Chapter 31 : The Boy Born With Everything

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3rd Person P.O.V

"Um... You wanted to talk? The dining hall will be packed if we don't hurry... Um..." A familiar voice, known as Izuku can be heard, trying to start a conversation that only ended up with silence. (Y/n) can feel the awkwardness of the situation and the cold shoulder that Todoroki gave. "You... Overwhelmed me so much. That I broke my own pledge." Another voice that can only be known as Todoroki's, spoke. 'Pledge? What pledge?' (Y/n) thought, then she remembered how Todoroki's left side suddenly fired up in a split second in the match. 'His left side? The fire power... Is that it?' She thought. "Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyoruzu, Tokoyami, Uraraka... None of them felt it. In that last imstant, I was the only one feeling that pressure. I experience All Might true powers up close... Remember?" Todoroki continued to speak. "So... What're you saying...?" Izuku asked, pretty confused. "I felt the same pressure coming from you. So, are you All Might's secret love child or something?" Todoroki said, with a straight face and (Y/n) can't help but feel the need to facepalm and chuckled but of course, she held it in. 'Well... Okay... I didn't know what I was expecting but... Definitely not this. That was a question I never thought would come from Todoroki-kun. At least he doesn't realize the truth.' (Y/n) thought. "Nah. Well, I... I mean, I'm denying that but... Obviously if I really were his kid, I'd try to deny it so I realize I don't sound very convincing here... But, no, that's not it... So, let me ask you then, why would you think that I..." "'No, that's no it.' Interesting way to phrase it. There's definitely something you're hiding. I'm sure of it. You know, my father is Endeavour. The second greatest hero of all time. So, if you're somehow connected to the number one guy... All the more reason to crush you."

"My dad..  He's a powerful bastard who only thinks of becoming stronger. Yeah, he's gone all out to make a name for himself as a hero, but he's always seen living legend, All Might, as a roadblock and an eyesore. My father could never beat All Might on his own. So, he came up with another plan." Todoroki started going to the interesting part. "What's this about Todoroki-kun? Why are you telling me this?" Izuku asked. "Quirk marriages? You've heard of them?" Todoroki asked, ignoring Izuku's questions. 'Quirk marriages? Is he implying that his father engage in Quirk marriage?' (Y/n) assumes. "They start becoming a problem... During the second or third generation after quirks appeared. Strong individuals would choose a partner and force them into marriage for the sole purpose of passing on a strengthen version of their own Quirk. Those earlier generations were lacking in ethics. With his wealth and fame, my father made my mother's family, agree to the marriage. All to get his hands on her Quirk. Raising me as a hero who could exceed All Might just to fullfil his own ambitions. I hate it! Being no more than a tool for that human garbage. As I remember it, mom was always crying... 'I can't stand to see that left side of yours.' She said, before throwing scalding water in my face." He paused and (Y/n) can feel chill going down her spine. 'I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here... I... Shouldn't be here.' She thought over and over again in her head, her hand clenching her shirt. "In short, not using my left side against you was my revenge on him. Never using my rotten father's Quirk... No. By rising to the top without using it... I'll have denied him everything."

'Poor guy. Life's tough on him huh...' (Y/n) thought and Todoroki's voice got louder, footsteps could also be heard so, almost panicking, she summons her cloud and flew above the tunnel. "Your connection with All Might... Keep it to yourself if you want. Either way, I'll rise above you with just my right side. Sorry for wasting your time." Todoroki walked out of the tunnel. Not realising two extra people knew his secret. "I've... I've always had help. No matter the situation... I... I've only come this far cause other people helped me." Izuku spoke up, stopping Todoroki from walking away. "All Might, I wanna be like him... For that, I have to become the strongest. Might seen a lame motivation compared to yours... But I'm not gonna lose. All of the people who've helped me. That's how I'll repay them! Let me return your declaration of war with my own. I'm... I'm gonna beat you!" Izuku declared, from above him, (Y/n) smiled softly. And just like that, lunch break is over.

"This is still a sport's festival so we've prepared a recreational activity for all participants! We even shipped in cheer leaders from America to get you pumped up!" Present Mic said before realising something odd. "What're they doing?" His partner, Eraser Head asked, looking at the girls from his class. "Class A! Why?!" Present Mic asked, drawing attention to the girls, who're wearing the same cheerleading clothes as the American cheerleaders. (Y/n) walked towards them, the only one not wearing the silly thing. "Wow, I didn't realise you guys were this pumped up to get everyone else pumped up!" She tease. "Mineta! Kaminari! You tricked us!!" Yaoyorozu yelled at the two snickering boys. "How'd I always end up getting fooled by Mineta's stupid pranks..." Yaoyorozu said, slouching with despair in the uniform she made with her own Quirk. "Well, you should've notice something was wrong when you need to make the uniform yourself... And knowing Aizawa-sensei, he would've asked someone more trustworthy to tell us stuff like this." (Y/n) said. "Please, don't tease me (Y/n)-San..." Yaoyorozu replied and (Y/n) let out a chuckle. "At least you guys look great in the uniform!" (Y/n) complimented. "Yes! There's still time before the main event. No sense in sitting around! Why not just go with it?! Might be fun!!" Hagakure said positively.

"Hope everyone enjoys the little recreational competition! Once that's over, we're on to the final event! Between the 16 members of the four winning teams... We'll have a formal tournament!! A series of one-to-one battles!!" Present Mic said.


A/n - A little longer chapter with a scene with the girls!


"(Y/n)-chan! Join us! It's not fair if you didn't wear the uniform!" Ochako suggested after Present Mic announcement to which all the girls immediately agree to. (Y/n) give them a cheerful smile. "No thanks." She answered and of course, the girls tried to persuade her into wearing it. "C'mon (Y/n)-San! You said we're cute! Don't you wanna look cute with us?!" Ashido said. "I'm sorry Ashido-san. But I don't look good in short skirts." (Y/n) replied. "Call me Mina! And, that's a lie! You'll look good in anything!" Mina said again. "Well, would you look at that. I left my stove on. I should go before my apartment blew up..." She tried to make an excuse but the excuse was awfully stupid. The girls took ahold of her with sadistic smiles on their face. (Actually, it's just Ochako, Hagakure and Mina. Yaoyorozu was just looking at them with Tsuyu.) "Girls, girls, let's talk about this!" (Y/n) tried to run away. "There's nothing to talk about (Y/n)-chan!" Ochako said. "Please don't let me wear it. I'll be uncomfortable the whole time!" (Y/n) plead and the girls took notice of the look of discomfort on her face and let her go. (Y/n) then let out a relieved sigh. "I'm sorry guys but that uniform really isn't my taste. To me, it's too... Skin revealing. For me of course. It looked perfect on you guys. If I wear it I'll be hiding in the toilet until the event is over." She explained. "Don't worry about it (Y/n)-chan. We're just joking around. Sorry if we take it too far." Ochako apologises. "It's fine. I'm glad you guys understand."


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