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Jeff's POV

[Two Years Later]

Gravel crunched beneath the weight of our feet. The girl in front of me was running and wheezing, tears in her eyes, face red with exhaustion and fear. Her terror sickened me. I'll be glad to get my hands on her and rip her little heart out. She skidded around a corner of the path we were on, nearly tripping. She's tripped before which gave her the bleeding scrapes on her legs. It was the beginning of spring so she wore light clothes. Easier to tear through.

The path we ran on was devoid of any life, except for us. Rarely anyone comes through here, surprising enough considering this is a local park. My prey dashed through a grove of trees and I ran in after her. I've been chasing her for twenty minutes now. She was growing tired yet here I was, ready to do this all day. As her stamina was running out, so was the distance between us. I came close enough to pull out my army knife and aim it straight for her back. The blade went in on the first try and she jolted and fell forward, crash landing into the dirt. I slowed down and casually strode up next to her twitching body. I kneeled down and jiggled the knife around, making her cry out and whimper. Then, I wrapped my hands around the hilt and violently yanked it out. She screamed but I shut her up by pointing the knife at her face.

"Shut up," I said with some venom in my tone. She toned down her screaming to small whimpers and I scoffed. I grabbed her arm and pushed her over onto her back. She winced and looked up at me with a terrified look in her brown eyes. Looming over her, I glared into those eyes and hissed, "You disgust me, you know that? Filth like you is what makes this world so fucking disgraceful. You deserve what's coming next, you little pest.."

She shook her head as I raised up the knife, ready to plunge it into her chest. And, just as I had expected, her brown eyes flashed red and she let out a loud screech. The girl leaped out at me and I quickly kicked her down. She writhed beneath my foot and she tried desperately to slash my legs with her now elongated black claws. I frowned and threw my knife down on the top of her head. The impact made a sickening crack as the skull was pierced and she stopped writhing. I leaned down and pulled the knife out, struggling at first but then I yanked it out. Black blood spurted through the wound and I grimaced. "Filthy, Corrupted scum!" I growled and reached down to place my hand on her back and stab her where the heart should be. She growled and I did this over and over again, until I put my knife back into its sheath on my belt, and drove my gloved hand inside of the wound. I sifted around for a few moments until I finally reached the heart and ripped it out of its place. I immediately crushed it and the Corrupted girl under me shuddered and started to wither away.

I waited until her body was nothing but ash and then I got back up. The black blood on my glove dissipated and I sighed in relief. "My work here is done," I muttered and started walking back to my ride. That was the third Corrupted I've killed today. I didn't reach my daily goal but Hell, I at least killed the bastards. I walked out of a secret exit through the park and looked to the side to see my ride. I smiled and raised up my hands. "Aw, my sweet baby! Daddy's glad no one jacked you!"

Of course, the motorcycle didn't speak back to me. I didn't expect anymore from it through than it's usual roar of the engine. I grabbed the black helmet on the seat and slipped it over my head. The black visor shaded my surroundings and I sighed. "Man, am I tired. I think it's time I call it a day..." I leaped next to the side of the motorcycle and straddled it. I pressed the ignition button and it roared to life. I gripped the handles tightly and started driving. I'm lucky to have this thing. Boy, that big biker sure wasn't pleased to have me steal it. But then who would be since this is a Roadliner S. She's a real beauty, sleek and obsidian black. Thank god I learned to drive this thing...with a couple of wipeouts here and there...and some repairs...

The city whizzed by me as I drove, street lights, pedestrians and cars going by. I've stayed in this place for three months. In a few days I'll be moving on to another city or town. And that'll be easy with the help of my motorcycle. I swear, things are easier with this thing. Hell, I've chased down and have ran over Corrupted with this thing! What's not to love about it?

I'm twenty years old already. It's been years since I've been back home. I left the mansion to live out on my own, and this time I wasn't kicked out like the last time I left. I left out of my own whims and thankfully everyone understood. The only one that didn't take my departure too well was Smile. I miss that mutt. But he has Grinny and Ben, who I had asked to take care of those two, and everyone else. Though, you really can't forget the man who took you off of the streets and gave you a home. As bad as I felt about leaving Smile behind, I knew I had to leave. I made a vow...

I drove through the city, the buildings gradually getting smaller until nothing but small shops and houses surrounded me. I went down a dark street and towards a house that was alone and deserted, cast away from the other houses. It was surrounded with trees, making the house look almost unnoticeable. It was old, abandoned and nearly rotting, but I used it as my own place. I parked my motor in the cover of the trees and turned it off. I leaped off and made my way to the house to go inside. The door creaked loudly as I opened it and rattled once I closed it shut. I took off my helmet and my gloves and scanned the room. It looked...awful. But not much is to be expected of an abandoned house. Even though I spruced up the place: replaced the wooden boards on the floor, fixed the pipes, connected the electricity, drove out the pests inside and cut down the plants that grew in it, it still looked bad. At least it was in a good enough condition to live in for three months.

No one knows I live here, which is what I wanted. I've gotten quite a reputation here, and in the other towns and cities I've lived in in the past. The people and the news have dubbed me the "Masked Biker". I find a nickname like that silly, really. But, at least it's not as bad as "Helmet Head"... The reason for these names is because, in order to keep my identity a secret, I always wear my helmet when I'm doing public hunts for Corrupted. It's a protective gear for both fighting and for my identity. Though it does get a bit uncomfortable after a while...

I walked up to the couch, placed my helmet and gloves on the coffee table and then plopped down onto the couch. I sighed but then groaned when my back popped but then sighed again in relief. My eyes stared up at the cracked ceiling, and I let my exhausted body finally rest for today. A thought came to my mind out of the blue and I reached into my shirt to pull out something special. A shining, silver ring with a blue diamond and with the embroidered words "Sunshine" was in my hand, with a leather string tied around the bond. I raised it up and admired how it glimmered. Then I raised up my left hand with the ring that looked almost similar and put the two next to each other. I sighed and said aloud, "It's been two whole years without you Ellie. And even though it's been that long, I still can't help but miss you as much as I had the day I held you dead in my arms... I hope you're doing okay, wherever you are. I bet it's better than here, where it feels lonely without you.."

I placed the ring on my chest and put my hands behind my head. I sighed, staring up at the ceiling again. I'm not sure how I lasted so long without Elizabeth. Though it barely seems like yesterday where I was spending time with her and being happy. I've been killing Corrupted for her, just like I said I would in that vow I made two years ago. I don't go one day without replaying that moment in my head. And every morning when I wake up I always remind myself why I'm still alive. That day when I lost Ellie to those two intruders is still vivid in my mind. I haven't found them yet but someday I will, I just have to be patient. Every time I think about them I frown and feel the anger rush through my veins. I'll find them and when I do I'll make them wish they hadn't pissed me off.

As I lay on the couch, I began to doze off from the exhaustion. I hummed the tune "You Are My Sunshine" as I awaited for sleep to come. Its Ellie's song. Every time I sing it, it's in honor of her. It never gets old to me, no matter how many times I sing or hear it. Soon, sleep took over me, and I gradually stopped humming. I will wake up in the morning to get up and get back to keeping the words of my vow, like I have been for two years.


The birds were chirping outside...and inside my house. I woke up and saw a bird standing on my helmet, pecking at it every now and then. I frowned and jumped up to scare it away. It flew out of the open window in the living room, which I've left open ever since the beginning of spring. I don't have an AC so it's all I can do to keep cool. I scratched my head and grumbled, "God damn birds..." I yawned and got up off of the couch. I made my way to the bathroom where I stripped off my clothes and took a morning shower. I bathed for at least ten minutes and then finished up. Once I got out I changed into different clothes than yesterday. I went into my room, with a towel wrapped around my waist and pulled out fresh clothes from the old dresser in the room. I dressed in another pair of black pants, a black muscle shirt and then grabbed a white hoodie that hung on one of the dresser drawer knobs. Once I did that, I grabbed a red leather jacket beside it and slipped it on.

I walked out of my room, drying off my hair with my towel vigorously. I went back to the bathroom to put the towel away and looked in the old mirror above the sink. I shook my head and let my hair whip around just to let out a few more drops. A few weeks after I had left out on my own two years ago, I finally cut my hair after so long. And I've kept it in check throughout the two years. Now it was at a medium length, just below my ears, although it still had that choppy, tussled, I've-slept-for-days look. I turned off the bathroom light and made my way to the kitchen. I walked over to the fridge and opened it, only to find nearly nothing. I frowned, my stomach already growling from hunger and I slammed the door. I walked back into my room and went for the old desk in it. I pulled a drawer open and found a wallet. I grabbed it, grabbed some money and then closed the drawer and walked out. Thank god drug cartels make a shit-ton of money. Not that I'm in one. Let's just say I paid a cartel a visit and they all ended up pulverized once I walked out of their hideout with all of their money...

I stuffed the money in my pants pocket and quickly grabbed and put on my helmet, gloves and boots from the living room where I left them. I left through the front door and was greeted with fresh, spring air. I made my way over to my motorcycle and, after turning it on, I drove out of the yard and down the street to head to a convenient store. Once I made it, I parked my bike and made my way inside, helmet still on of course. I immediately went looking for food and anything else I needed, carrying a basket in my hand. I came across some Rice Krispies and said, "Aw hell yeah..!" then quickly made my way over to them. I've been having a thing for them lately...

I started debating in my head which ones to get. All chocolate or chocolate drizzled? All chocolate or chocolate drizzled?! Shit! As I stood there, tapping my foot and stroking the chin of my helmet like there was a beard there, a little kid came into the aisle and started checking out the candy section. He noticed me standing there and then stared at me. I turned to him and we both stared despite that my eyes were covered by my black visor. He blinked at me. I couldn't fucking blink...

"You look familiar," he remarked. I let him think for a few moments and then he said, "Oh yeah! You're Helmet Head!"

I sighed and hung my head. "God dammit," I muttered and he kept talking. "I've known about you for a while now. You're the talk of the town and at my school. All of the kids think you're pretty cool."

"Oh really?" I said. He nodded and added, "Yeah, really. Even my mom thinks you're cool. I overheard her the other day talking to her friend. She said that you're so mysterious and all of this other stuff, but it's good stuff, and she even said something about riding you like how you ride your motorcycle, if she could."

I just stared at the kid. I'm feeling really uncomfortable right now... "Kid," I started, "do you know what she meant by that?"



I awkward turned back to the Rice Krispies and went back to debating before I find out about anymore moms who want to get it on with me. The kid walked closer to me and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Trying to decide whether to get the all chocolate Rice Krispies or the chocolate drizzled kind," I answered a little too quickly. The little boy looked at me, then at the snack and then back at me. "Why not both?" he suggested innocently. I froze and slowly turned to him. Suddenly, I clamped my hands on his shoulders and said, "You're a genius! Thank you, angel with jeans!" I let go of him, grabbed a pack of both kinds and patted his head. "You're welcome," he said bashfully and I began to walk away from him.

After that I got milk, bread, eggs and anything else I could buy that would last me the next few days until I leave for another city. I walked up to the cashier, who was an old man and placed my items on the counter. He was watching the TV on a desk behind him and I scoffed to get his attention. He turned to me and said, "Oh! I'm sorry!"

"It's okay," I assured and he went to checking out the items. As he did this, I overheard the TV in back of him and looked at it to see a news report. I didn't think anything of the story they were telling until they moved onto the next one which got my full attention.

"And, in other news, there have been reports of an unknown vigilante on the rise over in the state Michigan. Police have no evidence of this person's identity but they do know it is a woman judging by a picture a witness shot with his phone."

Beside the news anchor, the picture popped up and I got a good look at it. "The witness, who's identity will be kept unknown under his decision, said that he had heard a struggle outside of his apartment building. When he looked out of the window he saw a street gang fighting off this woman. He said 'She was extremely fast and impossibly strong and took down all of the five gang members before I could pull out my phone from my pocket'. He managed to take this picture just as she left the scene. In this photo, she seems to be wearing black leather pants, combat boots of the same color, gloves, a leather hooded jacket, also black, and a black tank top. Other witness accounts confirm this wardrobe and she is also known to wear a black steampunk respirator mask with the lower half of a skull painted onto it. She is Caucasian female, with a height of five-four, her hair is dark and the details of her eyes is not yet known. Some reports have said she is known to tag an unknown symbol wherever she strikes and authorities believe there is a connection to her and this symbol. Here are several photos taken by investigators of said symbol."

The picture of the girl was replaced with the pictures of the symbol the news anchor talked about. I froze and stared in shock. It was the symbol of the proxy: an O with an X crossed over it. What is that vigilante doing tagging that symbol around? Then, a wild thought came to mind. Could that girl be the new proxy? No. There's no way. There can't be a new proxy already. I thought it would've taken a decade for another to turn up but now?

"Some crazy stuff huh," the old cashier spoke up and I turned my attention away from the TV to look at him. "Yeah...," I agreed and he stifled a chuckle. "Is that all you'll be buying, sir?" he asked me. I glanced at the cabinet of cigarettes behind him and say, "I'll take a pack of Marlboro." The old man nodded and went to unlock the cabinet. As he was busy doing this I went back to watch the news only to see that the news anchor was talking about another story. I looked down at the counter and grit my teeth. If there really is a new proxy then Slenderman and the others need to find out. It seems like this girl already knows what she's doing but we can never be too sure.

The old man put the pack of cigarettes on the counter and told me the total of money I needed to pay. I gave him thirty dollars and he gave back the change left over. "Have a nice day," he said and I thanked him as I walked out. I walked over to my motorcycle and hung the bags of groceries on the handles. I started up the engine and released the stand to hold it up. Reeving the engine, I thought about the new proxy. Poor girl's going to go through a lot of Hell. I pulled out Elizabeth's ring and stared down at it, remembering the Hell we went through together. I clutched the ring in my hand and frowned. That new girl will have to be under our care, soon and fast. In a few days I'll be leaving this city for a new one. And it seems like I'll be seeing the others again soon. I reeved the engine one last time before beginning to drive back to my rugged house.

As I drove I thought about all of the driving I'll have to do when I leave and all of the sight-seeing I'll do in my next city. And I also wondered what kind of reputation I'll get next. I smiled.

I don't think I'll mind paying Michigan a little visit.


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