Chapter 2 : Roaring Muscle!

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Izuku's P.O.V

'The number one hero, All Might! Age, unknown! Quirk, also unknown! Ever since he appeared on the hero scene, his strength has won him undisputed popularity.'

'Every year that he's been active has seen a marked decrease in the appearance rate of villain. His existence alone is a deterrent to villains.'

'He's a man who lives up to his name as a 'Symbol Of Peace'!'

And that man said

"You can be a hero."

To me!

'Huh?! Midoriya?! No way!'

'You're totally quirkless and you think you can rub shoulders with me?!'

'There's no hope for him.'

'I'm sorry Izuku! I'm so sorry!'

It's what I always wanted to hear from anyone!

And two people said it to me! My idol and a stranger I just met!!

Could I wish for anything more?

Anything more...

"I believe you're worthy... Of inheriting my power." I heard All Might said before feeling a hand on back which I could assume (L/n)-san's. "Huh?" I looked up to him. Confused. "What's that face for?! It's a proposal!! The real work begins here. Listen my boy..." He continued while I began to stand up, (L/n)-San is next to me. "I'm asking you... If you want to try accepting my power!!" He said, with blood sputtered out of his mouth, making me even more confused. 'His power? What is All Might saying...?' I thought. "This concerns my Quirk kid. Tabloids like to guess that it's 'Super Strength' or 'Boost Power'. And I avoid answering question in interviews by making jokes. Because All Might, the 'Symbol Of Peace'... Has to come off as a natural-born hero. But my Quirk, it was passed down to me like the Olympic torch!" He said.

"Passed down... To you?! Really?!" I asked in disbelief. "Yes. And now it may be your turn." He answered. "H-h-hold on... A second!" I said before began muttering.

"To be sure, All Might's Quirk is one of the Seven Great Mysteries of the world, and there is endless debate of what it might be. There isn't a day that goes by without some new theory on the internet. But... Well... Now he says that it was passed down to him. Naturally I have no idea what he means... But, more than that, that's not even a theory anyone's proposed before. And that's mostly because we still know so little about what Quirks really are in the first place. I mean we used the term 'Quirk' to begin with because each power or characteristic is so very particular to a single person. Blah blah b-" Before I could continue babbling I felt someone shaking me. "Calm down Midoriya-kun! Snap out of it!"

"You really doubt me that much?! Nonsense!!" All Might said a little offended probably. "N-" I tried to deny but All Might cut me off. "I have many secrets but I never lie! I have the ability to transfer power... That's the Quirk I inherited. It is called One For All." "One... For All." I whispered to myself. "The first person cultivates the power... And then passed it to another. The next refines it and then passes it on again. In this way, those crying out to be saved and those with brave and true hearts... Link to form, a crystalline network of power!" He explains. "But, all this... Why... Why me?" I asked. Surely there is a more suitable successor. "You maybe quirkless, a mere hero admirer. But... Back there, you were more heroic than anyone else!" He said. "But of course, it depends on you! What do you say?!" Sniffling, I look up and rub my face. 'He's told me so much! He's divulged his greatest secret to me! Do I have a reason not to accept?! ... No!! Not at all!' I thought. "Yes. I accept." I answered without hesitation. I can feel (L/n)-san's eyes on me.

"A quick answer. I expected nothing else." All Might grinned.


I continued to walk home with (L/n)-San and grinning like an idiot. Looking at her, I realize she's also grinning. "I can't believe it! Soon you'll have your own Quirk and then your dream of becoming a hero would come true!" She happily and excitedly said. "Thanks (L/n)-San! It's also thanks to you I felt this way!" I said, remembering what she said before. Those encouragement. "Not to mention! You kinda saved me too!" I said remembering how she attacked the criminal. "Oh, that, I didn't really save you. It was All Might. I was just simply giving him more time. And hey, you can call me (Y/n)!" She said and I blushed. 'First name basis! With a girl!!' I thought. "A-are you s-sure?!" I asked and she just nodded as a reply. "T-then you can c-call me Izuku!!" I stuttered out. "Alright! Fair enough, Izuku-kun!" She said making me blush harder.

"Hey, can I have your phone number? After everything that has happened today, I think I deserved it. After all, were friends now!" She asked. "S-s-s-s-sure!" I frantically searched for my phone and give it to her. After a couple of seconds, she gave it back to me. "There, now you have my phone number and I have your phone number!" I looked at my phone with my hands shaking. 'My first phone number with a girl! A real girl!' I thought trying to cover my excited-ness. After arriving on my floor we bid each other goodbye before she goes to her own floor.

"I'm home." I shouted happily. "Izuku! You're home late today! Are you okay?" My mom asked. "Yeah! I'm fine!" I replied and go to my bedroom. "I'm gonna wash up!" I yelled through the door. "Okay!" I heard her replied before sitting on my bed. I feel my phone vibrate and when I opened it, I saw a message from (Y/n)-San.

(Y/n)🌸 : Hey! It's me!! I hope we can talk a lot!

You : Yeah! Thank you for today!

I just smiled before putting it down on my bed and going to the bathroom.

▶▶▶ Time Skip! ◀◀◀

Two days later... 6:00 a.m

I was going to the place All Might asked me to go with the ropes before I saw a silhouette with a familiar hair. "(L/n-, I mean, (Y/n)-San!" I shouted trying to get her attention. "Izuku-kun?" She turned around and wait for me to catch up. "What're you doing here?" We both ask at the same time. "You first!" We both said once again, at the same time before she burst out giggling and hearing it make me blush. "I'm just here to train my Quirk. I heard that the beach have a lot of garbage so I'm thinking of training there." She said. "Really! I'm heading there too! For the same reason." I said, shocked. "Well, great minds think alike. Let's go." She said and started to walk away with me.

"Why do you wanna train (Y/n)-San?" I asked. "The same reason as you. To become stronger and pass the U.A entrance exam!" Hearing that surprised me. "You're going too? Why didn't you tell me?!" I asked again. "Eh? I didn't tell you? I thought I did." She answered. "Well, that is why I was so excited for you! I'm sure you'll be able to pass! If we both pass we can both go to U.A together!" She gave me a blindingly bright smile. "Thank you, (Y/n)-San!" I thanked her for the encouragement.

"(Y/n)-San, I've just realised that I never know your Quirk. What is it called." I asked her. "O-oh. My Quirk... It's nothing special..." She stuttered out. "C'mon just tell me! We're friends aren't we?" I said, trying to get it out. Hearing the word friend, I can see her lips curve upward. "You know what, yeah we're friends! I shouldn't be scared to tell you anything! Before that though, promise me you won't be scared of me..." She said with her pinkies up. 'Fear her? Why would I do that?' "Okay!" I said, wrapping our fingers together. I can hear my heart hammering in my chest, embarrassed.

"My Quirk is Anaload. Or, analysis and download. This Quirk allow me to 'download' and 'analysis' Quirk. I have to learn how the Quirk function before I can use them. But of course it came with weaknesses. I can't 'download' mutant type Quirks. And I am bound by the Quirks' drawback and my own so yeah..." She explained. "Wow! That is so cool! So, in other words, you have multiple Quirks inside a Quirk?! Wow! You must be so strong!" I said excitedly. I can see that she is shocked and her face reddened a little. "Thanks, Izuku-kun!" She replied to me. Without noticing, we're already at the beach. In the middle, I can see All Might in his true form.

"Ah! Young Midoriya! I was waiting for you! And I see you brought a friend!" He said. "Yeah, I'm sorry if I'm being a nuisance. I met with Izuku-kun on the way. I didn't know he's going to train with you." She explained herself. "No worries Young (L/n)! Now that you're both here I might as well train you both!" All Might decided. "Are you sure?" (Y/n)-San asked for confirmation. "Yes!" He answered and turn into his muscle form. "Let's begin." He said before tying the rope to a fridge. Then, he gave me the rope. "Now, pull this fridge."


I tried pulling the fridge will all my might with All Might sitting on top of it. 'Who knew that receiving such power... Ain't all that easy!' I thought to myself. In the corner of my eye, I can see (Y/n)-San picking up some tires. "This fridge makes a quite comfy perch!" All Might playfully said. "A little movement would make it even better though." He said again while I fell face first into the sand. "Come on All Might... You're 274kg alone!" I sighed. "Nah, I've lost some weight. I'm just 255kg. In this form anyway." He corrected me. "Hey, why am I dragging this garbage across the beach anyway?" I asked. "Because! You're an ill-suited vessel!" His words took me by surprise. "But you said I was worthy earlier!" I said seeing that he's taking a picture of me.

"Your body. I mean your body ain't ready." He corrected himself while continue to take pictures. "My Quirk, One For All, binds physical strength of many people into one!! Your limp-noodle body isn't ready for it. Your limbs would pop right off!" He warned. "My limbs?!" I said. "Yeah, no offence to you Izuku-kun... But you're kinda limpy-noodley you know?" I heard (Y/n)-San said. "I-I see... I'm here to train my body... By hauling trash?" I asked. "YES! But that's not all! I did some research yesterday. This beach... Well this one section has been like this for years." He explained. "Yeah, something about the currents. Lots of stuff drift ashore. And people also dump their garbage here although they shouldn't. No one who live here ever come around though." I said, agreeing with All Might.

"The young heroes today only want fame and glory." He said, rubbing the top of the broken fridge. "But being a hero is all about volunteer work! No matter how unglamorous. Never forget that!" He said before crushing the fridge like it was nothing. "Let's bring back the beautiful ocean view!" He crushed the fridge completely. "This is the first step. On your path to becoming a hero!" "My first step is... Cleaning up?! All this..." I looked around the beach, noticing that (Y/n)-San is picking up three radiators all at once using her Quirk. "Young Midoriya, you want to get into U.A, right?" He asked me. "Yeah?! Yeah!! Because you went to U.A All Might. If I can, I definitely want to go to U.A. And now that (Y/n)-San is here, I'll have two reason to go..." I answered. "You blind fanboy!! Like I said before, it's not possible for someone who's quirkless. It's sad but true. That's reality." He turned away from me. "Not to mention, U.A's hero course is the toughest there is! So..." Behind him I can see (Y/n)-San summoning a spear and cut through some air conditioning to make it smaller. Easier for her to pick up.

"I've got ten months before the entrance exam... I gotta mold my body into a suitable vessel by then...!" I give my attention back to All Might. "That's what this is for!! My self-designed 'Pass The Test American Dream' plan!!" All Might said, holding sheets of papers in his hand. "A training regimen to help you clean up the garbage and then some! You can chart up your entire lifestyle with this!" He continued. "You even planned how much sleep I get..." I looked through the papers. There's meal plan, set plan and scheduled for everyday! "To be frank, this'll be super tough. Think you can handle it?" All Might asked me. "Well, yeah. I know I had to work way harder than anyone else!"

So began ten hellish months! I'm using muscles I didn't even know I had. Sometimes (Y/n)-San will just stand on the sidelines cheering me on. It's hard. And ten months of this?! I've started losing focus in class, my sleeping schedule was pretty bad and I continue the train no matter what the weather is. I began training out of the schedule too. I can see that (Y/n)-San has also become a little worried about me. But, even so, I kept pushing myself until one day... I collapse.

"Izuku-kun!" I heard (Y/n)-San stopped her jog and come over to me. "Hey hey what's wrong?! Only three more months!! You're not gonna make it! You wanna quit!? You wanna take a break today?!" I heard All Might yelled at me. I just kept my face on the ground, wheezing. "Hey, are you okay?" (Y/n)-San asked me. "Did you overworked yourself?" She asked me again. "My 'Pass The Test American Dream' plan, I designed it based on what you'd need to do with your body specifically to make it before the exam date... And you haven't been following it." ... I've been caught. "Overdoing it is not good either!! Don't you wanna pass?!" He asked. "But I don't wanna just pass. I have to work harder than anyone else to make it. I'll never catch up otherwise! I wanna be like you! Like you, the strongest hero!!" I said to him. He suddenly went from his true form to his muscle form. "You!! You blind fanboy!! Such dumb zeal... That's exactly what I wanted to hear!" He said, picking me up from the ground. "I get where you're coming from but this is no time to panic! This old man will modify the plan for you!" He said.

So it went... After that, I kept doing my best to train and become a worthy vessel. Sometimes, (Y/n)-San came to check up on me, making sure I was alright. She also make sure that I got healed if I'm hurt anywhere. She's truly is kind. I'm glad we became friends...


Three months later.
Exam day - 6 a.m

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I yelled from the top of my lungs on top of all the garbage I've cleaned up. "You made it just in time! And exceeded my expectations! Oh my... Oh my... Goodness!" I heard All Might said before turning into his muscle form with (Y/n)-San beside him. I feel all my muscle give out and fell. Fortunately, All Might managed to catch me before I hit the ground. "All Might... (Y/n)-San...!! I did it... I did it!" I proudly and tiredly said. "Astounding! You're a real entertainer and a teen no less!" He praised me. "Yeah! Good job Izuku-kun! Now the beach looks more beautiful than ever. Not only you did the one section you're supposed too, you did beyond the assignment! Look at it! Not a trash left!" (Y/n)-San agreed. "Here take a look." All Might put me down before showing me a picture. "What's this...?" I asked before realizing what it was. "It's you, ten months ago. Excellent work truly!" He said.

"The path is ever-so-slightly clearer. But you're a true blue-vessel now!" All Might proudly said. I looked at my hands before feeling guilty. "Feels like... I cheated... Though... Getting all this help from you. All Might. I've been blessed!" I cried out, sobbing. "But you gotta quit being a crybaby! Anyway, time for the awards ceremony, Izuku Midoriya." He said while I rubbed my face. "You know what they say, there's a big difference between being born with that silver spoon and working your butt off to earn it. Take this to heart, kid. You've earn this power fair and square." 'It's like a twist right out of a comic book within my reach.' I clench my hand. He plucked a strand of his hair before giving it to me. "Eat this." It took me by surprise and I can see (Y/n)-San looked like she was about to laugh. "Really doesn't matter what you eat as long as you got my DNA! Now hurry!" He explained. "Not exactly how I thought it would go..." I replied. Anyway, the entrance exam is in three hours!


A/n- Sorry for any grammatical and spelling errors!


(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I went home after dropping Izuku-kun on his floor before continuing to go on my floor. I unlocked the door, take off my shoe and get in my house. "Honey, I'm home." I said expecting a reply before realizing. "Oh wait, I live alone. Lol." I said to myself kinda grateful that nothing answered my calls or else would it be scary or what? I go to my bedroom immediately looking at my phone, specifically at the five phone number in my phone. Three of them is for food, while the other are my mom and my new friend! I look at his phone number before deciding to text him.

You : Hey! It's me! I hope we can talk a lot!

I waited for a few second before getting a reply.

Izuku-kun🍮 : Yeah! Thank you for today!

I smiled at his reply before charging my phone. And then I plop myself on the bed. 'What should I eat today?' I thought to myself.


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