Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

Jeff's POV

Ms. Pencilneck gently, with nimble pale fingers, placed a white rose on top of the left side of Elizabeth's face. It covered her damaged eye, to show the beauty she still has rather than the horrible wounds that would stand out more than it. The same was for the right side of her torso, her severed arm covered with a flock of white roses. I stared at Elizabeth's form as she lie peacefully in the coffin. She was given a snow-white sundress to wear, with an ocean blue ribbon tied around her waist, that of the same color as her intact eye, which was closed. Her face was powdered to cover the scars on her face, making her complexion look whiter than that of the roses. I just stared at her lifeless, dressed up body, with gloom shadowing my eyes.

Ms.P had taken up the task to prep Elizabeth for tomorrow morning, when we'll bury her. But Ms.P was given some assistance by Sally. I really didn't want the little girl to see Ellie like this and have to endure the pain. But she had volunteered and persuaded me by telling me, "I want to make sure Elizabeth looks perfect. Besides, once she's prepared, she won't look like how she normally does, without makeup, without anything to cover her flaws. I want to see her true self one last time before she goes." And so Sally had helped Ms.P with preparing Elizabeth. She kept a brave face through it all, even though I knew she was hurting inside, just like everyone else. Sally's resting now. She had worked non-stop.

Ms.P looked up at me with saddened red eyes and I looked at her. "She's beautiful," I said, and Ms. P nodded. She looked down at Elizabeth, let out a sad sigh and told me, "Indeed she is..." I looked back down at Ellie and kept my eyes on her. Ms.P scoffed softly and said, "I must go do something, Jeffery. I hope my absence will not bother you, and if my presence does then I will gladly let you have your space."

Without taking a glance at her, I said, "Its fine, Ms.P. Go do what you need to do." I saw her nod out of the corner of my eye and she began walking towards the door behind me. A few moments after she had walked out and closed the door, someone came knocking on it.

Ben's POV

Aw jeez... I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't walk in. What if I piss him off? What if I come off as being jerk, which isn't what I want to come off as at all. Dammit. I was standing outside of the door of the lounge room, where Elizabeth's coffin was and where Jeff spent most of his time. He rarely ever comes out and nothing but silence surrounds the room. I remember the way he looked when Jack had taken us to him. Jeff was utterly broken and battered, physically and emotionally. I can't recall a time when he's looked that distraught. He was in tears and once we came back to the mansion, something about him went off. Its like his mind snapped more than his heart broke. He's as bad as a mindless zombie. And it's pretty scary considering that he's the type of guy that would go ballistic at every noise and murder anything he could get his hands on, in this situation. Ellie meant more to him than any of us could understand. But I understand how he's feeling right now. He's not alone, really...

I finally brought up the courage to knock on the door and crack it open a bit. I spoke up, saying, "Jeff, it's me Ben. Is it okay if I come in?"

There was a pause of silence before Jeff said, "Yeah, come in," and I entered the room. I quietly closed the door as to not disturb the peace of the room and slowly walked up to Jeff's side. I looked up at him and then down into the coffin, where Ellie lay. Sadness filled me. It only seems like yesterday where I was calling her Girly and she was messing with me using her powers. I smiled at the memories and quietly said, "She looks beautiful." Jeff nodded and mumbled, "Yes she does."

I looked back up at Jeff and saw the gloomy, longing look in his dark eyes as he stared at Elizabeth. I sighed and told him, "Listen, Jeff, I know this is hard for you. More than just hard, actually. And I know the question 'Are you okay' is a stupid one to utter to you. And I know 'I'm sorry' doesn't do any good but remind you of your loss and your own sadness. So...I really don't have anything to say to you... Shit..." I looked down, waiting for Jeff to yell at me or tell me to leave him alone. Ben, you idiot!

He hadn't said anything so I decided to keep talking despite that it probably wasn't the best idea. "I guess, all I can say," I frown, close my eyes and continue, "You're my best buddy and I hate to see you like this. But I won't ask you to lighten up because what reason is there to smile when something like this happens? And it pains me to know that you're suffering right now, because, unfortunately I know how it feels. sucks...! It really, really sucks and I feel terrible because I didn't want my best buddy to suffer the way I had..! No one should have to feel that way. Especially you!" I shot my gaze up to him and added, "You don't deserve this pain...! After what you've been through, this is too far over the line! You shouldn't have to mourn over Elizabeth's death. You shouldn't have to see her lie here. And you especially shouldn't have lost her the way you did!" I looked down at Ellie, noticed the white roses that covered her gouged out eye and severed arm. I frown and look away. No one should have to die with such ugly wounds... Especially not Elizabeth.

"You shouldn't know this pain," I said, "You shouldn't know what this pain is. You shouldn't know how it eats away at you. And I feel terrible because...I don't know how to numb it despite that I know it all too well...! I just...-!"

I felt Jeff clamp a hand on my arm, yank me towards him and, to my surprise, he took me into an embrace. I stared forward in silence. Jeff's tall figure had to lean over in order to hug me which was probably uncomfortable to him. My hands were in the air, hesitant to place them onto his back. Suddenly, through the silence...I heard him sniff. He clutched at my shirt and stayed hunched over, crying softly. My expression softened and I slowly put my hands on his back. "Thank you...," he muttered through tears, "...For understanding..."

I smiled and said, "No problem. It's the least I can do." I let him hug me and mourn. His fragility saddened me and a memory came to mind. This moment felt familiar and it's because I had done this to him when...when...

Jeff and I were standing outside, side by side. I was stricken with grief and loss. Why did I have to lose her? And why do I have to be mocked for it? Why do I put myself through this mockery by staring at her grave? It pains me to look but it pains me even more to look away, because I feel like, once I do, I'll never look back again. She doesn't deserve to be ignored by me of all people.

Through the silence that not even the wind could break, Jeff spoke up. "I never thought I'd ever stand by a grave with you. And, to be sucks. Because I know I can't do anything to help. I can only stand here like I do now. And the feeling is utterly unbearable. The feeling of being useless. Especially because you're my buddy."

I just kept staring at the grave before us. I grit my teeth and clenched my fists. In a quivering tone, I muttered, "You aren't...the only one...who feels useless..." Out of the corner of my eye, he looked at me and rested a hand on the top of my head. Jeff looked down at the grave and said, "Look after him, please, and pray that he has the strength to live without you. And if that doesn't work, smite with him lightning if you have to." Jeff ruffled my hair at this and I shut my eyes. He stopped and I heard him say, "And, in peace, Anna."

I hit my breaking point and I lunged out to him. I buried my face into his white hoodie, staining it with my falling bloody tears. I clutched the fabric of his hoodie in my hands and trembled. Without questioning this, Jeff put his hands on my back and patted. I let my tears fall silently. I felt ashamed to be crying like this, in front of him of all people. Right in front of Anna. I sniffed and heard Jeff tell me, "No matter what happens, don't ever forget her. Only remember her as the wonderful person she was in life, not as she is now in death. I know you can do that. For her. For yourself. And for me too, because I get worried. I'm your buddy after all. Is that all okay?"

I sniffled. "Y-Yes," I murmured softly like a small child and felt more ashamed. Jeff rubbed the back of my head and said, "Come on. Let's get you back inside." I nodded and let go of Jeff. I took a glance at Anna's grave one last time, remembering her beautiful smile, fiery red hair and those gorgeous green eyes that once flared with energy. I sniffled again and turned away, believing that this won't be the last time I would look at her grave, like I had feared moments before. And as Jeff and I walked back to the mansion, he kept a hand on the top of my head, ruffling my hair every few moments...making me smile a little.

How could I forget a memory like that? Especially since this moment was so similar and so was the pain. Jeff's grip on me loosened and he went quiet. I patted his back and said, "You're alright."

"Am I really?" he muttered. I smiled and said, "Of course. You're my buddy, after all." Jeff gulped and he finally pulled away from me. His eyes were a little red but he seemed to be calm right now. He shuddered and I gave him a small smile. Before I could say anything else to him, there was a knock on the door and the both of us turned our heads to it. It opened to reveal Slenderman and Ms.P. ...What is she holding in her hand?

Jeff's POV

I turned away from Ben to see the door open and reveal Slenderman and Ms.P. She gingerly walked in, holding something in her hands with care. She looked back at Slenderman, who nodded at her. She nodded back and turned to me. "Jeff, I have something for you," she said and finally came up to me. She looked up at me with her red eyes and held out the object in her hands. It was a small, white box. I looked down at it and asked, "What is it?"

"Open it and find out," she said and I hesitantly grabbed the box. I glanced at her, Slenderman, Ben and then back at her. I dropped my gaze to the box and opened it gently. My breath hitched as I stared at what lay inside. "A ring?" I mumbled. Ms.P nodded and explained, "Slenderman told me he had overheard you proposing to Elizabeth. We knew we couldn't let something so precious as that be lost within your suffering. So Slenderman got the ring with my help. And I know it may seem unnecessary, but even though your love does not last physically, spiritually it is strong. So please, take this ring and bestow it upon Elizabeth. In honor of your love." I noticed she had began to tear up a little and I couldn't help but feel thankful. They considered my want to marry Ellie and got a ring for her. I couldn't be anymore grateful.

I looked down at the ring, as the silver bond gleamed and the stunning blue jewel in the center shined brightly. I slipped it out of its holder and noticed something that tugged at my heart. On the inside of the ring, was the embroidered word "Sunshine" in beautiful letters. I couldn't help but tear up again. I handed the box over to Ms.P for her to hold and I walked around the coffin to the other side. I stared down at Elizabeth then at the ring. I gingerly grabbed her hand, squeezed it and whispered to her resting body, "I love you, Sunshine. I hope this ring brings you as much peace as it does to me.." I carefully slipped the ring onto her ring finger and cupped my hands over hers. I smiled, feeling the ring dig into my skin and knowing that it was now on her hand meant a lot to me. I gently placed her hand on her stomach and into the position it was in before, only now the ring twinkled, bringing life to her small, unmoving hand.

I looked back up at Ms.P to see her smiling, with tears in her eyes. She pulled out another box from her dress pocket only this time it was black. She walked over to me and opened it to reveal another ring, but without a jewel to stand out at the top of it. It was silver, just like Ellie's ring and the secondary lining to it was blue too. I slipped this ring out of the box and held it in my palm. "This one is for you," Ms.P told me. I picked up the ring, rolled it between my fingers and then gently slipped it onto my own left ring finger. I sighed once I looked down at my hand as it had some color to it, courtesy of the wonderful ring on it. "Thank you," I said. Ms.P nodded and she sniffed. "Now," she said, in a shaking voice, "if you don't mind I'll just head to the powder room to freshen up... I'll leave you be...!" She quickly scurried off, covering her mouth and sniffling as she left. I watched as Slenderman turned to me, bowed and went off to comfort Ms.P.

Ben spoke up, saying, "I think I'll be going too. If you need anything, we'll be here for you." He flashed me one last small smile then left the room. I watched him close the door shut and the room was engulfed in silence yet again. It was an unbearable thing, but not as unbearable as my pain. I looked down at Elizabeth and held up my hand, so our rings were both in view. They both shined and glimmered with equal elegance and they both represented a love that I can never forget. I took in a deep breath and mumbled under my breath, "....I do..."


The moonlight was shining through my window, giving depth to the gloom in my room. I couldn't get any sleep. I was just lying here, in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I don't have an idea about what time it is. But I know that in the morning, we'll be burying Elizabeth, right next to Anna's grave. I'm not prepared to watch her go six feet under. I'll never be able to see her in person again. All I'll have to comfort me are memories of her gorgeous face, the sound of her sweet voice and the warm hugs and kisses we shared.

I sat up in bed and rested my arms on my knees. I let out a long sigh and looked across from me. Big, beady eyes stared at me and I stared back. Ellie's stuffed giant purple squid lay in the corner of my room, sitting there. I remembered how happy she was when I got it for her...on our first date...

"I'll name you Christopher Bubbles! The third!!!"

I looked away from the toy and down at my bed sheets. Feelings of nostalgia washed over me and I sighed. I hate to feel this way. It hurts.. I brushed my hair back and hung my head back. I can't sleep. I can't stay in this room. Too many memories where made in here and everywhere else in the mansion. I feel like I'll suffocate in here if I don't get out. So, I slipped out of bed and started changing into my winter clothes. Once I was done, I quietly opened my door and stepped out. I began making my way down the hall, toward the path to the stairs. Up ahead I saw a figure. I stopped and stared at it.

It was Smile, waiting patiently and obediently outside of a door. It took me a few seconds to realize it was the door to Ellie's room. Sadness overwhelmed me. Smile's just waiting there, as if she could step out any moment and pet him sweetly. I wish he would understand that she's not going to come out of that room...ever again. I can't bear to see him wait for nothing. But he's just that loyal. I walked up to him, scratched him behind his ears and then moved on. He hadn't turned away from the door once.

I made it to the stairs, made my way down and headed for the front door. I walked out and fresh, cold, night air brushed against my face. The sinking feeling I had when I was inside was gone now. I decided to walk further away from the mansion, just to feel a little better. I made my trek through the woods, taking in the scene of tree branches holding up snow, barren with any leaves. My boots crunched against dirt and gravel and snow as I walked and walked deeper into the woods. I pulled up my hood and let the white fluff inside of it tickle my face. After what seemed like an hour of just walking around aimlessly, I came across an open field full of nothing but snow. I was planning on not going into it and just walking past it but something kept me from doing that. Far ahead, in the vast nothingness and whiteness of the snowy field, I saw a dot. It stood out more than a single star in an empty night sky.

I took my time with walking to it. My boots slipped into the snow, leaving behind footprints as I walked. The snow sparkled as the crystalline snowflakes reflected the light from the moon. This field looked beautiful. I'm sure Elizabeth would've loved to see this. I sighed, my breath becoming a cloud in the cold air, and kept trudging on. Finally I was getting close enough to see what the dot in the distance was. I stopped in my tracks to stare in awe. It was a radiant, rosy pink tulip sticking out of the snow, looking unharmed by the cold. I finally walked up next to it and crouched down. The petals had some twinkling frost on it but the color of it still stood out. No matter how beautiful it looked, I couldn't help but feel bad for it. It stood out in this snowy field and it was alone. It shouldn't even be alive in this cold, yet here it is.

I gently touched a petal and the flower bobbed back and forth. A chuckle escaped my lips and I kept admiring the tulip. "Glad you made it, little guy," I mumbled under my breath and touched its petals once more. Through the silence of my surroundings, a wind came blowing in and I shivered. It whistled and hummed and through it's sing song air I could've sworn I heard actual humming. I looked all around me but saw no one else. Odd. It sounded really close too. I looked back down at the tulip and the sound came back again. It was humming a melody, one that I knew all too well.

"You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey," I began to sing softly, as if in a trance. Soon, as I kept listening to the humming, it turned into actual soft singing. The voice sang the same melody and my heart raced and my face flushed listening to the sweet singing. I didn't protest of it despite that I knew who's voice it was. But I know it's just me, hallucinating her voice out of grief. Hearing it didn't bring more pain, it just made me feel at peace.

I stayed sitting beside the tulip, admiring it and singing to it. I don't know how long I have been out here, but I do know I'll have to go back to the mansion soon. Though I couldn't leave, not with leaving the tulip here to wither in the cold. It's rosy pink petals reminded me of Ellie's cheeks when her face was flushed. And it looked as cute and innocent as she had. I can't leave this tulip in the nothingness of the snow. Besides, it looks like it's begging to be taken from here and to a warmer, better place where it can be admired more than it can be. It deserves to be with someone of equal beauty.

I pushed away the snow around the base of the flower and carefully pulled it out. The frost on it fell to the ground, leaving the petals clean. I got up and began making my way out of the field, with the tulip at my chest.


The mansion finally came into view and I exited the tree-line. I was eager to get inside and give this tulip to Elizabeth's body. I walked inside and went up the stairs to head to where her coffin awaited. As I was walking down the hallway, I heard scuffling and whispers. I stopped in my tracks to listen more intently, carefully placing the tulip inside my coat pocket. The voices were muffled and all I could make out where the pitches. It was a man and a woman. They were voices I didn't recognize and my heart started beating nervously. I slowly tiptoed to where the voices were coming from and my heart froze with full on panic as I heard them in the lounge room, where Ellie's body lay...!

I ran up to the door and barged in. It was extremely dark in here but I could still make out the figure of the man and woman I heard. And, draped over the man's shoulder, was Ellie's body. I gasped and then frowned, feeling furious. They quickly started rushing towards the open window next to them. I screamed, "NO!" and lunged out towards the man. I grabbed onto the back of his shirt and went to grab Ellie's body from his grasp. He struggled with me for a while and then he started slipping away. "You're not taking her away from me!!!" I growled. I grabbed onto Elizabeth's hand, still hoping I can at least rescue her and take her somewhere they can't get her. As I was trying to yank her back, the woman quickly came up to me and punched me in the face. My grip on Ellie's hand nearly loosened but I still held on. The unknown woman punched me again and again and again, each time my grip weakening. Then, she grew impatient and I saw something gleam. It was a knife. There was no where I could turn and I had no weapon to defend myself with, so she easily slashed my wrist and my grip was lost. I felt something small in my hand and held it tightly. I staggered back and then the woman, kicked me down to the floor, the small object in my hand falling out and clattering to the floor. I coughed and tried getting back up but she kicked me across the face, stunning me. I was already still sore and frail from my injuries during Zalgo's attack, so I couldn't get back up.

I felt the woman kick at me again and she walked away as I heard her footsteps fade. Through my disoriented vision, I saw the man leap out through the window, with Ellie still in his arms. "N...No..." I mumbled weakly. Then the woman walked up behind him. She slipped a leg through the window, but before she jumped out, she turned to me. Her features were unclear to me. The only thing that I could seem to make out was a clock. Then, she turned away from me and leaped out like the man had. I wheezed and struggled to get back up. No luck. Dammit..! I turned over onto my side and saw something glimmer. It was Ellie's ring, the object that slipped off of her hand and into mine. I frowned and propped myself up onto my elbows. I began to crawl forward, and during this I tried getting up but I kept falling over every time. Finally, I was close to grabbing the ring but my vision began to fade and my whole world went black just as I was about to grab Elizabeth's ring.






I woke up with a start and I lay face-up. Ms. P loomed over me, looking greatly concerned. "Jeff, are you okay? What happened to your wrist?" I glanced at her and then noticed the others gathered around me. My head was spinning and my face and wrist hurt. Suddenly, the events of last night came rushing to my dizzy mind and I shot up to my feet. I rushed over to Elizabeth's coffin and looked inside. I was hoping last night was just a nightmare but it was much worse than that. Ellie's body was gone, the only thing left behind was the white roses. My breath was practically ripped out of my lungs and my knees grew weak. "No..." I muttered, "No, no, no, no, NO!!!"

Ms.P hastily said, "Jeff, tell us what happened-!"

"They took her!" I screamed, "They took her body and-and left out that damn window!!!" I pointed a shaking hand to the window next to the coffin. Everyone looked to it, noting how it was open.

"Who took Elizabeth?" I heard Slender ask. I shook my head and pulled at my hair. "I-I don't know! Dammit, I don't know!!!" I slammed my fists down on the edge of the coffin and leaned over, my hair covering my frustrated face. I stared down at the white roses and snarled. They looked so blank. I can't stand to have there be no color. So, I reached into my coat pocket and added the color. "I already lost her once...," I muttered, "So, why did I have to lose her again...? Isn't this enough...? God, what the fuck do you want from me...? Huh..?" I shot my head up, screaming in rage, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!"

"Jeff, we'll figure out who did this but please try to-."

I interrupted Slender by running out of the room, leaving everyone stunned. I heard a few of them call out my name but I didn't listen. I just kept running, burning rage consuming my state of mind. I'll find the bastards that kidnapped Ellie's body. I'll find them and I'll kill them! I'll make them endure Hell! I'll make them suffer the way I have suffered! I'll be damned if those sons of bitches can steal my little Sunshine away from me and mock me! And when I'm done with them I'll take her back, so she can get the burial she deserves, the honor that she deserves!!

Through the hatred on my mind, I remembered the image of what I had left behind. The tulip. Before I left, I had placed it in the center of the coffin, among the whiteness of the roses. It was still in the same situation it was in last night, standing out from nothingness of white while it was the only colorful thing. I stopped running once I made it outside and glared forward. I held up my left hand to see the ring on my finger and frowned harder. My hand clenched into a fist and I held the ring to my lips. In a powerful, angered tone, I whispered a vow.

"I'll save you Elizabeth. I'll find you, no matter what. And I will kill any evil and filth I see! For you! You wanted to annihilate all evil. So now I'll let your desire live on through me! I swear on my life, I will kill the evil that ruined you, that ruined this world! This is a promise, that will never, ever be broken. This is my vow! One that will last forever! For you! For US!!! Forever and always. No matter what!!"

Hot, angry tears stung my eyes and I glared forward. From this day forward, my vow will start. I will show no mercy towards any threat against life itself! No matter what dangers await me, no matter what risks I have to take, I'll show all filth what it means to suffer! But I'll make sure they'll die out of justice, not vengeance, because that's what Ellie would've wanted. I'll avenge her and I'll avenge the innocence that Zalgo took away from us, away from mankind! Maybe I can't get my second chance, but I sure as Hell can give everyone else theirs, no matter what life has to throw at me! I won't be the criminal I used to be, I won't be the coward, I won't be the fool, I won't be the monster I've hated! Now I'll just be a man who lost his true love. And that's more terrifying than anything else. I'll fight, defend, bleed, avenge and live... For my family. For the world. For the future of this cruel yet beautiful world. And especially...

For Ellie.

For my little Sunshine.

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