Chapter 4 : The Starting Line

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3rd Person P.O.V

The following days was mostly boring. Our main characters doing their usual stuff except this time, Izuku is much more stressed. (Y/n) have been coming to his house pretty often to hang out and make him feel a little better but he seems to be out of it for the most part. And soon, it was the day before the U.A acceptance result. That evening, (Y/n) goes to Izuku's house for a hang out and to encourage him a bit. She rings the bell and waited for Inko, Izuku's mother to invite her in. Once she got the 'OK pass' she turn the doorknob and get in. "Hello Inko-san! How are you today?" She asked the mother. "I'm fine how are you today? Did you eat?" Inko asked back. "Oh, I haven't just yet but I'm planning to after this." She smiled gently. "I'm sorry but did anyone ever tell you that you look beautiful today?" (Y/n) compliments from the bottom of her heart. And just like her son, she seems a little flustered at this. "A-ah. Thank you. You always made me feel a little better about myself." She thanked her. "Ah, no worries. I'm simply telling the truth!" (Y/n) smiled.

"May, I ask... Is Izuku okay?" (Y/n) asked about her friend's condition. "Well yes! It's all thanks to you. He's been better. Compared to the first day after the entrance exam, he is much better now. His appetite is still not there but he's been working out! And it's all thanks to you." Inko answered. "Thank you, but I'm sure that you helped a lot too. He is lucky to have such good mother." (Y/n) replied back. "I-Izuku is in his room! You're welcome to join us for lunch today!" Inko invited. "Thank you! But maybe next time. I'm actually here for just a bit. I have some errands to take care of. Thank you for the invite though! I'll make sure to keep my schedule free next time!" (Y/n) smiled and walked away to Izuku's room.

When she's there, she knocked on the door in a familiar pattern. Immediately, the person residing in the room said 'come in!', opening the door she go in and see a familiar broccoli hair. "Hey, Izuku-kun! What'chu doing?" She asked, as always. "Just watching All Might..." He answered as always. "Again?" She said. "I can't help myself... He's so cool!" He replied. "Hey... I think you're cool too!" She patted his head, unknown to her how much he cherished the hair pat and unknown to him how much she loves his fluffy hair. "I know you do!" He said smiling while looking at her. "That's good! Cause I want you to know!" She grinned at him. Their eyes met and in the heat of the moment she asked. "Are you okay? How're you feeling today?" "I feel better. Although tomorrow is the day." He replied. "Don't worry about it. I don't know why but I get the feeling that you're gonna get in!" She tried to encourage him.

"Why do you think so?" He asked wondering. He totally failed the practice entrance exam, how can he get into such prestige school? "Because you're a true hero at heart!" She immediately answers. Without a doubt in a heartbeat. "U.A won't give up someone like you!" She grinned. It has been a few times that she said he is a true hero. And no matter how many times she say it, it'll still make him feel good. "Don't worry too much about it. Try to take care of your health okay?" She ruffles his hair. "I need to go now, I have a lot to do today." She said and prepared to leave. "Okay!" He said feeling somehow energized. (Y/n) open the door to leave but before she closes it she heard Izuku said. "(Y/n)-San... Thank you for supporting me!" She just smiled at his word. "Your welcome! That's what friends are for!" She replied and close the door. Happily, she skips her way out of Izuku's house, of course, not before talking to Inko.

(If you're easily bored, you should skip this part altogether. Cause this is basically just (Y/n) making something for Izuku. If you want the recipe just ask!)

When she's out, she continue to walk to the grocery store. There's a lot for her to do today. (Try to guess what she's making!) First, she went to the bakery to find all purpose flour, butter, food coloring, baking chocolate, cake flour, butters and many more. Then, she went to the supermarket to buy eggs, milk, vegetable oil, berries, other fruit and some snacks for herself. After that, she went to her favourite food restaurant and get the usual. Once she's done, she goes to her favourite ice cream shop. There, she ask to buy three tub of different type of ice cream. Then, she immediately went home before the ice cream melt. When she's home, she set up the ingredients on the kitchen counter and set to work. Using her Quirk she was able to multitask at once. Sifting the flour and cocoa powder while beating the eggs. Adding the sugar while greasing the pans. You get the idea.

When she's done with the first batter, she puts them in a 23 diameter circular pan. Then she set the timer and heat. She continues to her next batter. While finishing the batter, she washes the dishes from her first batter. You might think it's easy but oh boy! You're wrong. It acquires a lot of concentration and focus going one. She needs to make sure that the dishes are clean. She's using the right ingredient and the batter turns out perfect. All in all, it's a great training while baking. A lot of benefits! Once she's done with the second batter and put it in an 18.5 cm diameter circular Pan and into the oven. Then, she started her third and last batter. This one is will be pretty hard for her since it's her first time. After trying her best, she put the last batter in a tube Pan and put it into the oven.

She takes a break for at least thirty minutes before continuing her mission. She set out all the now ready cakes on the thankfully clean countertop and started the favourite part. First, she take the first cake and set in on a plate before cutting the cake in half. In the middle, she puts melted caramel and drizzle it with dark chocolate to counter the over sweetness. Then, she puts back the other top half before covering the cake with whipped cream.

Second, she cut the second cake into three parts and put cream cheese with a thin layer of strawberry jam and strawberry pieces between the parts. The same as last time, she covered them with whipped cream. Lastly, she just put the cake on top of the second cake after making sure the whipped cream covering are smooth. As well as the other two. For the final touch, she decided to decorate the first layer of cake with dark chocolate shaving and chocolate chunks. The second layer, berries and the last layer with some macaroons.

Yeah, she's done it! Her three layered Napoleon Cake! The first layer, chocolate. The second layer, strawberry shortcake and the last layer on the very top, Angel food cake! She is very proud of her creation this time. She decided to put the final touch, which is the ice cream, tomorrow.

(You can stop skipping now! It's the end of the grocery shopping arc!)


The next evening, she can't help but be nervous since today is the day she got her result. She kept pacing around her living room waiting for the letter. No matter how much she tell herself to calm down, she just can't. Her heart beating so fast. Her knees weak, arms heavy and trembling. She went to her front door and find a letter... Not just any letter, THE letter. She ran towards it, take it and goes to her room. She looked at the letter for a few second. Scared of what she might read. Confidence is NOT her forte. She gripped the letter and open it, to find a device. She looked at it and suddenly, the device flashed. Shocked, she let go if the device and it fell on her table. "THIS! IS A PROJECTION!" She hears a familiar voice. "All Might?" She said softly. 'Oh my cookie dough... They are so advanced.' "Hello! Young (L/n)! How are you today? I hope you're feeling fine because it was going to be even better! As you know, you've done greatly on the written exam, but that alone won't be enough if you want to be a hero! After the practical exam, you've manage to acquire a total of 43 points. That alone shouldn't be enough for you to pass..." Hearing those words, (Y/n) felt her heart sink. 'Well, at least I tried my best. There's always another job.' She thought to herself already making peace with the fact. "But fortunately! This exam you see.. We weren't just watching for villain-based points!! Your quick thinking and compassion have helped you a lot through this exam! You kept jumping in to help anyone you can during the test and even think ahead before anyone could get hurt! And for that... You gained 34 rescue points! Giving you 77 point in total!" The hologram pause. (Y/n) can feel her heart skipped a beat and her stomach making backflips. "You're in." Hearing those words make her smile so wide it hurts. "Come, Young (L/n). This is your hero academy!" Immediately (Y/n) yelled a shrieking yell and jumped with euphoria. 'I can't believe this! I got in. I. GOT. IN! WHAT THE COTTON CANDY!!' She thought to herself. Then she remembers Izuku. 'I must go see him.' She thought.

She went upstairs and to Inko's house and knocked. When the door was open by none other that Izuku himself, (Y/n) can't hold herself back and hugged him. "I got in." She simply said before letting him go. "Did you get in?" She asked in hope that he will say yes. "Yes." That one word sent Izuku crying and (Y/n) into fangirl mode so hard she hugged him again. "Wait here, Izuku-kun." She told him and run to her floor to take his gift. She came back as fast as she goes while panting. "Congratulations! I know you could do it! Here, it's for you!" "(Y/n)-San! You shouldn't have!" He said looking at the cake. "I know but I just want to give you something you know!" She grinned. "So, what're you waiting for? Let's eat cake! This call for a celebration!" She said. "Y-yeah!" Izuku invite her in and the three eat the cake. (Inko is crying of happiness of course!)


A/n - I know this chapter is pretty boring and short. Not a lot happened. It's basically a filler chapter to end the Entrance Exam Arc before going into the School Arc. If you have any idea to make this chapter more interesting, please comment and maybe I'll edit this chapter.


After finish eating the cake (Of course there's leftover and (Y/n) decided to bring it home with her.) And cleaning up the dishes, (Y/n) was ready to go home when Izuku asked her to go to the beach from before. (Y/n) not thinking too much about it just follow along. On their way there Izuku and (Y/n) was chatting about the life in U.A. How exciting it will be. Suddenly, Izuku went silent. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked her friend. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that... I feel so blessed right now. To have you by my side. Supporting me and believing in me even when I don't believe in myself. Not to mention, I got a lot of help from All Might. I just felt like I was cheating. Getting a lot of help from the both of you." He confesses.

"What are you talking about? When did I actually helped you? I didn't make your body a worthy vessel. You did that to yourself through hard work and pure determination. You deserve it. You work hard to get it. You don't need to feel guilty or in debt with any of us. And just like I said before, I'll continue to support you to the right path. And if you somehow stray away, I'll make sure to smack your head to bring you back." She replied. Izuku didn't know why but hearing this, he felt relief. "Yes. Please do." He smiled. It was a very beautiful smile.


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