Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

The mansion was quiet, surprisingly, and I was relaxing, despite that my wounds were getting treated. Jack was dabbing my busted lip with a damp cloth, while I held an ice pack to my jaw. "So," he started, "you got messed up by a bunch of high schoolers, and you got expelled? Today was a terrible day for you."

"No kidding," I grumbled and he scolded me for moving my mouth. "How come you came here after all of that?" he asked me. He moved away the cloth to let me speak and I said, "My parents aren't home yet. And also because I know they'll get mad at me when they see me. I just don't want to see their disappointed faces yet..."

"Well, I'm not a parent but I wouldn't be disappointed," he said as he dabbed at my lip again, "I say that girl deserved it after all she put you through."


"Stop moving!" he said and I shut my mouth closed. Jack stopped dabbing and put a bandage over the area of my cut lip. He told me to move my hair back and he started cleaning off the wound on my forehead. "You know," he started, "I've never seen you this beat up before, even with Corrupted. This just kind of goes to show that the average teenage human can be more violent than that of a demon. Once the chance arrives for humans to act like animals, they will gladly take it. They are mammals and it is human nature to kill and destroy just like it is for animals like wolves or tigers or hawks. Though, those animals do it in order to survive and sustain energy. Humans do it in order to survive and eliminate the competition. They want to set a standard. Just like in the Civil War. They killed their own kind in order to get what they wanted. It doesn't matter which side was the good or the bad, they still killed for the same reason: Dominance. To be honest...I'm quite scared of humans."

"Really?" I mumbled in awe.

"Yes. Just because I kill them, doesn't mean that I don't fear them. I may be a monster; a savage being, but they can be truly savage themselves. Monsters kill because they were made that way. It's all they were created to do so, they cannot resist their own being. Humans do it because they have many purposes such as thinking and they can switch on and off their ability to destroy. And because they can think they can learn. From learning they gain knowledge and knowledge is power. Power is dominance over all and when they can't dominate they annihilate. They have a unique mind and can come up with so many things. Torture devices in the Middle Ages is a major example of this. Once the secrets to the human body was discovered people could come up with how to destroy it in the most gruesomest way possible. Those devices were merely entertainment for the ones who were not condemned to sin. It was also to assert dominance. To show that certain people ruled and would kill you if you dared oppose them. Humans are the greatest machine of all. Made to learn, to build, to fight and to destroy once they have that chance. This entire world is established by the morals of these machines. It's a bit easier to understand why it's the mess it is now. Murder, rape, poverty, disease, war. Everything evil you can imagine was created by humans. Demons walk among the Earth, they were never in Hell to begin with."

The room grew quiet which gave me some time to think about Jack's words. Are we really that bad? We kill in order to survive and eliminate the competition. Every single war has been that way. It's not to protect us yet that's how it's been. And, back then, slavery was just a gateway to money and dominance. Today, crimes are committed to set a standard that whoever is the wrongdoer will dominate over the innocent. I'm not like those people though. But...I can't really say that. Today, I was driven by anger and I nearly killed people. I'm an animal and everyone else is too. And, I'm afraid of my own kind, now that I think of it clearly. But what is scaring me more right now is whether I should really save humanity, or let it fall. If we're really that bad...then I don't see why we deserve to be saved. But, I know there is a reason why we have to be. It's just not as clear as the bad things are. Hopefully I can find it.

Jack put some hydrogen peroxide on my wound and it stung terribly. I winced and he taped a bandage over it. After that, he put band-aids all over my scratched up cheeks, bandages over my hands and a band-aid over the bridge of my nose. My parents are gonna be so pissed. Jeff, on the other hand...well, I don't think I want to know how he'll feel once he sees me like this. Jack puts the medical kit away and I get up to roam the mansion. "Make sure not to mess with the bandages," Jack warns. I nod and walk out of the room. I walk towards the room that I previously occupied during my time here and I lay down on the undisturbed bed. Today drained every last bit of energy out of me. Maybe a nap will help. I decided to go with that and I closed my eyes to get some rest.


A canopy of branches and green leaves covered me from above as I walked through the forest. It was perfectly quiet and tranquil. Nothing disturbed me or could do so. I just felt so serene and I begged for something to never come along and take that away from me. I haven't seen any animals whatsoever so I think that will come true. I kept walking, stepping over protruding tree roots and rocks that lay lazily on the path I walk on. The Sun was out and it was warm. Odd, it's supposed to be winter. I shrugged it off and kept walking until I came upon a creek. I stepped close to the edge and looked down at the running water. It glistened beautifully and I smiled at the sight.

To my right I heard a noise and I looked over. There, on a low hanging branch, was a small, white sparrow. It sang again and nipped at its white feathered wings. I smiled and waved at it like a child. It just stared at me with those beady black eyes, and it would bob its head from side to side very quickly. I stepped forward and, to my surprise, it didn't flinch and fly away. I stepped towards it more and reached out a hand to pet it. It just stayed perched on the tree branch, waiting for me to touch it. I stuck out my index finger and was close to petting its white little head when it suddenly morphed into a crow and bit my hand. I yelped and looked down at my bleeding finger. It cawed, and I heard more caws echoing around me. I turned all around to see the trees filled with crows, cawing at me at a deafening volume. I covered my ears to block out the noises but it only got worse. One swooped down at me and pulled my hair. I screamed and slapped it away. It fell to the ground with a thud and the crows grew quiet. I watched as the crow I had smacked lay motionless on the ground. I killed it? It was just a slap. That's all I did. I didn't mean to kill it!

The crows screeched and all of them came flying at me, pecking or clawing at me with their talons. I screamed and flailed, trying to get them off of me. I stepped back and I felt my foot slip and I fell down into the creek. Rocks and twigs dug into my skin, dirt flew into my mouth and eyes and all I could do was keep tumbling down. I finally hit the water and I coughed up everything that went into my mouth. I stared up at an empty grey sky and I turned my head only to see a dead body. I screamed and scooted away from it. Black, matted hair covered a pale, grime covered face and the water carried away some blood from the person's head.

I looked closer at the body, trying desperately not to throw up on it. It was small and thin. The hair was long. It's a little girl. What is a little girl doing out here? I got curious and moved the knotted hair out of her face to get a good look at her. As I kept staring at her empty, blue eyes, and her pale face I slowly began to realize that this wasn't just any little girl. It was me...

My body shook and I placed a trembling hand on her cheek, wondering why I'm seeing this. Suddenly, a crow flew down and scratched me across the face with its talons. More started coming after that, pinning me down into the water and rocks, scratching and clawing at my skin, clothes and hair. I managed to see that they were pecking at my dead little body. I sat up and shooed them away only to get pecked even harder. I leaped up and covered my dead body, shielding it from further damage despite my efforts being unnecessary. My skin bleed from the holes the crows made and I screamed in agony as the wounds burned. I felt something wrap around my wrist and I looked to see it was a damp vine. More of them wrapped around my other wrist and my ankles too. Eventually they covered my back and, with a sudden jerk, pulled me under the water that was supposed to be shallow. My dead body didn't come with me and I looked up at the water to see she wasn't there, only the crows who fished around for me on the surface. I kept getting dragged down, deeper and deeper into the water. I tried fighting the vines, kicking, yanking at them to get out of their grip. They let go of me eventually, though they shoved me away and I hit something. Before I could contemplate what it was, glass shattered and I fell out onto a floor as water and glass shards fell onto me. I coughed up the H2O and I got up with wobbling legs. I looked around only to see plain white walls. In front of me was a plain white corridor. I walked forward and soon I began to run as my legs grew stable enough.

After a while, I reached two doors. One looked like my bedroom door at my parents' house. The other looked like my bedroom door at the mansion. I had a feeling I could only go through one. I looked left and right at them, wondering if this is some kind of test. Should I go home? To my normal life? With family and friends? Or should I go to the mansion? To my strange life? With monsters and magic? I couldn't decide. Both lives were fascinating and they hold amazing people. I've learned so much from both so I can't decide which door to open. Any person would choose home, right? I stepped towards the bedroom door to my parents' house but then I stopped just as I was about to touch the handle. Home. Home is where you feel safe, where you feel most welcome. Home is where you belong the most. I walked over to the mansion bedroom door and stopped once again. Home is with the people you love and who will love you too. Home is with family. I walked back to my other bedroom door and stopped again. I'm not normal. I'm...I'm the proxy. I don't belong there.

I walk to the mansion bedroom door and say to myself, "I belong here..." I finally open the door and step in. As I walked in, I recognized where I was. I wasn't in my bedroom, which I would've expected was where I was going to end up. It was Jeff's room. Out of nowhere, his voice rang behind me and I turned to see him. "Hey there, Sunshine," he said. The pet name sent tingles down my spine and back up. I smiled at seeing him and he smirked. Jeff walked up to me, placing his arms around me and kissing my forehead like he always did. I blush and look up at him. He leans down a little more to kiss my lips and I let him. He runs his strong hands through my hair and I moan. I feel him shiver and he gently pushes me forward as our lips are still locked. As we inch closer to his bed, he runs his hands down my back and he hooks his thumbs on my pants. He starts to slip his whole hand down and I flinch and break our kiss. "Wh-What are you doing...?" I stammer nervously.

He chuckles and replies, "Doing what you want, baby." He kisses me again and I quickly break it again. "No, you're not. You're doing what you want," I state.

"Really?" he growls playfully and kisses me again, his energy growing more fierce as he plays with my lips. He backs me up against the bed and starts to lift my shirt up. I pull away and hiss, "Stop! I don't want this!"

Jeff's sweet demeanor becomes vigorous as he shoves me down to the bed and I scream. "You say no, but your body says yes, Sunshine," he growls, but not in his seductive, playful tone anymore. His tone was vicious, demanding and ravenous. I tremble as Jeff pins me down and starts to kiss me. His hands claw at my pants and I squirm around under him. I flail and pull away from the kiss to shout, "Stop! Don't do this! Please stop!"

"You want me to stop?" he growls in his harsh tone again. I nod frantically and he just laughs. "You want to be a big girl, don't you? Well, this is what big girls have to do. They get down and dirty. Real dirty...!" He sucks on my neck and I scream for him to stop. Is this some prank?! This is crossing the line! Jeff practically strangles my arms as he pins me down. Surely, he'll leave bruises. He licks up to my jaw and presses his lips against mine, furiously. I scream into his mouth and he bites my bottom lip to make me yelp. He takes this chance to put his tongue in and I scream even more. My fists punch at his chest and he gets frustrated. He pulls away and growls, "Shut up and take it!"

"No!" I scream at him. He forces my mouth open and I struggle to close it. He kisses me again, sticking his tongue into my mouth to delve for my own tongue. I've had enough! With effort, I bite down on his tongue and he yells in pain. Jeff covers his mouth as blood begins to pour from it. He glares at me with such intensity that I felt like I would burn. He was almost going to hit me when I kicked him in the groin and he howls from the sudden pain. I push him off of me and get off the bed to start running. I get to the door and open it to run out into the hall. "Elizabeth!" I heard him call from behind me. I just kept running. I turned a corner and, to my dread, came to a dead end. I felt at the wall, hoping to find some secret escape. Nothing came up. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned to see Jeff, blood dripping from his lips. "GET THE FUCK OVER HERE," he yells at me and I try to run around him but he just grabs me by the waist and throws me against the wall. I grunt and look up at him. This isn't Jeff. He wouldn't hurt me. His fists clenched tightly and he growled like an animal. Okay, he would hurt me. But...this isn't real. It can't be. This is all fake. This doesn't exist. This wouldn't happen. "This isn't real!" I screamed, just as Jeff was about to throw a punch at me.

As his fist came down, a black wall formed and blocked him from hitting me. I could hear his muffled shouts and his effort to break through the wall. The noises soon died down and I was alone, once again. The room was dark and empty except for me. Before I could decide to move around, a loud clash erupted and the lights came on. The room was empty and the rest of the walls were black. I looked around to find anything but as I turned I came face to face with... "Grandma...?" I mumbled, astonished to see her back. She didn't say or do anything though that didn't stop me from hugging her. "I've missed you so much!" I practically sobbed. I pull out of the hug and see that she had a gun held out to me. My body grew tense and I gave her a bewildered look. She smiled and said, "Take the gun and shoot."

I shook my head, stepping away from her. I can't go through this again. Never again will I do this! "I-I can't take that gun! I-I can't shoot you! Not again!"

"Who said you were shooting me?" she questioned. I blinked and saw that she wasn't there anymore. Two people replaced her, both tied up, kneeling down and wearing bags over their heads. I stared at them, wondering who they are and where they came from.

"Aren't you going to shoot?" I heard Maribel ask behind me and I looked down to see the gun in my hands. I clutched it tightly and, without looking at her, I asked, "Who are they?"

"If I told you, it would be harder for you to kill them," she said though something was off about her voice this time. It sounded...distorted. I had to hear it again. "Who. Are. They?" I asked through gritted teeth. She spoke again but this time I heard the distortion clearly. "Just pull the trigger, Elizabeth," she demanded, a second voice simultaneously speaking with hers. It was deep, practically possessed and held such a strong power. It sounded just

"Pull the trigger!" Maribel/Zalgo demanded.

"I deserve to know who I'm killing at least!" I hissed. I could sense my Grandmother frowning and she said in her normal voice, "So be it." I sighed and stepped forward to remove the bags from the peoples' heads. I froze in my place as I looked at them both. One man, one woman, both holding looks of fear and sadness. "Mom?! Dad?!" I shrieked.

"Pull the trigger, Elizabeth," Maribel ordered. I shook my head and said, "I-I can't! I can't kill them!"

"Is it because you don't have the ability to kill them?" Maribel asked.

"Or is it because you refuse to?" Zalgo asked, teasing me.

"I refuse!" I screamed, trying to drop the gun but it was stuck on my hands like glue now. Maribel chuckled and said, "Well maybe this will help you kill them."

Then, I watched as my parents screamed in agony as black markings spread across their skin. Their screams grew into distorted, ghostly screeches as their eyes turned black and empty, lifeless. Instead of trying to get our of their bonds for my help, they tried breaking them to attack me. They snarled, snapped and spit at me like animals, like demons, like...Corrupted.

"Wh...What have you done to them?!" I screamed, on the verge of tears. I heard Zalgo laugh and he answered, "I've only made the situation easier to handle."

"You turned my parents into monsters!!!" I shrieked. Maribel sighed and said in a soothing tone, "It's okay, Elizabeth. All you have to do is raise the gun and pull the trigger. It's simple."

"I can't kill my parents!"

"But you'll only make them suffer," Zalgo started, "They do not have control over their bodies anymore. They are now mindless creatures yet their consciousness is still very much alive. They bear witness to horrible, unspeakable things. And you refuse to end that? What a sick person you are-."

"I AM NOT SICK! YOU ARE!!!" I growled. He chuckled, and then his laughter faded into Maribel's. "End their suffering, Elizabeth. Don't let my poor son suffer," she pleaded and tears brimmed in my eyes. "But...I-."

"You either shoot them and end their misery," Maribel started.

"Or you fail and get put down like a dog!" Zalgo finished, harshly.

My body trembled and the tears started flowing. Th...they're right. I can't let my parents endure this any longer. They're Corrupted. And being a Corrupted is worse than any kind of Hell there is. I slowly raise the gun and point it at my dad first. He snarls at me, black ooze dripping from his eyes and mouth. I sob as I put my finger on the trigger and finally pull it back. The shot echoed around the room and his head jerked back as the bullet went through. He fell over and I watched as black blood pooled around him. "Now, your mother," Maribel said and I turned to my mom. She screeched and wailed in distress. For a second, I thought she was begging me not to shoot, to spare her and let her live. But then I saw as the black markings spread more and more and her bones cracked. Don't let them suffer. I won't let them.

I aimed the gun at her head and closed my eyes shut. Just as I was about to pull the trigger, I heard her. "Elizabeth...?" I opened my eyes to see my mom, back to normal and unwounded. I smiled and was about to leap out and hug her when Zalgo growled, "You're too late."

Without meaning to, I pressed down on the gun trigger and shot my mother. I screamed, Zalgo's laughter echoing around me. More laughter erupted as I watched my parents' bodies decay rapidly. I threw the gun across the room and ran. I ran up to the walls and punched at them, trying to break through them and escape this Hell. I banged my head against the wall to drown out the laughter. Make it stop! Make it stop!!! Blood splattered all over the wall and I cried out in agony. I pushed myself away and fell across the floor, bleeding terribly. I reached out only to see that my hands were decaying just like my parents. Skin, tissue, muscle and then bone. It all fell away into ashes on the floor. Stop! STOP! I could feel my face tearing away along with the rest of my body. Black blood was revealed under my skin and I could feel my very sanity withering. This isn't real. This can't be real!

"My fine little devil," Zalgo cooed and I looked up at his crimson red eyes that blazed with flames of destruction. He chuckled and said with an evil smirk, "Make Daddy proud."


~End of Dream~

I woke up, panting and sweating, shocked from what I had just seen. As I stared up at the ceiling I calmed down as I realized that it really wasn't real. It was just a dream. "Thank god..." I sighed. I turned over only to come face to face with a bloody face. I screamed and backed up against the wall, holding my chest where my heart should be. After a few seconds I realized it was only Sally. "Hi Ellie," she said, squeezing her teddy bear. I stammered, "H-Hey there Sally..."

"What's wrong? Why are you so freaked out?" she asked, concerned. I picked at the bed sheets and answered, "I...I just had a rough day today- what-what-what are you...what are you doing here...?" She smiled and said, "Jack said you were here so I thought we could hang out. You look like you need someone to talk to." She giggled and I smiled at her cute face. "Okay, hun," I said, "we can hang out. Let me just wash my face and we can do something together."

"Great! I'll be downstairs!" she squealed and scurried out of my room. I sighed and got up from the bed to do what I needed to do. I walked out into the hall and started towards the way to the bathroom. As I turned a corner I ran into Jeff...

"Ellie! Hey," he started, "how are you? I-I heard what happened and I didn't want to bother you-."

"I'm fine!" I said and quickly brushed passed him. He paused for a second then reached out to grab my arm. "Ellie, wait we need to talk-!"

"STOP!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE A BIG GIRL!!!" I scream and slap his hand off of me. I freeze, realizing what I had just said. I look up at him as Jeff gives me a bewildered look. His eyes soften as they're filled with concern and he mumbles, "Um...okay...I'll...I'll leave you alone..."

"Jeff-." I started but before I could explain myself he walked away, looking saddened. No I didn't mean to... It just happened... I-I didn't...

"Please...make it stop...," I mumble as I leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor, tears flowing and mind a wild mess of thoughts and images that will never, ever fade away.


The Crows: They were basically representative of people, of humanity. If she screws up, like how Ellie accidentally killed the crow, then everyone else will revolt and try to hurt her.

The Doors: Ellie is stuck between two lives. The one with her family and friends and the one that's with Jeff and the others. One is normal, the other is not so normal. She is stuck between choosing to keep living in her regular life, or be in the strange one where she seems to belong most.

Jeff: Ellie loves Jeffery (of course) and their relationship is a bit bipolar. It's sweet and cute yet sometimes it's a little hot and heavy (no I'm not talking about Tier 15). So with the way it's going our little proxy is afraid that Jeffery will want to take it farther and if that doesn't happen...well...ya know.

Her parents: She is the proxy and they do have to take some drastic actions. Ellie fears that she will have to make sacrifices that are good and bad. She doesn't want to kill anyone close to her and if that's the only option for any situation then she will have to do it. Like with Maribel...

Zalgo and Dead Young Ellie: They're basically just to give the dream some horror and creepiness but they are supposed to mean something though that's for future chapters c: teeheehee


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