Thank You

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Hey there guys! You've reached the final author's note for this story. Congratulations for making it this far and sticking around to support me and this story. Like the title above says, thank you, for the comments, the reads and the lovely votes and also the shoutouts you may have given this story on Wattpad or on any other social network. You guys make me a better writer and I can't thank you enough for that. I love what I do and what I write and I won't be one of those people that'll look back on this story and be ashamed because this baby was my start! And I love all of my beautiful babies.

Killer Protector may have its flaws and ups and downs but all in all it is something precious to both me and to all of you....I hope. I love all of you guys and, I admit, it does sadden me that this part in my life is over. I'm going to miss writing for this story and it will always hold a special place in my cold, black heart.


ANYWAY, I'm going to miss this. And even now I feel sad because this is the last author's note and "story part" I'll be writing for KP. -Tear tear sniff sniff- Meh gawd I'm gonna miss you most of all, buddy. I love you, mang.

No homo doe... Well not really if you're a guy- NO, STAHP IT, I WANT TO STAY A SINGLE PRINGLE. Besides, I have too many anime baes to love another human being. ._.

Should I list them?

Nope, never mind, the list will take up this whole thing and possibly crash all of Wattpad.



Aside from that, you guys are awesome and are the reason Killer Protector hit over one million. That's amazing and I thank you for that. You're also the reason I've kept writing it and have been improving my writing since. You're awesome.

As a gift I give you the most beautiful thing in the entire world.



All right enough of that. Let's get on with it.

+++ <-(Take a mental note of these plus signs. They're very important. YO, I SAID MAKE A MENTAL NOTE. Thank you.)

There is no greater honor than to write for you guys and be someone that some of you all look up to. Some of you have messaged me saying that I have inspired you to write and create a story, whether it's an original or fanfiction, that is "as good as mine". Honestly, I'm just another girl who's a nerd for books. I'm not that special. I'm just like all of you trying to get by in life. I don't see myself as some amazing writer that's better than the rest because everyone has their own opinions, talents and level of confidence. I never expected to get this far but I appreciate it every day and every time I write something, not just for me but for all of you.

Will I keep on writing? HELL YEAH I WILL. YOU BEST BELIEVE I WILL. Guys this is my passion! I want to become an actual writer and publish my own works to real publishers. I've had this dream in my mind ever since I was nine and have been working on this dream since then up until now. And as soon as I found Wattpad I just knew that I belonged here. And I do. I love Wattpad. And it wouldn't be as special to me if it weren't for you supportive Creeps! I LOVE writing and I now I know it is what I want to do in life. Before I was unsure and afraid of what I'll do once I'm out in the world and on my own. I'm in a college prep program for high school and I'm basically already a college student. It's scary because it seems like my future is getting here all too quickly and I took a poor attitude to college and my education. But now I'm more confident and prepared for the challenges ahead. So thank you guys for finally making me see my true calling.

Be that as it may, I'm still a little nervous. But I know you guys will always be there for me to get me back on track, just like my own family would. So I will keep writing and creating stories for you all. No matter how my emotions and mind-set changes over the years, I will always come to love Wattpad and writing. And I know I am a very imaginative person and my mind is swirling with stories and ideas, which has resulted in me creating other stories out of the blue. It is a bit challenging to keep track of them all but I will always come back to them. I plan to not remove any of my stories right now, no matter how long it has been since I've worked on them. And I apologize for any set backs in the future, not saying that there will be, at least I hope.

A lot of you tend to be a little impatient and I understand your feelings in full view. But please be considerate of me and the other people reading my stories. Keep in mind I will never leave anyone hanging forever. I will get back to some of my stories because they mean as much to me as they do to you. I promise to always write and l'll try my best to mend my ways. And I have some favors to ask of you all. First favor: Like I said before, please be patient and if you cannot then that is fine but don't do anything rash.

Second favor: Please don't see me as better than another writer. "You're my favorite writer," and "You're the best," is fine because that is stated to me individually but I don't feel too comfortable with anyone stating I'm better than a specific person here on Wattpad. Like I said way before, everyone has their own opinions, talents and level of confidence. I respect all other writers here. And I suggest of you the same, no matter how they write, what fandom they're in or whatever decisions they choose for themselves or for their fans. And the third favor: STAY AWESOME, MOTHAFUCKA.

Part of me is sad to be writing this author's note and part of me is proud. Like I've said before, I never expected to get this far or be this successful. But this story is just one more step to more success. And this will be a special memory in my mind along with you all who are just the best people, no matter your flaws. So, with that I will end this note. But, before I leave I ask of you one more favor. Remember the plus signs? No? Dammit I told you to make a mental note. Just kidding, I'm sure you did! From those plus signs, read every first word in the paragraphs below them and end here. You won't be disappointed. :3

(P.S.: It's called Cruel & Blue, released August 1, 2014 •u•)

Now, you know what comes next, Creeps. I love you all and I'll see you next time. One last sign off for this series! Here it comes!

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~~ :3

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