue and it had a golden yellow ribbon wrapped around it, tied into a bow at the top. I smiled and untied the bow and then opened the box. Inside I found a pendant with an anchor engraved in it. "Open it," my mom beckoned and I snapped it open like she said. Inside, on the right side, I found a picture of me and my parents, and on the left lay engraved words. I furrowed my brow as I read them.

"Una Salus Victis Nullam Sperare Salutem"

It was a different language. "Wh-What does this say?" I asked as I examined the precise engraving. My dad thought and replied, "The man who sold it to us said it was something about hope and vanquishing...?"

My mom rolled her eyes and said, "It says 'The only safety for the vanquished is to abandon hope of safety'. It means that knowing there is no hope gives the courage to fight and win."

"How'd you remember that," my dad asked, actually dumbfounded.

"Because I knew you wouldn't so I had to remember. Thank god my womanly intuition came in handy," she chortled and my dad rolled his eyes playfully. "Whatever," he muttered and my mother laughed. I smiled and look down at the pendant. "And what's with the anchor?" I asked.

"It means hope," my dad said and my mom mumbled something about how he finally remembered something about the pendant, which earned her a playful glare from him. I caressed my thumb across the anchor and smiled at the picture inside. "It's beautiful," I said and brought my parents in for a hug. "We're glad you like it," my mom said and I replied, "I don't like it. I love it! Thank you, so much."

Grinny meowed on my shoulder, giving us the signal that we had to stop hugging because we were crushing him a little. I chuckled and scratched under his chin. "Would you like to put it on," my dad offered and I nodded immediately. He chuckled and grabbed the pendant, turned me around and latched it around my neck, while maneuvering around a stubborn Grinny. I put my hand over it, feeling happy over the wonderful gift. I flashed my parents a bright smile and my mom announced, "Lunch is almost done. Get ready to eat you two."

"Oh, I'm always ready," my dad joked and patted his stomach. I giggled and took a seat at the table. I've missed them and I'm so happy to be back. I'll wear their gift everyday and that's something I will never forget to do.


After lunch I stayed for another hour and decided to meet with my two favorite girls. I used my mom's phone because I lost mine and called Johanna. I had a feeling she'd be easier to handle than Addie once we finally talked. The line rang a few times and then I finally heard her voice. "Hello?"

"Hey, Johanna, it's me Elizabeth," I said and she screamed so loud it hurt my ear. "OHMYGOSHELIZABETH!!! IT'SREALLYYOU!!! HOLYSHIT!!!"

I chuckled and said, "It's been a while."

"It's been more than a while, you son of a bitch," she exclaimed and then laughed. I couldn't suppress my smile and I said, "Hey, I was thinking we could hang out. Ya know, like old times? Maybe even have a sleep over?"

"O-Of course! Yes! A million times yes! I-I'll call Addie," she said and I told her that we could meet up in about an hour. She hung up and I gave the phone back to my mom. I told her and my dad about the sudden plans and they both agreed that it was good for me and my friends. I got ready and made sure I didn't look too tired from the trip. I had a few scars on my face but none of them compared to the huge one along my jaw. I frowned and borrowed my mom's make-up to cover it up. The other ones didn't matter but this one was a fucking beast!

I managed to cover it and I put my mom's make-up back in her and my dad's bathroom. I was already dressed so I decided to spend the next hour at my home away from home, until Addie and Johanna came. I told my parents that I'd walk to the mansion and my dad told me to be careful more than once. I left and took Grinny with me, since the mansion was where he belonged most. God knows how long he's been homesick. He needs this.

I walked through the woods and, after a few minutes, I saw the mansion up ahead. I smiled and jogged forward, eager to step in and see everyone again. I made it to the front door and opened it. As soon as I did, someone came and attacked me with a hug. "ELLIEEEEEE!!!!!" Sally squealed and jumped up and down, still hugging my waist. I giggled and closed the door behind me. With little effort, I picked her up and said, "How has my favorite little girl been?"

"GREAT!" she exclaimed and I carried her further inside. Once I fully stepped into the main room, everyone came rushing in. Masky and Hoodie came and hugged my legs while Jack and Ben hugged my upper half. Sally kept swatting at them, yelling "Back off! She's mine!" I heard a voice say, "Excuse me but I believe she is mine." I looked up and saw Jeff at the bottom step of the stairs, looking happy. I was about to speak when a joyous Smile came bounding up to us and pounced into the hug fest, causing all of us to fall over each other. Jack and Ben landed against the wall, Sally landed next to me and Masky landed on top of Hoodie. When he sat up he looked down and said, "This is awkward." Hoodie nodded and Masky added, "I like it..."

"Get the fuck off me, you dumb-ass," Hoodie said as he shoved Masky away. I only laughed and then felt something wet on my face. Smile was licking me happily and I scratched his back. "Aw, I missed you too, buddy," I said and planted a kiss on his forehead. His smile widened but then faltered once laying eyes upon Grinny. He growled and the smiling cat hissed. Grinny leaped off of me and Smile chased him into another part of the mansion. "God dammit, not again," a voice boomed and I recognized it anywhere. A tall Slenderman came in, seeming to be angry. I beamed and exclaimed, "Slendy!"

He turned and if he had a mouth he would've smiled. He helped me up with his tentacles and wrapped me into a hug. "It's good to see you again, child," he greeted and I replied, "You too, Slender."

"Hey," Masky exclaimed, "Now that Jeff and Ellie are both here, why don't we celebrate with some cheesecake!"

"No Masky," Hoodie scolded and Masky stomped his foot. "No Hoodie! I went on a cheesecake strike for a whole week, all for you! I think I deserve some damn cheesecake!"

"Masky, we all know you're going to be the only one eating it," Hoodie groaned.

"I will have my cheesecake and you can't stop me!" Masky yelled and Hoodie shook his head. "I can stop you and I will," he stated and then said, "You're fat."

Masky gasped and then whimpered, "You jerk! No I'm not!" Hoodie lifted up his jacket and slapped his bare stomach. "See? That fucking jiggles."

"Not even!" Masky yelled, pulled down his jacket and turned away, crossing his arms like a stubborn child. I chuckled and said, "I think some cheesecake wouldn't hurt."

"HOLY FUDGE, THANK YOU, MYSTICAL GODDESS OF JOY!!!" Masky screamed and bolted into the kitchen. Hoodie sighed and followed after him. I think I just gave permission to a ballistic raid in the kitchen. Slendy finally put me down, groaning and muttering to himself about cleaning a mess later. Sally dragged Jack and Ben into the kitchen and all that was left was Jeff and I. He walked towards me and pulled me into a hug and kiss. He pulled away and said, "Hey there, my gorgeous girl."

I blushed and replied, "And hello to you too, my handsome man."

"Damn right I'm handsome," he chortled and nibbled on my ear. I rolled my eyes and giggled. I saw Sally come in out of the corner of my eye and she got in between us. "No kissy kissy! She's mine," she said and dragged me into the kitchen. Jeff grumbled and followed after us. Like Masky said, everyone got cheesecake though most of the gang didn't want it so they just poked at it. Masky went all out though. Only me, Masky, Sally and Jeff ate some (I forced him to so Masky and I wouldn't feel discouraged).

After "celebrating" I got to catch up with everyone. Ben and Jack have been having a prank war and both are tied. Masky had actually been on a cheesecake strike and it wasn't something Hoodie could handle sometimes. Smile Dog has been upset lately since both Jeff and I have been gone but now he's happy again. Sally has been dying to see me and play with me again so she's been bugging Slenderman for the attention. And her teddy bear is still an ass.

I started playing with Sally, carrying her around the house and playing pretend. After a while I checked the time once and gasped. The hour was almost up! I rushed to the main floor with Sally and announced that I had to leave. "What? But you just got here!" Sally whined. I sighed and said, "I know, sweetie but I need to see my friends. But, tomorrow I promise that we'll play and I'll stay longer!" That seemed to calm her down and I said my good-byes to everyone else. Before I left, Jeff quickly pulled me aside and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Do you really have to go?" He asked. I nodded and he groaned a sigh. I gave him a smile and said, "Like I told Sally, I'll be back tomorrow. I'll just be spending the night at one of my friends' house, that's all."

"But, Ellie," he started, "I...I wanted to spend the night with you..." I blushed and stammered, "Jeff, I-I'm sorry, I didn't know-!"

"It's okay," he assured with a light tone, "I probably should've told you that beforehand. Just be careful and don't do anything weird."

"I'll be with my friends. You can't expect me to not be weird, especially after so long," I chuckled and he laughed. He nodded and planted a gentle kiss to my cheek. "I love you, Sunshine," he mumbled and my face flushed red. "I love you too," I repeated and he leaned his head against mine for a brief moment before letting me go to hang out with Sally and Smile, who beckoned him to come and play. I opened the front door but before I walked out I looked back at everyone. Ben and Jack were arguing over some prank, Slendy was holding Masky back from more cheesecake with his tendrils while relaxing on the couch, Hoodie sat next to him, Grinny fell asleep on his lap, and Sally, Smile and Jeff played and rolled along the floor. I looked at Jeff as he held up Sally with his feet and held onto her hands with his own as she giggled and flailed. Smile just lay next to him, tail wagging with joy over the fact that he was back. I sighed, wishing I could stay longer, but I had to see my friends again. So I looked at everyone one more time before smiling and leaving out the front door.

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