Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

I made it out of the woods, making my way back to my house, where Addie and Johanna would pick me up. I got to my house within a few minutes and walked inside. My parents were sitting together talking, cups of brewed coffee in their hands. They noticed me and smiled. "Addie and Johanna are going to be here at any minute," I announced and my mom smiled. "Wonderful! What do you girls plan on doing?"

I sat down on the couch with them and said, "We'll probably derp around at the mall. I've noticed there's a movie coming out today so we all can go see it, since Johanna has been dying to watch it. And we'll have a sleepover. Addie insists it be at her house."

"Make sure to take clothes with you," my dad reminded and I nodded. "I've got a few things to take. I can always borrow one of their clothes anyways." My mom chuckled and replied, "Well, I hope you have fun. I'm sure they'll want to do almost anything with you since its been so long."

I nodded and not a moment later the doorbell rang. I got up to answer it and a figure came barreling at me. I screamed and fell back, arms wrapped around me in a great big hug. I looked up to see chocolate brown curls accompany a slightly tanned face. Pink lips formed a big smile and bright eyes sparkled with joy. "Addie," I breathed and she squealed. "Ellie! Oh my gosh I've missed yoouuuu!!! OMG! OMG! OMG!"

"Alright, alright, calm down and let the girl up before you crush her," I heard another voice say and I look passed Addie's hair to see a dirty blonde haired girl. She wore the same old glasses, still wore the same old low ponytail and had the same gentle yet firm smirk of a tough girl. "Johanna," I said and her smirk turned into a smile.

Addie got up and helped me up. As soon as I stood Johanna pulled me into a hug and I laughed. "I've missed you," she said and squeezed me tighter. I giggled and said, "Me too."

"My gosh, I'm so excited to finally hang out again!" Addie squealed. She was practically shaking from the excitement.

"Don't get too excited," my dad remarked and I rolled my eyes. "We'll behave," I assured and he and my mom nodded while sharing a couple laughs.

"Come on," Johanna said as she let go of me, "Let's go before we miss the movie."

I nodded and turned to my parents. I hugged them both and said my good-byes before joining Addie and Johanna out the door. We all walked to a red Audi S3 Sedan that was parked by my driveway. Addie twirled and said, "Ta da! I present to you my new, luxurious, jaw dropping, ultra, mega, super awesome man hitching car!!!"

"Damn," I mumbled and Johanna chuckled as she got in the the passengers seat while Addie went to take her place at the steering wheel. I got in the back and marveled the fine, black nappa leather seating. Thank god I'm not wearing shorts. It's snowing outside anyways so I definitely wouldn't be wearing shorts! Addie started the engine and it purred to life. She gripped the steering wheel and said, "Let's joy ride this baby!"

"We only have twenty minutes left to get to the theater," Johanna stated and Addie quickly said, "Nevermind," before stepping on the gas and making me fly into my seat. She took sharp turns and jerky stops before we finally saw the theater in the distance. "We still have time," Johanna called and Addie whooped in victory. Once we got into the parking lot that's where the real challenge began. The lot was nearly packed and barely any spaces were left. Whenever we found one another car would take it before Addie drove one inch towards it. We all groaned until I spotted a space ahead of us. "There!" I shouted and Addie fist pumped. But our smiles faded when another car turned the corner and started driving towards the empty spot.

"Back off, bitch!" Addie screamed and stepped on the gas and nearly rammed into the empty parking space, cutting off the other car. We all took a sigh of relief and Addie said, "We made it..."

"Thank god," Johanna breathed and they both turned to look at me. Then they laughed once they realized that I was sprawled in the space between the front and back seats of the car. I looked up and said, "I need a little help..." They giggled and got out of the car. Johanna opened a back door and helped me out of my situation. She shut the door and I stretched out from being confined. We all laughed and started walking towards the theater building. "Let's never do that again," I muttered. Addie replied, "Aw, you liked it."

"I almost flew out the damn window," I exclaimed.

"Pfft, it's not that bad," she chortled and I rolled my eyes as we walked towards the building entrance.


"That. Was. The best movie ever!!!" I shouted as we left through the theater exit. Everyone around us was raving over the film we had just seen and I couldn't help but join their thrill. "Did you see how that guy sucker punched the other guy?! It was WHAM and he was out cold like friggin' Antartica!"

"The fights were awesome, but the science and physics in the whole plot of the movie was off the charts!" Johanna said.

"All you care about is the science? Please! Those sexy, toned bodies on those gorgeous men were H-O-T triple exclamations!" Addie cooed. Johanna and I rolled our eyes as Addie practically drooled. The men were pretty fit and handsome, I can't deny that but I don't care for that stuff. Especially since I have my own handsome man. I sighed dreamily without realizing and Addie chimed, "See?! Even Elizabeth is melting with the thought of those men! Ugh, so hot...!"

"Whatever," Johanna grumbled and pulled us along since we were slowing down. We got back in the car and Addie said, "So, where to now?"

"The mall," I suggested and she nodded. She started the car, backed out of the parking space and exited the lot to go out on the street. We made it to the mall's parking lot and found a space without having to ram anyone in the process. We walked to the big building and entered into Sears. "Let's check out Macy's!" Addie exclaimed and we made way to Macy's. Once we walked in Addie immediately raced towards the clothes section. Johanna sighed and said, "I better stay with her. If I'm not around she'll end up buying out the whole store."

Johanna quickly went to be with Addie while I decided to check out other parts of the store, since I know they'll stay within that one section. I walked through the fragrance section, trying out perfumes and retching whenever I smelled one that was way too strong. I didn't spray them on myself, only on those sample slips but I ended up smelling like a garden once I left. I walked through an appliance section and passed by a make-up section. As I passed, I looked into a mirror and saw how I looked. How can Addie and Johanna be happy to see this face? I saw a scar running up my eyebrow, across the bridge of my nose, over my cheek and the beast was somewhere on my jaw though my mom's make-up still covered it. I sighed, knowing that I looked rugged. If people thought I wasn't pretty back then, wait until they see me now. I'd rather no one saw me at all. I'm not amazingly attractive so the scars only make me look like I've crawled out of Hell.

I walk away, ignoring my own self and finding my way back to Addie and Johanna. I found them by the cashier counter that had more than two or three shirts, shoes, pants and accessories. "Holy shit," I mumbled as I stood next to Johanna, "What happened? I thought you were going to make sure she didn't buy too much."

"This is the minimum of her shopping, "Johanna said and I gave a horrified look towards the clothes. Once Addie had bought her clothes and was carrying her bags she said, "Hey, I don't want to be the only one with stuff here! Come on! Let's find some things for you both!"

Johanna and I shared glances and followed Addie as she skipped passed other shoppers. We tried out stores and Johanna managed to buy some pants and shirts. She also got a new bag to carry for school. I still hadn't gotten anything though I didn't care if I did or didn't. I only want to spend time with my friends. "Hey, let's see if there's anything you'll like in here," Addie said to me as she pointed to a store called Spencer's. I had my doubts about it from the way it looked. Neon lights lit up portions of the store and various brands were featured like My Little Pony, Walking Dead, Pokemon and a thing called Domo. Addie dragged me inside and I was enjoying it at first. But then I saw the vulgar shirts with things that said "If you read this then you have to suck my"- I don't want to read anymore. And as if the dirty gag gifts weren't enough they had so many toys...but not the kind for kids...

"What the fuck is this?" I asked as I picked up a weird object.

"Put that down Ellie. Guys are looking," Johanna said.

"But what is it?" I asked again as I lifted it towards her.

"Get that thing outta my face!" she screamed and slapped it out of my hands.

"Hey, look at me!" Addie chimed and waved around a whip and a string with beads on it. "You shall not pass!" she chortles and snapped the whip while spinning the beads in the air. Johanna face-palmed and slapped the whip and beads out of her hands. I picked up the beads and asked, "Is this what I think it-?"

"Shaddup and let's go before we get raped," Johanna exclaimed, slapped the beads out of my hand and dragged us out. We walked far, far away from the store and Addie said, "That place was fun! We should go again-!"

"NOO!!!" Johanna and I exclaimed in unison and we all left to the food court.


We ordered food from different places. Addie ordered Sushi from a Sushi shop, Johanna got pasta from an Italian restaurant and I just got pizza. I was nibbling on it as I listened to the both of them talk about what went on while I was away. Johanna made it as president of the mathematics club, Addie was now officially the prettiest girl in the junior student body and they even said that Ian joined the mathematics club too, although I don't know how considering he's a total idiot.

"He misses you too," Addie said before popping in a rainbow roll in her mouth. I sighed and said, "I wish I could see him again. I miss his stupidity."

Johanna laughed and said, "Well, once you go back to school, you'll see him there. You are going back...right?"

I nodded and said, "Of course. I'll probably be behind on a lot of things but I'll go back."

"Speaking of school, everyone is talking about you," Addie said and I paid close attention. "Everyone is still convinced that you probably killed Travis. And what's worse is that they're also saying stuff about your parents too."

"What?" I hissed. She nodded and said, "They're saying that your parents probably beat you, considering your injuries when you came back last time. Some people found out about your mom and dad's behavior at this party they went to. It wasn't bad behavior but they weren't exactly seen as eloquent. People also say things that aren't true like how your dad has drinking issues and how your mom is a..."

"A what?" I asked.

Addie shut her mouth and looked down at her food. Johanna sighed and grumbled, "A whore. They say she's a whore."

"Motherfuckers!!!" I scream and nearly knock my chair over as I stood up and slammed my fists on the table. I seethed for a few seconds before realizing that the food court went silent. The only noises there were were the restaurants cooking food. I slowly sat down and Johanna rubbed my back. "Relax," she said, "they're not true anyways so what's to be mad about."

"I'm mad because they all have the nerve to talk trash about my own parents...!" I growled. "They did nothing wrong. I'm okay with ridicule about me...but if there's one ounce of repulsive insult targeted at my parents then I swear I'm gonna kill a bitch!"

"Well, you're in luck because that bitch is Maddy," Addie grumbled and sipped her drink. I clenched my fists and sneered. Of course it would be Maddy. That slut is always fucking up my life even when I'm not around. I sighed in frustration and nearly mauled my pizza. "I'm definitely coming back," I mutter, "And once I do...I'll put that bitch in her place."

"Ellie, don't be stupid. If you do anything then the ridicule will only get worse and you're going to have more shit to deal with," Johanna said and I shook my head. "I could care less about what people say about me. But I'll be damned if they say anything bad about my parents. I'll make sure they know not to fuck with them and I'll start by fucking up Maddy and her Barbie bitches." I drank my soda and I saw Johanna and Addie share worried glances at each other. "Don't worry," I added, "I can do it. I've changed a lot more than you think, though I'm not sure if that's good or absolutely terrible."

"If anything happens, we will be there for you," Addie said and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and Johanna did the same. "Thanks," I said and pulled them into a brief hug. "I forgot how good it is to be with you guys," I said and Addie giggled. "When we're together, bitches be jealous because we're so fab!"

"Amen," Johanna said and clapped her hands together. I laughed and ate pizza. It's good to have them again.

"Hey, so where have you been this whole time?" Johanna asked and I gulped. Damn...what do I tell them? Should I just use the same excuse as last time? No, I can't. They'll probably ask questions this time. What do I do?

"Uh," I mumbled, "I was...I was out...camping! With my...Grandpa! Yeah, we used to do that all the time back then! It's fun!"

"But you hate camping," Addie stated. I bit my lip and said, "Only because it doesn't have the true spirit of nature! Nature's the fucking best!"

They eyed me for a few moments before slowly letting me off the hook. I sighed in relief and we all kept talking about other things while enjoying our food.


We left the mall and I had gotten nothing, though I didn't mind. Addie stuffed her car trunk with shopping bags and Johanna had to put hers in the back with me. We all got in the car and Addie started driving again. It was getting late so it was now time to go to Addie's house for the sleep over. We made it to her house and Addie turned off the car. "My mom and dad are going out tonight so we have the whole place to ourselves. Let's get crazy!"

"Not too crazy," Johanna said and we got out of the car. I helped Addie with some of her bags and we all walked to the front door. As we did, I looked at the house. I can't remember the last time I was here but it was like I'm seeing it for the the first time again. Addie's house was huge, and I mean huge! It was two stories high, had a five acre lot yet only used about twenty meters of it for the back and front yard, had a pool, a garden and her parents owned five luxurious, expensive cars that fit in a garage practically bigger than my house. And yet Addie's family wasn't filthy rich. They just get really good deals.

"Make yourselves at home," my bubbly friend sang as we entered through the front door. "I wish this was my home," Johanna remarked quietly and I smirked. Addie told us to leave the bags on the dining table and she led us up to her room. We marched up the stairs and walked down the long corridor. Addie invites us into her room and I smiled once seeing it. She had a canopy bed fit for a royal, a wide window framed with white silk curtains, a walk in closet filled with many many clothes and a double papasan that had a white and light pink floral design on it. I wish my room looked as grand as this.

"Elizabeth and Johanna! So nice to see you!" I heard behind me and I saw a woman who looked almost like Addie. "Hello, Willa," I said to Addie's mother. She came over and hugged me and Johanna. "I've missed the days where you two would always come by," she said. I giggled as she squeezed us a little tighter and let go. Addie wasn't kidding when she said her parents were going out tonight. Her mother was ready to go with a peacock blue thigh slit dress and make-up that complimented her attire. Her wavy hair framed her face well and was put into a French braid. Her smile was stunning and I was amazed by how beautiful she is. And Addie gets her look from her mother.

Someone stood at the doorway of the room and I recognized them as a man. "Hello, Eric," Johanna greeted and the man walked in. "Hi, Daddy!" Addie said. Eric was dressed as well, with a black tux and peacock blue tie to go with Willa's peacock blue dress. His dark hair was pulled back with gel yet it was giving a messy look. He was a gallant man with a lovely woman. They were the perfect couple! "Elizabeth and Johanna, it's great to see you! You two haven't come by for weeks! Well, at least Elizabeth hasn't."

"Sorry. I've been busy lately," I explained and he nodded. "It's fine. I'm just glad you all are together again. Willa and I will be leaving now so once we do Addie will be in charge of the house."

"You sure you want to do that," Johanna chortled and Willa chuckled. "She may act wild but she knows how to handle things perfectly," she said and Addie grinned bashfully. "Make yourselves at home," Eric said and walked out of the room. Before Willa left to follow him, she said, "Elizabeth?" I turned to her. She smiled at me and said, "Welcome back." I nodded and she left the room. Addie clapped her hands together and exclaimed, "Okay, ladies, let's get things started! What should we do first on our random list of awesomeness?"

"I say we chill," Johanna said as she laid back on the papasan. Addie tsked and said, "Oh my lovely JoJo, have you forgotten what happens when we hang out at my house?"

"What do you mean," Johanna asked, becoming a little uneasy. Addie grinned mischievously and loomed over Johanna. "You're in my domain now, bitch, so now shit's about to go down."

Johanna laughed nervously and I rubbed the back of my neck. Addie turned and said, "Let's stay up all night 'til the morning light! I declare we do the banana and Sprite challenge!"

"NOOOOOO!!!" Johanna and I exclaimed and Addie only cackled maniacally as she possibly planned our deaths.


"My stomach is so done," Johanna grumbled and I moaned, "My hands burn from the salt and ice..."

"My mouth tastes like cinnamon," Addie giggled and we glared at her. "You bubbly son of a bitch," Johanna muttered and I groaned from the slight pain on my hands. Addie laughed and said, "Well, enough with the challenges. Let's get into our jammies!"

"I don't have any," I said. Addie's eyes seemed to sparkle and she said, "That's okay! I'll give you something to wear!" She grabbed me and dragged me to her room to give me clothes. She practically made a cyclone with the way she rummaged through her clothes in her closet. Once she found something for me she gave me the clothes and I changed in the bathroom. When I got out Addie and Johanna were waiting for me in her room. Johanna was wearing a black tank top and checkered pajama pants. Addie was wearing silk, lilac colored pajama shirt and pants. I was only wearing shorts and a white T-shirt that had a panda on it. I borrowed a hair band from Addie and tied my hair up. I felt weird doing it since I normally don't wear ponytails but it's okay.

I sat down on the edge of Addie's bed and I saw both of the girls look at my legs. I looked too and saw the scars and bruises left from recent fights. "Those don't look so pretty," Johanna pointed out and I laughed. "Oh, it's nothing. Camping can be a real hassle sometimes."

"Camping must be rough," Addie mumbled and I shrugged. I got an idea and said, "Let's watch movies."

"Sounds good to me," Johanna said and we all raced down the stairs to the entertainment room. Johanna went back upstairs to get some pillows and blankets, Addie got the movies ready and I got the snacks. As I was in the kitchen, making popcorn in the microwave and getting other snacks I heard a noise outside the window above the sink. I walked up and pushed the curtains out of the way to see nothing but pitch black darkness. It was probably just a cat. Before I could think further, the microwave dinged and I went to get the popcorn. The snacks were done and when I went back to the entertainment room, Addie and Johanna were already snuggled into blankets and pillows. I laughed and sat down on the couch with them, sharing the popcorn and other snacks with them.

Hours passed by, of watching various movies and either laughing, crying, shivering from fear or just making fun of the films. We had fun and that was all that mattered. Finally, at 1am in the morning, we got tired and headed up to Addie's bedroom to sleep. Addie brought out an air bed and inflated it for herself. "Are you sure you don't want to sleep in your own bed?" I asked. She nodded and said, "This is your special night. You can take the bed." I thought it was sweet of her to do that and once Johanna was comfortable on the papasan, Addie on the air bed and me on her canopy bed we knocked out. But my sleep didn't last for long.

"Fuck I need to pee...," I whispered and got up to use the bathroom. I walked down the dark hallway, eyes barely even open. I felt for the door and walked inside. I quickly used the bathroom and washed my hands, but as I did I heard a thump outside the door. I frowned and dried my hands before opening the door and walking out to see someone a few feet away down the hall. It wasn't Addie or Johanna, nor was it one of Addie's parents. I immediately became fully awake and jumped into action. I charged after them and tackled them to the floor. They grunted and I sat on them as I punched them across the face. The intruder tried to keep my hands away but I wouldn't stop. No one sneaks in here without earning a black eye. Before I could punch the intruder into unconsciousness I heard them say, "Ellie, stop! It's just me!" I came to an abrupt stop and my vision adjusted to the darkness. As I looked at the person in front of me I noticed a hint of a slit smile.

"Jeff...?" I whispered. He chuckled and said, "Hi Sunshine."

I stared at him and then punched him across the face one more time. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" I hissed. He winced from the pain and muttered, "I got anxious about leaving you with your friends so...I've been keeping an eye on you..."

"For how long?!"

"Since you left the mall..." he said and I punched him again. "Dammit, that hurts," he whined. I frowned and said, "You shouldn't be here. If one of my friends see you, they'll call the cops and then you're screwed!"

"Relax," he said, "They won't find me anytime soo-."

We heard shuffling down the hall and I sprang up. I yanked Jeff up from the floor and dragged him into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. We panted and I pointed at him as I slid a finger over my neck. He shrinked away and before I could say anything there was a knock at the door. My eyes went wide and I made a shushing gesture. He nodded and hid behind the door as I opened it enough to poke my head out. Addie was outside, half asleep and she asked, "What's going on? I heard noises."

I blinked and said, "Oh it's fine. I tripped a little on the way here."

She paused a few moments before rubbing her eyes and saying, "You've been in the bathroom for a while."

I shrugged and said, "Well, you see uh, I've been having...constipation." I heard Jeff snigger and I lifted up my leg to kick him. He immediately got quiet and I put my attention back to Addie. "Um...okay. I hope it's not serious...?" she mumbled and I nodded. She walked away and I shut the door. I turned and saw Jeff hunched over, moaning in pain. "Did you have to kick me in the nads?" he groaned. I crossed my arms and said, "Well, next time stay quiet."

Just when I thought everything was okay there was another knock on the door and I tensed up. Jeff hid behind the door again and I opened it to see Addie again. "Now that I'm up I need to use the bathroom," she said and I cursed inside my head. "Yeah, once sec. doesn't exactly smell like roses in here," I lied and Jeff sniggered again. I kicked him again, hopefully in the same place and Addie said, "Okay. I'll be waiting out here then." I flashed her a forced smile before shutting the door and having a mini panic attack. "There's no way for you to sneak away," I whispered and Jeff asked at equal volume, "What am I supposed to do then?" I looked over his shoulder at the shower and Jeff turned to look to. "No," he protested, "No, no, no. I am not going to wait in here and listen to your friend take a piss."

"Who says you have to listen?" I hissed. "Just get behind the curtains and stay quiet. It's simple."

"It's disgusting," he argued.

"Do you want to go to jail?" I asked and he paused for a few seconds. He turned around and moved the shower curtains aside to step into the tub and he sighed. I nodded and he let go of the curtains so they covered him. I turned towards the door and opened it. "It's all yours," I told Addie and I had a feeling Jeff was regretting his decision to come. Addie took the bathroom and shut the door. I walked back to her room and got into bed, waiting for Addie to come back and fall asleep again. Johanna was still sleeping, thank god. Once I heard Addie's footsteps and her bedroom door opening I let go of my tension. She got back in her air bed and snuggled under her covers to sleep again. After waiting five minutes for her to fall asleep I got up and left the room. I walked down the hall and went into the bathroom to check on Jeff. I pulled back the shower curtains and saw he was right where I had left him. He stepped out and glared daggers at me. "That was excruciating," he grumbled and shuddered. I roll my eyes and say, "You can whine later. Right now you need to leave."


"No buts! You need to leave now," I said firmly and he sighed. We walked out of the bathroom and I ordered Jeff to exit where he came from. As I scolded him briefly he looked passed me and gasped. I turned and nearly cursed aloud. Johanna was up and standing, in a state of shock. Before I could say anything to her she screamed and ran back into Addie's room. "Shit," I hissed and chased after her. Once I went in, Johanna was dialing on her phone and Addie was awake and confused. I lunged towards Johanna and fought for the phone. "Don't call the police!" I said and grabbed for the phone. She gave me an appalled look and shrieked, "There's an intruder in the house!"

"Wait what?!" Addie squeaked. Right on cue to make things worse, Jeff showed up at the doorway looking sorry. We all turned to look at him and both Addie and Johanna screamed in unison. Jeff shook his head and made shushing gestures to them, begging for them to quiet down. I groan and rolled my eyes at his helpless effort. I had to push Johanna down onto the floor to get the phone away from her. "No!" she screamed and I still went grabbing for the device. Meanwhile, Addie was sobbing in fear and Jeff was freaking out like an idiot. Just when I was so close to reaching the phone, Johanna hit the call button and I screamed. In the heat of the moment I used the destruction spell on it and it shattered in her hands. Johanna lay there, startled and confused by the sudden move. I looked over at Addie and said, "Stop crying and be quiet, please!"

She stopped for a brief moment before breaking down in tears again. Johanna started screaming at me, asking why I was being bat shit crazy and why I was harboring a criminal in Addie's house. With each sob and each scold I grew more and more frustrated until I hit my limit and screamed at the top of my lungs, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" My voice seemed to echo and both girls ceased their noises. The room was deathly quiet and I couldn't even hear my own breathing. I calmed down and said, "Everyone just... Calm. Down."

"Calm down? Calm down?!" Johanna hissed, "There is a criminal in Addie's room! He's...he's a monster! Why are you protecting him?! What if he kills us?!"

"He won't kill us," I assured and she shook her head. "What if you're wrong? Huh? If we all die then it's your fault!"

"Please just listen to me for one seco-." She suddenly shoved me off and got up. "I'm not about to let you screw us all over, Elizabeth!" she exclaimed and grabbed a vase that held a single flower from Addie's vanity. She ran after Jeff and raised the vase. Jeff held up his arms just as it smashed and cracked against him. He let down his arms for a moment so he could push Johanna back but she maneuvered passed him and smashed it against his head. The glass shattered and left her hand bleeding but that didn't stop her. She punched Jeff in the gut and did a right hook to his jaw. He stumbled against the doorway and she pushed him out. I got up to stop the brawl but then she took it out in the hall and I growled. I saw them tumbling down the hall, punches being thrown by Johanna and Jeff trying to stop her movements. They made it towards the railing of the stairs and Johanna went to tackle Jeff but he side stepped and she slipped over the railing. Before she fell to the main floor Jeff reached our and caught her by her leg. She screamed and looked up at Jeff, flashed him a disgusted look and kicked him across the face with her other leg. He grunted and his grip slipped. She went falling and I freaked out. Without even thinking I run towards the railing and, with a flash of static, I end up at the bottom floor. I jumped out and caught her before she went breaking bones on the floor. We tumbled across the floor and panted from the adrenaline. I shakily got up, the sudden teleportation having knocked the energy out of me and I helped Johanna up. She stood up and backed away from me, looking at me like I was a monster. "What the hell did you just do?" she asked, voice cracking. I reached out for her but she flinched and backed away even more. I heard footsteps rushing and I turned to see Addie with a look of worry on her face. She looked at me, fear flashing across her face and she asked, " did you do that?"

"Y-You saw too?" I mumbled and she nodded. "Of course I did! What the hell did you do?!" she shouted and I glanced back and forth at my two friends. I was sweating slightly from the adrenaline and anxiety of the moment. They saw Jeff. They saw what I did. They saw. They know.

"Elizabeth!" Johanna said, pushing me to speak. I was shaking. They're my friends. We tell each other everything. Except for this. Anything but this.

"Ellie, please!" Addie exclaimed, on the verge of tears. My vision was hazy and my breathing became shallow. I dreaded this moment. And now it's here. I looked above me and saw Jeff looking down at me from over the railing. I saw the worry in his eyes and he nodded. He was giving me approval. I knew what for.

Johanna growled, "Elizabeth, if you don't start talking I'm calling the-!"

I raised my hand to halt her speaking and she grew quiet. I sighed, knowing what I had to do. With a deep breath I said, "It's time you knew the truth."


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