Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Jeff's POV

Ellie and I walked along the sidewalk, hand in hand, with our paper bags on our heads. I looked over at her and chuckled at her paper bag. She's so friggin' cute! Oh, my god, I just wanna dip her in chocolate, spread sprinkles on her and then eat her. My mind went blank and I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. But, she really is adorable. She's so short, hands so soft, warm and small in mine and I have a nagging feeling of carrying her like a sack of potatoes. Wait, why potatoes?

"Jeff," I heard Ellie call and I looked down at her. "Where are we going?" she asked me. I thought about that answer and faltered. Shit, I didn't plan where to go. "Um...," I mumbled, ""

"You didn't think about this did you?"

"Nope," I said and she giggled.I started thinking about ideas, wondering where would be a good place to go. She kept calling my name and I panicked. "Strip club?!" I exclaimed and Ellie suddenly stopped walking.


"Yeah, I'll strip for you!"

"Are you feeling okay-?"

"I'M FREAKIN' OUT!" I shouted. Elizabeth just laughed and grabbed both of my hands, squeezing them gently. "Just relax," Ellie told me, "You don't have to break your brain over this. Just do what comes to mind."

I look down at our hands, feeling jittery. Why am I being so weird right now? I wasn't like this on our first date. Oh wait...? Yes I was. Nevermind.

"Would you like for me to pick?" Ellie asked me. I nodded and she chuckled. "Okay," she started, "Let's go to the park then."

"Isn't it closed at this hour?" I asked. She grabbed my hand and pulled me forward as she said, "What's a closed gate gonna do to stop us?" I stared at her and a devious grin pulled at my mouth. We started making our way to the park until, after fifteen minutes, we saw the gates. Ellie wrapped her hands around the bars and looked up at the spiked ends. "I can't push you up without you nicking yourself on the ends," I stated. She tapped her foot as if thinking and then suddenly gasped. She suddenly pulled me close to her, wrapping her arms around me and then I felt a sudden tingle rush through my head. It only lasted for a split second until my surroundings were clear again and I stumbled slightly. "Oh god, what did you do?" I slurred as I got woozy.

"Teleport, what else?" Ellie said, as if it was a normal thing to me but obviously it isn't. She started walking into the park, leaving me to stumble after her. I nearly face-planted into the snow before the dizziness went away and I caught my balance. I walked up to Ellie as she stood at the edge of a frozen pond. She stuck her leg out to tap the ice with the tip of her shoe and I panicked slightly. "Wait," I blurted, "Don't go on the ice...! Let me help you on."

"I'll be fine," Ellie assured me as she stepped onto the ice and didn't slip. I gulped as she started sliding slowly across the frosted ice. She giggled and held out a hand to me. "Come on! It's fun!" I smiled at her adorable enthusiasm and took hold of her soft hand. I stepped onto the ice and nearly slipped on it. "Why am I not graceful?" I whined. "Because you're too nervous," she answered. Ellie grabbed hold of my hands again and squeezed them, making me calm down and feel warm chills.

"Let's skate a little," she said and held onto me as we slid around awkwardly. I couldn't help but laugh and I said, "We seriously need skates."

"We seriously need to go out during the day, because I can't see shit," Ellie retorted and I chuckled. And, as if she was heard, soft moonlight shined on us. The frozen ice glinted from the frost and we had a better time sliding around on it. We stumbled, slipped and bumped into each other every now and then. Every time we did we'd laugh it off and keep on. Once, I picked Ellie up in my arms and slid around for a while like that, until I lost balance and fell over. I broke her fall, me, on the other hand, suffered from a bruised ass. I couldn't walk correctly for a while.

"My ass...," I kept moaning painfully as we started exiting the park. Ellie just laughed at my pain and I grumbled at her. As we had taken a break from walking, Ellie snuck off and I grew concerned. "Elizabeth," I called out. After three more tries I panicked and went searching for her only to pass a tree and get a hand full of snow in my face. It flaked my paper bag and I nearly fell back. I heard giggling and Ellie stepped into view, holding her stomach as she kept laughing. She handed me a ball of snow and chimed, "Come and get me, paper boy," she teased as she trotted off. I smirked and went chasing after her, throwing my ball of snow and missing her by a few inches. "So close," I shouted and picked up more snow. I hid behind a tree and waited for Ellie to run around so I could hit her. Little did I know that she can teleport easily now so when I anticipated her to come out she popped up in front of me, catching me off guard and using the moment as an advantage to hit me with snow. "Jesus, you nearly gave me a god damn heart attack," I exclaimed. Ellie smiled and said, "Sorry."

I got up and said, "I can't shoot you. You're too fast and my ass isn't cooperating." Ellie laughed out loud and said, "Okay, fine, I'll let you have a head start. Hit me with a snowball." She spread out her arms and stood there, waiting for me to take my chance. I shook my head and said, "Nope. Too easy."

"Well then how else will you hit me," she asked. I chuckled and walked up to her, hugging her close and resting my head on hers. I slipped off her paper bag and did the same to mine, holding them tightly as I leaned down and kissed her temple. I brushed my lips against her cheek and she sighed in content. Just when I was about to kiss her I took out my secret snowball and shoved it against her head, getting some snow in her ear in the process. "Oh my god, you jerk," Ellie squealed as she tried desperately to dig out the snow. I could only laugh at her effort but then failed to notice her preparing to send a volley of snowballs at me.

I fell onto the ground as more snowballs came and I couldn't help but keep laughing hysterically. I grabbed some handfuls of snow and threw them at her. She giggled and I couldn't help but take pleasure in her sweet laughs. I could listen to them all day. I rolled around in the snow as I fired it at Ellie. One hit her on the head and she stumbled to the ground, face-planting into snow. I completely lost it and the next thing I knew she pounced on top of me and knocked the wind out of me. She giggled again as she flashed me a devious smirk. Once I got my air back I looked up into her eyes and we locked into a stare. I reached up and gently tucked back some locks of her dark hair behind her cute little ear. I cupped my hands on the frame of her face and she smiled a rosy cheek smile.

She grabbed some snow and patted it down in her hands. She looked at me briefly before casually dropping the snow onto my face. Her giggles shared the air with mine as I wiped away the cold snow. Once I removed my hand from my face, Ellie's lips pressed against mine and I felt a jolt of pleasure course through me. We stayed like that, playing with each others lips and smiling as we did. Ellie ended our kissing by gently pulling away and resting her head on mine. We sighed simultaneously and chuckled. She picked her head up and I looked up at her and was struck with awe. Moonlight caught her perfectly. Her dark hair gleamed lusciously, blue eyes were highlighted as they shined brighter than ever and her complexion glowed with the beauty I love. I intertwined our fingers together as I held her hands and told her, "You're beautiful."

"No I'm not," she berated and I frowned. "Yes you are. Take my compliment, Sunshine! I love you." She smiled and mumbled, "I love you too." That warm chill came back and I couldn't help but hug her tightly, never wanting to let go. And, we laid there in the snow, eventually chatting normally. I listened to Ellie talk since I had nothing interesting to say and I just wanted to listen to her sweet voice say big words, despite that I barely knew what half of them meant. After twenty minutes of relaxing in the snow we decided to go somewhere else to continue our date. Ellie helped me up from the ground and we started walking towards the park's front gate. We made it there and I knew what had to happen, since it was still locked. We put on our paper bags and I got prepared to hurl.

She grabbed a hold of me and managed to teleport again, though it took her longer than before. The side effects of it was also more intense so I nearly passed out. Luckily Elizabeth was there to help me or else I would've completely fallen out of consciousness. "How about we do something that doesn't involve me potentially barfing into my paper bag," I offered weakly. Ellie nodded and we started walking somewhere else. We made our way into town, Ellie deciding to go into the town square. Despite the time of hour, people still bustled around, shopping, talking or just walking about. Of course, people stared at us. They don't see a couple wearing paper bags on their heads everyday I guess. "Okay, it's your turn to pick what we should do next," Ellie told me was we strolled along the sidewalk. I looked around, wondering what we should do. Whatever I pick will likely get us put in jail so I don't really want to pick. But if Sunshine insists then I must.

I look around the place, trying to get ideas from a shop or even from what the people are doing. Damn, what do I do? I was about to toss in the towel and give up when I spotted a shop. I started laughing mischievously as I recognized it as a liquor shop. Oh this is gonna be fun! I led Ellie to it and I could sense her tensing up. "Jeff, what the hell," she hissed. I chuckled evilly and said, "Relax, everything's cool!" I snuck into the little alley between the shop and another and looked for a way up to the roof. There was a dumpster so I leaped on top and climbed up the drainage pipe on the side of the wall. I grabbed onto the ledge of the building and hulled myself over it. I looked over the edge and saw Ellie looking up at me. I can't see past her paper bag but I'm sure she's giving me a look. "Jeff, what are you doing?" She asked, looking around nervously.

I only gave her a thumbs up and disappeared out of her view over the edge. I looked around for a vent and found it at the center of the roof. I quickly remove the grate and slip down the shoot. I hit metal and the whole thing shook, making me panic slightly until it all stopped shaking. I started crawling through the vent until I made it to another grate. I looked through the bars and saw the liquor store, chuckling deviously as I removed the grate and dropped down onto the floor. Man, I used to love doing this, breaking into places and escaping without being spotted like a badass.

I looked around the dark shop and searched for the light switch. I found it behind the counter and the whole place illuminated with a flick of my finger. Now, let's see if I still know my alcohol.

Elizabeth's POV

I paced around outside, coming up with a plan just in case if Jeff screws up and the police start coming to bust us. Well, bust him. He doesn't expect me to drink, does he? I swear if he gets whiskey and I have to drink it then I'm going to kick his bruised ass. Whiskey is fucking strong. My mom tried it once, never again did she drink it. She ended up hurling on her favorite dress that night...

I counted the minutes, anticipating for Jeff to get out without trouble or for an alarm to start blaring. He's been in there for ten minutes already. "Please be okay, you idiot," I mumbled under my breath. He's taking too long. Is he trying to steal a whole shelf of booze? I leaned against the shop wall, tapping my foot in anxiety. Before I could barge in there and drag him out, Jeff came jumping down from the roof. I jumped in surprise and he just raised his arm up to show me a bag as he sang, "Ta da!" I grabbed the bag gingerly and checked its contents. Yup, he got booze. He was giggling like a little kid and I eyed him. "Jeff, seriously?" I said. He nodded and said, "C'mon, don't give me that look! S'ok! It'll be fun! I got drinks just for you! It's like you're not even drinkin' alcohol!"

I eyed him some more. He seems awfully cheery. I walked up to him and removed his paper bag. He was giggling like a total idiot, more than usual. I finally realized why he was acting so weird. "You were drinking in there weren't you?!" I exclaimed. He sniggered and slurred, "Only a little. Shhhhh! Don't tell Christopher Nipples. Heh, heh!"

"It's Christopher Bubbles," I corrected. Jeff gave me a bewildered look and exclaimed, "Whaaaaaat?! Since when?! Pfffffft!!!"

"Jeff, you're drunk aren't you," I muttered. He giggled again and chimed, "I'm TIPSY as HELL!!!" I give him a look and he says, "Relax. I'm not completely intoxicated. I can still coordinate properly. So, no, I'm not drunk. It's just being tipsy." I rolled my eyes as I chuckled. "What did you get anyways," I asked him. He perks up and digs around in the bag. He pulled out the bottles one by one and stated their names. "I got some Gallo wine, to get romantic feels going on. Some Coconut Jack Rum because, why the fuck not? Some Smirnoff Green Apple Vodka for you and some Ketel One Vodka for me. Don't worry, Sunshine. When you drink Smirnoff its like drinkin' soda. It's the best one to start with. It tastes amazing. Plus the vodka will warm us up!"

"You sure do know your liquors," I remarked. He chuckled and said, "Well, I went through a curious phase mixed with some deviousness, and you should know that those two don't go well together. So, I know more drinks than you can imagine!"

"That's a little scary," I retorted and Jeff shrugged. He picked up the Smirnoff and said, "Here. You don't have to drink it if you don't want to. But, it is really good." I hesitantly grabbed the bottle and examined the label and shape of it. The vodka swished around inside and I got nervous just thinking about drinking it. "I could drink it if you don't want it," Jeff obliged. I stared wide-eyed at him. There's no way in hell I'm going to let him drink all of this in his state. I quickly twisted the bottle open and started downing it. That was a big mistake and I did a spit-take and retched. "Forgot to tell you," Jeff started as I coughed, "you might want to take it slow on your first time, no matter what drink it is."

"You don't say," I grumbled. I looked at the bottle again and started drinking, taking it slow this time. Green apple flavored vodka touched my lips and I sipped it slowly and gently. It...did actually taste good. Like soda. Huh. I started drinking some more. Holy damn, this tastes amazing! I held the bottle between my hands as I drank more and more, never parting away from the bottle's lip. Because of never taking a break, the alcohol hit me and I got dizzy. Jeff balanced me and I finally stopped drinking, my vision slightly hazy. I giggled like an idiot. Jeff giggled too and said, "Don't tell me you're drunk already."

"Nooooooooo," I lied as I sniggered. Jeff started laughing and he opened up the rum bottle. "Cheers!" he chimed and we clinked our bottles together. We drank our bottles in unison and 'ahh'ed together too. Jeff got an idea and we crossed our arms together, drinking each others' beverages and enjoying the fun. When I finished my Smirnoff I awed sadly and chewed on the top of the bottle. Jeff chuckled at my silliness and offered, "I could get you more if you want?"

"Nah, I'm good," I slurred and leaned against the wall. Jeff handed me his rum bottle and pulled out Ketel One. I smiled at him and drank the rum, this one stronger than my last drink but it had a sweetness to it too. Jeff handed me his bottle for me to taste but I could smell the alcohol from here. It had a very strong and pungent scent so I could tell it would taste strong too. I declined and Jeff went ahead and drank the vodka himself. After a while we finished our drinks together and all that was left was the wine. "Split?" Jeff asked. I nodded eagerly and he opened the bottle. He let me have the first sip and I loved it. It tasted like really strong juice, sweet and distinctive. I grinned a giddy grin and handed it to Jeff.

We passed the bottle back and forth, every once in a while Jeff would hold the bottle for me as I drank and I'd do the same for him. He sipped the wine and then licked my lips, leaving the taste behind. I giggled and kissed his cheek in return. After several minutes the wine was finished and we were completely drunk. Jeff put his paper bag back on and I adjusted mine. He helped me stand straight and held my hand as we exited the alley and walked around town square, wobbling slightly together, hand in hand.

As we passed by a fancy restaurant, speakers outside started playing a song that I recognized immediately. "Oh my god! It's La Vie En Rose! Jeff, we HAVE to dance!"

"Dance?" he slurred. I nodded and jumped in front of him, stepping back and offering a hand to him. "C'mon! Dance with me." I beckoned and Jeff shifted in his spot shyly. He let out a sigh and said, "But I don't know how to dance."

"Neither do I," I admitted and that seemed to make him less uneasy. He eventually gave in and took my hand, and I pulled him into a lovely little dance.

Jeff's POV

As Ellie pulled me into a dance I immediately thought, This isn't going to go down well. She grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers and she grabbed my other hand and placed it on her hip. She put her other hand on my shoulder and she started stepping to the side. I followed and she stepped to the other side. As the song played and the music flowed peacefully I could sense the romantic feel it brings. Ellie says she doesn't know how to dance but she seems pretty flexible with it. Me, on the other hand, am not doing so well. I fumbled with my feet and would step on Ellie's from time to time. I stammered my apologizes every time but she didn't seem to mind getting her feet stepped on.

She led me in a circle and I caught a glimpse of people watching us dance out in the open. Some gave us weird looks, others seemed to take joy in the sight before them. I looked down at Elizabeth and sighed in content. She looked so graceful and elegant with the way she stepped and held me. She leaned her head against my chest and I rested my head on hers. Our feet shuffled and slid, legs moving in smooth movements. I gingerly grabbed Ellie's hand and twirled her sweetly. Her giggles echoed in my ears and I couldn't help but fall in love all over again. She was just too perfect. We danced around the area, shifting from place to place and spinning around like no one was watching. I loved this. I felt light and happy and I loved this moment. I couldn't want anything better than to dance with Ellie all night long. As the song was reaching its end I couldn't help but feel sad that this dance would end and the feel the music gave it would be gone. I wanted to make this moment last forever. I wanted to keep holding Ellie in my arms. I wanted to keep twirling around with her. I wanted to keep dancing with her despite that I'm terrible at it. I just wanted this to never end. But it will once the song does. So, I should make an impression that wouldn't fade from Ellie's mind for a long while.

So, nearly at the last seconds of the song I picked her up in my arms, spun us around and then set her down to dip her smoothly. The music stopped and we stayed in our position, panting slightly, smiling behind our paper bags. A pause of silence before the people that crowded around us started clapping and whistling. I picked her up and Ellie jumped on me, hugging me as I spun her around again. Ellie looked up at me and said, "Je t'aime!" I chuckled and said, "What?"

"I love you!" she said in English. I blushed and asked, "How do I say 'I love you too'?"

"Je t'aime trop," she pronounced. I took a try at it. "J-Je t'aime trroooop?" She nodded and I said it clearly, "Je t'aime trop." She giggled and hugged me again, brushing her paper bag against mine. "Let's get you home," I offered and held her hand as I led her out of town square, back to her house, leaving behind people that conversed about our first dance.


The Sun was already coming out by the time we got to Ellie's house. The sky was mixed with blue, orange and purple from the night. It looked gorgeous. But not as gorgeous as my little Sunshine. We went around the house and stood outside the side with Ellie's bedroom window. "Well," I started, "I guess this is it for now."

"Yeah," she mumbled, "I guess so." We stood there, shifting around awkwardly. Suddenly, Ellie took off her paper bag and took mine off too. She suddenly lunged out and kissed me deeply, digging her slim fingers through locks of my hair. And then, to my shock and pleasure, she started delving my mouth with her tongue. I moaned as she did this for a few more moments until she pulled away and gave me a cute smile. I just stared in bewilderment at her and muttered, "....You have no idea how turned on I am right now..."

She laughed and chortled, "Keep it in your pants, Jeff." I just kept staring at her, hoping one day I can take out what's in my pants- the fuck?

Ellie gave me one last peck on the lips before stepping back and teleporting up to her bedroom. She waved down at me from her window and I mindlessly waved back. She flashed me one last show stopping smile before disappearing behind the window and closing it. I don't know how long I stood there for but eventually I made my way back to the forest to return to the mansion. My mind was blank. My senses were a wild blur. My body felt tingly and fuzzy. Ellie literally took my breath away. Maybe it's affecting me more because I'm still drunk. That or maybe it was Ellie's boldness to French me without me doing it first. Either way, I want her sooooo bad.

"One day, Jeff. One day," I mumbled to myself as I made it to the mansion and walked in, thinking about my beautiful little Sunshine.


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