Chapter 1 : Izuku Midoriya - Origin

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Izuku's P.O.V


"Enough Kacchan! You already made him cry... Stop it! I won't let you!"


"So Deku the quirkless wonder... Think he can play hero huh?"

'Are not born equal...'

That's the hard truth I learned at age four...

But that, was my first and last setback.

"A giant villain!"

3rd Person P.O.V

It all began in Keikei city in China. With the news that a bioluminescent baby was born!

After that, 'exceptional' individuals began popping up from all over the world.

The cause was unclear. Time passed... And the 'exceptional' became the norm.

Fantasy... Became reality!

At present, 80% of the world population consists of superhumans with special abilities.

The world is in chaos!

And the profession that everyone once only dreamed about... Entered the spotlight!


"Who's fighting him?!" Gasp a boy in the midst of chaos. Once he sees the hero, he started shouting information about him. "It's Kamui Woods! The popular young superstar!" "Running a commentary huh? Hey kid! Are you a fanboy?" The guy next to him asked, to which the boy bashfully denied like a liar. "Your punishment." The Wood hero said out loud, preparing an attack with his right hand. The not-a-fanboy realizes immediately what the hero is trying to do and didn't bother hiding it. "Here it comes! It's his 'Pre-emptive Binding..." He trailed off. "... Lacquered Chain Poison!" The hero yelled.

But unfortunately, before the hero manages to finish his attack, another hero comes and take his kill with a Swift kick to the side of the criminal's head. The new hero called it 'Canyon Canyon.' "Today's my debut. Pleased to meet you all. You can call me Mt. lady!" The hero introduces herself.

Along with the exceptional abilities, came an explosion in the crime rates. While nations struggle to overhaul their legal systems...

Brave individuals took up the mantle of heroes straight outta comic books...

Protecting the people from evil doers! With public support, some quickly acquired the right to serve as heroes in an official capacity.

Depending on their performance, they have the potential to earn...

Government pay! Fame and glory!

"Gigantification huh... It's a common and quite powerful Quirk, but could the threat of public property destruction limit its use? Well... Depends on whether or not she can manipulate her size at will..." The not-a-fanboy muttered and writing it down in a notebook like a fanboy. "Taking notes?! I guess you wanna be a hero yourself? Good luck!" The guy from before said and encouraged him. "Thanks! I'll try!" He said with his face glowing with hope.


"You guys are third-years now! It's time to start thinking seriously about your future!" Midoriya Izuku's homeroom teacher yelled out while whapping some papers on his desk. "I would hand out this future career forms but... I assume all of you want to become heroes!" The teacher said again while scattering all the papers and the whole class just go, 'YEAH!' And using their Quirk. "Yes, you all have wonderful Quirks. But you know it's against the rules to use them in school." The teacher half-attempted to calm his class down.

"Sensei! Don't lump me in with these losers! As if I had anything like their crappy Quirks. Heh." The class jackass interrupted, receiving negative comments and boos from his peers. "Get over yourself Katsuki!" One of his classmates yell to which he responds with "Shut up! Extras should act like extras!" "Ah, Bakugou... You, of course... Must be aiming for U.A right?" The teacher asked calmly probably because this has happened many times before. Hearing this Midoriya Izuku instantly grow anxious. Afraid of what's to come. The class' chatter goes from negative to shocked. "That national school?! The cutoff score this year is 79 right?!" "I hear they barely accept anyone!!"

"AH! The stupid chatter or extras. I aced the mock exam! I'm the only one here with the stuff for U.A!" Bakugou yelled and jumped onto his table scaring the poor girl in front of him. "I'll even surpass All Might and become the best hero out there. Not to mention I'll be the richest people in the world!" He boasts with confidence. "Oh, you're also going for U.A , aren't you Midoriya?" The teacher asked the million dollar question. Immediately, the whole class turn to him. A second pass and the whole class laughed at him simultaneously.

"Huh, Midoriya? No way! Good grsdes alone can't get you into the hero program!" A guy who's never going to show up again in this fanfic said. "Th-that's not entirely true! Sure, there's precedent, but..." Midoriya tries to defend himself from being an embarrassment. But suddenly, Bakugou activate his Quirk exploding it on top of Midoriya's desk blasting him away while the teacher pretended like nothing is happening. "Come on Deku! Forget the crappy Quirk. You're totally quirkless! And you think you can rub shoulders with me?!" Bakugou asked.

"Wa... Wait, no, Kacchan. I wasn't... Saying that I could compete with you! Not at all! I mean it! It's just... Been my dream since I was little and well... There's no harm trying..." Midoriya fearfully trying to explain himself to the threat in front of him. 'Try?! TRY WHAT?! THE ENTRANCE EXAM? YOU'RE TAKING THE EXAM JUST TO 'TRY'?!!" Bakugou shouted while the rest of the class just watch it happen and snickering at the poor boy. "What can you even do?!" Midoriya just stayed silent and looked shamefully at his shoes.


Once the class is dismissed, the class began to empty themselves leaving Midoriya and Bakugou with his squad. 'The incident this morning is all over the net!' The broccoli haired boy thought to himself while looking at his phone. "I'd better get home and get my notes in order!🎵" He thought to himself cheerfully, not knowing the next horror to come. Suddenly, his hero notes notebook was taken from his hand by none other that Bakugou Katsuki with his gang beside him. "We ain't done here Deku." "What's that Katsuki?" One of them ask and when Bakugou showed them the book, the other guy just make fun of it. "'For My Future' seriously this guy? Midoriya..."

"C-come on, give it back!" Midoriya plead. Using his Quirk, 'Explosion' Bakugou burn the book before tossing it out the classroom window. "The best heroes out there, well.... They showed sign of greatness even as students. I'll be the first and only hero from this crappy middle school! The first to win an honor of becoming a student at U.A High. Guess I'm just a perfectionist." He continue to boast with confidence. "In other words, don't you dare get into U.A. Nerd!" He threatened and taunt the boy in front of him while all Midoriya can do is accept it and shiver in his place, unable to cay anything out of fear.

"Jeez... Typical... C'mon, say something." One the cliché extras said. "He can't say anything. He's so lame, even as a third year... He still can't face reality." The other cliché bully mock him. "You wanna be a hero so bad? I've got a time saving idea for you. If you think you'll have Quirk in your next life... Go take a swan dive off the roof." Bakugou said without any sign of remorse. Midoriya turned around to face Bakugou but his act was stopped when Bakugou threatened him by activating his quirk. "Yeah what?" He asked rendering the broccoli boy helpless.

After Bakugou and his friends left, Midoriya began his journey to find his notebook. 'Idiot, if I really jumped, you'd be charged with bullying me into suicide!! Think before you speak!" He angrily thought before having a flashback to his childhood memories. After a while he shake his head and tries to push all the negative memories aside. "Stupid. It's not food idiot... It's my notebook. Idiot... Idiot..." He muttered to himself and walking at the of the school. Upon looking up, he saw a (H/c) haired girl, reading what looks like his notebook. Immediately he feel his blood rushed to his face.

"Ah! I-I'm sorry. Is this yours? I didn't mean to read it but I just saw it falling down into the water filter." She frantically explained. "I managed to dry it for you but, there's nothing I can do about the burns. N-not to worry though, the insides is fine. It's still readable. He-here." She holds it out for him to take.

Suddenly, his emotions from before overwhelmed him and he burst into tears. "Waah! I'm so sorry! Please don't cry! I didn't mean to read it! I'm sorry if I offend you!" (Y/n) tried to lessen the cry. After a couple of second he stopped crying and now he is regretting all of his life choices. 'I just cried like a baby in front of a girl!' He thought shamefully to himself.

"Are you okay now?" She asked. "Yeah! I'm fine, sorry for the outburst just now... I just feel overwhelmed." He answered. "It's fine. It was my fault for reading it without permission." She replied. Then, it's an awkward silence between the two. "M-my name is (L/n) (F/n)." (Y/n) decided to introduce herself while holding out her hand. Who knows, she might make a friend! "O-oh, my name is Midoriya Izuku. Pleasure meeting you." Midoriya said, taking her hand and shaking it. "Pleasures all mine."

"Hey, as an apology for reading your book without permission, how would you like it if I walked you home?" (Y/n) offered and Midoriya, who's never even talked to a girl feel obliged to accept. "S-sure." He answered.

While walking, (Y/n) decided to try to make small talk with the boy to get to know each other. "Hey, that note of yours is incredible! It was so detailed and neat! The drawing is pretty good too!" She said. "R-really?! Thanks!" Midoriya happily answered. It was rare for someone to give him compliments, especially from girls so of course he's happy. "I assume you wanted to be hero then?" (Y/n) ask. Hearing this question, Midoriya's face fell. "Yeah, I do..." He answered. "What's wrong?" She asked worried that she might have offended her new friend. "I-I'm quirkless." Hearing that made her sigh in relief. "Oh, I thought I offended you somehow." She said but looking at her friend still sad, she decided to do something about it. "Hey, I don't think it mattered if you have a Quirk or not. I think you can still be a hero if you wanted too!" She said. "Y-you think so? But everyone kept saying that it's impossible for someone quirkless to become a hero!" Midoriya said his eyes brimming with tears. "So? Who cares about what those people think?! Humans used to not have any special ability but then, the impossible become possible. Prove the world they are wrong Midoriya Izuku-kun. I know you can become a hero. It doesn't matter if you have a Quirk or not. A hero is more than having a Quirk. Come on, look at the world with confidence. Lift your chin up. Let's go even further beyond!" She said while pumping her fist in the air.

That was when he decided. He decided not to care what anyone says. To keep his chin up and keep moving forward.

"Thanks! (L/n)-san!" They walked through the tunnel and make small talk to get to know each other better when suddenly, a goop monster came out of the sewer. "A medium sized body... To hide in..." It said with its creepy voice and attacked Midoriya, blocking his mouth and nose so he couldn't breathe. "Don't worry, I'm hijacking your body. Calm down. Don't worry it'll only hurt about 45 seconds... And then it'll-" "Let him go!" Before the villain is able to finish his sentence, a knife pierce it right into one of his eyes.

"AARGH!" the villain yelled and go of Midoriya giving him time to breathe. (Y/n) ran to him and attempt to pull him out of the villain. Suddenly...

"FEAR NOT KID!! I AM HERE!" The sewer cover went flying and All Might come out from it. "All Might!" (Y/n) screamed out. Immediately All Might uses Texas Smash on the goop villain. The shockwaves scattered the villain. Although the force knocked out Midoriya.

(Y/n) ran to Midoriya and check his pulse. Breathing out of relief that he's still alive before thanking All Might. "It's no problem little girl! It's what heroes do!" He said all cool-like. Remembering something, (Y/n) search for her friend's notebook while All Might is trying to wake the kid up. "C-could you please sign this book?" (Y/n) asked holding up Midoriya's notebook. "Of course. Anything for a fellow fan!" He replied before signing the book. "Well, I'm off. Take care of him would you!" He says enthusiastically but before he could go (Y/n) stopped him. "Wait! Please. Can you wait until my friend wakes up? He's a big fan of yours and you inspire him so much! Please!" She plead. "I'm sorry young girl but I must be off, villains doesn't wait around for tea break you know." "Wait, if you leave us here, you will leave two defenseless teenager of which one of them is unconscious and that is not so heroic now does it Mr. All Might." She said. "Fine, I'll give you three minutes." He said giving up.

"Thanks! You won't regret this!" (Y/n) said. She goes to Midoriya before putting his head on his lap. Then, she put both her palm on his forehead. A green glow was emitted from her palm. After a few you second. She put them away. "He just got a mild concussion. But it's fine now. He's gonna wake up soon." She slapped his face a couple of times and after a couple of tries he finally wakes up. "Hey, Midoriya-kun, All Might's here! Wake up!!" She whisper-yelled. Midoriya stirred before waking up, taking some time to adjust to his surrounding. "Thank goodness! You're okay, excellent! Apologies for getting you caught up in my villain hunt. Mistakes like that aren't my style but, this is a strange land to me and I'm off camera." All Might said while posing dramatically. "But my success here is all thanks to you! I've contained the villain!" He continued while showing the bottle of villain while Midoriya is fanboying inside.

'All Might! He's really here! He's really here! Up-close! I can really see that he's drawn in a completely different style!' Midoriya thought. "Ah! Wait, autograph." He search around for his notebook. (Y/n) give him his notebook and showed him the signature. "He already did it!" He yelled excitedly before bowing to show his gratitude. "Woowww! Thank you so much. What a treasure! It'll be my family heirloom!!!" He said and kept bowing. "Now! I must bring this fellow to the authorities! You can catch me again on TV!" He said before walking away. "Um... Wait... Is that it...? I..." Midoriya stuttered out trying to keep him for a little bit longer while All Might was readying himself for take-off. "A pro battles not only enemies but also time." "Midoriya-kun? Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked her friend before he disappeared along with All Might.

"WHAAT?" (Y/n) screamed before looking at the way All Might flew off to. Then, she saw it. Midoriya dangling of All Might's leg. 'Oh my goodness... A fall from that high may results in death!' She thought. Immediately she summons a puff of cloud and sit on it. And then, she started to chase them in hope that Midoriya's grip is strong enough to last until they are back on the ground.

◆﹏﹏ With the Boys ﹏﹏◆

"Hey now. This much enthusiasm is a bit much." All Might said, trying to get rid of the boy dangling from his leg. "If I.... Let go now... I'll... I'll die!" Midoriya told his role model. "True enough!!" All Might said, accepting his excuse. "I... Need to ask you... So many things! Gah! You..." Midoriya tries to ask but the strong wind made him sound weird. "Okay! Okay! Just do me a favor and close your eyes and mouth!" All Might asked him uncomfortably. They fly for a few more seconds (which feels like forever to Midoriya) and finally land on a building.


◆﹏﹏﹏ Back To You❤️ ﹏﹏﹏◆

"Where are they...?" (Y/n) asked to herself. She continue to fly around and searching for them and suddenly, she saw smoke from one of the roofs. She flied closer to investigate and find Midoriya and the source of the smoke. Lowering herself on top of the roof, she was about to call out to her friend when she hears him saying something. "Because I don't have a quirk, I... Well, maybe that's not the only reason. But I've always been picked on. That's why... Maybe that's why... I think that saving people is just about the coolest thing someone can do... The way you save people with that fearless smile. I want to be the strongest hero just like y- WHAAAAT!!" He looked up and finds himself looking at a scrawny guy with blond hair while (Y/n) is just in the background with her mouth agape almost jawfropping.

"You're all shriveled up huh?! Were you... A fake?! An impostor?! So thin!!" He asked-shouted. "I. Am All Might." The blond guy simply said with blood sputtered from his mouth. "Are you okay?!" (Y/n) asked alarmingly, still pretty surprised by the reveal but more worried about the blood cough. "I'm fine." All might answered. "No way!" Midoriya still can't accept the truth. "You know how people hold in their gut at the pool? It's like that!" "NO WAY!" He still can't load the truth while (Y/n) had already accepted the truth walked beside him. "A fearless smile huh... You've seen the real me kid. But don't write about it on the internet okay?" He said and Midoriya is still trembling trying to process the truth.

All Might then lift his shirt and showed a spider-webbed like injuries on his abdomen. Seeing this, (Y/n) suddenly gets goosebumps and she felt shivers crawling down her spine. 'That looked like it hurts...' She thought and her sarcastic side responded back to her. 'Duh, of course it hurts. It's an injury (Y/n). A bad one too.'. "Five years ago... An enemy did this to me. My respiratory system was almost destroyed and my stomach was removed. I've wasted away because of the after-effects of those surgeries. I can only do my hero work for about three hours a day now." He explained it. "Five years ago... Was that when you fought Toxic Chainsaw..?" Midoriya asked. "That lowlife? He could never do this to me. This was never made public. That is, I asked that it not be made public... A symbol of peace that saves people with a smile.... Must never be daunted by evil. The reason I smile, is to stave off the overwhelming pressure and fear I feel. A pro should always be ready to risk his life." He pauses. "Without power, can someone become a hero? No. I should think not." With that, Midoriya can feel his dreams came crashing down on him. "A-ah..." 'I'm sorry Midoriya-kun...' (Y/n) thought. She truly believes that he can become a hero but, hearing your idol said that... He must be in so much agony.

"If you desire to help people, becoming a police officer is always an option. Those villain custody officers are often mocked but... That too, is an admirable work." All Might said while walking away. "... It's not wrong to dream. However you need to be realistic kid..." He said before closing the door. 'Gotta get this guy to...' He thought before trailing off while walking downstairs, searching in his pockets for the bottled up villain. Suddenly, a crash was heard in the distant. 'Oh no.'


"Hey, are you okay?" (Y/n) asked her friend with her hand on his back. "Y-yeah... Let's go home." The boy simply replied. "Okay..." She said and made her way down with her friend. She just met him for a few hours but she swears that if something were to happen to her new friend, she's gonna beat up everyone in this room and then herself.

While walking (Y/n) notices that her friend was in low spirit but there's nothing she can do to help. What can someone do if your biggest idol... The best of the best said that you need to have a more realistic dream? (Y/n) just kept walking, not realizing that Midoriya had stopped and began walking away another direction. When she realizes though she began catching up with him realizing where he is headed towards and then realizing what he is looking at. "Is that... The villain All Might caught? Why is it here? Did he dropped it?" She asked Midoriya. "It's my fault." He whispered to himself, putting his hand on his mouth while muttering apology and pleading a hero will come and save Bakugou.

Looking at her friend, she saw something in his eyes and it's not good. "Calm down Midoriya-kun don't do anything ra-" Before she even finishes her sentence Midoriya just ran towards the villain. Half-way through, he throws his school-bag, the stuff inside hit the villain in his already injured eye once again releasing it's victim but not letting go. (Y/n) immediately activate her Emotion Control and try to calm down the villain so at least it won't go on even bigger rampage. 'Focus on the villain (Y/n)! Just focus on the villain!' She thought.

(If you guys don't know, this Quirk affect anyone in the area. That means it will work on the civilians and heroes. Which would be awful.)

"You! Why?!" Bakugou asked, pretty pissed off at the broccoli boy. "My legs just started moving! I dunno why?!" He explained. 'If there were any number of reasons. But at that moment...' "You just looked that you needed saving!" Midoriya said with a smile and in the crowd, someone was moved.

"Does he have a death wish?!" The pro-heroes asked. "The lesson I left you with... I should practice what I preach! A HERO SHOULD ALWAYS BE READY TO RISK HIS LIFE!!! DETROIT SMASH!" Suddenly, All Might appear, taking ahold of Midoriya and Bakugou before blowing the villain away. With the smash, the weather also change and (Y/n) will finally be able to rest.

Afterwards, the heroes collected the villain's scattered body. Seems like the police manage to get him into custody. The heroes though, were really mad at Midoriya. "There was absolutely no need to put yourself in danger!!" One hero nagged at him. While Bakugou on the other hand... Got all the praise. Not to mention (Y/n) was worried sick too.

"What the heck Midoriya-kun! You got me worried sick! I know you're a true hero at heart but please at least make a plan before going into dangerous situation like that!" She yelled at him while they were walking home. "I'm sorry..." He replied, looking down 9n his feet. "No matter. At least you're safe." She said after seeing his sad face. "I'm sorry for yelling." She speak once again and patted his head. Midoriya just blushed at this, not knowing what to say. 'I wanted to apologise to All Might but... I guess I'll just leave a message on his website when I get home.' He thought when suddenly, he heard a voice screaming at him. "Hey DEKU!!" Midoriya and (Y/n) turn to see Bakugou. "I... I never asked you to save me! As if you could!! HUH! I could've beaten him myself! How dare a quirkless failure like you pity me! Trying to win me over?! Don't you dare mock me!!!" He shouted before turning away and muttering 'stupid nerd' to himself.

'Who's mocking him. Wouldn't it be easier to just say thank you? Well, I guess if he does that, it wouldn't be very Bakugou of him...' (Y/n) sweatdropped. The two continued to walked when All Might appeared from one of the alleyway with one of his famous catchphrase "I AM HERE!" "All Might?! What are you doing here? You were surrounded by reporters!" Midoriya questions him. "Shaking them off is nothing to me! After all I'm All Mig- KOFF!" His sentence was cut off with a cough and some blood before going back to his inferior form. "Kid. I've come to thank you and revise what I said earlier... I also have a proposal. Without you... I hadn't heard your story... I'd be nothing but fake muscles and insincerity." He said. 'Fake muscles?' (Y/n) thought.

Izuku's P.O.V

'That... No. I mean, it was all my fault from the start. I got in your way... Even though I'm quirkless, I dared to ask if..." "Exactly!" All Might cut me off, leaving me confuse. "Of all the people at the scene, it was you, timid and quirkless, who acted!! It was you who spurred me into action!" Hearing this, my body started trembling and sad memories resurface. "Most top heroes shows signs of greatness even as children. Many of them claim that, their body simply moved before they could think!" For some unknown reason, I remembered what my mom said.

"I'm sorry Izuku! I'm sorry!"

"That's what happened to you back there yes?!!"


'No mom, what I wanted you to say was...'



Fantasy... Become reality. I forgot to mention this but, this is the story of how they become the greatest hero of all time.


A/n - If there are any question, you are welcomed to ask.


While all the All Might and Midoriya talk is happening, (Y/n) is just waiting there in the background. Smiling. Happy that the cinnamon roll receive the encouragement from his idol. Though a part of her is wondering what she should do. 'Why do I feel like I'm the third wheel in this situation?' She thought to herself.


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