Chapter 36 : Bakugo Versus Uraraka!

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3rd Person P.O.V

"You said earlier you thought about a counter-strategy for her against Bakugo... What was it?" Iida asked to Izuku. "Oh! Nothing special really... Kacchan is strong, he got virtually no weaknesses in close range combat. His quirks stronger, the more mobile he is. He can maneuver in mid-air but, if she can get him floating, she'll gain the advantage. That's why..." Izuku explained. "Start!" Ochako charged towards Bakugo with all her might. 'All she needs to do is touch him. He seems to know what her Quirk is. So he knows that. Knowing him, he wouldn't move. He'll just face her head-on. Dodging every attack and avoid being touch. Both their Quirk function better at a close ranged combat but Bakugo definitely got the upper hand. He's gonna go all out!' (Y/n) thought as Ochako made a sneak attack against Bakugo. Using her gym clothes as a distraction and tried to attack him from behind. Sadly her strategy didn't work as Bakugo's much faster than her. 'His reaction time is fast. But, knowing Ochako-chan. She'd have a strategy of her own. She knew how Bakugo works so, what would she do?' "Go Ochako-chan! You can do it!" (Y/n) cheered for her friend. Ochako continue to charge at her opponent and Bakugo sets off a direct attack at her, (Y/n) clench her fist, flinching. But she realizes her strategy and she's all for it. 'It might work... But it's dangerous for her body. Knowing how much she can take. She only have one shot at this.' She thought to herself.

"She kept charging relentlessly but... This is..." Present Mic said, not enthusiastic anymore. The audience has started to become restless and they started to oppose to what Bakugo is doing. Receiving a look of disappointment from (Y/n). 'I think it's good that's he's going hard on her. She's doing her best and if she got beaten hy him when he's not even serious about fighting him... That's gonna be the most awful feeling. It's exactly because he was going all out that he didn't lower his guard. He knew she was good enough to go to the final event. Geez, these guys are suppose to be adult heroes and they're underestimating her just because she's cute and a girl! Grow up. That stereotype is soooo '87.' (Y/n) rolled her eyes as the crowd began to 'boo' Bakugo. "The one who said he's toying with her a pro? How many years of active duty? If that's what you're taking away from this, then you can leave. No point in watching. Go home and start looking at a job-hunting site." Eraser Head spoke up. "She's come this far and he knows hers strength, his caution shows that he recognizes her as a worthy opponent. It's exactly because he wants to win so badly... That's there's no room for carelessness or holding back." He said and the crowd goes silent. "That's what I said!" (Y/n) whispered to herself and continue cheering for Ochako quietly.

"Almost ready..." Ochako said and (Y/n) knew what's gonna happen next. "Thanks, Bakugo-kun." She touch her fingertips together. "For not dropping your guard." Immediately all of the debris from the concrete floor that Ochako managed to float fell. "Oh! It's a meteor storm!" Present Mic said. Sadly, the strategy didn't work. He blows away all the debris at once while keeping Ochako back at the same time. After unleashing the explosion, Bakugo's hand begins to shake and he acknowledges that it was a close call for him. "Must have been all that hanging out with Deku huh? Or was it that (L/n) girl who told you to do this? I knew you had some kind of plan." Bakugo accuses. Despite her strategies failing, Ochako gets up and tried to attack him once more. "Right. Time to get serious, Uraraka!" He yelled, using her name instead of the nickname he always use. (Y/n) took notice of how Bakugo's hand was shaking. 'Ochako-chan manages push him to his limit huh... Even so...' However, Ochako has reached her limit and falls once again, to Katsuki's surprise. Even so, she tries to keep fighting and crawls toward Bakugo. "My body... It won't... Dad..." She muttered. (Y/n) stands up from her seat with her heart beating with worry. Midnight went to Ochako and checking her. "Uraraka, is unable to continue... Bakugo moves on to the second round!" Midnight announces, lacking her usual enthusiasm. And so, (Y/n) began making her way to the Nurse's office.


A/n - Extra short chapter today... I will write two or three more chapter before this book was going on hiatus for at least 6 months or so... I've wrote and publish chapter like, three times a day and sometimes, I did it four times a day. But sadly, it has to stop here for now. I'm gonna be continuing this book. I'm going back to my school tomorrow and it's a dormitory which the students can't bring their smartphones to. So...


(Y/n) waited at the Nurse's Office for the Transpo-bots who'd bring Ochako.  Once they're there, she rushes immediately to her dear friend and start the healing process. It didn't take long, just a minute. She only had some scratches and burn marks thanks to Bakugo's explosion. Ochako just stayed silent the whole time. After finish healing and patching her up with the help of Recovery Girl. They both then walked back to prep room completely engulfed in a comfortable silence but (Y/n) can't help worry about Ochako. Ochako kept a happy face as they neared the room but (Y/n) knows better. But that's for next chapter...


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