Dumb Duo Attack! : Chapter Three

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After we set up the tent we went around and gathered firewood. We gathered a reasonable amount for the night, about enough to keep a fire going for about ten hours.

The sky got dark when we finished. I set up the fire then used a match and started it. We had just go comfy when someone spoke, "Are we gonna eat or are you gonna let us starve?"

I laughed at Catrinnas question, then, getting up and opening my backpack, said, "What do you wanna eat? We have kiwi, apples, raspberries-"

Catrinnas eyes lit up as she interrupted me, "Strawberries! I love strawberries! Kiki is allergic to them though, but she loves apples, right?" Kianna nodded, smiling lightly.

"Ok, me and Ji are addicted to kiwi, so we are going to eat some of those, we only have eight kiwis left though, so we are going to have to get more in Evol, and we have three apples and a pack of strawberries," I told them, getting the fruit out as I spoke.

The apples were giant, so I only handed Kianna one. I cut the kiwis into slices, like before, andd gave two kiwis to both me and Ji. I handed a handful of strawberries to Catrinna.

We sat around the fire on two blankets, me and Ji on one, Catrinna and Kianna on the other, us across from eachother.

We were sitting in silence, only the animals and the fire making noise, until someone spoke, "How are we going to fit in the tent?" We looked at Ji blankly.

"Me and Vi have used this tent for campouts before today, and it barley fits us, what are we going to do?" She asked looking around, meeting all of our gazes.

I spoke up, "We could just," I blushed, "Cuddle or something? If two people lay on top of someone there would be room. That would be the easiest way to do it, even though its kinda akward and stuff..." I faded off, letting the idea go into their brains.

Kianna shrugged, and started to walk to the tent. Catrinna's face went a few shades pinker as she nodded towards me and got up to go to the tent. (I accidentally wrote the as te. Why I didn't leave it I dont know. It was a epic typo.)

I looked to Ji to see her already moving to the tent. I followed and noticed Kianna and Catrinna awkwardly staring at eachother. I started to smile as a thought ran through my mind, I found it kind of adorable.

I giggled, making the two's heads snap to my face. Catrinna started to talk, embarrasment on her face, "Hey guys, we thought it would be a good idea for us to lay on you since we are lighter, you cool with that?" She asked, wich I resopnded to by nodding.

I laid down, Ji doing the same beside me. Kianna crawled into Ji's lap, to wich she blushed, but still closed her eyes, while Catrinna glanced at me, before awkwardly crawling onto my own lap. I adjusted her to where we were both comfortable.

I closed my eyes, trying to sleep. Thoughts drifted through my mind, I wouldn't remember any of them in the morning, but I still payed attention to them.

I closed my eyes, curling slightly into the body on top of me. I felt sleep slowly creep into my mind. Soon I gave up being conscious, letting my mind drift into slumber.

It felt like only seconds before my eyes open, them closing right after. I took in what I felt from my surroundings, and, realizing I had a tight grip on something in my arms, I gently let go of what it was.

I kept my eyes closed, letting the rest of my body wake up before I opened them. My body fully woke up and I remembered that the thing I had been holding in my sleep was Catrinna, a person.

I felt my face go red for a moment, but ignored it, keeping my eyes closes and relaxing. After a bit, it might've been a few minutes, maybe a few hours, Catrinna stirred.

We got up and turned to Kianna and Ji. Kianna had her arms wrapped around Ji tightly, the latter staring at me an Catrinna, eyes wide.

I stared at the pair for a few seconds. Then I burst out laughing. Ji glared and Kianna woke up. I saw her eyes snap open before she realized wheat position she was in.

She jumped up and blushed. Kianna offered her hand to Ji, who took it and pulled herself up. They glared before walking out, me and Catrinna following.

We packed up the small camp and started on the treck to Evol. While walking we fooled around, at one time me and Ji had picked up Catrinna and Kianna. It was fun.

We heard a gasp from behind us. When we turned we saw the two people who Catrinna and Kianna were scared of.

The one who knew multiple languages stepped up and yelled, "You liars! You said these," He paused, motioning to the younger two of us, "Things were not with you!"

They started towards the two. Me and Ji jumped in front of them in an effort to protect them. They glared at us, me specifically.

After a few seconds of glaring they pulled out swords. They had red and black swords, same designs, but switching the colors. Ji flinched, then pulled out her old, very well rusty, black sword that had a white leather handle. She was going to replace it once we got to Evol.

The one who spoke to me last time swung at me. The swing was sideways, directed towards my neck. I ducked it, and he stumbled. Thankfully Catrinna was short, the swing went above her head.

"Scram!" I yelled, and everyone split. Ji jumped to the right as I rolled to the left. Catrinna and Kianna dashed into the woods, but didn't go far enough I couldn't see them.

I took my backpack off and grabbed the two swords inside. I brought them up in an X fashion just in time. The boy who attacked first growled as his sword got caught inbetween mine.

I took the opportunity to kick the guy while he was distracted by my blocking of his swords. He stumbled back and I jumped forward, kicking him in the head and knocking him out.

"Easiest fight I've ever had," I giggled as I turned to Ji, who had also knocked her opponent out, but her sword was broken in two. I turned to where the others went, "Come on, these dudes wont stay out for too long."

They walked over to us, shocked. Catrinna stared at the two boys, then grabbed something out of their backpack pocket. What she pulled out ended up being two small rings, she turned and held out her hand to Katrinna, who took one ring and put it on her index finger. Catrinna did the same.

Me and Ji glanced at eachother, then silently decided to drop it. If they didn't decide to tell us what those rings were, we wouldnt ask.

We all walked in silence. I smirked and yelled "Race you to the top of that hill!" And took off. I heard their footsteps behind me and sped up my pace the hill was about thirty meters (or yards, for  fellow Americans) away.

About thirty seconds of running and I was on top of the hill. I was about to scream about my victory, but I looked ahead and clamped my hand over my mouth. Ji came up and was about to say something, but stopped, probably seeing what I saw.

Cartinna and Kianna both came up confused, but saw what we were looking at. Catrinna took one look then ran to a bush and emptied her guts into it. Katrinna ran up behind her and patted her back until she stopped.

I looked down slightly at the horrific scene we were stopped by, than turned to Ji, just in time to catch her falling towards me. I gently set her down and Kianna set Catrinna, who had feinted as well, down beside her. I moved to the other side of the hill and set up the tent.

I picked up Ji and brought her to the tent, motioning Kianna to do the same to Catrinna. I walked out and motioned to Kianna to stay. I walked over the hill and felt tears well up in my eyes again at what was at the bottom of the other side...

Sup Stalkers! Word count is 1434
Its short today, isn't it? Boop bye Baes.

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