Horror: Chapter Four

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I stood on top of the hill for a second, looking around. I felt sick to my stomach at the scene before me, it was a carriage that had crashed into a small house... It looked like bandit horde had come too.

There were bodies littered over the spot as well... Not all of them were human, some were cats, dogs, birds, almost all of the types of domesticated animals... I glanced around again and ducked in the tall grass when I saw a large man in some thick metal armor walk out. He had a large sword strapped to his back.

He walked toward the bed of the carriage and took out his sword. As soon as he was within five feet (do not judge that I am using both metric and imperial measurements k?) of it he screamed, "Come out child, my clan wants your necklace!"

Appalled at the fact this man wanted to steal from a child, I took out my pocket knife and threw it, hitting him in the head.

I glanced around and saw no one else, so I went the to the carriage, curious about what it was that the bandits wanted. When I got within ten feet I heard a whimpering noise.

"Hello? Im not going to hurt you if you are someone, I promise!" I said, though the whimpering didnt stop, it only got louder. "Please! I swear on my mark, if you dont hurt me right now I wont hurt you!"

When I said that the whimpering stopped, probably shocked about my promise.

If you swore on your mark about something, and break that promise, you will... Well . Your mark will burn you until you are nothing at all.

I saw a small person, looking to be about twelve, crawl out of the carriage. I walked toward them slowly until I was only a few feet from them.

They looked at me fearfully. I smiled at him and looked at what they were wearing. It was a pink sweater with a music note and light pink skinny jeans.

They whistled gently and a small gray wolf walked up to them. The wolf jumped into the kids arms.

I smiled as they nuzzled their face into the cats fur. I asked them, "Are you alright? You look starving."

They looked back to me, and muttered a question. "Can I have some food?"

I smiled back and told them to follow me, me and my friends were just over the hill.

They looked nervous at first so I told them my friends wouldnt hurt them either. They obliged and followed me to the tent. When I walked in Kianna looked at me, curious about where I was and who I had brought.

I grabbed an sandwich out of my bag and offered it to the kid, who took it and gave the meat to the little wolf. I quickly explained what happened and just as I finished my story, and the kid finished their sandwich I heard a groan. I turned and saw Catrinna wake up.

I quickly explained what had happened, telling the same story I had told Kianna. When I was done I heard Ji stirring. I groaned, and when she was fully up told the story a third time.

After telling her the story Ji turned to the kid. She asked, "One question: What's your name?"

"S-seneippah... Two s's..." They stuttered out.

I smiled, "Well Sseneippah, where are you going?"

"I was heading to Ynnuf..."

"Well, do you want to come with us, if you don't mind stopping at Evol?"


They seemed shocked, but nodded. I grinned, and turned to my friends, "Well, lets pack up camp!"

After we packed everything we started walking on the road to Evol.

"So why are we heading to Evol?" Sene asked. He had told us to call him Sene itstead of Sseneippah, it is easier to say.

Ji spoke up, "Yeah, you didn't say why we were going to me either." I looked away, "I need to speak to Queen Noitulover. Alone, so could you guys stay in the tavern while I speak?"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw them look to eachother, before Ji started speaking. "If Vivi has a idea, we should follow it. Shes amazing at this stuff."

I blushed at her praise, "Im not that good," I complained to her, ignoring the nickname she used on me. She protested though, continuing to say how amazing I was, and how incredible it was to see me in action. 

Every complimemt made my blush deeper, until my entire fave was red, while Ji was still talking- actually more singing- about how cool I was, "She is just the best, I mean, have you heard her even sing?!? It's magical, gosh I love her, she is literally the best at this stuff, and-"

"We get it ok!" I shouted, my face a beet. Everyone giggled at my outburst. I started walking faster, making everyone race to catch up with me. The rest of our trip to Evol was mostly uneventful, excluding when Ji started laughing so hard at my joke she tripped into a puddle.

We soon arrived. The entrance to the kingdom was beautiful. It was a large, mossy stone wall, trees lining it, flowered vines everywhere.

We walked up the stone pathway, and came to the large wooden gates. A few guards came up to us, but I told them we were simply travelers. They warily let us in.

We walked in the market for a few hours, getting some supplies from the vendors. Mainly Kiwis and other foods we wanted. We also got everyone else weapons, since I was the only one armed.

Ji got a simpe, but gorgeous, ebony sword. It had some engravings along the side, that mostly meant luck and durability. Most swordsmiths used them. They were on my swords as well.

Kianna got a pair of ruby daggers with black leather hilts. There weren't many engravings on her daggers, just simple durability ones on the bottom of the hilts, since rubies were considered good luck.

Catrinna got a huge golden battleaxe. It had a few of the common engravings inbetween the double blade on the end. The hilt was made of leather, and looked like it was painted gold.

We also got Sene a simple bronze dagger with a plain leather handle and the normal engravings.

By the time we were done it was dark. We went to the local tavern, "The dagger's sheath" and paid for three rooms. Sene wanted one to himself since he was the only boy, Kianna and Catrinna wanted to share, and there was one room left, so me and Ji had to share.

I immediately went to my room, faceplanting on the bed and was out instantly.

I woke up what felt like seconds later. I was confused at first, since I wasn't laid out the same was as when I fell asleep. I had my uncomfortable shoes and socks off, along with my pants and sweater.

I felt mildly embarrased, since I was only in my underwear and a tank top, before I realized Ji must have taken them off ao I could sleep better, since I always had trouble sleeping with that stuff on.

She also must have tucked me in, since I was consideribly warm. I opened my eyes and saw that Ji was right in front of me, since we had shared a bed.

I waited until she woke up, then asked her to get everyone and bring them into the room while I used the bathroom. She left the room while I smiled and went into the small restroom.

Sup Stalkers! I got to 1300 words today, Boop Bye Baes!

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