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"Seraphina, what the hell are you talking about?!" Arlo glared at Seraphina, his fists trembling angrily. "I'm resigning as queen"Seraphina responds turning away. "You can't do that! The kingdom rules state that we have to have an heir ready before twenty years old!"Arlo retorts. "Have an heir with Cecile"Seraphina shrugged unbothered. Arlo stared at the queen in disbelief, Seraphina removing the crown on her head. "I don't wanna get pregnant nor have a child with you, goodbye, your majesty"Seraphina says walking away. The land they lived on was called Wellston, each kingdom had their own king and queen, that must have an heir ready before either of them reached the age of twenty or else a younger pairing would be chosen to take over. Whenever the pair have an heir, they're moved to a kingdom of their own to rule over till the day they die.

The kingdom to the northeast was ruled by King Rei and his unknown queen that usually only made appearances whenever it was absolutely needed of her. The kingdom they were currently in was named after the land. Wellston Kingdom. Arlo scowled, finding the situation he was in unbelivable. "I'm going out!"Arlo spat turning away. Blyke sighed, his hand resting on his sword finding this situation really uncomfortable. Arlo sighed, touching his head. His horse nudged him, then nibbled on his hand. "Hey buddy, wanna go for a ride."Arlo sighed petting the yellow pelted stallion. He saddled his horse up, carefully putting the reins on him and mounted the large stallion. "Let's go, Titan"Arlo says. Titan galloped out of the stables, Isen leaping out of the way dropping the bag of apples. Isen watched the king take off into the woods. Galloping came from the kings right, a white pelt coming into view. "Come on Wish!" A white stallion leaped out in front of him, a girl with white hair and sapphire blue eyes riding it.

She looked at him surprised, before her stallion took off into the woods. "Wait!!"Arlo calls riding his stallion after her. The girl brought her stallion to a stop, looking at him. The two trotted in a circle, looking at the other. "I've never seen you before, who are you?"Arlo asks curiously. "Just a lowly commoner your majesty, sorry If i intruded on your space, Wish enjoys running at night"The girl responds respectfully. He smiled at her, finding her interesting. "May I have your name"Arlo asks. "You may not your majesty"The mysterious girl giggled giving him an amused smile. "Well, I'm-"Arlo starts. "King Arlo, current king of the Wellston Kingdom"The girl smiled. "Now can I have your name?"Arlo asks amused. "No"The girl giggled. She took off on her stallion, Arlo staring after her amused. He smiled, and rode back to the palace, Titan huffing as he galloped back.

Arlo leaped down off his horse, Titan coming to a stop inside the stables. "Isen!"Arlo calls. Isen walked over, Blyke beside him looking curious. "Yes, your majesty?"Isen says. "Send out wanted posters, for a girl with white hair and blue eyes"Arlo orders. "Any girl with white hair and blue eyes, I want them brought to me so I can find a certain one"Arlo corrects before Isen could walk away. "Did you find a new queen?"Blyke asks hopefully. "The girl I very pretty and she's a bit of a sassy one"Arlo smiled having been entertained by her. "She had a white stallion, it was as big as titan, and she rode on it like a pro!"Arlo rambled Blyke following him. "She wouldn't tell me her name"Arlo finishes. "Maybe she's a criminal, we're still catching criminals nowadays"Blyke offers. "She was no criminal, she was more like a forest fairy, that enjoys being around nature"Arlo smiled.

Faith climbed down off Wish and hummed, as she swayed to the music in her head, walking into her home. "Faith, where have you been?!"Oliver demanded walking over looking at her scoldingly. "Riding Wish, father"Faith smiled twirling around. She hummed walking to her room and sat down on the bed. "Did you meet someone? You look..giddy"Oliver questions amused. "I met the king, Father, he found me while I was riding Wish, we talked for a little while before I took off"Faith giggled. "You're joking!"Oliver gasped his eyes widening. "No, father...he was rather nice, he even asked for my name but i didn't give it to him"Faith sighed. She laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling. "He seemed like an arrogant jerk though"Faith giggles covering her mouth. She yawned and stretched, before turning over onto her side, smiling as she fell fast asleep, wondering what the future held in store for her now.

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