Chapter 18 : Heroes Counterattack!

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3rd Person P.O.V

"I had a bad feeling. So I cut my talk with the principal short and came right away. Then I ran into Iida on the way. He told me the gist of what's going on here." He explained the situation to no one in particular. 'And it made my blood boil. You kids must've been so scared. And my colleagues... Did their best..! However! That exactly why I have to stand tall and declare...' He monologued. "Fear not. I. Am here." All Might said and everyone instantly felt relieved. 'All Might! He's here!' (Y/n) thought, crying the tears of happiness and relief before rubbing her face. "I've been waiting hero, you're a worthless trash." The handy villain mocked him. All Might jumped from the entrance and easily knocked out the villains near the entrance and grabbing Aizawa-sensei. Putting Aizawa-sensei down gently and muttering an apology, he turned towards Nomu and the students. He jumped pass the villains and scooping the students away, bumping into the handy guy and knocking the hand on his face intentionally.

"Everyone, to the entrance. Take Aizawa to the entrance. He's unconscious so hurry!" All Might ordered while Mineta was confused. "It's no use, All Might! That brain villain! One fo- I mean, my attack wasn't strong enough to break my own arm but... He didn't even flinch! Up against that.. You..." Izuku said, trying to warn All Might. "Young Midoriya. Fear not!" All Might said, smiling like his usual self and giving a peace sign and preparing to attack. "All Might. Be careful. That thing is called Nomu and it's a weapon that specially designed to defeat and withstand your attacks." (Y/n) said. "Thank you. (Y/n) for your concern. But I'll be fine. Cause that's what heroes do! Carolina... Smash!" And he attacked the Nomu and the students walked away with Aizawa-sensei on a cloud (Y/n) summoned.

"How'd a suplex make an explosion like that? All Might is on a whole different league!" Mineta admired. (Y/n) was currently healing her teacher's arm. 'It's gonna take awhile. His bones are reduced to splinters. And I don't have much energy left. But it should be enough for his arms and I can just heal a little on his face.' (Y/n) thought, glancing at Izuku once in awhile. 'He's thinking about it huh? Well, can't say I blamed him. I wanna go too. All Might shouldn't be here. He already passed his limit for today.' She looked back at Aizawa-sensei, his right arm is fixed. She moves on to his left and does the same thing. Half-way on the face, she can feel something trailing down her nose, and when she look at it, she realizes that her nose is bleeding. 'How inconvenient.' She thought cringing at herself. "Calm down Izuku-kun. Just a little bit more and you can go." (Y/n) said, hinting that she knows what he's about to do. After 30 seconds or more, she finishes her job. Just enough that Aizawa-sensei could have more time. "Tsuyu-chan, take care of Aizawa-sensei would you? Izuku-kun and I have something to do. Thanks." She said and before Tsuyu even got the chance to asked what she's doing, they bolt to All Might. "Let's go! Izuku-kun!" She said while running to their death probably.

Just before they managed to reach Kurogiri, Bakugo arrived there first, slamming his fist onto his neck and bashing it to the ground while shouting "Get. The hell outta here! You're not all that. You misty mook!!" With the normal madness in his eyes. At the same time, half of Nomu's upper body got frozen and Todoroki appearing saying "So, I heard you people are here to kill All Might. But scum like you could never kill the SymBol Of Peace". Then Kirishima appeared and attacked the hand guy, Shigaraki Tomura but sadly, he evaded the attack. "Crap!I almost got him! Kirishima exclaimed. "Bakugo-kun! Todoroki-kun! Kirishima-kun!" (Y/n) yelled, surprised by their sudden appearances. She then took notice of Nomu's claw, imbedding themself in All Might's surgery wound. Ignoring the sense of dread, (Y/n) uses the telekinetic Quirk and try to pry Nomu's hand open. "Oh no you don't you bird thing! Let him go!" (Y/n) grunted out. It was hard to losen this guy's grip but thanks to Todoroki's Ice, the guy was a bit weaker. "Kacchan! Guys...!" Midoriya called out, also surprised by their sudden appearance.


A/n - Sorry! Again. With the short chapter. I thought this time I could do a longer one but sadly, the manga chapter 18 was only 19 pages long. Usually, I need 20 pages to made a 1000 word chapter so yeah.


(Y/n) can feel the sense of relief washed over her. She cried. Not surprising of course, I also cried when reading that part. After she was saved by All Might, she kinda know that she's going to end up going back there again as she knew Izuku was gonna run back there like a rash hero that he is. She's not gonna stop him this time cause she's gonna follow him. A friend won't let their friends do anything dumb... Alone. If she can't stop him, might as well just join him to see the end of it. She summons a cloud and told Izuku and Mineta to put him GENTLY on it. And then, she started the healing process. Usually, for a normal broken bone, it only takes a few second to fix but in this case, its gonna take a couple of minutes and she wasn't sure if Izuku could waot that long so she takes the alternative of pushing herself. Using almost all the energy she have left, she manafe to fix Aizawa-sensei up pretty fast. In four minute, she's done. And so, she and Izuku make their way to try and helo All Might. 'Here we come villains.' She thought. What an adrenaline rush!


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