Chapter 35 : Battle On Challengers!

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3rd Person P.O.V

"With the arena thawed out, it's time for the next match! It's class B's assassin! Every something-or-other has it's thorns right?! It's Shiozaki Ibara! Versus... The Sparking, Killing Boy! Kaminari Denki!" Present Mic introduces contestant for the next battle. "Pardon my objections but, what exactly did you mean by 'assassin'? I have merely some this far seeking victory..." Shiozaki objected and Present Mic apologises. Kaminari on the other hand, was thinking about something completely different and not related to the fight at all. "Wanna grab something to eat when we're done here? I'll be happy to console you if you want." He said, confident in his ability to win. "Start!" "Because this match, will probably be over in an instant..." He attacked her with all he got. Shiozaki turned around and uses her vine-like hair to shield herself from the electrical shock and since Kaminari tried with all his might, he becomes the dumb version of himself and got caught by Shiozaki's hair. "But it's already over! In case you didn't hear me! It's already over!" Present Mic announce. "Shiozaki advances to the second round!" Midnight declared.

"Her abilities to unleash them is something else. She can build walls, bind enemies... Kaminari's Quirk have no use against her. She countered him well. He might've had a chance if he could maneuver better, but... He panicked and short-circuited after one attack." Izuku mumbles and wrote in his notebook. "He didn't actually panicked. He just got over confident. That's all." (Y/n) correct him, peering into his note book, adding bonus information. "Ah, I see. I thought Kaminari's Quirk would be stronger but Shiozaki got fourth place in the entrance exam. She's the real deal. Those vine moves, they're similar to Kamui Wood's binding attack. Binding types are always strong. You almost never see someone break out. Pretty much impossible to dodge the all the Vine attacks, so the only counterpart is to rip them apart by brute strength... Ah, but to prevent that, they tend to go for the hand first..." He continued to mutter out loud. "Well, you can also counterattack the vines using knives and swords. Or, you could wait until they had no more vines to attack you with. Cause if the Vine follow the logic of nature, they will need water and sunlight to grow back. Of course it's gonna take awhile and it would be unfortunate for you if they happen to fight you in the middle of the day and have water at hand. If they're smart, they would always keep water bottle with them." (Y/n) added and he scribbles everything she just said. They continue to chat about Shiozaki's Quirk until Ochako interrupted their heated discussion. "You two are amazing you know that. This match just ended and you already manage to analyze her quirk and thinking ahead, strategy wise." She said and Izuku tense up and covered his mouth while (Y/n) just look at her with her usual smile. "Huh?! Nah! I'm just... Well, you could call this a hobby of mine... We finally have a chance to see the quirks of other people outside of our own class in action." Izuku said. "And I'm just helping him. It's nice to know people weaknesses before they know yours. It's always a good plan to strategize before you fight." (Y/n) chirped in. "Oh! Right, I've also got everything you'd need to know about class A in here. Even your 'Zero Gravity' Uraraka-san. (Y/n)-san's is pretty hard to note since it needs to be constantly updated. But it's fun!" Izuku showed Ochako her page. "(Y/n)-chan, Deku-kun... I've always thought you were amazing since the day we've met but... This sports festival... Really brought you two to a whole new level." She said which (Y/n) assumed as a compliment. "Thanks! Ochako-chan. Your very awesome too. And I know you're gonna crush your fight!" (Y/n) replied.

"Moving on! Who's next in the battle to the top?! The first round just about half-over! Next up is Iida Tenya of the Hero Course! Versus! Hatsume Mei from the Support Course!" Present Mic introduce them. As always. (Y/n) looks closely at Iida. "Is he wearing... Support items?" She whispered to her two friends. "Aren't those forbidden for the Hero Course students? You have to put in a special request for those things beforehand." Midnight said. "Oh! I forgot! I didn't think it'd be a problem seeing how Aoyama wears that belt of his..." Iida defended. "Right. He applied for an exception." Midnight replied. "I'm... Terribly sorry then! Except... I was touched by my opponent's sense of sportsmanship!! Although she's a member of the support course, she came to me and said, 'If we're to be seen as equals, then we should fight on equal footing.' She gave me these items to use! Her earnest spirit... I could never look down on it! That was my thinking!" Iida explained his intention. 'Press 'X' to doubt.' Was the only thing going on in (Y/n)'s head. "Izuku-kun. Ochako-chan. I wanted to pass down a wisdom to you..." (Y/n) said, her face was serious, making her two friends listen closely. "Never, in your life. Trust members of support and business course if they offer to help you without wanting anything in return. They're one of the most untrustworthy creatures in the world. Of course maybe not all. But most of them." She said and her two friend sweatdropped. In the end, Midnight give Iida permission to use the support items and everyone seems fime with it. And so, the whole stadium witness a 10 minute commercial break with live action. In the middle of the commercial, (Y/n) decided that she needs to go to the prep room since after this was her battle with Mina and she was getting nervous and anxious.

Once she was in the room, she let out a silent scream and hits the table available as hard as she could, trying to release all of the bottled up anxiety and worry. But it didn't last long, it only felt worse as she was nearing the battle field. Once again, she was on the verge of a panic attack and this time, there's no one who can help her. She felt dizzy and her stomach was not helping at all. 'Calm down (Y/n), you can do it. You're strong. Be more confident dammit! Calm down. Think rationally. Remember what Ochako-chan said. Breathe in. Breathe out. Slowly. You know Mina-chan's Quirk. It was acid. And you read Izuku-kun's book. You know what to do. It's not that hard. Think rationally. Calm down.' She thought to herself. Trying to breathe in and out slowly. "What an interesting event! Next up! We have the girl who came in second in the qualifiers. (L/n) (F/n) from the Hero Course!" She heard her name and walked up the battlefield, putting up hee facade, she smiled confidently. 'Don't show your weaknesses (Y/n). No one likes people who are weak.' She thought. "Versus! The pink and always cheerful, Ashido Mina!"

"Mina-san!" (Y/n) greeted. "(Y/n)-chan!" Mina greeted back. Both ready to do their best. "I have a proposal for you, Mina-san, if I win, could I 'download' your Quirk?" (Y/n) asked, using every ounce of her strength to not stutter. "'Download? I don't know what that means but it sounds fun! You're on!" Mina accepted the challenge. "Start!" Mina immediately slide her acid onto the concrete floor under (Y/n)'s feet, trying to melt it. (Y/n), easily side stepped the attacks and create a barrier. Mina kept attacking her, melting the concrete floor more and more. After 30 seconds, (Y/n) charged at her, keeping her shield in front of her, using the cloud to avoid stepping on the now slippery concrete. She made little clouds that she can step on like what Mineta did in the qualifier round when Todoroki covered the ground with ice. Going nearer and nearer, Mina tried to step aside but alas, her wrist was caught by (Y/n) and thanks to the now slippery floor, (Y/n) just throw her towards the end of the bound and Mina just spins like a tornado until she's out. Dizzy and defeated. "Ashido Mina is out of the ring! (L/n) (F/n) moves on to the second round!" Midnight declared. The match lasted for 2 minutes 27 seconds. (Y/n) went to Mina's confused body and carried her by her arms. "I'm sorry Mina-san. Are you okay?" She asked. "Ammadnjfeskfn..." Was Mina's reply. "I see... Let's get you to the Recovery Girl..." She said and brought her to the Nurse's Office and put her on one of the beds. She thanked Recovery Girl and went to search for her friend.

She sat back next to Izuku and let out a relieved sigh. "Good job out there! (Y/n)-San! Congratulations on moving to the second round." Izuku congratulate her and she let out another deep sigh. "What's wrong, (Y/n)-San?" Izuku asked, worried for his friend. "I'm too nervous Izuku-kun... I'm too anxious every time I'm about to go on stage..." She answered his questions. "But why are you nervous? You're strong (Y/n)-San. And you didn't look very nervous just now... In fact, you look really confident!" Izuku said. "Thanks Izuku-kun... I just... Nevermind it was not important. What's important now it the next fight." She replied and change the subject. "Where's Ochako-chan?" She asked. "Oh, she already went to the prep room..." Izuku answered. "I see... She's fighting Bakugo right?" "Yeah." The conversation ended there and they watch the next battle between Tokoyami and Youyorozu which end pretty quickly. The next battle was between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, which both of them had similar type of Quirk. It was an interesting battle but (Y/n) can't help but worry about Ochako. "Hey, Izuku-kun. Let's visit Ochako-chan?" She invited and the boy nodded.

They open the door to Contestant Prep Room 2. "Ochako-chan! Hey!" (Y/n) greeted cheerfully. "(Y/n)-chan! Deku-kun! Wait... Shouldn't you be watching the other matches?" Ochako asked. "Another two matches already ended. They were really short. Now, Kirishima and some Class B guy is duking it out. (Y/n)-San manages to use Ashido's Quirk to her advantage and push her out of the ring. Then, Tokoyami won his match in a flash. He didn't give Yaoyorozu time to use the object she created. He's one of the strongest guys here in one-on-one." Izuku told her about the match. "As I expected... (Y/n)-San... You're so strong. So, I'm up soon..." Ochako said and (Y/n) sat next to her, trying to comfort her distressed friend. "But I can't imagine that Bakugo give it his explosive all against a female opponent." Iida tried to made her feel better. "No. He will." Izuku and (Y/n) said at the same time. "Not only he will use his max power, he will not even push you out of bound. That'll sound like a half-ass beating to him. He will make sure you're knocked out." (Y/n) added. "Everyone competing here with the dream of becoming number one. No one's holding back. Kacchan least of all." Izuku agreed. "But, you've helped me so much, Uraraka-san. So I thought I might return the favor... You need a counter-strategy for Kacchan. One that uses your Quirk. I came up with this one on the fly, but... It might work!" Izuku hold out his notebook.

'She's not gonna accept it...' (Y/n) thought. She knew her friends long enough that she knew how they would act. "How fortunate for you! Uraraka-san!" Iida support the idea of her using the strategy Izuku come up with. "Thanks, Deku-kun. But... That's okay." Ochako said declining the offer. "You're amazing. Deku-kun. (Y/n)-chan. You both do amazing things all the time. During the cavalry battle, I thought the easiest way was to team up with friends. But when I think about it. It's just me putting my faith in you. And (Y/n)-chan, you are able to analyze your opponent and come up with a plan before even beginning to fight. And you manage to do it by yourself. That's why Iida-kun said, 'I challenge you.' And all that. That left me feeling a little embarrassed about myself." Ochako confessed. "Ochako-chan..." (Y/n) muttered to herself. "That's why thanks! But no thanks! I'll see you in the finals!" She gave her friends a thumbs up and go out. (Y/n) went after her. "Ochako-chan! Wait!" She called and Ochako stopped walking. "I know you didn't want help but I can't help myself so... I'm not gonna tell you what you should do, I'm just gonna say... You know what that jerk's Quirk is right? Use it to your advantage! You're smart and awesome Ochako-chan. You can do it!" (Y/n) took Ochako's hands in hers. "You're gonna be a great hero and help your parents!" (Y/n) said with a confident that made Ochako believe she can do it. (Y/n) then pull her into a hug. "You can do it. Ochako-chan!" She said and let her go. Ochako nodded and walked to the ring.

"A celebrity since his middle-school days with a face only a mother could love... It's Bakugo Katsuki of the Hero Course! Versus... My personal pick! Uraraka Ochako, also from the Hero Course!" "Go! Ochako-chan!" (Y/n) cheered for her.


A/n - That's a pretty long chapter! I'm glad!


Hearing what Ochako said moved her. All this time, she doesn't want to fight and see this all as a silly game, she was disrespecting her friend's determination. Their motivation was much more stronger than hers. They all are trying to be their vary best and grabbed the first place while she's still here. Wishing to be nothing more than a normal hero. What a joke. She realized. If she kept this up. She's gonna be left behind by her friend. Hearing what Ochako, Iida and Izuku.. She felt silly. Thinking that she will live in this world by simply wanting simple things. 'How do you want to save everyone if you kept playing around and not take this seriously (Y/n)?!' She thought. 'If you kept this up, you're gonna be left behind and you'll never be able to actually save anyone! From now on, let's strife to be the best of the best. Let's show the world a hero that could save everyone!'


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