Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

"The truth?" Johanna asked, "What the hell do you mean by 'the truth'"?

I looked down at her then over at Addie. Both were equally confused, terrified and yet still concerned. I told them both to take a seat somewhere and they sat on a couch. I stood in front of them and sighed, rubbing my temple nervously. "Before I begin," I start, "I want to make sure you guys don't freak out in the middle of my explanation. Save your WTF's for when I'm done."

"Can't make any promises," Addie muttered and I pursed my lips. "Okay," I add, "First off...that criminal in the house isn't going to kill us or hurt us in anyway. Right, Jeff?" I turn to see Jeff walking down the stairs and he stopped at the bottom step. He was eyeing Johanna in anxiety and I looked to see Johanna glaring him to death. Addie perked up in her seat and said, "Wait, did you say Jeff? J...Jeff the killer? As in the Jeff the killer in the story Ian spread? The one who is supposedly killing people in the town?" I nodded and her face went pale.

"Why should we trust him?" Johanna hissed.

"You're still alive, aren't you?" Jeff remarked and her glare intensified. I scoffed and added, "You can trust him because he is my partner. And he's also," -I cough- "boyfriend."

"Wh...what?" Addie asked, leaning forward to hear me better. I sigh and repeat, "He's my boyfriend."

My friends stare at me for what seemed like hours, practically forever. Their expressions blank and I was afraid I broke them. Then, Johanna snapped out of her shock and scowled toward Jeff. "You bastard," she growled and Addie had to lay a hand on her shoulder to keep her seated. "Please, don't get angry," I pleaded and she gave me a sarcastic smile. "Oh yeah, I'm not angry at all. I'm furious! What kind of person dates a psycho serial killer?! That's messed up!"

"That's sexy," Addie mumbled and Johanna, Jeff and I turn to her and give her weird looks. Addie shrugged and Johanna face-palmed herself. "Anyway," I started, breaking the tension, "He won't hurt us. And if he does then I'll protect you guys, though I doubt it'll happen. Second in my explanation...I'm not normal."

"Nobody is," Jeff said and I glare at him, telling him to shut up on this one. I turn back to my friends and say, "I'm not exactly the girl you used to know. I mean- I am...but I'm not an ordinary person anymore. You see, earlier this year I discovered that I'm, what is known as, the proxy. I have strange abilities that can't really be explained. I have been dragged into a world that would send someone into a state of insanity, and I am destined to fight and possibly sacrifice my life in order to save all of humanity from a being called Zalgo. That's why I have these wounds from previous battles." I gesture to my own body and they looked at my legs and face. "Some were merely scratches, others not so much." I lifted up my shirt to reveal a long, glazed over scar running down my side, it passed the hem of my shorts.

I put my shirt down and spoke, "I have also gained other marks though they are to distinguish what I am." I presented my wrists to them to let them see the twin symbols on either wrist. The O with the X crossed over it. The girls just stared at them and I had to put my hands down in order for them to pay attention to me. "This whole thing is also the reason why I have been gone for weeks. I went to live with other...things in order to be protected and trained. And then when I left the second time it was to find someone who knows what I've been through. But things didn't turn out well..." My eyes stung just from thinking about what happened. I shook my head, ignoring the sadness and I inhaled deeply. "I didn't want to tell either of you, fear that you'd reject me and see me as a monster or worse, you would get too involved and possibly get hurt. I don't want to put anyone in danger, not you two, or Ian and especially not my parents. By the way, they know too. So does Ian. He's always known about this whole thing, even before I did. And Travis? He was killed by an enemy of Jeff's, though that's another story for a different time. The point is, anyone in my 'normal' life will eventually get mixed up in my 'weird' life. Ian nearly got his kidney's eaten, my mom and dad were attacked by this monster thing and Travis is now dead. And I'm scared that you guys are next. I'm sorry you had to find out this way but it was only to protect you! You guys don't know what my enemies are capable of, which is why either me, Jeff and anyone else in my 'weird' life is the only people who can fight them. I know what I'm doing. I can fight. I could take down a whole horde of Maddy's people but I just choose not to because despite who pisses me off and who doesn' one deserves to be involved in this. No one deserves to die because it's my fault. I have to save all of humanity, for Christ's sake! I can barely keep you two away from this let alone save the life of my-." I stopped myself from mentioning my Grandma and I frowned. My fists were clenched and my shoulders were tense. "I love you guys, and because I love you I had to stay away. People used to be in my position and each of them had to leave behind their families and friends in order to keep them safe! I would've done that by now but something threatened to kill you and everyone else I love if I didn't come back! So I did, and that only got me in more trouble. I'm sorry. We're friends and we tell each other everything and anything...but this was something meant for me and me alone. I'm destined to protect, to fight and to win. And I will. So please...don't reject me like so many people have before. I was alone because people thought I was a freak. And now I'm just a freak with powers who might be going insane! I would beg for you guys to forget me and leave me alone to live a life of isolation from the world. But, I'm not like the people before me... I want to make things work. I-I want to still live this life! I want to be with you to make you happy and to be happy myself! I need an escape from the horrifying reality that is mine and you and my parents are my anchor. You keep me here. You keep me somewhat normal and sane! You make me feel like I did before. Back then, I always wanted to be normal but I took that all for granted. Now I'm the proxy and there's no turning back. Please...don't cast me out as a monster. I'm still Elizabeth! I'm still your friend! And I'll always be. And if you two hate me and wish to never see me again then I understand, but please just know that I would try my all to protect you! I would go through whatever pain to keep everyone safe. It's what I'm meant for."

Silence. Utter silence. It pierced my ears and I was nearly about to scream from the unbearable sound of deadly silence. I stared at Addie and Johanna, waiting for a response, a breath, a blink. I wasn't sure if they were even processing what I just said but maybe processing how to get rid of me. I'm scared. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. I'm scared...

Addie had finally moved as she got up from the couch. She walked towards me, and stopped in front of me. Face full of shock and possibly fear, she just stared at me. Tears brimmed my eye lids and I tried so hard to hold them back. She reached down and grabbed my hands, turning them over and caressing my symbols gently, almost nervously. Her hands shook and gradually got worse by the second. She looked up at me and I saw that she had already let her tears escape. Sad eyes don't go with her at all. She's not meant for it.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, feeling ashamed. I heard Johanna growl viciously and she shot up from the couch. She marched over towards me and got in between me and Addie. Her hard expression nearly sent me whimpering. I was about to speak when she raised a hand and slapped me across the face. My cheek burned from the impact and I heard Addie gasp. I was frozen with shock. I looked up at Johanna to see her expression stayed the same. I held my face tenderly as she scolded me. "You selfish idiot! Do you have any idea what you have put me and Addie through?! You should be ashamed! How could you not tell us?! Did you not trust us enough to say anything?! God, you're such a brat! For weeks, we have been worried sick over you whenever you left! We dealt with all the bastards at school! We dealt with our own concern all because you didn't have the guts to confess this to us! I should be beating you, throwing you out and forgetting that I know you! But I'm not because you want to know why?!"

With a shaky voice I mumbled, "Wh-Why...?"

She sneered and hissed, "Because you're family!" I stared at her and noticed how her tears gradually came flowing. I've never seen her cry before. She rarely cries. And now she's tearing up all because of me. I'm a real idiot. She yanked me into a great big hug and she cried onto my shoulder. Her grip tightened on me and I knew I'd have bruises after this. I sniffled and cried too, clinging to her like my life depended on it. I looked over at Addie as she was wiping away tears. I gestured for her to come over and she did. We got into a group hug and I mumbled to them, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Addie assured as she squeezed me. Johanna pulled away and cupped my face. "Don't ever scare us again, you hear?" she demanded and I nodded. She flashed me a smile and let me go. We just stood there, unsure of what to do or say. Addie yawned and I knew they must still be tired. "You guys go back to sleep," I said and Addie was about ready to oblige and pass out. Johanna wiped away the last of her tears and she said, "What do we do with Jeff?"

I looked over at him and sighed. "I'll send him ho-."

"He can stay here for tonight," Addie said and Johanna gave her a bewildered look. My bubbly friend shrugged and said, "If Ellie says he won't hurt us then he really won't. Hell, he didn't even want to hit you when you were beating the shit outta him. He even tried to prevent you from falling."

Johanna glanced at him then at me and sighed. "Fine," she grumbled, "but if he tries anything then I'll personally confront him."

"Agreed," I said and I heard Jeff protest quietly. Addie smiled and said, "He can stay in the guest room for tonight." She skipped to him and dragged him up the stairs to his given room. I turned back to Johanna as she asked, "How long have you two been dating?"

I thought about it and answered, "Maybe a little over three months?"

"Three months- dammit Elizabeth!"

"I'm sorry!" I whined and she chuckled. "If it helps," I added, "we broke up and got back together again so really it's been more like a week!"

"Whatever," she sighed. She flashed me a little smile. "I knew you'd get a boyfriend, though not one like him but...I'm happy for you...still kinda worried but I'm happy."

"Thanks," I said and I heard Addie call us to come up. We left the main floor and went up the stairs to the second floor. Before I went to join my friends in Addie's room I visited Jeff. I walked into the guest room and saw him sitting cross-legged on the bed. He was wearing different clothes; basketball shorts and a T-shirt, while his other clothes lay on a chair in the corner. I guess Addie let him borrow her dad's clothes. They were a little big on him, as expected since Eric was a broad man. Jeff picked at the fabric of the basketball shorts and I chuckled. He looked up at me, his demeanor slightly uncomfortable since his shoulders were hunched.

"Are you okay," I asked him. He nodded and asked, "Are you okay?"

I paused for a moment before nodding. "Sorry for the scene back there," I apologized. He shook his head and replied, "It's fine. It's hard for everyone. At least, that's what Slenderman says. I can't imagine what it's like."

I shrugged and said, "Well, it's not easy that's for sure." He stifled a wry laugh before going quiet and becoming uncomfortable again. I sigh and walk to the edge of the bed. "You know I'm still mad at you for sneaking in here," I told him and his paper white face flushed a light shade of pink. "S-Sorry," he murmured and I chuckled. He glanced up at me and said, " look tired. You should get rest."

Once he said that I felt the heaviness of my eyes and I yawned. I look at Jeff and say, "You should get rest too."

He nodded and just sat there. Why is he acting so weird? I smile and ask, "Are you sure you're okay?"

He nodded and mumbled, "I'm just concerned over what will happen, now that you're friends know. I don't want you to get hurt."

I pursed my lips and sit at the edge of the bed. "I-I'm okay with whatever happens. I decided to finally tell them and I'll take whatever consequences that come my way. But I'll still try to keep them safe even if they end up hating me. To be honest, I feel like they will. Probably not now but eventually they'll grow to despise me. But, like I said to them, I'd give my all to keep them safe. And I'll fight to keep everyone else safe, too. I'm scared but I'm not going to give up."

"Good," he replied. I smiled slightly and let it go. The room got quiet and I decided it was time I go with my friends. As I was getting up to leave, Jeff grabbed my arm and said, "Wait! Don't go."

"Jeff I-."

"I told you before that I wanted to spend the night with you, right?" he said and I agreed. "Well...I still want to do that. So...please sleep with me?" His face suddenly went red and it took me a while to figure out why. "I-I mean don't sleep with me as in have sex b-but like 'sleep in the same bed with me' sleep with me...ya know what I mean? Like I'm not gonna try anything sexual on you because it's not that kind of sleep with me! You can just sleep with me. Wait what-?"

I kissed him before he would break his brain and I said, "Yes I'll spend the night with you." His smile widened and he chuckled awkwardly. I smiled back at him and went to close the door and turn off the lights. I plopped down beside him on the bed and he chuckled. We got under the covers and he pulled me close, holding me tight. I smiled and dug my face into his strong chest. He pulled off my hair band so my ponytail was no more as my hair fell freely. He threw the hair band on the nightstand and kissed my forehead, warm lips sending nice chills down my back. In his deep, raspy voice, he whispered against my temple, "I love you."

I blush and say, "I love you too." I feel his arms tense and then relax when hearing those words and I understand. He's not a person who hears I love you all of the time. I feel the same but I at least had my parents and friends to say it, though I feel uncomfortable when they tell me. I'm not meant for affection and relationships yet here I am, cuddling with a killer who loves me like no one else will.

"Good night," Jeff mumbled and I was about to say it back to him but sleep had gotten a hold of me so I could only squeeze him one more time before I knocked out.


I woke up, the room still dark, indicating that it was still night. I checked the time and it was 4am in the morning. I only slept for two hours? I don't know. I groan and turn over to hug Jeff but I only felt the bed sheets. I opened my eyes to see that I was the only one in bed. I was the only one in the room.

Groaning, I shuffled off of the bed and walked out of the room. I looked around the hall and saw that no one else was up. I frowned and walked down to Addie's room to check on my friends. They were sound asleep and I noticed Johanna's hand was bandaged. She must have fixed it before going to bed. And the broken vase shards were gone too. I look out the window and see the spacious backyard. The pool was covered with a protective sheet and the backyard was nearly filled with snow, though the walkway lay untouched. Trees had lost their leaves to sustain energy and no animals resided. It looked gloomy yet peaceful. I looked around some more and noticed something. Someone was sitting on the hammock tied between two trees.

I looked around the room and grabbed the closest thing to a jacket I could find, which was one of Addie's pullover sweaters. I sneaked passed the girls and raced down the stairs to go to the backyard. I reach the sliding glass doors that lead to the backyard patio and look passed them. I finally see that the person on the hammock was Jeff. "What the hell is he doing out there?" I grumbled. I was about to go outside when I realized that I was still wearing shorts. I groan as I look down at my bare, pale legs scarred with old wounds. I sigh, take in a deep breath and man up as I walk outside. I'm such an idiot.

My socks couldn't keep my feet warm from the blistering cold tile patio and walkway and my teeth immediately began to chatter. I rubbed my covered arms, hoping to create enough friction to warm me up. I walk towards Jeff as he's slowly swinging on the hammock, seeming to not have a care in the world. I frown at this and get his attention by calling his name. He looks over at me and shoots up in his place, nearly tipping himself over. "Ellie, what are you doing out here? It's freezing!" he said, concern filling his voice. I give him a look and say, "I should ask you the same thing. Why are you out here?"

"I couldn't get I came outside for some air," he explained. I reached over and touched his face, quickly retracting my hand back from the unbearable coldness of his skin. "How long have you been out here?" I asked, shocked that he hasn't frozen to death. He just shrugged and said, "I don't know. Maybe for about forty minutes?"

I gaped at him and he just stared like he didn't see the wrong in this. "Jeff, if you stay out here any longer then you'll get sick," I told him.

"I'll be fine. I got used to the cold. There was a point in my life when I didn't have a home, so I had to survive out in terrible places and conditions. This doesn't bother me," he replied, nonchalantly.

"But it bothers me," I said, "come back inside and get some sleep."

"You go back and get sleep," he suggested, "if you can't stand being out here then don't. Besides, you'll get sick, for sure and I don't want that."

I frown and say stubbornly, "I'm not going back inside until you do."

He smirked and added, "Well, neither will I." I puff my cheeks and frown. Jeff chuckles and looks down at the sweater I was wearing. It was a light autumn color that had white words in it. "'I'm with sexy'?" he chuckled and pointed to the words. I looked and saw the words and an arrow pointing up at my face. I blushed and stammered, "I-I was in a rush! I didn't know it said that!"

"Mmm hmmm, sure you didn't," he chortled and I frowned. Jeff chuckles at my expression and starts taking off his jacket. He wrapped it around me and said, "You'll at least be a little more warmer."

"Th-Thanks," I said through chattering teeth. He shakes his head and says, "What kind of idiot wears shorts at night during the winter?"

"You're wearing shorts too," I protest. He crosses his arms and replies, "Yeah, but like I said, I'm used to the cold, unlike you."

"Whatever," I mutter. I tighten the jacket's warm embrace around me and huddle in it. Jeff gives me a look and pulls me in. He lifts me up without effort and places me onto the hammock with him. I wobble a little and finally gain my balance. He chuckles and says, "So, are you really okay with your friends knowing about me and about what you are?"

I nod and answer, "Yes, Jeff. I already told you that I'll take whatever consequences comes my way."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt," he said, "They're you're friends and the last thing you need is for them to betray you and rat you out. They're good people and I doubt that would happen but...I'm still worried. I'm not always going to be enough to make you happy."

"You say that like its true," I said. His face flashed a soft hue of red and I smiled. With shivering hands I cupped his face and caressed my thumbs against his jaw. His skin was still freezing cold and it didn't warm me up, but I bared with the temperature. Jeff gave me a soft look and wrapped his hands, which were surprisingly warm, around mine. He pulled them away from his face and placed them in between us, rubbing them to create heated friction. He would squeeze my hands to keep the warmth lingering and would rub them again. It worked little by little though my legs were still cold. Jeff leaned his head against mine as he held my hands, cupping them in his.

"Are you feeling a little better," he asked softly. I nodded and added, "A little bit."

He looked down at our hands and he lifted up my left. He placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles, warmth spreading up my arm and to my chest. He looked up at me and I had a 'prince-charming' moment. He was the eloquent prince and I a princess. Well, more like a mangy, servant girl... The way he looked at me was like how the prince would look to the princess, or peasant who was pretty much the loveliest of all the peasants. Strange how that works. Maybe he felt the same way. He might've thought of himself as a lowly commoner and I was the fairest of all queens. I smiled, knowing that he would think that way of himself and of me because, I do the same.

I kissed the top of his head and I felt him shudder. He leaned up and placed a soft, gentle kiss on my lips, bringing me more warmth to feel. He pulled away and chuckled as he said, "You know...I heard that in order to get warm you have to take off your clothes and huddle together. Would that be an option...?" I roll my eyes and say, "I think the best option would be to walk back inside."

"But that's lame," he whined. I giggled and said, "I'm still not going back until you do."

"Ditto," he said and I flashed him a playful glare. I crossed my arms over my chest and said, "Well, then I'll just stay here with you."

"Fine," he said. I frown and he just chuckles at my frustration. He sighs and looks up. His smile widens as he excitedly says, "Hey, lay back and look up...!"

I stare at him for a few seconds before listening to him and laying back on the hammock. I look up and I'm struck with awe. "Whoa," I breathe as I saw hundreds of stars glowing brightly, like lanterns high above the Earth's atmosphere, never fading and never drifting far off. I recognized some constellations like the Big and Little Dipper, Orion's Belt. It was breath taking. "This is amazing," I said to Jeff while never turning away from the sky. He nodded and said, "And we're still within city limits. Imagine what the country side looks like?"

"Oh my gosh, I bet it's beautiful," I marveled. I look up at him and say, "We should go to the country side and star gaze!"

He chuckled and replied, "Sure, why not? It'd be fun and a nice change of pace. We can make it happen."

I could tell my expression was thrilled beyond awe. I looked back up at the sky and looked at more stars. Thousands upon thousands reside in the universe, each dying to let another star be born to strive within the vast unknown. It's beautiful when you think about it. Huge gases of hydrogen and helium, gorgeous? Yes. I haven't looked up at the sky at night in a long time, mainly because there was few stars to look at. But out here I can take in as much as I want without having to worry. They won't be going anywhere. They're always there when I can't see them, which brings a warm, peaceful feeling to me. They're absolutely beautiful. A memory popped into my head. I was looking at the stars one time, with my dad. I had said to him, "Daddy, I know what I want to be when I grow up."

He had asked, "What do you want to be?"

"A big, bright, beautiful star," I had said happily as my dad smiled at my enthusiasm. Of course, being a child, I thought it was actually possible. But now I know that my childhood closet dream wouldn't come true. Thanks science...

But I still appreciate the beauty of stars, even though I don't look at them often. I really should.

"Hey, Jeff," I called out, "lay down and look at the stars with me! Come on! It's amazing!"

He chuckled and said, "I don't need to. I'm already looking at one." I turned to him to see him giving me a sweet, longing look. I blush and mumble, "That was so cheesy."

He laughed and remarked, "Well then call me a Cheeto because I'm a super cheesy guy."

"Okay, Cheeto," I chortled and he laughed along with me. Once we stopped laughing, he leaned down and kissed me deeply, placing a warm hand against the side of my face. I ran my hands through his dark hair and pull him toward me until he was forced to lay down beside me. He smiled and so did I. Jeff intertwined his fingers with my mine and I blushed. I suddenly yawn and my eyes grow heavy. He chuckled and said, "You should go inside and get sleep."

"I already told you that I'm not going inside until you do," I reminded him and he sighed. He wrapped his arms around me and said, "Fine, then you'll stay out here with me."

"Fine," I said and shivered from a rush of cold. He shook his head and rubbed my back softly. I cuddle against his body and get an idea. "Hey, since I'm a little sleepy and I can't really go to sleep...I want you to do something to help me."

"What'd you have in mind?" he asked. I smirked and say, "Sing me a lullaby."

His face flushed pink and he stammered, "Um, if you haven't heard, my voice isn't exactly fit for singing. It's low and hoarse as fuck."

"Just try it, come on! I won't judge."

"Nooooooo....," he whined.

"Pleeeeeeeeaaaaassssseee," I beg, "Pretty pleeeeeeeaaaasssseee! With cherries on top!"

"I don't like cherries."








"Fuck no."


He paused for a few seconds before muttering, "Nutella would be nice..." I smile and say, "Okay, sing!" He groaned and I added, "You can pick whatever song you want. As long as it's sweet."

"If I sing, it's gonna be anything but sweet," he remarked and I gave him a look. He sighed and cleared his throat. His eyes glinted with a hint of excitement and he took in a deep breath.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You never know, dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamt I held you in my arms

When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, so I hung my head and cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You never know, dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

You are the reason I live this life to only see you every day

I'll always love you and make you happy, for as long as you will stay

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You never know, dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll love you every single day."

He stopped singing and I was smiling like an idiot. It wasn't award-winning singing but it was singing. I didn't think he'd actually do it for me. He sounds perfect. And, of course he would sing that song. I bet it's his favorite.

"Happy now?" Jeff asked. I nodded and planted a kiss upon his cheek. "That was perfect. Thank you."

"Anything for you, Sunshine," he said and kissed my nose. I smiled and huddled against him, still cold. "Okay," I started, "Now keep singing that until I fall asleep."

"What? Are you serious?" he asked. I nodded and he groaned. He started singing again and I joined in too.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You don't know, dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away...."

My singing wasn't perfect either but it was decent. I'm not trying to win a talent show here. As minutes went by, I started humming along instead of singing and then after a while I stopped humming too. I was growing tired and nearing sleep once again. Jeff stopped singing for a brief moment to get off the hammock and pick me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled against his chest. Once we were inside he had started singing again. His voice vibrated throughout his chest as I listened in. It was calming. He kept singing to me as he walked up the stairs, down the hall and took me into the guest room where he was staying for tonight. He laid me down on the bed and rubbed my forehead, warming me up a little. He put the blanket over me and sang the last line before whispering, "Sweet dreams. I love you, baby."

I managed a smile and mumbled almost inaudibly, " you...too..." He chuckled and kissed my forehead before I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep. I wonder what Addie and Johanna will think of me now. I don't want to hurt them but if this whole proxy thing gets in the way of their perspectives then so be it. I'm the proxy. What happens, happens and it's my duty to either let those things destroy me or rebuild me. God only knows how many times I've shattered.


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