Chapter 19 : All Might!

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3rd Person P.O.V

Nomu loosen their grip thanks to Todoroki's ice and (Y/n) pull. All Ight uses this as an opportunity to escape it claw. "Scums like you... Could never kill the Symbol of Peace." Todoroki said. Now, they're all kinda waiting for the villain's next move. "You've pinned down our way out... Well... This is a problem.." Shigaraki said tiredly. "You slipped up you bastard. And it's just like I thought. The parts you can turn into that foggy warp gate are limited. And you're using that misty crap to hide your real body yeah?! Am I right?! If your whole body was mist and physical attacks don't work, you'd never sat, 'That was a close one'!" Bakugo mockingly asked, grinning like a madman. The warp guy, Kurogiri, grunt and tried something but was threatened by Bakugo. "Don't move! If I decide you're doing anything fishy, I'll blow you straight to the kingdom come!" "That's not very hero-like, dude." Kirishima commented on his behavior. "Not only you have beaten our level, but you're all at full health... Today's kids really are something... Our league of villains should be ashamed." Shigaragi suddenly said. 'What is he planning? Is he trying to stall for time? Did he know that All Might can't maintain his form fo long? I can tell that he's irritated but why is he acting so aloof?' Questions ran through (Y/n)'s as she observed the guys' behavior.

"Nomu, take out the explosive brat. We need our escape route back." Shigaraki ordered and the Nomu began lifting itself from the warp gate, stumbling and it's frozen side crumbling but somehow still manages to move. "His body's falling apart but, he's still moving...?" Izuku asked. "Get back everyone! What the... I thought his Quirk was shock absorption?!" All Might ordered and asked at the same time. "I don't remember saying that's all he can do. This is hyper regeneration. Nomu is superpowered living sandbag designed to withstand everything you've got." Shigaraki explained proudly. 'So that's what he meant...' (Y/n) thought as Nomu leaped towards Bakugo in an incredibly high speed and sends a punch. The force of the punch create some harsh winds but All Might manages to safe Bakugo by taking the hit. "All Might!" (Y/n) shouted apparently, she's the only one who realize what's happening. "Kacchan! You dodged that?! Wow?!" Izuku said, didn't notice that All Might moved Bakugo. "I didn't, shut up you." Bakugo said. "This guy doesn't know how to hold back..." All Might mumbled to himself, blood coming out of his mouth a couple meters further from where he was before.

"Anything to save a comrade right? Just like earlier when uh.. That one..." Shigaraki pointed at Izuku. "The plain one. He came at me with everything he had. But violence in the name of saving others is admirable. Isn't it, hero?" He asked, taunting. He pauses. "You know what All Might? It pisses me off! Heroes and villains both thrive on violence. But were still categorized. 'You're evil.' 'You're good.' That's how it is!" He continued talking. "Symbol of Peace? Hah! In the end you're just a tool for violence meant to keep us down! And violence only breed more violence. I'll show the world that by killing you!" He blabbed out and (Y/n) crighed. (Cringe and sighed) 'Idealistic villains are always the most dangerous. But why does this one feels different?' She then rolled her eyes shakes her head. "What a load of hooey. Idealistic criminals have a different type of fire in their eyes. But you're just enjoying yourself. You big fat liar." All Might called him out and he snickered. "You got me. Saw right through..." Shigaraki said.

"It's three-on-six." Todoroki said. "But Kacchan showed us the Mist man's weak points." Izuku pointed out. "These are some brutal dudes. But with us supporting All Might... We can beat 'em back." Kirishima added. "Don't be too cocky now boys. You see what that Nomu thing can do. He could beat us all in a blink of an eye. But I guess, we can try." (Y/n) chirped in. 'Though, I doubt he's gonna let us help. This is too dangerous.' She thought. "No!! Get out of here." All Might stopped them from killing themselves. 'I thought as much.' (Y/n) thought to herself again, almost proudly. "Things wouldn't go so well if (Y/n)-San and I hadn't stepped in." Todoroki exclaimed. "All Might you're bleeding... And I think your times u- ah..." Izuku said, almost saying something he shouldn't. "Right you are Todoroki! So, thanks for that! But fear not! Sot back and watch a pro get serious!" All Might thanked them for their hard work. "Nomu, Kurogiri, take him. I'll handle the kids." Shigaraki just wave off what All Might just said. 'It's true, I barely have a minute left. I'm weakening faster than I expected. But I've got no choice here!!' All Might thought to himself, ready to fight with all he got. "Be careful. All Might!" (Y/n) whispered to herself. "Let's clear the game and go home!" Shigaraki charges towards the students but stopped in his tracks once All Might and Nomu started throwing punches. He leaped back, away from the teens.

"He's got shock absorption. You already saw it yourself." Shigaraki mentioned it again. "That's right." All Might simply replied and began punching harder and quicker. "A head on assault?!" Izuku voiced out what everyone might be thinking. "It's 'Absorption' not 'Negation' so he must have a limit no?" All Might pointed out. "Built to counter me you say? Made to withstand everything I've got? Then I'll just go beyond that!" All Might shouted, his cheeks grazed and bleeding. His mouth sputtering blood. 'He's using everything he has left. Everything he got in every single punch! No, he's throwing even more on the line!' (Y/n) thought in admiration, but, her worry only got worse. 'He's going to be really weak after this!' She thought. "A hero's always ready to smash through trouble! Tell me villains, do you know the meaning of... PLUS!" All Might give the villains one last punch. "ULTRA!" And he sends the Nomu flying out of the dome of USJ.

"Like straight outta the comics. He just smashed his way past absorption. The ultimate bruiser... And against that power... The regeneration wasn't able to keep up with that rush of attacks..." Kirishima said. The students stared in awe and admiration by the strength of the top hero. "Yep. I'm slowing down. In my heyday, five of those would've been enough. But that was over 300 hits." All Might manages to crack a joke, still grinning. 

'And now...
My time's up'

"Well, villain. How about we finish this?" All Might asked. "You cheated...!" Shigaraki replied, scratching his neck.


A/n - At least that's longer than I expected. So that's a good thing at least.


'That Nomu... It's not alive. He's eyes doesn't have any life in it. That thing was just a mindless puppet. Robbed of it's heart and humanity. Who could do such a thing?' (Y/n) thought to herself, while watching the Nomu flew out the USJ dome.


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Download complete...

Quirk updated!

Hyper Regeneration - Downloaded!


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