Chapter 1

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Arlo frowned, staring at the white haired commoners brought to him. "Not her..."Arlo says shaking his head. Blyke stared at him in disbelief, sweating a little at how irritated the king looked. "Not this one"Arlo grumbled. Isen sighed, knowing he was gonna get busted for this later on. "That was the last girl..."Blyke informs cautiously. Arlo stood up and hurried away to the stables, finding Titan waiting for him. "Where are you going?!"Blyke demands alarmed. "For a ride"Arlo responds hopping up onto Titan and taking off. "W-Without a saddle?!"Blyke calls after him. He sighed, shaking his head. "He's still searching?"Remi asks walking over. "Please tell me you're bothered by're the queen for crying out loud"Blyke sighed. "Arlo already told me, he refuses to have an heir with me, even though he's one for the royal rules"Remi responds shrugging as she looked at him.

Arlo looked around, Titan galloping through the woods. A white pelt came into view, his eyes widening. "Hey!" The white haired girl looked at him in surprise, bringing her stallion to a halt. "Your majesty"The girl grinned looking teasing. "Been searching for you"Arlo informs. "Have you now?"The girl snorted amused. "Still not gonna give me your name?"Arlo asks. She shook her head, getting a small smile from him. "Can I call you Fairy then? You look like a fairy"Arlo smiled. "Go ahead"Fairy giggled their horses trotting around in a circle. "Will you ever reveal yourself to me?"Arlo asks. "Maybe one day, if you play your cards right"Fairy giggled smiling at him. "Can we meet again tonight?"Arlo asks. "I shouldn't"Fairy sighed. "You should"Arlo insists. "Then I will"Fairy grinned. "RACE YOU!" Fairy took off on her stallion, Arlo chasing after her on Titan grinning. The sound of horse hooves echoed through the forest, animals scattering when the two galloped past.

Fairy smiled at him, before patting her stallions neck, urging the white stallion to go faster. "Come on, Wish!"Fairy beamed. Wish leaped over a fallen log, Arlo grinning at her. Titan leaped over the log next, galloping after Fairy and Wish. "Too slow, your majesty!"Fairy calls looking back at him amused. He grinned at her, Titan speeding up to catch her. "Gotta go"Fairy smiled. Wish leaped off the trail, Arlo bringing his horse to a stop, watching her take off. "I'll catch you next time!"Arlo calls smiling. "Good luck!"Fairy laughed riding out of view. He turned his stallion around, Titan trotting back towards the castle. She amused him, not many commoners had the guts to say no to his face even more so tease him. Not to mention the fact that he can't find her, made him more curious about who she was and where she came from. "Arlo!" Blyke rode over on a black stallion, his eyes wide. "King Rei and Prince Ryder have been announced dead! Arlo stared, his eyes widening in shock.

30 minutes earlier

Ryder chased after a dragonfly, Rei doing his morning report with Kuyo, the two talking behind him. "The new bakery has been getting more popular"Kuyo informs. "I'll have to take, my love there sometime"Rei smiled nodding. "The training knights have been doing well, but they've been complaining that their muscles hurt, the general gave them a good whacking"Kuyo went on. "Not too rough?"Rei frowned. "I overlooked the punishment, the general wasn't too rough"Kuyo nodded. "REI! RYDER IS IN TROUBLE!!" Rei turned, looking at Sabor alarmed. "RYDER!"Rei shouts taking off, his eyes wide. Sabor ran after him, taking them to the hunting grounds. "Bucks! How'd wild bucks get on the grounds!"Kuyo yells. Rei hurried into the stampede of bucks, dodging their incoming antlers. "Ryder!"Rei yells. "DADDY!" He ducked underneath incoming antlers, Ryder hitting behind a rock.

Rei grabbed him, rushing towards Kuyo and Sabor. "Rei!"Kuyo calls. Sabor shoved Kuyo into the stampede, alarming the blue haired male as he vanished underneath the stampede of hooves. Rei looked around, dirt and dust filling his vision. Hooves kicked him in the face, knocking him over. "Dad!"Ryder yells dodging hooves. Hands grabbed him, Rei slipping out of the stampede . He hurried up to Sabor and looked around. "Where's Kuyo"Rei asks. "Long live the king"Sabor says simply. He grabbed Ryder and rammed into Rei's stomach, sending the startled male falling into the stampede. Sabor stared, watching Rei vanish underneath the stampede. "Sorry kid"Sabor grinned. Ryder's eyes widened, before he chomped down on Sabor's arm, forcing the male to release him. He yelled in alarm, tumbling down right into the stampede. "LITTLE BRAT!!"Sabor yells. Ryder appeared on the other side, running towards the Enchanted Forest. "YOU COME BACK I'LL KILL YOU!!"Sabor shouts. Ryder vanished into the bushes, his body trembling.

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