Chapter 32 : Smile, Prince Of Nonsense Land!

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3rd Person P.O.V

The 16 contestants gathered in front of the stage where the R-Rated Hero, Midnight, will be explaining the last event further. "A tournament, huh? We'll be up in that ring I see on TV every year!" Kirishima said. "Was it the tournament last year too?" Mina asked. "The formats always different but most years involve some kind of head-to-head competition. Last year was foam sword fight." Sero explained. 'Foam sword fight? Dang, I wanna explore that universe. That sounds fun.' (Y/n) thought.

"The match will be decided by drawing lots. Once that's settled, we'll move on to the festivities and then the tournament itself!" Midnight said while holding a box with the word 'Lots' on it. "It's up to each one of you 16 finalist whether or not you participate in the fun. I expect some fo you would rather take a breather and save your strength. Now let's start with the first place team..." Midnight said when Ojiro, raises his hand. "Um... Excuse me. I'd... Like to drop out." He said, taking everyone by surprise with his request. "Ojiro?! Why?!" "This is your chance to be noticed by the pros!!" His friends asked. "The cavalry battle... I have no memories of anything that happened up until the tail end. It's probably his Quirk that did it... I know this is a great opportunity. And I know how stupid it must seem to throw it away... But this final tournament... Everyone else made it here by their own strength. Yet I'm standing here, and I don't even know how or why. I just can't take it!" He explained. "You're thinking about it too hard! Just show what you're made of in the tournament!" Hagakure said, trying to prevent what he's doing. "By that logic, I shouldn't really be here either!" Mina seconded. "No... I'm talking about my pride here... I don't think it's right... And why the heck are your girls dressed like that anyway?" Ojiro said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I can't remember anything either... I wanna withdraw too! This is a contest of skill. Letting someone who didn't do anything advance... Doesn't it defeat the whole purpose of the sports festival?! Isn't it even against the rules?" Another student from class B, decided to withdraw too. "We have a strange turn of events..." Present Mic commented. "What will the coordinator, Midnight, decide?" Eraser Head added.

"How naive and green... I LIKE IT!!" co-ordinator Midnight cracks her whip. "Shoda and Ojiro have officially withdrawn! Replacing the two will be members from Team Kendo, which took fifth." Midnight said. But Kendo apparently have different idea and give the opportunity to Team Tetsutetsu, claiming that they deserve it more. "So be it! Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki bring us back up to 16 competitors!" (Y/n) look at her name in the board. 'Ashido-san... I-I mean Mina... Her Quirk is... What is her Quirk?' (Y/n) thought and looked at Mina, who looked at her. "Let's try our best to beat each other!" Mina said. "Yes! Let's! May the best girl wins!" (Y/n) accepted the challenge. She's actually pretty nervous about fighting her friends, especially girl friends. It's not sexist or anything. She just have soft spots for girls. "Uraraka?" She heard Bakugo said and she looked at the board again. 'Ochako-chan will be facing Bakugo... (Yikes) Iida-kun with Hatsume-san and Izuku-kun will fight Shinso-kun... Who is Shinso? They're going first.' She thought to herself. "Now let's set A-side the tournament for the time being... And get on with the thrill-a-minute festivities!" And the festivities started.

(Y/n) already had a mission in mind. She knew she's not supposed to stick her nosy nose where it shouldn't be, so what did she do? She stick her nosy nose where it shouldn't be stick into. She walked out side the stadium and search for a quiet place. She's following a certain someone and if her intuition was correct, they should be somewhere. After a minute, she found him. Sitting alone in a quiet place as she thought he would and she approach him. Without being noticed, she move closer to him until they are a couple meter apart. "You have beautiful eyes. A pair of eyes that look cold but hold so much strength, determination and resolution. I'm sure there's warmth in there somewhere." She said out loud, taking the boy by surprise. "What are you doing here?" He asked coldly, looking at her smiling face. "May I sit here?" She asked, ignoring his question. "No. Answer my question." He answered and she sighed. "I just wanna talk." She answered his question walking towards him and sitting next to him. Of course, not too close since she doesn't want to invade his personal space. "What are you doing? Please leave me alone." He said. "Like I said. I just wanna talk." She replied. "Well, I don't want to talk. Please leave me be." He sighed and looked pretty irritated. "I'm sorry if I made you feel annoyed..." She said. "... Do whatever you want..." He gave up. "I'm sorry, Todoroki-kun..." She suddenly apologised, confusing him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to listen to your talk with Izuku-kun. But I can't help myself and I ended up listening into things I shouldn't know." She admitted and Todoroki was shocked by the sudden truth but still kept his poker face. "So, are you here to pity me? If so, I don't need it. I'm not here to make friends." He replied, still as cold as ever, glaring. "Todoroki-kun... Why do you want to be a hero?" She asked. "You seem to really dislike your father. Since he forced you to be a hero, it would be natural if you don't want to be a hero... But here you are. Trying your best to beat Izuku-kun." She continued and it sent him thinking. 'Why do you want to be a hero?' The question keeps ringing in his ears. He can't remember. "I'm sure you want to be a hero not because of your father's wish. It's because you wanted to be one yourself... Right? You made that decision." She said and Todoroki just kept quiet. "You know, Todoroki-kun, to me, family isn't bound by blood. You can choose to be whoever you want in life. Even when you got your Quirk from him. It's not his. You can use it however you want it. You're... Not him." She stopped talking. "I'm sorry if I said too much and offend you." She said, as he still kept silent and looking the other way. "Well, I'll leave now. Sorry for bothering you. I hope we can be friends if you change your mind about not wanting friends." She stands up and walked away. "What a weirdo...' He thought.


"Thanks, Cementoss!! Hey guys! Are you ready!! You've been through hell to get here! But now it's time for the one-on-one tournament!! You only got yourself to rely on!! Even if you're not a hero this saying holds true! You know it! Spirit, technique, strength wisdom and knowledge! Use them all and show us your best!!" Present Mic continue to be the commentator fir the day. He's doing a really good job. "Hey!" A voice called out to a nervous Izuku. Izuku turn around and see his two favorite person. His mentor and his best friend. "Hey! Izuku-kun!" (Y/n) greeted. "It took a while but you're finally getting the hang of using One For All." All Might said. "(Y/n)-San, All Might... Not really... I'm still... Uneasy about it. Like with that microwave visualisation... I'm just trying to recall when I launched it at that villain but, It still feels dangerous, as if I could fall apart if I lose focus for a second. And, well. It's like you saw. Given the level my body's at, even when I control it... It only gives a small increase in power." Izuku said. "Hmm. Remember how I was talking about giving it between a zero and a hundred? As you are now, you're body's capable of about 5 percent." All Might told him. "If you out it that way, I've just gotten lucky with everything..." Izuku replied. "Well, that's because you were always trying your hardest, my dear Prince Of Nonsense. You'll never be a hero looking so mopey!" All Might whacked his head and throat and (Y/n) flinched. "Now listen, especially when you're feeling worried or scared... That's when you gotta smile! You've come this far so show some bravado, even if it's fake! Never forget that I'm expecting big things for you!" All Might said in his muscle form, both of them forgetting that (Y/n)'s there. "Um, guys. Sorry to interrupt but I'm here too you know?" (Y/n) spoke up. "Ah! Yeah, why are you here, (Y/n)-San?" Izuku asked and (Y/n) gave him a big, encouraging smile. "Good luck Izuku-kun! I'll be cheering for you! Don't break your bones if you could. You can do it! And like All Might-sensei said, give the world a big smile even if it's fake and show 'em what you've got! Good luck!" She said and went to the audiences seat.

"The first match! Making a weird face despite his excellence performance, it's Midoriya Izuku from the hero course! Versus, sorry but this guy hasn't really done anything to stand out yet, Shinso Hitoshi, from general studies! The rules are simple! Win by knocking out your opponent out of the ring ,immobilizing them or getting them to say 'I give up!'. Bring the pain! We've got our good old recovery girl on standby! And fight dirty if you must! 'Ethics' have no meaning here! Well, of course, going for the kill is a no-no!! You'll be disqualified! Because a hero's fist only fly when in pursuit of villains!" Present Mic introduces the fighters and explained the battle format. "I see, so we can do anything we want as long as the opponent aren't gonna die... Interesting." (Y/n) mutters to herself with Izuku's notebook and a mechanical pencil in her hand. "(Y/n)-chan, what are you doing with Deku-kun's book?" Ochako asked. "Well, he asked me to write some notes about the opponent for him. So, here I am." (Y/n) answered. "Start!" Izuku started charging towards Shinso before suddenly froze. "Dammit Midoriya! I warned you!" Ojiro yelled. "Hey! Hey! What's wrong? The battle's just begining! Show us some spirit!! Mere seconds into the match and Midoriya's... Frozen in place?!!"


A/n - Pretty long chapter! I tried to make the conversation with Todoroki as in character as possible but I'm pretty sure I screwed that up so...


(Y/n) heard Ojiro yelled 'Dammit Midoriya! I warned you!' And went to him. "So, Ojiro-kun, you know what that guys Quirk is?" (Y/n) asked and Ojiro nodded. "Well, could you please tell me more?" (Y/n) asked again and Ojiro told her everything he knew. "I see... So, he screwed up huh... Thank you!" She went back the her seat.

'Brainwashing : Hitoshi's Quirk allows him to put someone in a state where the victim is forced to obey whatever he commands. He can only activate this power when his target verbally responds to him. People could talk to him normally so, assuming that Brainwashing needs to be intentionally activated and will not take effect if Hitoshi doesn't want it to. The question remains was, if he could control multiple people at once and if his voice went through some alternation or modification, would it still have the same effect? When someone is under his control, would the victim be able to think or are they completely blank?

This Quirk is good at capturing villains without fighting...'

She wrote in the notebook before paying attention to the battle. 'You done goofed up. Izuku-kun...' She thought, worried about her friend.


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