Chapter 3 : Entrance Exam

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3rd Person P.O.V

"C'mon Izuku-kun! Today's the day!!" (Y/n) yelled excitedly at her friend while running. The adrenaline was just too much for her. Her heart is beating hard and the smile on her face never falter for even a micro-second! "Yeah!" Her friend, Izuku replied. He's excited too but he's pretty worried that they were going to be late for the entrance exam and if the hair (one that he ate.) was actually doing anything. After a couple of minute, they saw the high-school in all it's glory. It's the school of the hour! 'Today, I would take the practical portion of the general entrance exam in U.A!! There was no time to test out the power that All Might had given me. I ate that hair but does it really do anything? It taste kinda sour too...' He thought when he hears a familiar scream from behind him. "Move aside Deku!" Izuku looked behind and saw him. "Kacchan!" "Get out of my way or you're dead!" Bakugou shouted again before looking at (Y/n). "You too stupid extra!"

While Izuku was frantically saying stuff to Bakugou, (Y/n) just look at Bakugou and smiled. 'What a tsundere.' Izuku-kun and (Y/n) continued walking while (Y/n) is nerve wreck havoc inside. 'Oh my god... Why am I so excited for this?! Or is it anxious?! Oh I don't know but I feel like screaming right now!' She thought before yelling a silent scream, gaining unwanted attention including her dear friend. "(Y/n)-San are you okay?" He asked kinda worried. (I mean... Anyone normal who never know any fangirl would be worried.) "A-ah, sorry Izuku-kun. I got caught in all the excitement. It's overwhelming me!" She answered, smiling widely. 'Stop it (Y/n) you're being weird in public! Repress those feelings!!' She thought to herself. "O-oh. I see. Well it is exciting! I got my Quirk and now, I have a chance to get into U.A! Where All Might once go to!" Izuku replied this time it's his turn to fanboy.

The two just kept walking among other students when Izuku tripped over his own feet, but before he can hit the ground, he suddenly floats. "Are you okay?" A brown haired girl with pink rosy cheek asked. "Derp!" Is the only thing he manages to croak out before the girl puts him back on the ground. "It's my Quirk! Sorry for stopping you but... Well, it's a bad omen to trip and fall." She said. "Thank you for saving him. He's pretty clumsy at times." (Y/n) chirped in (like a third Wheeler.) seeing that her friend is having quite the trouble processing a sentence to talk to the lovely girl. "Yeah, no problem! I understand the feeling! It sure is nerve-wracking!" The girl replied. "Ya... Uh... Um..." Izuku manage let out some noises that probably meant 'Um... I, YEAH!' Or something like that. The girl walks away from the duo saying "Good luck to the two of you!" To which (Y/n) replied. "Thanks! Good luck to you too! I hope we all will succeed!"

"Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked her friend whose face is gleaming with happiness. "You're so innocent Izuku-kun!" She said after seeing his excited and happy face. "W-what do you mean?" He asked. "Well, if you're this excited, happy and shy while talking to a girl, just imagine how you would look when you kiss someone!" She giggled, while imagining his red face. A dirty thought comes to her mind. 'He's definitely a bottom.' She shakes her head. 'Get your head out of the gutter! I did not raise you this way!' She thought again while furiously shaking her head. 'Is this one of those moments again?' Izuku thought to himself when he sees her friends behavior. (Y/n) looked at her friend with a dejected look. "I'm sorry Izuku-kun... I don't deserve to be your friend... I'm such a trash friend." She said while looking down dramatically and a spotlight suddenly appear out of nowhere. "W-what are you saying?!" Izuku asked, suddenly worried about his friend's behavior. "It's nothing Izuku-kun... Let's go inside." She said.

Once they were inside and go to their respective seats, they saw Present Mic on the stage with a big screen behind him. (Y/n) sat beside Izuku who is beside Bakugou. "Welcome to todays live performance! Everybody say 'HEY'!!" Present Mic yelled on top of the stage! Unfortunately, the only one who answers his call is our dear (Y/n). She quickly puts cover her mouth in horror of what she's done, her face is so red that red #973e44 or Cinnabar would be ashamed of themselves. She could sense all the audiences eyes on her while some was snickering and judging her. 'This is it. This is it. I'm gonna kill myself." She thought. "Well, that's cool, my examinee listeners! I'm here to present of your practical!! Are you ready?!" Present Mic continued as if nothing happened. And once again, silence ensues.

"It's the Voice Hero, Present Mic. Wow!! I listened to his radio show every week. It's inspiring. Guess all the U.A teachers are pro heroes." Izuku began to mutter with adoration and excitement while (Y/n) is slowly dying in her seat. "Calm down Izuku... You're gonna disturb others." (Y/n) silently remind him while Bakugo tell him to shut up. "This is how the testing will go my listeners! You'll be experiencing ten-minutes-long 'Mock Cityscapes-Maneuvers!!" Bring along whatever you want! After this presentation, you'll each head to your assigned testing location!! O.K!!" Present Mic explained with a lot of enthusiasm that of course, was not the same as the examinee. (Y/n) looked at her paper read the information. 'Examinee #42069, Site B...' "That's so the kids from the same middle-school can't help each other out, yeah?" Bakugou asked CALMLY TO DEKU!! (I was mind blown at this.)
"And why consecutive I.D numbers are assigned to different location." Izuku answered. "I'll crush them all. But you get to live another day." Bakugou suddenly said and Izuku just kept silent. (He's back)

"Each site is filled with three kinds of faux villains. Points are awarded for each according to their respective difficulty levels!! Use your quirks to disable these faux villains... And earn points! That's your goal listeners!! Of course, playing the anti-hero and attacking other examinees is strictly prohibited!!" Present Mic continued to explain. Things were silent for a few second before some random NPC decided to ask a question. "There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villains on this handout! Such a blatant error if this is one, it is highly unbecoming for U.A, Japan's top academy! We're all here today in hopes of being molded into model heroes!!" One of the examinees asked and suddenly, he points at Izuku. "And you! With the curly hair. You've been muttering this whole time... It's distracting. If this is some sort of game to you, then please. Leave immediately!" He shouted. 'Dang, who eat your last pizza slice? Oh wait, is he talking about Izuku-kun? How dare he?!' (Y/n) thought to herself, glaring the boy.

"Alright, alright! Examinee #7111, nice catch. Thanks! But the fourth faux villain variety gets you zero points! He's more of an obstacle! Have you all played Super Mario Brothers? That old retro game? It's kind of like a thwomp! Only one at each site! It's a gimmick that'll rampage around in close quarters!" He explained to the audiences. "That's all from me!! I'll leave my listeners with our school motto. The great hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said, 'True heroism consist in being superior to ills of life. Plus Ultra'! Break a leg, everyone!" He end his speeches.

Jump cut to the designated site.

(Y/n) was going to Izuku's designated site to give him a last good luck before they began their test using her cloud transportation when he sees Izuku approaching the girl that saves him. (Y/n) feels proud at him for trying something that to him (and her too), requires a lot of courage. She hopped off her cloud and went to him. But before any of them manages to get to their destination, Izuku was stopped by the boy from before. "Why are you here? Hoping to interfere?" He asked Izuku, catching people's eyes. (Y/n) heard these people who are supposed to be hero, mocking him and she can't take it.

"Hey! Stop making fun of him! Weren't you guys supposed to be future heroes?" She asked but it didn't stop there. "And you sir," She pointed at the dude who was taunting Izuku. "Just because he looks vulnerable and diffident doesn't mean that he's meant to interfere with everything! If this is how you guys act to those you thought lower than you, with mockery and ridicule, you guys don't deserve to be heroes. You know why? Cause heroes like you might just made an increase to villains. Heroes are suppose to be someone who help someone in need. Someone who change one's life for the better. Someone who encourage another to succeed. Someone who sees that all life is precious and should be protected. A hero is someone who puts others before themselves. A hero has good moral ethics, and is someone who does things for the sake of being good, and not just a means to an end, or a reward for good deeds. A hero is someone who prepare to put their life on the line." She finishes her speech, looking at the boy dead in the eye. Her aura dominating the atmosphere. "No one is perfect, I know. But maybe you should talk to him nicely rather shaming him in front of everyone." She said softly but her eyes holds determination and sincerity. Just as she finishes, she heard Present Mic yelled "... And begin!!"

Flustered over the fact that she's been blabbing and the test is starting, she goes to Izuku, patted his head and said good luck. And then she goes to the nice girl from before, patting her head and said good luck to her too before glaring at the rest of the contestant while the brunette just look at her in awe and admiration. She summons her cloud back and zoomed to her designated site. "Whats wrong?! The test's started! Run run! The die is cast!" Present Mic yelling to snap them out of their trance.

Once (Y/n) arrived at her site she immediately going for the middle of the city since assuming if they don't have any speedy Quirk, it will be awhile till anyone arrive there. On her way she immediately find three three pointer and two one pointer. Using analysis, she summons a spear and pierce them. Giving her 11 points right of the bat. She continued her quest searching more and leaving one pointers behind for the others. She looked all around her. It's chaos. Robot remains and rubbles everywhere. Some of the participants are absolutely killing it and some of them is kinda trying. She continues to search for more faux villain to destroy, her target was mostly on three pointers of course but beggars can't be choosers.

As she was passing by a couple participants she notice a three pointer aiming their weapon at a participant. Guided by reflexes, she put up a barrier between him and the bullets. After that, uses her spear to destroy it and then she turned around. The boy have slick blond hair, styled so that it's parted to the left, his bangs left hanging over his right eye. His irises are a periwinkle purple and his pupils white. The bullets was not real of course. It was paintball. (This is just my theory. It's not Cannon I don't think.) "Are you okay? Be more mindful about your surrounding and don't let your guard down if you wanna past this test!" She yelled worriedly. "Yeah, thank you." The boy simply said. (Y/n) nod and smile before continuing on her search. Her current point at 42.

On her quest, she manages to help a couple more people. 4 minutes left remaining when the big boy shows up. "Everyone! Get out of the way! It's the zero point faux villain!" (Y/n) screamed shamelessly to make sure people realizes that the thwomp had arrive. She was wondering when they would show up. The people scattered around to get away from the zero pointer including (Y/n). After a minute, she decided something. 'Big and strong but slow.' (Y/n) thought. She was planning on destroying the zero pointer. Why? Because it's annoying. Oh, and yeah, it put the participants in danger. So, she uses her analysis to find where their weaknesses are and make sure there is no other contestant in that area. After finding out that it's the 8 circle on their face, she summons eight spears, sturdier and slightly thicccker. She aims it at the faux villain, hitting all the target. But her right arm is going to cramp later. Her action confused everyone that was there, watching. Especially the ones she didn't see. 'Why did she do that? What is the point? No one was hurt? So why did she waste her energy like that? No one has ever did that.' The people behind the screen asked.

After finishing the the villain off, she continue to search for faux villain to destroy when suddenly she hears a loud noise. 'It wasn't coming from here, it was probably at the other sites... I hope Izuku-kun is okay...' She thought to herself. Then, she hears Present Mic yelling. "It's all... OVER!!" 'Really? How many points did I get? Oh my mint chocolate chip! I completely forgot! Was it 30? Was it 40? Argh! I'll just have to hope that it's enough...' She sigh, she can already feel her muscle cramping. On her way out Present Mic come over to her. "Hey! Are you (L/n) (F/n)?" He asked. "Y-yeah...?" She replied. "Can you come with me?" He asked her again. And of course that is not what you want to hear from a test instructor so naturally, (Y/n) freaked out. "S-sure..." She said while her mind is all over the place. 'What the cheesecake did I do wrong this time? Did I accidentally hit others with my Quirk? Was defeating the big villain-bot a wrong thing to do?' She thought while following Present Mic until they were in a dark room.

Present Mic ask her to stay in the middle of the room and then he goes up the podium. 'Why does this feels, like a trial?!' She thought, freaking out even more. "Sorry for the inconvenience Miss (L/n), we just have a question for you. Don't worry, you are not in trouble, in fact, you did very well!" She hears a voice said. "I um uh.. T-thank you..?" She said, kinda confused and of course relieved. "We saw what you did with the zero point faux villain. We told you it was there just because but you went and took it down anyway... Why did you do that? No one was hurt or trapped in that thing's way? So why did you waste your energy and time too take down that thing?" The voice asked. "O-oh... It was just- I just- I think that if the villain continue to roam around like that, someone would get hurt. So I took it down before they got the chance to hurt anybody... And not to mention they're kinda annoying... So yeah..." She explained, a million thoughts running in her head. She heard the people up there whispering and she can't hold herself. "I-I'm sorry... Did I do something wrong? Was I not supposed to destroy the villain-bot?" She asked with all her courage. "No, you did nothing wrong, we were simply wondering. That's all. Thank you for your time. You may leave." The voice said once again. "Thank you." (Y/n) said, bowing down and walks away to the exit. But before she completely out of the room, the voice said "Oh, and Miss (L/n), your friend is resting in the infirmary." "O-oh, thank you!" She walked out the door.

Once she's out of the room she releases a deep breathe she didn't realize she's holding and began walking to the infirmary, worried about her friend. "What is he doing in the infirmary? Did he get hurt? That guy is always overdoing himself...' She thought to herself. Once she's there, she knocked on the door. Once she here a 'come inside' she, well... Goes inside. The Recovery Girl saw her and smiled. "Ah, you must be (L/n) (F/n)! Someone told me you're going to come for Midoriya Izuku." She said, taking a tube. "Here, have a pez! You've done a great job today!" She gave her a pez. "Oh, thank you! What happened to Izuku-kun?" (Y/n) asked looking at her friend's face. Recovery Girl shows her the video of the moment. 'Oh... So that is where the noise was coming from.' She thought to herself, the worried expression never left her face. "He's alright now, he's just tired. Broken legs and a right are consumes a lot of energy to be fixed." Recovery Girl explained. "Broken legs? And right arm?!!" (Y/n) shouted-whisper. "Yes, but he's alright now. Don't worry. He's gonna be waking up soon." Just as she finishes her sentence, Izuku began stirring before jolting up. "Izuku-kun! Are you okay?!" (Y/n) worriedly asked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine... Where am I?" He asked pretty confused. "You're in the infirmary..." (Y/n) answered. "Do... Do you remember what happened?" She asked. She can see Izuku's lips quivering before she was pushed aside (gently) by Recovery Girl because she wanted to check up on him before letting him leave.

After Recovery Girl make sure that Izuku is fine, she let him leave after giving him a few pez. While walking away from U.A, the duo just kept silent. No one said anything, but then... "Hey, what happened? Tell me?" (Y/n) asked once more. "Are you okay?" "I-I... I failed the entrance exam..." Izuku quietly said, his eyes brimming with tears. "What makes you say that...?" (Y/n) asked, afraid of what's to come. "I got zero point in the practical exam..." The tears started flow down his eyes. His friend just looked at him with sympathy and disbelief. At that point, she doesn't know what anything she says will make anything better, so, she did the thing that always made her feel better. She hugged him. Putting his head on her shoulder and wrapping her hands around his waist. "It's okay... You did your best. And you saved someone's life. I'm sure she'll appreciate that very much. Don't worry, you're still a hero in my heart. I know that's probably very little comparing to what you want but, right now, that's all I can give. No matter what you do next. I will support you. I promise." She whispers to him, rubbing circles on his back and whisper more encouraging things.

Today was a hectic day...


A/n - Wouldn't it be funny if after (Y/n) said that she'll support him no matter what he decided to do next, he becomes a villain? That is, if he doesn't actually get into U.A. Making (Y/n) break her promise and when they met each other he'll be like "You said you're going to support me no matter what I do next." With a sad face. And you can see (Y/n)'s face falter a little before stoning back. Then, she'll be like, "I know Izuku... And I'm sorry... But what you're doing is wrong! I know you're hurting and I want to help. But hurting others isn't right. You know that right? Please Izuku-kun... Come back to me..." This time she let's out her emotion because of how much she trust Izuku and completely let down her guard. Her heart ache seeing her beloved friend hurting like this and hurting others because he can't control his emotion. She should've been a better friend. And this time, you can see Izuku's face falter. He just wants to be in her arms so much... He misses her. He misses his friend...

Wouldn't it be crazy if that happens?! Jk jk lol. That'll never happen....



After Izuku is saved by the brunette using her Quirk . He began to try to move despite the circumstances that most of his limbs are in.

'Please... Please... (Y/n)-San believed in me... All Might believed in me... They believed that I'm worthy to be a hero! So please...'

"At least one point!!"

"IT'S ALL... OVER!!!"

'I'm sorry... I'm sorry (Y/n)... I guess I won't be able to go to U.A with you... I'm sorry All Might... I think you made the wrong choice...' He sobbed out. 'I'm so sorry...'


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