Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 (hee hee)

I spent the night at my parents' place, but I didn't manage to get much sleep. I tossed and turned, that dream stuck in my head. I looked so demented. But what for? That dream has both confused and creeped me out. It's frustrating!

I was still up. I haven't even felt one hint of sleepiness. I rolled onto my side and checked the time. 3:28. Dammit...! I groaned, turned onto my stomach and picked up my pillow, hitting it against the back of my head. "Go. To. Fucking. Sleep!" I grumbled into my bed. I laid there for a while, thinking about nothing at all. Why can't I sleep? I sit up, and say nonchalantly, "I need Jeff." I rolled off of my bed, fell onto my floor and got up like nothing even happened.

I paced around my room, wondering what to do. I need to sleep. I can't go see Jeff right now. I'd be risking getting grounded again. Maybe a late night walk around the neighborhood will help. I'll be close by. I decide on that and get dressed quickly. Once I have the right clothing I opened up my window and stepped out, to avoid having to sneak downstairs and out the front door. I step out onto my roof and close the window behind me. I look down, take in a deep breath, and jump off. At the last second I teleported to the ground, also avoiding having to injure myself from the impact. I sigh and start to walk off, pulling up my hood and putting my hands in my jacket pockets. My winter boots clicked against the sidewalk, the clicks muffled whenever I stepped on a patch of snow.

The street lamps were on, illuminating whatever area was around them. I passed under some but I preferred being in the dark for tonight. I kept walking, passing houses and such. I don't know how long I'll stay out here. Until I'll get tired will I walk back home and FINALLY get some sleep! I can't wait!

As I kept walking, I saw someone up ahead. I slowed down to get a good look at them. It was a man, around his mid-twenties maybe? He was sitting on the curb, under a street lamp, resting his head on his arms, which were resting on his knees. I've never seen him around before. What's he doing out here so late at night and in this weather? Well, I guess I could ask the same of myself...

I kept walking, not wanting to disturb him and get into his business. Just as I had passed him, he spoke up. His voice was quiet and calm, deep and smooth. Yet I had a feeling that that tone of voice can also be intimidating and scary. "What time is it?" he asked without looking at me. I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. He was still facing the street, not paying any attention to me at all. "Um," I started, "I don't know the time. I don't have a watch with me. But it's pretty late."

"I know," he said, "I was just wondering how late." I just stood there, staring at the back of his head. He had his hood up, and I think he was wearing a beanie under it. "Why are you out here so late?" he asked me. I shifted in my spot and said, "I couldn't get any sleep."

He huffed and said, "I'm out here for the same reason." Another pause of silence, not even the crickets chirped during this. "Have a seat," the man suddenly says and pats the spot next to him on the curb. I stare at it, wondering if I should sit or start running. "If I had any intention to harm you or even kill you, then I would've already done so," he says, his voice having no ounce of annoyance or any emotion at all. Well, he doesn't seem to be hiding any weapons from me. He's not tense like an attacker would be. He's just a normal guy who can't get some sleep. I walk up beside him and crouch down to sit on the cement curb. I sit and place my hands on my lap. I scoff and say, "This better not be your way of picking up girls."

He chuckled deeply and replied, "I assure you, it isn't. Besides, I can't love so I have no need for romance or any kind of intimate relationship."

I give him a strange look and say, "Anybody can love. It's just a matter of who you meet and being willing to make the effort of knowing them and caring about them."

"Yes, I know," he said, "but I'm not anybody.." I stared at him some more, wondering who I'm talking to exactly. I looked down at the street, twiddling my thumbs as more silence engulfed us. I finally got the courage to ask, "What's your name?" The man abruptly lifted his head up and he seemed to stop breathing. I got worried, thinking I might've said something to set him off. Though I'm not sure what. Before I could apologize, he relaxed and said, "Just call me Darren. What is your name?" I relaxed and answered, "Elizabeth."

"That's a very lavish name," Darren remarked, "Any reason for that name?"

I shook my head. "No. My mom just liked the name." He nodded and rested his head back on his arms. More silence passed and I took this time to think. This guy seems odd, but not the kind of odd that's going to screw you over and get you killed. He's just the odd that's interesting and so out of place that it's inviting. But, I can't let my guard down. I've run into a lot of people that seemed normal but turned out to be monsters out to kill me. I can't even count the times I've been in those situations.

"Why do I get the feeling that you expected this to happen," I asked, all of a sudden. Darren didn't look at me, he only slightly turned his head. I couldn't see his eyes. "No one can expect what they don't know. And even when they do know, they don't expect. Things happen for a certain reason. It's called fate."

"Are you sure this isn't a way for you to pick up girls?" I asked again. He only chuckled and said, "Yes. So, in a way, this meeting was supposed to happen, but we did not expect it to. Though...that's not exactly true nor is it the case..."

I gave him a puzzled look and he just kept facing forward. "What do you mean?" I asked, cautious. Darren lifted up his head and looked up at the sky. "You should know a few things, Elizabeth," he started. I gulped, already preparing to fight, if necessary. "Things are about to change," he said, "and you need to be ready for these changes. The end of salvation draws nearer, bringing with it the beginning of humanity's damnation. People are going to suffer. And though efforts will be tried for won't always save them. Even if they're not mere strangers."

I stared at him. What is he talking about? Is he mental or something? "The seventh gate will open. When it does, every bit of evil will answer the call. It is your choice whether to close it, or leave it open and invite in the evil that lies within it. I highly suggest you bolt that damn gate shut."

"What are you telling me?" I asked, aggravated. Is this some joke? This guy is seriously freaking me out. Darren finally turned to me, allowing me to see all of his face. He was a very pale person, his skin seeming to glow in the light of the street lamp. Dark, messy hair was poking out of his beanie. But his complexion wasn't what caught me off guard. His eyes were bright, gleaming with the metallic hue of silver. They were very...unnatural. They don't make me feel too good...

As I kept staring into Darren's eyes, I saw things. I saw Jeff laying on his bed with me, just laying there and giving me a sweet look. That scene went away and I was running towards the school, like the last time I saw. I was in a big hurry, but for what? The scene changed to my friends, terrified and screaming. Again, the scene shifted to me and Jeff. He was holding my face, speaking to me in rushed words, though I couldn't hear them. I spoke with the same pace and he kissed me quickly. He pressed his head against mine before seeming to be pulled away from me. After that an image of a gun in my bloody hand flashed before all of these scenes stopped. I quickly turned away from Darren, gasping and panting.

I could feel his eyes stare at me, watching me idly. I didn't want to look up and make anymore eye contact, afraid I'll see more things. "What you're seeing isn't your imagination, Elizabeth," Darren told me. I held my head in my hands and tried taking in some air. "Do you think these images are just a coincidence? You think you somehow have seen what will happen in the future? This is a phase that you go through, as the proxy. It's called 'First sight'. These are warnings of what will come. 'First sight' only comes when the end draws near. Like I said, the end of salvation is coming, and with it the beginning of damnation follows. He comes. And, unfortunately, his arrival is inevitable." I freeze, realizing who he's referring to.

"Who are you, really," I asked again, exasperated. Darren just sits there, still watching me avoid his gaze. "I'm just a friend of your lover," he said, before getting up off of the curb and walking off. As I started breathing normally, I heard Darren say one last thing. "Twenty-four hours. Nine o'clock in the morning. Be at your school by then. You can't waste one minute. Be ready. He has been ready for far too long."

I hear him start to walk again and I quickly shot up off of the curb and turn to see him. Before I could run and catch him, I noticed that he was nowhere in sight. I didn't see him anywhere at all. He was gone.

I pant, feeling exhausted by this encounter. My body is shaking and I can't stop staring anxiously at everything around me. I quickly make my way back to my house, wanting to get to bed and just forget this even happened. But this is too important for me to forget. What the hell is going to happen the day after tomorrow at nine o'clock? I finally made it to my house and teleported into my room, not wanting to go to the extent of scaling the wall. I change out of my clothes and into my PJs then crawl into bed. I lay there, my tiredness making me fall asleep quicker than expected. But, as I slept, those silver eyes haunted me with those words:

The seventh gate will open.

And especially...

He Comes.


"Sally, please let go of Grinny's tail," Jeff grumbled as he passed by her. The poor cat was flailing and trying to slip out of Sally's grip. "Charlie told me that he's been biting on my dolls and making them look ugly, so this is punishment!" Sally explained stubbornly. Jeff face-palmed and started growing annoyed by the constant hissing from his cat. I just sat on the couch, watching them. Jeff told me not to get into this but, clearly, he's not doing shit. Just as Jeff was about to scold Sally, Smile came striding in. He leaped onto the couch with me and sat. I went to pet him but then he started coughing and hacking something up. A doll head came out of his mouth and hit the floor with a thud. Sally, Jeff and I just stared at it then we all shot Smile a glare. Sally let Grinny go and he quickly retreated to some secluded place in the mansion. Sally started running after Smile, waving her fist in the air while holding her teddy bear in the other. The two of them ran off to another part of the mansion and everything was finally quiet.

"Dear god," Jeff groaned. He fell upon the couch, whining incoherent words. I giggled at him and he suddenly jumped closer to me. He rested his head on my lap and laid down across the couch. "Now we just need some grapes," he joked and I rolled my eyes. I started stroking my fingers through his hair and he sighed in content. I smiled at him and he pinched my cheeks playfully. "I'm so happy to have you in my life," Jeff told me. I blushed and said, "And where is this sudden gushiness coming from?"

"I don't know. I just feel like letting you know. I don't tell you this enough," he answered. I blushed even more and said, "Thank you. That's thoughtful of you." He chuckled and grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it sweetly. "I love you," I told him. His paper white skin flushed with a tinge of pink and he said, "I love you more."

"I love you more than Sally loves her teddy bear."

Jeff grinned and said, "I love you more than Ben loves video games."

"Yeah? Well, I love you more than you love me."

"I love you more than you love me love you."

I started laughing and said, "I love you more than you love me love you love me love you."

He got quiet, trying to process my sentence. He stammered, "I love you more than you love you love infinity...?"

"I love you more than Kanye West loves himself," I stated.

"Ah shit," Jeff said, raising his hands up in surrender. I went into a fit of laughs and he soon followed. After that, Jeff suddenly got up and announced, "Come with me, Sunshine!"

"To where?" I asked.

"To a magical place! A place where dreams come true! A place where miracles grow every second! Come with me, my dear, to Wonderland!" He exclaimed as he ran off up the stairs. I got off of the couch and followed after him. I walked down the hall just as he turned the corner. When I turned that corner I didn't see him anymore. I furrowed my brow out of confusion and walked down the hall. As I passed a room, the door opened and I was suddenly dragged in. I looked up at my kidnapper to see Jeff and he chortled, "Just kidding. It's my bedroom."

"And here I thought I was actually going to Wonderland," I said, sarcastically. Jeff chuckled at my tone of voice as he held me in his arms. He leaned against the door and slid down so I sat in between his legs. "Oh, Wonderland is real," he said in my ear. "With me, everyday is a day in Wonderland. With me, all your fantasies will come to life. Imagination has no bounds. Every guilty pleasure will be a pleasure indeed. So, won't you join me in our Wonderland?" He kissed my ear and I jolted from the sensation.

He chuckled and then bit my ear, not letting go. I gasped and Jeff only squeezed me closer. He let one hand travel to my thigh and slowly slid down to the inner area of it. I blushed immensely and bit my lip to keep from gasping anymore. Jeff finally stopped biting my ear and growled in a ravishing voice, "Be my Alice. Let me be your Caterpillar and I'll let you get so high off of pleasure, you'll never want to come back down. Let me be your Hatter and I'll let everyday be your birthday so you can wear your birthday suit. Let me be your Cheshire Cat and I'll guide you through the fun, making sure you don't miss a heart beat. Let me be your White Rabbit and I promise I'll never rush a second with you and your pleasure. I'll make you feel so good. Let me go down your rabbit hole, Sunshine."

I shuddered from excitement and my face flushed a pure, bright red. I had to admit, that last line was highly arousing. God, why does he tease me like this?! I can't even- dear god he makes me feel so much want...! The temptation was unbearable. I couldn't help but want to 'go to Wonderland'. "Don't have me make you beg," Jeff growled seductively. I would beg. I kept quiet so Jeff decided to lean my head back and start kissing my neck. I shut my mouth to hold down the moans but they fought their way out in the end. Jeff squeezed me against him even tighter and I couldn't help but embrace his sweet warmth. He bit at my skin and I let out small whimpers. Then he sucked and I moaned a little more.

He suddenly stopped and I was caught off guard. I turned around and gave him a puzzled look. He only flashed me a devious smirk and patted his laps, signaling for me to sit. I gave him a look but ended up doing as he wanted. Jeff placed his hands on my hips and pulled me against him. I wrapped my arms around his head and leaned in to peck his lips. I didn't end up giving him a peck, though.. Neither did he. I kept moaning into the kiss as he ran his hands up my back and then back down. He slipped his hands under the hem of my shirt and caressed my bare skin. I moaned a little louder and he growled in response. Jeff bit my bottom lip and I gasped. Then he traveled kisses down my neck and to my collar bone, which he bit too. I leaned more into him as he bit and caressed my back gently. I just kept moaning. Jeff picked his head up and started nipping at my jaw. I just kept blushing and stifling little moans. I clutched his shirt, wanting to take it off. Just as I was deciding on it, Jeff abruptly stopped and I stared at him.

He stayed quiet for a few seconds and I asked him what was wrong. He shushed me and I frowned. Just then a look of utter fear flashed across his face and he picked me up. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" he kept stammering as he placed me onto the chair next to his desk and jumped onto his bed. I was about to ask him what was wrong again when the door burst open and Slenderman was there. "Oh, that's so funny, Ellie," Jeff exclaimed as he fake laughed. I gave him a look and he went on. "You're too funny! Damn, you are Totes hilars...? Oh hey Slendy!" He waved stupidly at Slendy who just stood at the door, crossing his arms. "Elizabeth was just telling me this funny story and definitely not doing anything else, like making out because that's so disgusting and absurd! Who would do that?! Not us!"

"Jeffery, stop kissing ass," Slender dead-panned and I couldn't help but hold back my laughter. Jeff frowned and grumbled, "Well, shit..." Slendy put his arms down and pointed at us. "You two, do not try any inappropriate business in this mansion."

"So everywhere else is fine," Jeff asked. Slender just shot out a tentacle and slapped him across the face. "You damn well know that you shouldn't be doing that anywhere, in general," the tall creature scolded. Jeff pouted and rubbed the spot on his face that was slapped. Slendy turned around and said, "Keep this door open. If its off by a millimeter then a simple slap won't be issued on either one of you." Jeff and I nodded and Slendy walked away. Jeff got up and walked towards the door. "He said not to touch the door," I hissed. Jeff only laughed and said, "He won't know if it's off by a millimeter." He barely placed his hand on the door before a tentacle shot out around the corner and slapped him again. Jeff fell back and he bellowed as he sat up, "Alright! We'll keep the door open!"

The tentacle slowly retreated out of the room and Jeff shuffled back to the bed to plop down and whine. I chuckled and got up to join him. Jeff sniffled and said in a fake crying voice, "He hurt me, Sunshine."

"Well, he told you not to touch the door," I reminded. He groaned and I laid down next to him. I rubbed his head and said, "Relax and you'll feel better." He smiled and mumbled in a small voice, "Thank you, Sunshine." I smiled and we laid there, calming down in the nice silence of the room. Jeff scooted a little closer and planted a kiss on my forehead. He pulled back and gave me a sweet look. The hand on his head slowly faltered and I mumbled, "Why is this so familiar?"

"Hmm?" Jeff responded with a now puzzled look in his eyes. I thought about it. I'm definitely feeling déjà vu. But what for? This moment has never happened until now. Wait..

"Oh my god," I breathed out as I grew tense with anxiety. Jeff immediately grew worried as he wore that concerned look on his face. That man from last night. I finally realize that he was actually telling the truth. Now that I think about it, everything I saw happened or hasn't happened yet. I saw Maddy apologize to me and she did. I saw Jack and Jeff sparing and they did. Here I am, laying down with Jeff when I saw us doing this last night. Which means that everything else will happen too. My friends will be in danger, everything's gonna go to hell! Dammit he's...he's going to arrive.

I sat up and stared down at the floor with a terrified look on my face. "Ellie, what's wrong?" Jeff asked, sternly, as he sat up too. I looked at him, trying to find some sort of answer, some way to avoid this but...I knew there wasn't any way to do that. I might lose him. I might die and he'll be left alone like before. I don't want anyone to die! "Jeff," I blurted out, gripping his shoulders tightly and startling him, "Listen to me. Whatever happens tomorrow, you have to stick with me, got it? I don't want to lose you. Don't stray away from me- always stay in my view okay? And if we're not around each other then find a safe place to be."

"What are you talking about-?"

"Just do this for me, please!" I pleaded. He slowly nodded and asked in a quiet voice, "Is something going to happen tomorrow?" I paused for a few seconds before mumbling, "I really hope not." We stared at each other for a while and I could tell he could see the sadness and worry in my eyes. He suddenly pulled me into a hug and whispered, "Don't worry about me, okay? I promise I'll stay safe. I'll be fine. I've always been fine."

"But this is different," I said, tears of frustration threatening to escape. "This is something that will kill you of you're not careful! You can't just go and-and fight your way to victory! Last night, someone told me that people are going to die and no matter what I do I can't always save them all. I don't want you to be one of those people!"

"And I won't," Jeff said firmly. "I'll be fine. Trust me. You know I would never, ever end up dying anytime soon. As long as you say so, I'll stay alive until I've reached my limit. especially if I'll get to see you everyday for the rest of my life. So, trust me when I say I'll be fine, because you know I always will." He leaned down and kissed me deeply, before pulling away and hugging me some more. The next few moments were that of utter silence. I broke that silence by saying, "Do you know what I'm talking about?"

He squeezed me closer and muttered, "Of course I do. I've been dreading this ever since I fell in love with you. .....He won't win."

I sniffled as those tears of frustration started falling. I clutched his shirt, pulling myself closer to him. My hands shook, but not from fear. From rage.

"I know he won't."

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