Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

Elizabeth's POV

As soon as I woke up, my head pounded with aching pain and I felt so much fatigue. "God dammit Jeff," I moaned painfully as I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor, making the pain intensify. I just laid there and whined continuously, until there was a knock on my door and my mother stepped in. "Honey are you okay?" she asked me, gently. I shook my head for no and she helped me onto my feet. "You look terrible," my mother dead-panned.

"Thanks Ma," I grumbled and she chuckled. She went downstairs to get me some pain killers as I stayed in my room, sitting on the edge of my bed. I have a wicked hangover. Holy Jebus... Wait, what? I don't even know anymore.

I groaned and waited for my mother to come back. She came back with a glass of water and two pills. "Here, honey," she said and handed me the water and pills. I took the pills one at a time and sipped water every time. I sighed and placed the glass of water on my nightstand. "What time is it," I asked as I stretched my arms and legs.

"It's twelve in the afternoon," my mom answered. I nodded and massaged my temples. I took a deep breath and sighed gruffly. My mom gave me a weird look and leaned down to my face. I just stared at her as she eyed me and she suddenly gasped. "Why do I smell alcohol on your breath?!" She exclaimed. My eyes widened and I panicked. "Ma, I have no idea what you're talking about," I lied nervously. She leaned down more and ordered, "Breathe out."

"What no I-!"

"Breathe dammit," she demanded. I pouted as I breathed out and she sniffed. She frowned hard and said, "Yep, you definitely drank something. What did you have?" I tried thinking back on it and answered, "Vodka...rum...and half a bottle of wine."

"Why half?"

"You want me to drink a whole bottle?" I exclaimed slightly. She gave me a look and I finished, "I shared the other half with Jeff."

"Now that makes more sense," she remarked, "He made you drink?"

I shook my head and muttered, "He stole from a liquor shop and I couldn't let him drink all of the alcohol because I'd be dragging him around by the end of the night."

"Did he do anything to you? Any...kinky stuff-?"

"No, mom! God, no!" I squealed.

"I'm only asking," she retorted. "When did you two go out anyway?"

"While you and dad were sleeping...."

"Elizabeth!" She scolded. "Meh," I whined and put a pillow in my face. I looked up and she was shaking her head. She looked around as if someone might be eavesdropping and she whispered, "I'm disappointed with you but I'm going to go easy on you and not tell your father. And, to be safe, try not to breathe out when you're close to him. He's a bloodhound when it comes to alcohol. If he finds out then you'll be begging for me to do the punishing."

I nodded and she patted my head gently. "So you're not going to punish me?" I asked her. She smirked before saying, "I think your hangover is enough punishment." She gave me a sweet smile then walked out of my room, leaving me alone. I sighed and laid back down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. After a couple of minutes I got up and changed out of my night clothes. I dressed into some jeans, a T-shirt and some worn sneakers. I made my way to the bathroom and brushed my hair so it wouldn't look like a birds nest, not that it did...

My head still pounded, though not as much as before. I leaned over the sink and closed my eyes, taking in a pause of silence. As my eyes were closed, an image came up. It was Maddy and she was in tears. She was sitting in a restaurant booth and she was keeping her head down to avoid anyone seeing her cry. She was fighting it too. After that I saw Jack and Jeff sparing in the yard of the mansion. Jack had put Jeff into a chokehold but then Jeff counterattacked by elbowing him in the rib cage and flipping him over. Then after that I viewed myself running, in first person, towards my former high school. The next image was quick, I barely even saw it but I did make out what might've been flames. Nothing else came so I opened my eyes and furrowed my brow out of confusion. The hell did I just see?

I shrugged it off and walked out of the bathroom. Once I went downstairs I went to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. My mom and dad were watching television in the living room and I watched from the kitchen as I ate cereal. The show they were watching cut to commercial and there was a spokesperson. Just some infomercial. I looked away and stared at my cereal as I ate. I overheard what the commercial was talking about and I looked over. "Throughout America, seventy to eighty percent of teens consume alcohol at least once," the person said, "one drop of alcohol can go a long way, whether your child, friend or sibling ends up getting sent to jail for underage drinking, drunk driving or even getting hurt severely. Don't let your child, friend or sibling drink. 'Only once' they say. It's never only once."

"Seventy to eighty percent?" My dad repeated. "Kids these days, I swear. Thank god you're not like that, Ellie."

I coughed up my cereal and stammered, "Yeah dad! I-I'm glad I don't drink..." I saw my mom flashing me a look and I wiped my mouth of milk. I finished up my cereal and washed the bowl and spoon I used. Once I was done, the doorbell rang and I shouted, "I got it!" I dried my hands quickly before running up to the front door and opening it up. To my utter surprise, Maddy stood outside. I just stood there, staring at her for a while. She shifted her eyes and coughed into her fist. "One sec," I said before shutting the door on her and taking in a deep breath. What is she doing here?! How the hell does she know where I live?! Oh shit, she knows where I live! I'm so screwed!!!

"Ellie, is everything okay?" My dad asked. I gave him a smile and said, "Everything's cool, daddy!" Everything is so not cool. I bolted up the stairs, grabbed my jacket and then went back downstairs. I opened up the door to still see Maddy there. I quickly stepped out and closed the door behind me, standing in front of her. "Uhhhh," I mumbled, "....hello."

"Hi," she replied, flashing me a weak smile. Her face had two bandages on it and healing cuts, her right eye already healing too. I looked her up and down, noticing how tense she was. Her hands were in her jacket pockets, fumbling around nervously. Does she have a gun in there? Is she going to shoot me? What about a knife? Is she gonna shank me like prison mates do? Shank, shank, and I'm done for?! Crap! Wait, why am I nervous? I'm the fucking proxy, god dammit. Why is that so easy to forget?!

"Why are you here?" I asked her, calming down. She looked at me and answered, "I...I needed to talk with you. Privately."

I stared at her for a while, wondering if this was some scheme or she actually does want to talk with me privately. I looked down at my shoes, contemplating whether or not to accept her offer to chat. I guess there wouldn't be any harm to it. "Okay," I said, "we can talk."

"Could we go somewhere? Maybe to a coffee shop or something like that?" she offered. I thought about that, then I accepted that too. I said good-bye to my parents before walking with Maddy. It was silent between us, slightly uncomfortable. We just kept walking, looking ahead and never making eye contact. I broke the silence by asking, "How did you find out my address?"

Maddy glanced over at me and said, "I ran into your friend the other day. We started talking and I asked for your address so I could do the same with you."

"Which friend," I asked.


"Oh," I muttered, wondering how pissed off she must've been to have been talking with the one girl who screwed me over more times than I can count. "I couldn't imagine she'd talk with you," I admitted.

"Well, I can't blame her," Maddy sighed and I glanced at her, surprise she'd say something like that so blatantly. We kept walking and eventually got somewhere. We walked into the shop and took a seat in a booth off to the side. A waitress came up to us and asked us for anything. I just asked for tea, Maddy asked for coffee. We sat there, waiting for the waitress to come by with our drinks. There wasn't any conversation between us up until the waitress came by and gave us our order. "Listen," Maddy started, "I'm not even going to stall this. I'm sorry. For...for everything. I'm sorry you got expelled. I'm sorry I made school a living hell for you. I'm sorry for all of the ridicule. I'm...I'm just sorry that I've hurt you."

I put my tea down after I had sipped it and said, "You're...apologizing?" She nodded and I just stared at her in shock. She quickly took a swig of coffee and set down her cup, slightly shaky. Her knuckles were also bandaged. I hadn't noticed that before. "I know sorry probably doesn't mean anything to you. I know I've done terrible things to you and I'm sorry I never stopped when I had gone too far. I just thought I should say sorry now before I miss my chance and regret it, since you're not going to school anymore."

I gripped my glass, staring intently at the table. "What I want to know is why," I told her. "Why did you do that to me? All of that bullying for what? Just...why?"

Maddy's eyes widened and she glanced at me before looking down at her coffee and clutching her hands into fists. She gulped audibly and explained, "Back in middle school, first came into the sixth grade as a new were so...carefree. You're smart, have a wide vocabulary and you're pretty, despite all that I've told you."

I stared at her, not believing that last part. "'re prettier than I am. Every guy would do anything to be with you."

"Maybe on the outside," she remarked, "but not on the inside.'re perfect either way and I could never be that way. And you're so...independent. You're smart enough to do things how you see fit. And, hell, do you fight. You haven't let anyone stand in your way. You can take care of yourself and you'd be a great role model if people didn't talk shit about you. just don't give a damn about what people say about you. You're a nice girl, a strong, independent girl...that, no matter how hard I tried, I could never be."

She drank some of her coffee and I just stared at her. "You think...I'm independent?"

"Of course," she said with a slight frown as she set down her cup, "even if you don't realize it, you are." She paused, before gripping her cup and hanging her head. "All my life, my parents have told me to be an independent girl. They told me to have confidence in everything I chose to do in my life. But, the more I grew up, the more I learned. I didn't end up being their confident girl. Sure, I'm popular at school, but that doesn't make me confident. Stephanie and Clare look up to me, but I don't see how when I don't even look up to myself!" Her voice cracked and she had to pause again. I still couldn't see her face. She doesn't want me to.

"They idolize me, but why? I'm not independent like I'm supposed to be. I need someone to help me, I need a system to follow, I need someone to look up to. Because if I don't have something to go by then...I'm just nobody. I had considered myself independent up until sixth grade...when you came along..." She took another sip of her coffee, allowing me to see a hint of watery eyes. She hung her head again and continued. "When I first saw you...I couldn't believe how smart and perfect you were. I...was jealous. And with parents that want you to be so independent, you never grow up with one hint of jealousy. I already had Stephanie and Clare as my friends at that time. I've always been their foundation, the person who holds them up when they need support. But once I started feeling so low and jealous...I started to crumble. I almost lost them because they almost thought I was weak. I-I couldn't lose my best friends. It may not seem like it, but they really are nice people. They've just been following the wrong person. Once I started to lose myself I had to build up again. I got so frustrated because I wasn't feeling that's when I had to take it out on someone..."

I gave her a bewildered look as I was catching on. "Me," I added. Maddy nodded and said, "I thought if I could break you down to the point where you couldn't get back up, then you wouldn't make me feel so little. wouldn't give up. You kept going despite all of the ridicule I made you go through. Before, other people viewed you as a nice person. But because I still had some control left I made them view you as a freak instead. It even got to the point where I physically hurt you. I never meant to take things that far. just wouldn't quit!" Her grip on the coffee cup got tighter and I was afraid she'd throw it at me. I saw a water droplet drop onto the table and I knew she was now crying. But...she was fighting it. This was...familiar.

"Every time I saw you I couldn't help but feel terrible. No one has ever made me feel so low. Especially when they're not even trying," she said, sobbing slightly. She kept holding it back, trying not to feel even more little. "I've never met anyone like you. And I wish I could go back and stop myself from bullying you for, what, five whole years? I'd do anything to fix everything between us. I know I'm really, really late to want that but I just don't want to feel so much regret. Bullying you never helped me. Even now, as I'm sitting here, I feel so...weak."

I kept staring at her, my grip on my glass loosening. She anxiously drank her coffee and set it back down, her bandaged hands trembling with anger, or sadness? Possibly both. After a pause of silence I finally spoke. "So...what does all of this mean..?"

She looked up at me and shot out of her seat with an infuriated look in her eyes. "Don't you get it!" She exclaimed, "I idolize you! I always have! God, for a smart girl you can miss the most simplest things!" As I was looking up at her I could see that she was crying. She was frowning down at me though her watery eyes told me that she wasn't mad. She sat back down, realizing that some people were looking. She scoffed and drank her coffee, then set it back down. She used her sleeve to wipe her tears away and just frowned down at the table. I didn't know what to say. For five years, all of that torment Maddy put me through was because she idolized me? She wanted to see me fall but when I'd keep getting back up it only gave her more reason to look up to me, which only made her give me more hell. It's crazy makes sense. Everything makes sense. I don't see how she could idolize someone like me but I know how she feels. And because she's never felt that way before, it must be hard for her to bear. My perspective of her has changed. She's not a bitch... She's just a little insecure. Like me.

I couldn't help but smile and chuckle slightly. Maddy looked up at me and gave me a look. "This isn't funny," she mumbled. I slipped out of the booth and got on her side. She was about to say something when I hugged her tightly and she made a choked sound. My head rested on her shoulder and I had my arms draped around her, never faltering. She was tense for a couple of moments until she shakily put her hands on my arm and gripped it. She relaxed and I closed my eyes, knowing she wouldn't do anything to me. Never again. It's over. It's finally over.

After a few moments she scoffed and I stopped hugging her. We sat there, staring at the table in silence. Finally, Maddy broke the chain of silence between us and said, "Don't ever tell anyone about that."

"Yeah," I replied. I tapped on the table and swayed from side to side out of awkwardness. I looked up at her and mumbled, "I'm just gonna...go back to my seat...yeah..." I got up and slipped back into my side of the booth, quickly taking a sip of my tea. I set my glass down and sighed, looking up at Maddy briefly. "I forgive you, you know," I told her. She gave me a shocked look before relaxing her features and smiling slightly. "Thank you, Elizabeth," she told me. I nodded and took another swig of tea. "So," I started once I set my tea down, "let's start over." I held out my hand and said, "My name is Elizabeth Umber. What's your name?" Maddy stared at my hand before smiling and taking it. She shook my hand and said, "My name is Maddy. me Madeline." I gave her a big smile and struck up a conversation. And this time, we were polite.


After chatting with Maddy (or should I say Madeline) and making amends, she went back home and I started walking to the mansion. Since I was already out I might as well pay a visit. I passed by my house and headed into the forest's tree-line, taking the usual route I use. Once I saw the mansion in sight, I picked up the pace and made it into the front yard. I was about to run across to the front door when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked to the left to see Jack and Jeff...sparing. Jeff was laughing, having fun and, Jack was silent as he moved around. Jeff came in for a punch but Jack ducked under his arm and grabbed my boyfriend from behind. Jack put Jeff into a chokehold and I heard him say something about not being so reckless when fighting. Jeff only laughed and elbowed Jack's side. The eyeless man grunted and that's when Jeff took the chance to grab his arm and flip him over and onto his back. "Who's reckless now, Jacky Boy?" Jeff taunted as he held Jack down with his foot.

He looked up and finally noticed me as his eyes lit up with excitement. "Sunshine!" Jeff exclaimed happily. He was about to run towards me when Jack grabbed Jeff's ankle and tripped him. Jeff yelled and fell into the snow with a plop. Jack got up, dusted off the snow on his clothes and said, "Don't call me Jacky Boy." I walked over and chuckled as I helped Jeff onto his feet. They weren't wearing jackets, just T-shirts but it seemed like their work-out warmed them up enough. They were both sweaty though.

"Hi, my beautiful Sunshine," Jeff chimed. I smiled and said, "Hello, my bundle of murder!"

"D'aww, thanks," Jeff giggled. I only rolled my eyes playfully and chuckled. He raised up his arms and said, "C'mere and give me a hug." I looked at his sweat soaked shirt and skin and shook my head. He pouted and came closer, saying, "Sweaty hugs!"

"No, Jeff, stop," I said, backing away. I kept backing away as he kept trying to hug me. He eventually gave up and asked, "Come on, what's wrong with sweaty hugs? Jack loves my sweaty hugs. Right, Jack?" Jack looked up at Jeff and just stared at him, for a long time. He then looked away and Jeff sighed. I giggled and looked at Jack. "Hey, Jack," I called him. He looked up at me and said, "Since we're out here, mind if I train a little?" He shrugged and I took that as a yes. "I'm going to take a shower," Jeff said as he started walking back to the mansion. "You better," I shouted to him and he laughed. He seriously better.

"Have fun," Jeff shouted from the front door as he walked in. I turned to Jack but then turned back as Jeff opened the front door and shouted, "But not too much fun! That's only with me!"

"Go take your damn shower," I told him and he finally went back inside. I chuckled and took off my jacket so I could move around better. Jack cracked his knuckles and put his fists up, legs spread to keep good balance. I did the same and we stared at each other for a while. "Want to go easy?" Jack offered. I grinned deviously and said, "I don't do easy anymore." I heard him chuckle but abruptly stopped as he stepped forward and tried to right hook me. I ducked and did an uppercut to his side. He grunted from the hit and did a knife-hand strike to my shoulder. I jumped back and we circled around in the snow, never faltering our steps or taking our eyes off of each other. He sprints forward and I punch out towards him, but he jumps to the side and grabs my outstretched arm. He knees my back and I groan from the pain. He hooks his arms under mine and I struggle against his chest.

"When you struggle you waste energy. Use your head and get out of my hold," he told me. I nodded and jerked my head back, hitting his forehead. He grunts and I take this chance to lean forward and flip him over. He lands on his back and I roll away from him, not paying attention to the pain at the back of my head. "I didn't mean literally use your head," Jack grumbled as he got up. I chuckled and replied with, "I got out of your hold, didn't I?"

"That's not even the half of it," Jack said as he ran up to me and did a right hook to my head. I took the hit and he dropped down to kick my legs from out under me. I fell over and he took this time to hold me down by his knee. He held my head down in the snow and said, "Always pay attention to oncoming attacks. You focused too much on my punch and not enough on my kick." I groaned and Jack finally got off of me. "I win this round," Jack stated bluntly. I got up and dusted off the snow. "Oh yeah? Well, the next one is all mine!"

I put my fists up and charged after him. I punched at his torso but his arms blocked my attacks. He tried punching me by I ducked and uppercut his jaw as I stood straight. He stumbled back and I ran up to him and kicked him to the ground. He fell down and I pounced on him, pinning him down this time. I was almost sure I had him but he kneed my side and pushed me off. I crouched down and, as he was getting up, I raised my leg and kicked. I hit him behind his calf and he stumbled to the side. I leaped forward and tackled his legs, sending him falling over again. I grip his arm and shove him into the snow, never loosening my hold. After a while, he couldn't get up so I laughed and exclaimed happily, "I told you this round was mine!"

"Whatever," Jack said as I let him go. He got up and raised his fists up. "We're not done yet," he told me. I smiled and got into my combat position. Jack kicked at me but I blocked and smacked his leg away. I kept doing that as he kicked over and over again. Once, I caught his leg and he fell over. I would've pinned him down if he hadn't kicked up at my hip and make me stumble away. He quickly got up and elbowed my shoulder. I grunted and blocked his next attack. Our forearms hit and we kept pushing against each other like bucks. I groaned from the pressure we put but I never stopped. He suddenly tried kneeing me and was successful but I didn't move from my spot. He did it again and I still never moved. Jack kneed me three more times until I managed to build up the strength to push him back. I heard him growl and I grit my teeth. I clutch my fists and charge towards Jack, coming in for a punch. He blocked my attack but I quickly did a right hook to his jaw. He grunted and kicked my side. I grabbed his leg and elbowed his chest. That sent him falling back and I back away to get some air. Jack got up, holding his shoulder as he panted. My leg ached and I'm sure I have a limp now from the hit to my hip. Jack stiffly raised his fists up again and I did the same, spreading my legs as one shook slightly. Jack chuckled and remarked, "You've gone a long way from being the girl who couldn't even last one minute in exercise."

I smiled and said, "I could do this all day, now. It's thanks to you and everyone else." I'm sure Jack is smiling now. "I only showed you what to do. You were able to listen and follow along. You're made to be a fighter." he said.

I smile more at his compliment and try landing a punch. He blocks again and I ask as I'm close to him, "You think so?"

He grunts as he pushes me away and answers, "I know so. You're the proxy. You're made to win."

"Oh really," I said with a mischievous grin. "If that's so then I'll be winning this fight."

"I'd like to see you try," Jack remarked and I smirked at his taunting. He ran at me, feet agile and stepping quickly. I managed to side step, despite my limping leg and I kicked his back as he whizzed past me. He spun around and kicked me back, making me jerk forward and groan. I swerved and punched him back. He jabbed my side and I cried out from the sharp jolt of pain. I grit my teeth, making my features stone hard, and I lunged out at Jack. I managed to get past his arms and clutch his head in my hands. I pulled his head down as I lifted my knee and hit him in the face...or mask.

He yelled out and fell to his hands and knees, panting. I step forward to finish him off when my limping leg gives out and I fall to my knees. I plop into the snow and rest. Jack just sits cross-legged in the snow and resting too. I stared up at the sky and chuckled as I looked over at Jack. "That was fun," I giggled. He laughed wryly and said, "Yeah. I think you're more of a match than Jeff is."

I smile and let out a tired breath. After a few moments Jack got up and said, "I'm heading inside. Want to come in?"

"Eh, I think I'll stay out here a little longer," I told him and he nodded as he walked away. I laid there, staring at the sky for a long while. I yawned and closed my eyes briefly. As my eyes were closed, I felt my back getting wet. I opened my eyes, with a puzzled look in them and looked down at the snow under me. I jolted from disgust as I saw blood in the snow. Did Jack hurt me that bad? He couldn't have. We didn't use any sharp weapons and I'd know if he hid one. As I stared at the blood, I realized that more and more was spreading across the snow. I frowned out of confusion and dug through it.

My fingers got covered in snow and blood, growing numb from the cold. After a couple of seconds my fingers hit something and I dug out the snow to see what it was. I screamed as I saw an eye, staring up at me. I got worried and dug some more, wondering who could be buried here. I managed to remove the snow from the face and froze in place. The person in the snow...was me. Dull, red eyes, pale skin scrawled with black marks. It looked like me from that dream. Why am I here? Why do I look like this?! I was about to get up and run when "I" popped out of the snow and started strangling me. I choked and gagged as her grip grew tighter and tighter with each violent shake. She screamed in my face and I suddenly jerked awake. My face felt cold from lying out in the snow for so long. I had fallen asleep without realizing it. was just a dream. Thank god...

I held my chest where my heart should be and sighed in relief. I quickly got up and went inside to try and warm up. Before I opened the mansion's front door, I slowly turned to see if there actually was a blood spot. I didn't see anything but plain white snow. I sighed again and went inside, trying to forget that murderous and demonic look I had in that terrible dream.

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