Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

Jeff's POV

Smile was messing around in the snow outside, while I sat against a tree watching him. I sighed, the cold air turning my breath visible. Things have been...weirder than usual lately. Well, at least with Ellie. It's been two days since she was expelled. She's...she's paranoid almost all of the time and it scares me. And she's back to doing that thing where she mumbles things to herself. I try to figure out why she's so spooked but every time I start to make a conversation with her she gets shaky. I'm always forced to leave her alone for a while and I can't stand it anymore. Something is wrong and I need to figure it out.

Without noticing, Smile had leaped up and knocked the wind out of me. I fell over and the mutt started licking my face. "You idiot," I chuckled and scratched his head. Smile barked and let me sit up again. His fur was flaked with snow and my hair was too. I blew a few strands out of my face and got up. Elizabeth is at her parents' house and I desperately want to visit her but I know she'll just keep freaking out. I groaned out loud and leaned against a tree. "Ellie is being so weird. Are all girls like this, Smile?"

He just stared at me as I kept going. "I mean, come on. I only want to help her but she keeps running away! It's like she's afraid of me. I know I'm a creepy lookin' son of a bitch but seriously! Girls are just so- uggh why?! No wonder I'm not meant for relationships. This is frustrating. I bet normal guys don't go through this. Do they? The whole girl thing is not in our nature. We don't worry about fashion. We don't worry about what Becky from the office says. We don't PMS and rant about why the sky is blue. We don't have those curves and shit. And we don't have bosoms- why the fuck do girls say they hurt?! I get kicked in the nads and it's like a part of me dies. Girls are weird! Why is it in our nature to like them? I could just turn gay right here and now! I'll do it Smile! I can do it! Ben would be up for it- NO WAIT! See what girls do to me, Smile?! Don't fall in love, boy. It's some weird shit. Uggggghhhh!!! Anyways...what was I talking about before?"

Smile laid down and covered his head with his paws, making a noise that sounded like a groan. I sighed and rubbed my temples. "I just...I don't even know, boy. I haven't been myself. Ellie is...she's just so gorgeous and sweet and so badass! Why do people hate her? She's amazing and here I am fussing over her. It pains me to see her so spooked over something I don't know about. She means so much to me and I just want to make her happy and make her smile. I would do so many things for her. I've never felt this way about anybody, and I mean anybody, before. Hell, I barely kill anymore! Back then, that was I all I would do to take my mind off of my own problems. Killing helped me and now that I have Ellie it's like it barely matters to me anymore. No one could ever make me feel that way about ending lives. I don't know what I'd do without her. I'd probably be some lonely noob. Though the lonely part isn't true anymore. What should I do?"

Smile just stared at me and I realized how pointless this was. "God dammit. Why am I asking you, a dog, for advice? I'm so desperate..." I plopped onto the snow and groaned. What am I gonna do? I don't know how to handle this. Think Jeff. Just think! I tried that, before realizing that those gears rusted looooooong ago. "I'm so stupid. What is life?! Am I even a guy?! I shouldn't be acting this way! I'm a cold-hearted killer! Now I'm squealing nervously like a Japanese school girl..."

Smile walked up to me and gave me somewhat of a glare. He suddenly bit down on my head and wouldn't let go. I flailed around, yelling for him to stop but he held on tight. He wasn't trying to maul me. He just does that violent nibble when he gets annoyed with me. "You fucking mutt, stop that!" I yelled at him. Slobber kept soaking my hair and I whined at the gross feeling. "God, why'd I ever take you in?!"

He put more pressure on my head and I screamed. This time it seriously hurt. "You son of a bitch! What do you want me to do?" He let go and gave me a look. I eyed him and said, "If you haven't noticed I can't always know what you're thinking."

He made a whining/barking sound and I groaned. "I know I'm being difficult right now but your biting isn't make it better!"

Smile let out a gruff huff and I sighed. "Well what am I supposed to do? Ellie won't talk to me and I feel like I'm running out of time. I need to do something before its too late. But what can I do for her right now? I can't get near her without her glancing at me nervously!"

Smile gave me a look and then nudged my arm. He ran off to the mansion's front door and turned the door knob when he pawed at it and he quickly ran inside. I got up to follow after him, shaking off the snow on my clothes and hair. I ran inside the mansion, closing the door behind me as I saw Smile giving whining growls and barks to Sally, who looked at him like they were having a conversation. "What's going on with you Smile? What do you want?" I asked as I walked up next to the two.

Sally nodded to the smiling dog and looked up at me with that cute smile she always wears. "So, Jeffery, you're having lady troubles huh?"

"Oh, lord...," I grumbled as she went on. "Well, Smile was just explaining how much of a dumb dumb you're being about your problem. But no need to fret anymore! Sally is here to save the day!"

"Yay...," I say, unenthusiastically. Her smile grows bigger and she says, "Okay, first, get on the floor."


"Just do it," she demands and I did as she said. "Now drop and give me twenty," she orders and I groan. I started doing push-ups and asked, "How is this supposed to help my situation?"

"Just wait, man! Sheesh, boys can be so impatient!" she grumbles and I roll my eyes. She suddenly sits on my back and I groan from having to lift up more weight. "Alright," Sally chimes, "now listen up! Ellie is a little paranoid about something and it's bothering you, that's the problem. She did seem a little weird when I played with her on the day she came over. She didn't tell me what happened but I have a way where she'll feel better!"

"Spit it out then," I huff and groan as Smile suddenly takes this time to start licking my face. Sally giggled and started, "Well, take this from me, a girl. Ellie isn't feeling well so what you should do is make her feel better!"

"How?" I ask, on my eleventh push-up. I would've been further but with Sally sitting on me, it was a little more difficult. And Smile isn't making it easier too. "Dammit, boy, stop trying to French me...!"

"Get her a gift, or take her somewhere special! Ooh, take her out on a date!!!" Sally squealed. I chuckled and said, "That's a good idea. The thing is...I can't get near Elizabeth because she always starts getting nervous and she freaks out."

"Have you looked in the mirror?" she asked, bluntly. I frown and said, " can I talk to her? How do I make her calm around me?"

Sally thought about this, tapping her chin as she put a thinking face on. She snapped her fingers and exclaimed, "Eureka!"

"No one says that anymore-."

"Quiet, the smart person is talking!" she said and shushed me. I sighed as she explained her plan to me. I wasn't too thrilled about this plan, though. Why? It involved Ben...

"Use that thing on your computer," Sally said to him, "That sky thing!"

"You mean 'Skype'?" he asked and she shrugged. "Well, whatever its called! I'm not a nerd."

"Hey, I'm not a-."

"Get Skype, gosh darn-nit!" Sally exclaimed and Ben rolled his eyes as he pixelated away. He came back with his laptop and Skype was set up on it. "Does Ellie even have an account?" I asked.

"No but she's about to," Ben said and I gave him a look as he did his thing. The four of us just sat there; Me, Ben, Sally and Smile stared intently at the screen as the Skype symbol pulsated. "This isn't going to work," I grumbled. Ben smirked and said, "Relax. Patience is key, my friend."

"Did you suddenly become fucking Confucius or something?" I growl and he shoots me a glare. Sally smacks the back of my head as she says, "No bad words!" I frown and all of us start bickering for a while. Smile stops our arguments by barking loudly and we turned our attentions to him and then the laptop screen. The Skype symbol was gone and the screen was all blue, with the exception of the end call of video buttons. My heart raced and I had a feeling that Ellie was about to show up.

Elizabeth's POV

I was sitting on my bed, catching up on some novels I never got to finish reading. Man, I missed this. Reading while snuggled up in blankets while your favorite music plays on your laptop. Absolute paradise. At least to me...

Suddenly, the music stops and I wonder if it's at the end of the playlist. But when I look up I see a familiar symbol. "Since when do I have Skype?" I mumble and bring the laptop onto the bed with me. The symbol pulsates on the screen, emanating the call jingle while it says 'Incoming Call'. "Who the hell is calling me?" I mutter, and stare at the screen with a puzzled look. I decide to answer whoever it is and click the answer button. The symbol disappears and the screen cuts to a figure. My eyes widen and I nearly jump up in shock. "Jeff?" I breathe. At first he didn't seem to notice me but then his attention focused on me and he stammered his words. "H-Heya, Sunshine! How's it goin'?!"

"Lower the volume, hot shot," I heard someone say and Jeff glared to his right. "Shut up, Ben! I'm talking with Elizabeth!"

"Hi, Ellie!" I heard a high pitched voice squeal and Sally jumps into view. She waves frantically and exclaims, "You're in a computer! She's in a computer!"

"Pfft, bitch please," Ben said and Sally leaped onto him while yelling, "No bad words!" Jeff sighs and face-palms himself as he glances at the two. He was about to speak again when Smile popped up and started licking the camera and screen. Jeff kept scolding him to get down but the canine was too excited to obey. Ben exclaimed, "Hey, that's a limited edition laptop, you mutt! That's-!"

"MAHOGANY!" Sally blurts and Ben gives her a look. "What? No, that doesn't even make se- what?!"

"Guys, shut uuuuuuuuuupppppp," Jeff groans loudly and Ben tries desperately to push Smile away from his precious laptop. Sally is still waving at me and Jeff just sits there, looking frustrated. "Get the fuck off, Smile!" Ben exclaims as he finally shoves the dog away and Sally leaps onto him. "No bad words!"

"Stop it!" Ben says and practically throws her off of him. Sally glares at him and starts to argue when he licks his finger and pokes her arm. "Ew! That's so gross!"

"It's life!" Ben shouts.

"Jeff, he's touching me!" Sally whines.

Ben protests, "No I'm not."

"He keeps touching me!"

"No I'm not."

"Stop touching me!"


Jeff looks like a bomb and he's about to reach zero seconds. Sally and Ben keep bickering and that's when Jeff roars, "SHUT UP!!!!" Both of them stop and stare at Jeff as he seethes in anger and frustration. Ben suddenly grabs Sally's hand and licks it and she screams at the top of her lungs. Jeff gets up and grabs the both of them, dragging them out of view. Smile gets in front of the camera and I wave at him. He barks happily and I can see his black and red tail wag. As this is happening I hear crashing and yelling and Jeff grunts. "Oh, bro I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hit you there!" Ben exclaims, "It was an accident!"

"You're an accident!" Jeff growls.

"Well, shit," Ben mumbles and Sally replies, "No bad words-!"

"WE KNOW!" Jeff and Ben shout in unison and I feel about ready to end the call and let them cool down. After a while of arguing and me baby talking with Smile, Jeff finally comes back looking exhausted. He sighs and perks up, saying, "How was your day...?"

I'm hesitant to answer but then I reply, "It's okay. Um, why do I suddenly have Skype?"

"You're welcome," Ben said nonchalantly as he walks by. I realize the answer to my question and focus on Jeff. "Remind me NEVER to Skype again," he grumbles and I take note of that. There was a pause of silence and then Jeff asks, "Ellie, have you been feeling okay?"

"Yeah, why?" I said. "Well," he started, "you get nervous when I try to come near you and it's bothering me because I know something is wrong. And it also kind of...hurts my feelings..."

My heart pangs painfully at his tone of voice. I sigh sadly and he adds, "If there's something wrong, then please tell me. I'll help you! Please, just talk to me. I miss you..."

My heart pangs again and my lip quivers as I think about the reason I've been so freaked out. There's no point to avoiding this conversation. Jeff really deserves to know. I'm worried that he'll feel bad about it, though. He's tough as nails but when it comes to me he's softer than a god damn pillow. I start pondering my words, wondering how to tell him. I look at him and start to explain my dream; all of it. First the crows, my dead little body, the doors, what I did to my parents, my grandmother and Zalgo and then I saved the one with him for last. With each word, the look in his eyes grew more painful and concerned and it hurt me. And with each word I spoke, my tears came closer and closer to falling. Don't cry. He's going to get super upset if I do.

Once I was finished I stared at him, waiting for him to remark about what I told him but he just stayed quiet. That got me worried and I let myself cry. "Jeff...a-are you okay...?" He suddenly slammed his fists onto the table and hung his head, making me jump. This was what I was afraid of. He brushed a hand through his hair, messing it up and he looked at me through the screen. "Ellie...," he started, "I...I would never, ever do that to you. Don't you remember what I told you last time? I wouldn't ever force you into that. And, I'm not mad at you. I...I just don't know what to feel. I'm so sorry..."

I managed to give him a smile so he would feel a little less upset and said, "It's okay. It was just a dream anyway. I shouldn't have been so freaked out by it. And I'm really sorry I've been neglecting you because of it. I always felt bad whenever I realized that I pushed you away. Please, forgive me." Jeff was silent, and then he stifled a wry laugh and said, "Of course I forgive you. Just...don't keep your problems from me. You're my Sunshine. Your problems are mine now and we can fix them together. We always will. I love you."

I smile and blush like an idiot as I say, "I love you too." I could see him relax and his concern was washed away. But then he groans and holds his head in his hands. He grumbles through his hands, "I really fucking miss you, like its not even funny..." I giggle and remark, "You're cute when you're trying to stay manly." His face flushes pink and he says, "I am manly! I'm manly as fuck."

"Says the guy who squeals when I put your hoodie on," I chortle and he exclaims, "You're fucking cute in my hoodie, okay?! It's inevitable for me to squeal." I roll my eyes playfully and smile at him. He sticks his tongue out at me and I do the same. He flicks his around while making slurping noises and I laugh hysterically. I end up snorting and laughing even harder. He starts making fun of me and I retorted, "You're such a weirdo."

"Only for you," he said and I blush. We start messing around some more, being stupid and laughing. I suddenly hear my mom calling me and I had to go. "Aw," Jeff moaned and I related to how he was feeling right now. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I said and he nodded sadly. "I love you," I told him and I could tell that made him feel better. "I love you too, Sunshine," he said and we blushed simultaneously. I ended the call and shut my laptop closed. I still want to see him, but I can't right now. I'll be sure to see him as soon as I can. And I won't freak out this time.


It was late at night, around 1am, my parents were asleep already. I just finished a book and my eyes were heavy from staying up. I put the book on my desk and turn off the lights. I hop into bed and get comfortable so I could sleep easier. Eventually, I drifted off and was asleep for about three hours before I heard tapping at my window. I open my tired eyes and sit up in bed. Who's tapping at my window? I get up and walk cautiously to my window, pulling back the curtains to see what was there. I sigh when I realize who it is and invite him in. "Hi," Jeff said. I chuckle and ask, "What are you doing here at this time of night? I told you I'd see you tomorrow."

"It is tomorrow...," he remarked and I have him a look.

"I wanted to take you out," he answered my question. I eyed him for a few seconds and asked, "Like on another date?" He nodded and I gaped at him. "But it's like four in the morning...!" I said, careful not to awake my parents. Jeff grinned and said, "Which is the perfect time!" I face-palm myself and say, "You're crazy."

"You didn't notice?" He said and I only chuckled. "Fine," I started, "let's go out." Jeff fist pumped the air and I gathered some clothes to wear. "Need some help?" Jeff said, deviously and I told him to stand in the corner and face the wall. He pouted slightly and did as I told him to. I changed out of my pajamas and put on some jeans, a long sleeved shirt, my winter jacket and boots and put my beanie on. I told Jeff that he could look again and he turned around. I was about to head out with him when I realized something. "What about your...face?" I asked, concerned. He stared at me and then perked up like he remembered something. He dug around in his pocket and pulled out a paper bag. He opened it up and put it on his head, the eye holes already cut out. "How do I look?" he asked as he struck a pose.

"Definitely like a weirdo," I chortled and he laughed. I looked at him, giggling at how silly he looked in the paper bag and I felt bad. If people see us then they'll look at him funny. I mean, it's better than screaming bloody murder but still. I can't let him wear his "fashion statement" alone. "Where's mine?" I asked him and he faltered. "What do you mean?" Jeff mumbled. I giggled and said, "I mean, do I get a paper bag too?"

"Well," he muttered, "of course not. You're gorgeous. You don't need one."

"But I want one." I beg.

"What for?"

"You didn't think you'd be wearing it alone, did you?" I said and I sneak out of my room to go downstairs and into the kitchen. I rummaged around for a paper bag and found one. I grabbed some scissors and cut out some holes to see through and I walked back upstairs to Jeff. I shut the door behind me and put it on my head. He laughed at me and offered me his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me close to him. Jeff wrapped his arms around me and leaned his head against mine, the paper crinkling. We chuckle and he lifts up our bags just above our mouths as he leans in to plant a kiss on my lips. Excitement sparked through me and I felt utterly euphoric. I tiptoed to make the kiss deeper and he hugged me closer. He slowly pulled himself away, making the addictive sensation of our kiss linger. He smirked and I blushed, though he probably couldn't see it behind my paper bag. He pulled the bags down and grabbed ahold of my hand, pulling me towards my window. He opened it up again and stepped out onto the roof, holding me as I did the same. He shut the window and suddenly picked me up bridal style then jumped down. I panicked at first, but when he landed perfectly on his feet I calmed down. Jeff set me down and held my hand as he led me away from my house and into town to start our second date.


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