Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

I was getting dressed in the bathroom, taking off the pajamas and putting on my clothes from yesterday. Once I was done I walked out and returned the clothes to Addie's room. I walked down the stairs and saw Addie and Johanna eating cereal in the kitchen. The small TV on the counter was presenting a cartoon that Addie enjoyed a little too much.

I got some orange juice and sat down at the table. "Good morning," I said and they repeated the greeting. "How's your hand?" I asked Johanna. She finished chewing her cereal and said, "It's okay. I'll survive."

I chuckled and sipped my juice. Addie turned to me and asked, "Hey, so...where's Jeff?"

"Still asleep," I said.

"You didn't sleep in our room last night," Johanna mumbled and eyed me. "Where'd you go...?"

"I was with Jeff. I slept with him," I answered and I regretted my choice of words. They dropped their spoons, Addie's dropping into her bowl while Johanna's clattered on the table. They gave me bewildered looks and I stammered. "N-Not that kind of 'slept with him'! Geez guys, trust me a little more!"

We all heard someone yawn loudly and turned to see Jeff at the doorway, hair a disheveled mess of bed head. I waved at him and he just stood there, looking out of it. "Is he okay?" Addie whispered from across the table. I nodded and picked up my glass of OJ as I said, "Mornings aren't his thing." I drank and looked at Jeff as he walked up to me, pressed his head against mine and attempted a kiss but couldn't coordinate properly. I handed him my juice and said, "Here drink up. You're not you when you're sleepy." He grabbed for it and drank it like it was a shot of alcohol. I gaped at him and then at my empty glass. He gave me a thumbs-up and said, "Thanks, babe."

"He's so cute when he's sleepy," Addie giggled. Johanna rolled her eyes and said, "He's a mess."

"Shut up, Ben," Jeff slurred. Johanna gave him a weird look and asked, "Who's Ben?"

"Just a friend," I said. Jeff leaned over and kissed my forehead, successfully, and then he toddled his way out of the kitchen. I chuckled and got up to get a new glass of orange juice. When I sat back down at the table Addie and Johanna were giving me smug looks. "What?" I mumbled.

"You're really happy with him, aren't you?" Johanna asked. My face grew warm and I nodded timidly. Addie clapped her hands and said, "O-M-G, our little Pikachu is in loooooove. I'm so proud!"

"You make it sound like I'm not even capable of love, let alone being loved," I remarked. Addie paused for a while and said, "Well, you are! People are just jerks. But, you found someone! Not exactly a charmer...but Jeff seems cool."

"Lose the creepy physique, get rid of his psychopathic, murderous psyche, and you got yourself a fine man," Johanna retorted and I flashed her a playful glare. Addie chuckled and told me, "Not to be weird or anything, but he's got a dangerous, risky, yet attractive thing going for him. Imagine if he wore black torn jeans, studded belt, biker boots, a fitted shirt and denim black vest. Oh my god...he'd be perfect! Especially since his body type is perfect for it! We have to get that style for him! It benefits you both, I'm telling you. He'll be good-looking while you'd have yourself a good look at him, if ya know what I mean. Hehehe..."

"Don't start salivating," Johanna chortled. I chuckled and Jeff came in with a frown on his face. He had dressed in his other clothes and out of his sleep attire. "Is my shirt inside-out? It feels like it. It's bothering me so much and I don't know why," he grumbled. I nodded and he groaned. "I hate mornings. I can't even human properly," he growled under his breath as he picked up the hem of his black shirt, taking it off to turn it outside-in. Addie and Johanna just stared and I could see Johanna's mind processing while Addie's was popping fireworks.

They looked like they were holding back the urge to do something and I prayed they didn't start acting weird. Though I prayed too late as they said in unison, "Damn!"

I face-palmed and Jeff stopped just as he was about to slip his head through the shirt. "What?" he said, his voice muffled by the shirt covering his face. I helped him put the shirt down and I heard Johanna sigh in relief while Addie awed like a child who couldn't get their candy. "Did I do something," Jeff asked, oblivious to my friends' pervertedness. Before I could say no Addie quickly said, "Something's about to do you."

"OKAY! Jeff, why don't you wait in the living room?!" I exclaimed. He nodded and hesitantly backed out of the kitchen. I swerved around to give Addie a look. She shrugged and ate cereal with a derpy look on her face. I rolled my eyes and finished up my juice, before walking out to see Jeff. He was slipping his white jacket on and I stood there in front of him. He looks at me and says, "What's up? Why are you staring at me?"

I shook my head and say, "No reason. Why do you stare at me sometimes?"

"Because you're beautiful and I love you," he answered with no hesitation. I blushed and chuckled, "Besides that."

"Because I have no eye-lids..."

I scoff and mumble, "Well, when you put it that way..."

He chuckled and said, "So what's really going on?"

"I think Addie is going to rape you, one day," I mutter and he just stands there. There was an awkward tension and then he finally said, "Ladies can't resist me."

I slapped his arm and he laughed. "You're mine," I say defiantly and I heard a deep growl of amusement at the back of his throat. He pulls me in and kisses me lovingly. "I know I'm yours," he mumbles and kisses me one more time before pulling out of the hug. He looks down at my neck and lifts a hand to caress my collar bone. He gently grabbed something and I looked to see it was the necklace my parents gave me. He examined it, and he smiled. "This is a gorgeous necklace," he complimented, "It looks good on you."

"Thanks," I said. He pressed a soft kiss on my jaw and said, "Well, I'll be going. I have to get back to the mansion."

"I'll come by later," I told him. He nodded and hugged me before pulling his hood up and walking up to a window. He opened it and I remarked, "There's a front door."

"Too mainstream!" he said as he crawled over the window sill and fell out. I laughed and closed the window for him. Jeff waved at me before running off of Addie's property. I walked back to the kitchen and sat with my friends again, enjoying the morning before Johanna and I have to leave. I would have to go with my parents and spend a little time with them and then spend my time at the mansion too. Today is gonna be a busy day.


[Two Days Later]

Jacket: check. Boots: check. Backpack: check. Eagerness to go back to school: ..........still working on that.

I finally decided to go back to school and now I'm ready to head out. Oh just think of the bustling hallways, the rowdy chatting in the cafeteria, the sound of a landscaper cutting grass right outside the classroom window and getting frustrated because you can barely hear a word the teacher is saying. I definitely didn't miss that.

I sling my backpack over my shoulder and walk out of my room and down the stairs. My dad is rushing around for something, while talking on the phone, and my mom is making coffee nonchalantly. My dad rushes passed me and asks, "Have you seen my phone?"

I stare at him for a while until it took him a little too long to realize he was holding it this whole time. "Call you back, Jerry," he said quickly and gave me a smile before rushing off to do something else. I chuckled and walked toward my mom. "Morning," she said. I repeated and she asked, "Are you ready for me to take you to school?"

"Actually," I said, "I was going to take my car. It works just fine and besides, I want to start using it more." She nods and hugs me before saying, "Be safe sweetie, and have a good day."

"I will," I said, though I knew that I have anything but good days at school. We pull away and I walk to my "new" car. I dig out the car keys from my pocket and unlock the door. Once I was inside I started up the car and backed out of the driveway. I got on the street and drove to school, the one place I love yet hate with every fiber of my being.


I made my way into the parking lot and I realized just how frustrating it is to find a parking space here. After a couple minutes I parked into a spot and turned off the car, sighing in utter relief. Now all I need is the rest of the day to go. This isn't even the half of it.

I got out, locked the car and walked towards the front of the school. I passed by many modern, good looking cars and compared to the one I'm using it's the runt of the litter. Not in size but in quality. Though, it's not so old it'll fall apart at any second, it's still old.

I walk in through the entrance of the school and immediately, eyes land on me. I didn't care as I strode passed everyone. The hall had grown quiet as I walked and I couldn't help but smile. I'm back, motherfuckers.


Classes have been better than I expected. My teachers are absolutely glad to have me back. I've gotten a few glares and snickers here and there but, all in all, no one is really messing with me. And my friends seem to be okay, especially since I told them everything about my secret life. They're still questioning me about things and it's hard to keep up with them, but they're doing okay. And so has Ian. God I've missed that idiot! He's changed a little, his hair has grown a little longer so it looks wispy, he's a little more muscular now, though not a lot compared to the jocks. I have to say that he's not the average dork I used to know....but he's still a dork.

I was in class, taking down notes. It's been a long time so I have no idea what I'm writing. But, I can manage. The teacher suddenly announced that he had to run out of class and do something real quick. Once he left everyone started talking. Some even turned to me, looking curious or annoyed. I didn't care. I just looked over my notes to see that I hadn't messed up. During this ruckus, I heard a familiar flirtatious laugh and I looked up to see Clare walking in through the door with a guy. He's a football player, of course. She doesn't even belong in this class, so what the hell is she doing here? She was probably skipping and decided to drop in, uninvited.

She walked into the class, sporting a malicious smile, though to everyone else it was stunning. She waved at everyone, but once she laid eyes on me her smile turned into a scowl and her expression made her features unattractive, only for a second. But then she played a smirk on her lips and said, "Well, if it isn't the freak? I'm surprised you're back. I actually thought you left for good. Such a shame though because you're better off not showing your disgusting face around here. You give people nightmares."

Students laughed while others just stayed quiet, not wanting to get into anything. I just stare at her and she puts on a smug look. She strides up to me, her boots clicking against the tile floor. Clare stopped in front of me and leaned over to face me. "What's wrong, Umber? Too scared to talk? God, you are disgusting. Just look at those scars!" she slowly scratched an acrylic finger nail down the side of my face and chuckled. "Absolutely disgusting. Did Daddy give you those?"

"What happens to my face is none of your concern," I finally spoke. She grinned and said, "So, Daddy is being mean. Shame. Though, it's not like you were actually pretty. What's a few scars to change that?"

"Are you going to go on and on about me or are you going to shut your trap for once," I asked, impassively. She frowns and says, "I'll do and say whatever I want with my mouth."

"For twenty or thirty bucks an hour?" I ask and everyone bursts out laughing or 'ooh'ing; a bit of both at the same time. Clare's face goes red with embarrassment and anger. She growls and hisses, "I bet your mom charges more than that!"

My eyebrow twitches and I say, "If it weren't for a single twenty, you wouldn't even exist."

The class practically goes ballistic and Clare's redder than a beet. I see her raise a hand out of the corner of my eye, but before she could lay a finger on me the teacher came in and demanded that she leave. Clare growls and storms off, shooting me a glare in the process. Her dunce of a companion follows after her, trying to calm her down. The teacher went back to teaching the lesson and I paid attention. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see a guy giving me a thumbs-up while his buddy gestures for a high-five. I oblige and high-five him. He chuckles and I turn back around, my mouth pulling up at the corners, forming a little smile on my lips.


I met up with Addie and Johanna at lunch and ate with them at our usual booth. Ian eventually came along and chatted with us. As soon as he looked at me he immediately said, "I heard what happened in fourth period. Dude, you totally put Clare in her place! I'm proud of you!"

"Uh, thanks?" I giggle as he hugs me. He lets go and Johanna says, "That's not exactly something to celebrate for."

"It's still pretty awesome," Ian chuckled. Johanna rolled her eyes, a smirk forming on her lips. "Hey, don't deny that you're just as proud as I am," he teased.

She huffs and says, "Just because she told Clare off, doesn't mean that things will get easier."

"That may be so but she can handle herself because she learned from the best," he boasted.

"Don't flatter yourself," Johanna groaned.

"I wasn't talking about me, sweet-heart," Ian said and winked at Johanna without hesitation. She froze, her cheeks flushed with pink and eyes wide with surprise. Addie and I just stare at them, back and forth, wondering who'll be first to break the tension. Eventually, Johanna snapped out of her shock and frowned. Ian smirked and stuck his tongue out. "Put that back in before I rip it out," she warned.

"Open your mouth and I'll put it where it belongs, darling," he growled tauntingly. Addie and I stared at him, wide-eyed and I was already thinking of a speech to say at his funeral. Johanna's face flushed even brighter and she stammered, "What are you trying to pull here, idiot?!"

"I'm not pulling anything. Though, I am an idiot and baby...I'm stupid for you," he said. Addie and I giggle and Johanna shoots us glares. She turned back to Ian and said, "Just quit your BS and eat your food."


She leaned over, grabbed Ian's sandwich and shoved it in his face. He groaned and kept the sandwich in his mouth. We all laughed and continued eating. As I was talking about some random thing, I noticed the glances Johanna and Ian shared. Johanna would have a harsh look in her eyes but then it would soften when Ian would smile at her. His look started out mischievous then ended soft too. This is really weird. What's happened to my two friends?! What sorcery is this?! God dammit, Satan quit your shit!

We started laughing about something, when something struck my head. I gasped as liquid spurt at me and I looked to see an orange had struck me. I grab it and look around for the culprit. NOT to my surprise it was Maddy and all her friends at a table a few feet behind our booth. I growl and got up to throw it in the trash. My hair had orange juices in it and I retched. I got a napkin and wiped off as much as I could. I threw that away too and as I was walking back something else struck my back. I yelped and stumbled against a table, looking down to see a slightly smushed apple. I sneer and walk up to Maddy's table. Everyone sitting there is all smirking at me or snickering. I looked down at her as she was casually checking her nails, deliberately ignoring me. I crossed my arms and say, "Don't you think you're a little too old to be throwing food?"

"Don't you think you're a little to annoying to be talking to me? You're not worthy to even come near us so get lost," she teased rudely.

I snarl and Stephanie chimes, "There's no need to make that face. You already look like a mutt."

"A mutt birthed by a bitch," Clare growls at me, clearly still angry with me for totally putting her in her place.

"I wonder how many litters she's had," Maddy said. A guy said, "Too much to count." His buddy added, "Not unexpected for a whore."

"My mother is not a whore," I growl, fists clenched so tight I could break the skin with my own fingernails. Another ditzy girl said, "It has to be the truth since you're drunkard of a father obviously hits you." I picture the scars on my face and grimace at the many fights I've had with my enemies. I glare at the girl and said, "My father doesn't beat me either."

"Face it, Umber," Maddy giggled, "You and your family are fucked up! No wonder your such a train wreck and you look like one too. You probably get it from your harlot of a mother. You're so fucking dense," -she turns to her group- "and I bet that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree! Before we know it, Elizabeth will be spreading STDs faster than Paris Hilton! Born by a slut and you're bound to be one."

Everyone laughed at this rubbish, this fuckery, this convoluted scheme of lies and rumors. The guys started chanting, "Slut, slut, slut, slut!" Maddy and her bimbo friends started chanting too and she gave me a knowing look like she thought this would do me in. She's wrong. Without effort, I lunge out and grab her by the hair, then I push down so her head was smacked against the table. Everyone gasped or screamed in surprise. I lean down and growl, "Stop calling out your own kind, you little wretch...! I'm tired of your bullshit and I think it's time we settled the score."

I pulled her up and threw her onto the floor. She growled, and stood up as she hissed, "You want a fight, bitch? Bring it on!"

"Gladly," I huffed and did a right hook to her jaw. She grunted and lashed out, catching my shirt collar and punching me multiple times. I raise up a foot and kicked her away from me. Everyone started getting riled up, chanting words that I couldn't hear over my violent thoughts. I punched her stomach, taking my time to make sure I never lost momentum. She must've thought I was weakening because she grinned and elbowed my face. I groaned and raised up my leg to land a kick across her face. Students whooped and I could see Addie, Johanna and Ian watching in horror. I blocked Maddy's punches with my arms, dodging and weaving around her. I was about to come in for a punch when someone held me back and tugged me away from Maddy. I looked to see it was one of her guy friends. I growled and elbowed his side. He'll just get in the way! He grabbed for me again when Ian suddenly ran in and stopped him. "Hold up, buddy, now just calm down and-."

"Shut up, bitch," the boy growled and struck Ian across the face. I froze and watched as he wiped away blood from his mouth. Ian sighed and muttered, "Okay. I see how it is. I'll just get going and-FUCK YOU!!!" Ian punched the boy across the face and he stumbled to the floor. Ian popped his knuckles and turned just in time to brawl with another guy. I left him alone to put my attention back on Maddy but I was suddenly struck with a chair. I fell over, searing pain pulsated at the back of my head and neck. I looked up and saw Clare glaring down at me with a fiery look in her eyes. She was about to strike me with the metal chair again when someone else came in and stopped her mid-swing. Blonde hair whipped as my helper punched Clare away and threw the chair at her.

Johanna looked down at me and put out a hand for me to take. I smile, feeling relieved for her help. I grabbed her hand and got up to fight again. Without a moment to lose, Johanna ran after Clare and started beating her. I look around and find Maddy, ready to pounce on me. I sprint over and kicked her in the shin. She screams and tackles me down to the floor. She scratched at my face, pulled at my hair and strangled me all she could. I only sneered up at her and jabbed at her throat. She gags and chokes as she falls over and I jump to my feet. My hair is yanked and I realize it's Stephanie who did it. She scratched my face with those damn acrylic nails and I scream. I was about to hit her too when I heard a high voice shout, "LAY OFF, MOTHERFUCKER!" I look up and see Addie, leaping off a table and tackling Stephanie to the ground. She punches and slaps her multiple times, and I was kind of scared of her. I guess the nicest people are always the most fierce.

I leave Addie alone for now and I turn to find Maddy. But what I see next is Hell. Other people started fighting too. Other guys fought, helping Ian or trying to knock him out. Other girls joined in the fight too. The rest were backing up to the farthest corners of the cafeteria or running straight out of the building. The noise level intensified and a new sound accompanied it, the sound of yelling and slamming, tumbling and crying. It was havoc. I looked away, a shiver running down my spine. I find Maddy beating off some other girl. I sneer and help the girl by yanking Maddy away from her. "You fight with me, and me only!" I growled and punched her in the face, blood spurting from her nearly healed nose. She snarls and hisses, "I'll fucking kill you!"

"I highly doubt it," I stated and struck her head against another table. As she fell to the floor, she grabbed onto my hair and dragged me down with her. I landed next to her and she started punching my chest and face. I yelled and grabbed her by the neck. With a quick jerk of my arm I shoved her away. I got up and used the table as leverage but Maddy came running at me and she banged my head against the table over and over again. My forehead caught the edge of the table and I felt blood splatter. She laughed into my ear and said, "You think you're tough shit but you're not! You'll always be the weak little, worthless bitch that will never, ever win!" Adrenaline sparked through me and I put my arms out to keep her from pushing me down again. She faltered, caught by surprise over this movement. She tried again but I stayed firm.

I growled, " don't know me anymore. I'm not worthless and I won't have you belittle me. I'm not a coward and I'm not the girl you used to pick on. And I'll never be that girl EVER again! So you don't know me. You don't know me one single fucking bit! But I know you. And I know won't win either!" I brought my arm around, grabbed her by the shirt and used all of my strength to hull her over me and slam her down onto the table. I got on it as she started scooting away from me. My blood was boiling and my anger was running wild. I glower down at her menacingly and I see slight fear flash across her eyes before it disappears to show forced strength. I walked towards her, knocking over drinks and trays so they could fall to the floor. She kept backing away from me and I picked up the pace, walking faster. Students in her group tried tripping me or dragging me down but I always kicked them across the face, which was always followed by some sort of crack, and kept moving forward.

Maddy had enough and got up to run. I jogged after her, then jogging turned into running and running turned into charging. She was nearly at the end of the table before I sprinted forward and tackled her off. We both fell on to the floor and I heard things pop. She screamed and I got up to drag her. I moved passed other people fighting and I pushed her against the wall. Maddy hulled herself up and I struck her across the face. She spit out blood and I punched again. "This is for disrespecting my parents!" I yelled and jabbed her in the stomach. "This is for five whole years of your bullshit!" I punched the side of her head and she howled in pain. "This is for underestimating me!" I give her an uppercut to the chin. "This is for everyone you've hurt!" I elbow her in the face and growl like a savage animal. "And this...this is for the fun." I kick her across the face and she falls over to the floor. Maddy coughs and spits up blood, staining her clothes and dripping it onto the floor.

I glare down at her and step forward. She flinches and cries, "STOP!!! P-PLEASE N-NO MORE!!! NO MORE!!!" I step back and huff as I looked at her now weak figure, leaning against the wall that was spotted with blood. I wiped away the blood that trickled down my face from the wound on my forehead. My adrenaline drains and all the noise suddenly comes rushing to my ears, nearly deafening me. I turn around and look at the mayhem in the cafeteria. Students were fighting against each other. Jocks against geeks, preps against the punk, some were even fighting their own people. Every single faction of high school fighting against one another or even their own peers. Some people were cowering and trying to stay away from all of this but they'd get dragged in and would get pummeled. Even the most civil of people became savages. I frantically looked around for my friends and I found them still fighting. Ian was practically trying to smash a guy's face in on the floor, Johanna had some girl in a choke-hold and Addie was clawing at anyone who dared try to hurt her. This...this is my fault.

"What have I done...?!" I breathed. I turned back around and looked down at Maddy, who still writhed in pain. I finally notice all the damage I did to her and grimace. I can't leave things like this. I know what I have to do. Without hesitation, I lifted up a hand to her and she flinched again. I sigh and say, "Take my hand." Her face was contorted into a look of utter disbelief and then anger. "Is this some joke?!" She hissed. I sneer and demanded, "Take. My. Hand." She hesitated as she slowly raised her hand to grab mine. I pull her up and she wobbles on her feet. She looks at me and asks, "Wh-Why are you helping me...?"

I sigh and replied, "Honestly, I'm not pleased with you. I would've left you there and I could. But I know the difference between right and wrong. And even though things have gone too far into the wrong...there's still time to do right. That's why I have to end this for good." I looked away from her and see the crowd of raging students. Before I could do something to stop this, the cafeteria doors burst open and security marched in to stop the havoc along with the principal. The look on his face was like he was in a horror movie. The principal, as I recall whose name was Mr. Westmore, frowned and grabbed a bullhorn that a security guard offered to him. He turned it on and pulled out a whistle to blow. The noise accompanied by the amplification of the bullhorn created a loud, blaring noise that made everyone stop. Mr. Westmore dropped the whistle and yelled into the bullhorn, "Everyone stop what you're doing and calm down! What is going on here?! Who started all of this?!"

The cafeteria was silent, despite some students wheezing or softly crying from pain. I decided to do the right thing and present myself as the culprit. I leaped onto the table and shouted, "It's my fault! I started this. I...I started a fight and it got everyone into trouble. I...I'm sorry."

Mr. Westmore frowned and said, "Well, sorry isn't going to-."

"No it was my fault!" I heard someone say and I looked in back of me to see Maddy raising her hand. She climbed onto the table and I gaped at her. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked. She looked at me and answered, "Understanding the difference between right and wrong." My eyes widen as she flashes me a small smile and tells the principal, "I led her on. She was just defending herself. And I didn't stop myself from doing anymore damage. So it's my fault."

"No, it's not," I heard someone else say and I looked to see Ian standing on a table too. "I wasn't able to stop them and I did throw a punch at someone else too, which got everyone jumping in. So I'm to blame."

"Shut up, you dunce," Johanna said, "It's my fault."

"No it's not it's my fault," Addie whined as she was patting down her messy hair. "As if," a girl, that I didn't know, said. "Guys it was obviously my doing," another guy prompted and everyone suddenly went into an uproar of 'I did it' or 'It's my fault'. I just stood there, confused over why they'd all take the blame that was clearly mine. I hurt them and yet they're...they're defending me. It was clear that Mr. Westmore was having enough of this and he yelled, "Quiet! I've heard enough! Everyone, call home and leave this campus immediately!" Everyone just stood around, staring at him. He growled and yelled, "NOW!!!" Students immediately went for their phones and texted or called anyone who would pick them up. None of them even looked fazed by the fact that they were all battered. I sighed in relief but then the principal called me and Maddy out. "You two! To my office! Right. Now!"

Maddy and I exchanged glances and we had no choice but to listen. We got off the table and security guards grabbed us roughly to escort us to the Principal's office. We made it to his office and Maddy had a talk with him first. I waited outside on a chair, a security guard standing next to me, possibly scrutinizing me over the mess I started. After five minutes, Maddy came out, looking exasperated. Before I could say anything, the principal called my name and I obeyed his harsh tone. I walked in and closed the door behind me. Mr. Westmore ordered me to take a seat and I did. He immediately started scolding me. "Do you have any idea what damage you caused? A student had to be picked up by an ambulance because he fainted. Five students have broken arms and only one got a broken leg! You not only hurt Maddy and her friends but your friends decided to help and join in. You nearly created a massacre! You're lucky I don't have you sent to jail for this! Didn't you think of the consequences when you started fighting?!"

I nodded and argued, "But I didn't think the entire junior student body would get involved!"

"Well, because of your incompetence, the entire junior student body will be punished," he told me and I felt terrible for putting everyone into this trouble, especially my friends. He sighed and said, "I will give your parents a call and tell them of this incident. Also, word of this got out to the district director and...he's made a decision."

I grew tense. What decision? "What are you talking about," I asked, shakily. Mr. Westmore sighed, looking like he didn't want to tell me though he has to. "Elizabeth Umber," he started, "you are, hereby, expelled." Those words...struck me like a train. Ex...expelled? "You are prohibited from this campus and will not be eligible to enroll ever again. And because this mess spread quickly throughout the district I highly doubt you will be able to enroll into another high school within it. I suggest you work this out with your family. This discussion is over. You are dismissed."

I just sat there, frozen with utter shock. I'm expelled... I'm kicked out of the school... I'm kicked out of the school district... I'm expelled.

I felt hands grab me and I saw a security guard pulling me up from my chair and escorting me out. But I didn't resist him. I just let him drag me out of the school and through the front doors. Students where outside, waiting for their parents with bruised or bloody faces. I saw Johanna, wiping off the blood from Ian's face while Addie was talking on the phone. I passed by them and they gave me a smile before noticing the shaken expression on my face. The security guard escorted me passed them and I couldn't bear to look back. I finally shook him off and escorted myself to my car. I fumbled for the keys, trying to get a good grip on them but they fell out of my shaking hands and onto the asphalt. But I didn't try to pick them up again. I just stood there, staring at them. I felt something wet on my cheek and I looked into the car window to realize that I was crying. My lip was busted, my forehead painted with blood, scratches on my cheeks. I screwed up big time. I'll never be able to get into another school. At least not here. But, I'll have to face the consequences. School was just one more factor in my life to hinder me. I finally got the energy to pick up the keys and I unlocked the car to jump inside. I started it up and drove out of the parking lot, onto the street and through the town. My days as a high school junior are over and I leave to start my new days as an expelled failure. So much for a good first day back.

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