Arthur's Horse Gets Towed.

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I found Mash outside when the party started.

The party that the Olympians came up with was even more massive than the last one at the end of our battle with Atlas.  Food everywhere, I mean.. enough food to even satisfy me, which was saying quite a lot. And a possible slow dance with Shirou to the music of the Muses seemed like quite a venture to me. 

However, I knew I needed a few questions answered first before I was truly content. 

So after I dodged a few gods who were all intent on finding me and congratulating me, I went in search of her.. the one girl who still remained a mystery to me. 

As I went looking for Mash, I passed by Ares who was bragging loudly with his arm around Clarisse's shoulder. 

"Stood up to the huge dragon Vortigern this young lady! Didn't even falter after being knocked into a concrete wall!!" Ares was roaring with pride as Clarisse blushed deeply. 

I smiled, Clarisse needed that.. even if it was a jerk like Ares..

I finally found Mash standing at the outside balcony in human form, the sunrise glinting over her glasses as she stood alone.. 

There was something strange too, the other gods and goddesses as well as our friends who would've been glad to see Mash alive seemed to walk past  her without seeing her.. even Annabeth and Mordred, who had loved hanging out with her..

Like she was a ghost.

But I knew she wasn't a ghost.. somehow I knew. I had seen spirits in the Underworld, She was here.   

Mash had vanished the moment she had pulled me back up, and even then, none of my friends or the gods had claimed to see her.. it was all quite strange.. and yet, I could feel her presence the entire time after..

I stood next to Mash on the balcony. My armor glinting in the light. I had returned back to my ordinary Saber armor after an hour or two..  "Beautiful.. isn't it?"

"I once watched a sunrise like this rise over the snow and ice of Antarctica with the one I cherish most.." said Mash quietly.  "After we defeated Goetia the first time.. "

"This world you come from, what is it like?" I asked. 

"There are no gods, it is truly an age of humanity without the interference of deities." said Mash with a small smile. "This world is different, it needs the gods to continue, unlike the one I hail from. It's.. differing world mechanics I guess.. I don't belong to this world Arturia.. neither does Goetia.. I think the World brought me here because it knew.. "

"Even though the World brought Avenger to destroy the gods?" I said. "It brings you in to save it?"

"The World, the Counter Force, it's in a state of flux right now." said Mash. "At least I think that's how Dr. Roman would put it.. "


"An old friend." said Mash. "While abuse of the World has caused Counter Force to desire vengeance, it is also still a bit of it's former self, desiring to restore order and protect order. As a result of that, I was brought in to counter Counter Force's vengeful side and Goetia, the being who didn't belong.. and now that my job is done.."

"Now that it's done, that other world you came from is pulling you back." I said. "That's why nobody can see you.. you're slowly vanishing back to that world.."

"Yes." said Mash. "I was hoping I'd get to talk to you before then Senpai.. to say goodbye, and I've gotten my wish.. we have a You in our world of course, but... the you here, I will still miss."

"Another me?" I asked. "What is she like?"

"Heheheh.. she still has issues to work out with Mordred.. but other than that, you're quite similar." said Mash with a laugh. 

I sighed. "Figures.. but, I must know, how DID you survive Vortigern's attack? I saw you vanish!"

Mash laughed again. "Of course I didn't survive that attack.. you can probably say the reason why I had amnesia in the first place, was.. even though Counter Force brought me here.. I was never ENTIRELY here to begin with...  goodbye Saber.. I hope we can meet again someday, I will be sure to tell my Senpai all about you, oh.. and Fou too!"

And without a single explanation to who this fou person was,  Mash faded away, turning transparent and then vanishing, as if she had never been there to begin with..

"Hey.. " Annabeth walked over to me and leaned on the balcony. "What are you doing out here?"

"Just.. saying goodbye to Mash." I said, wiping a tear from my face. "Nothing much.."

"Mash?" said Annabeth. "The TV show?"

I stared at Annabeth. "No.. the person! You know.. she shielded me from Vortigern! She's been living at Camp for the past 2 years! Mash Kryielight!"

Annabeth shrugged. "Er.. Arturia, as far as I know, there's never been anybody by that name at camp ever.. are you feeling okay?"

I blinked with bemusement for a moment, then I shook my head. "Nothing nothing.. just.. tired I guess.."

I had a strange feeling that Mash wouldn't mind that this as long as I remembered her at least.. after all, she was never supposed to be here.. After all, she had her own friends waiting for her back in her world..  the Counter Force was a strange thing.. 

Life started going back to normal a few hours after the party ended.. or at least, they went back to hell because suddenly I got some rather disturbing news. 

"S.. Saber!" Nico ran over to me as we walked out of the Empire State building. "I.. I'm sorry, I tried to stop her.. but.. "

"Nico slow down, what happened?" I asked. 

"Rachel!" He said. "She took Llamrei and left, she said she had to get back to Camp!"

I ended up doing the Servant thing and I grabbed Annabeth and Nico, tucking them under my arms and dashing at a hundred miles per hour through the traffic. 

Traffic was horrible, everybody was still staring at the war damage. Most of the pegasi had left, the Party Ponies were gone with most of the rootbeer in the city, and even Medusa had seemingly already left early on The Pegasus. 

Nobody paid me any attention, I took the alleyways and leaped across buildings to avoid general attention.. 

"She won't make it through our Camp Defenses!" said Annabeth. "Peleus will eat her!"

I hadn't considered the fact that our dragon guarding the Fleece might consider Rachel an enemy and devour her on the spot. 

Finally I found a motorcycle that was just sitting there.  I with a quickly written note in apology to the parking meter and a promise to return the bike to the same spot by the end of the day, I jumped on with Nico and Annabeth behind me. 

I hurled a powerful surge of magical energy into the bike, and immediately silvery Camelot Steel Armor covered the bike.. turning it into a powerful looking Knight version of itself...a trick I had used in the Fuyuki Grail wars with Shirou's father.  Cuirassier. 

"Could.. you ALWAYS do that!?" Nico asked. 

"Took me a while to remember HOW to do it.. that's all." I said as I drove Cuirassier out of the parking space and zoomed at immense speeds in the direction of Camp. 

Before long I zoomed straight over the hill of Camp Halfblood, having zoomed straight offroad and kept going, using the hill as a ramp before I landed with a screeching halt in front of the Big House. 

 Something was definitely wrong. Green light was shooting out all the windows, just
like I'd seen in my dream about May Castellan. Mist.. the magical kind..swirled around the yard.
Chiron lay on a horse-size stretcher by the volleyball pit, a bunch of satyrs standing around him.

Llamrei cantered nervously nearby, neighing at me apologetically. 

Rachel Elizabeth Dare stood at the bottom of the porch steps. Her arms were raised like she was
waiting for someone inside the house to throw her a ball.

"What's she doing?" Annabeth demanded. "How did she get past the barriers?"

"She flew," one of the satyrs said, looking accusingly at Llamrei. "Right past the dragon, right through the magic boundaries."

"Rachel!" I called, but the satyrs stopped me when I tried to go any closer.

"Arturia, don't," Chiron warned. He winced as he tried to move. His left arm was in a sling, his two back legs were in splints, and his head was wrapped in bandages. "You can't interrupt."

"I thought you explained things to her!"

"I did. And I invited her here."

I stared at him in disbelief. "You.. invited.. BUT-.
"I know Arturia.. Rachel had a vision about the curse of Hades. She believes it may be lifted now. She convinced me she deserves a chance."

"And if the curse isn't lifted? If Hades hasn't gotten to that yet, she shall lose her mind!!" I roared. "The magic will torment her forever!"

The Mist swirled around Rachel. She shivered like she was going into shock.


I ran toward her, ignoring the satyrs. I managed to get close before suddenly a powerful barrier of invisible magic sent me flying back. Without my Noble Phantasms I was powerless to get through. 

Rachel opened her eyes and turned. She seemed like she was seeing me through some sort of veil.. like a strange dream in the darkness.. 

"It's all right." Her voice sounded far away. "This is why I've come."

"Rachel.. it will kill you!" I said. "Please!"

She shook her head. "This is where I belong, Saber. I finally understand why."

The house shook.. and it approached.. The door flew open.. I could sense the ancient mana from within, far more ancient than even Goetia and the 72 demons.. 

Mist curled into a hundred serpents comprised of the green smoke, slithering up the porch columns, curling around the house. Then she appeared... the oracle.. framed in the doorway..

She looked horrible.. clumps of hair falling out.. her leathery skin crackling and if she was slowly falling apart.. 

Rachel held out her arms. Any form of fear she might have had could not be seen in her face, which was impressive as this looked like something from the Conjuring or worse..

"You've waited too long," Rachel said. "But I'm here now."

The sun blazed more brightly. Apollo appeared.. wearing a toga and golden bracelets upon his wrists..

"Uncle.." I said.

He winked at me but held up his finger to his lips/

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare," he said. "You have the gift of prophecy. But it is also a curse. Are you sure you want this?"

Rachel nodded. "It's my destiny."

"Do you accept the risks?"

"I do."

"Then proceed," the god said.

Rachel closed her eyes. "I accept this role. I pledge myself to Apollo, God of Oracles. I open my eyes to the future and embrace the past. I accept the spirit of Delphi, Voice of the Gods, Speaker of Riddles, Seer of Fate."

A green column of smoke, like a huge python, uncoiled from the mummy's mouth and slithered down the stairs, curling affectionately around Rachel's feet. The Oracle's mummy crumbled, falling away until it was nothing but a pile of dust in an old tie-dyed dress. Mist enveloped Rachel in a column.

For a moment I couldn't see her at all. Then the smoke cleared.
Rachel collapsed and curled into the fetal position. Annabeth, Nico, and I rushed forward, but Apollo said, "Stop! This is the most delicate part."

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" I said. "Delicate!?"

Apollo studied Rachel with concern. "Either the spirit takes hold, or it doesn't."

"And if it doesn't?" Annabeth asked.

"Five syllables," Apollo said, counting them on his fingers."That would be real bad."

The mist settled, fading away. I dove over to Rachel and put a hand over her forehead. "Rachel.. answer me.. RACHEL!"

Rachel's eyes fluttered open, and she groaned, putting a finger to her temples. "Owwww.. like.. ouch.. Seriously. "

"Ladies and gentlemen!! Say hello to the New Oracle of Delphi!" said Apollo.

"You're.. kidding me." said Annabeth.

"Nope, not kidding! Been hoping for that curse to lift for a while now!" said Apollo. "But yep.. our good ol' Girl Rachel is now a new medium for the Prophecies sung by yours truly! Cool right?"

I shook my head as I helped Rachel up. "I can't say I agree much with the risk you took doing this, but.."

"It's fine." Rachel said, smiling at me. "It was always my destiny.. anyways, nowhere near the amount of crap you had to go through Ms. I slipped on a puddle of blood and got slashed in the Chest.

"Yeah.. I guess." I said, still shaking my head. 

"So you can tell prophecies now?" Nico said. 

"Well of course not all the time." said Rachel. "I mean sometimes when I'm.. oh no.."

"It's happening!" said Apollo.

Rachel doubled over like somebody had punched her in the gut, then she rose up, her eyes glowing green as the serpent smoke surrounded her.  Her voice echoed and tripled like there were three hers talking at once. 

"Seven Heroes Will Answer The Call..

To Storm or Fire, The World Must Fall.

An Oath To Keep With a Final Breath. 

Foes Bear Arms To The Doors of Death.

7 Beasts Of Man Rise To Declare Doom.

Arise 7 Grand, To Meet The Moon. "

Rachel returned to normal as the smoke disappeared. "Agh.. well.. urgh.. anybody have lemon slices?"

"Um, what did all that mean?" I asked. 

"That, my dear niece.. is the Next Great Prophecy for the world!" said Apollo. 

"I don't even remember what I said." said Rachel. 

"That didn't sound good though." I said quietly. 

"No it didn't, but I wouldn't worry about it." said Apollo cheerfully. "I mean let's face it, it took like 20 years for the Prophecy about Percy to be completed, Heck this one might not even happen in your lifetime, and as a Servant you'll live like.. ages!"

"But it sounded pretty doomsday-ish don't you think?" said Nico. 

"Of course!" said Apollo. "She's going to make a WONDERFUL Oracle."


The day took a little bit to get back to normal. Burial shrouds were burned for Silena and everyone else who had fallen.. of course nobody remembered Mash, nobody was even aware she existed.. even Apollo who I asked to test the theory. 

Another burial Shroud was made for Stheno and King Hassan, the two of which we weren't certain we'd ever be able to summon again with the way the current summoning system worked. 

Asterios helped Euryale burn the shroud as she sobbed profusely into Medusa's arm.  The two of them made quite the odd pair, but Asterios seemed to really take to Euryale. 

And I sat on the grassy hill overlooking the lake, thinking to myself, when Shirou came up to sit next to me.

"Feeling sad?" He asked.

"No.." I said. "I mourn the losses yes, but.. for once I feel as if a little bit of the world is starting to get better.."

I looked down at the Cabin area where there were already plenty of other cabins to other gods being constructed..  Nico waved at me, grinning as he directed several skeletal undead workers to constructing an obsidian cabin for Hades. 

"Things will get back to normal soon enough." said Shirou. "In the meantime.. I think we should thank Mash that you're safe huh..?"

I stared at Shirou with slight shock.

"I think the Counter Force  might have overlooked a few people when dealing with memories." said Shirou, winking at me. "She really did prefer to go out quietly didn't she?"

"She never liked causing trouble for others.." I said quietly, smiling to myself as I leaned my head on Shirou's shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around me. 

"Speaking of which.." said Shirou. "Isn't it Percy's birthday? The prophecy sorta all came true."

"Indeed.. Luke made the choice in the end.. as did Percy to give Luke the knife.." I said. "King Hassan was the one who fell to Time..  and I guess the Lance did Rise.. it rose to the hand of Mordred.. who was finally worthy to wield it."

"Yeah, it all fell into place." said Shirou. "Weird... hey isn't that Percy and Annabeth near the lake?"

I looked where Shirou indicated, and I nearly choked on my own saliva as I saw that Shirou and Annabeth's faces seemed to be a bit close... and... 

"Kissing." said Shirou with a whistle. "Uh-oh.. "

"Leave them alone for now." I said with a sigh. "They deserve some privacy-"

"UH-OH!! LOOKS LIKE THE TWO LOVE BIRDS ARE AT IT AGAIN!!" Clarisse popped up behind us with Mordred and a group of campers and Servants.

"THE LAKE!!" yelled Mordred with glee. 


"Perce's the son of Poseidon, that'll do nothing!" said Liz. "You two on the other hand CAN get wet! WHOOOO!"

The next thing we knew, me and Shirou were sent splashing into the lake, as Percy and Annabeth watched and laughed..  Just you wait you two.. my vengeance would come swift.. 

And indeed it did.. because that night at dinner, the two of them found rather quickly placed Whoopie Cushions that exploded with confetti placed by Tristan at my request. 

The night before we would be heading back to the city, I found myself walking through the forest. It felt strange to leave this place without any sense of forboding.. even with the New Great Prophecy looming over my head.

"Evening stroll? Nice night for it.."

I looked over to see Artemis sitting against a tree, petting a large white wolf that had it's head in her lap, sleeping. 

"Mother.." I said, sitting next to Artemis. I began petting the's fur was warm and soft like a pillow. 

"I never had a chance to speak with you alone during the party.." said Artemis. "I wanted to express how proud of you I was.."

I paused for a moment.. "Delphyne.. tell me about her.."

Artemis looked at me. "Yes, I had almost forgotten.. Pan told you of her.. didn't he?"

"Yes..the Dragon who possesses a grudge against me.." I said. "Who wants me dead.."

The air around us grew cold, just the name Delphyne seemed to make everything more chilly..

"She is the Sister of Python, the serpent who persecuted Leto during her pregnancy with me and Apollo." said Artemis. "I suppose it is time you knew about her. The truth was, while some tales spoke of Delphyne being the one that Apollo slew, the truth is.. that Apollo only ever slew Python, the weaker of the two.."

"Delphyne was the stronger one?." I asked.

"She is the Ancestor of Dragons, a great winged serpent with flames darker than Vortigern.. the very dragon that was thrown to Tartarus by Zeus with immense effort.. after it tried to remove his tendons during the battle against Typhon.." said Artemis. "It is one of the Sins of Man.. a Beast.. Beast VI.. the Beast of 666..  It has gone by many names.. a Dragon That wears 10 Crowns.. the Beast of Revelations as it has a similar appearance to another separate entity from the bible.."

"A dragon that rose up from the sea, with 7 heads, 10 horns, and upon those horns 10 crowns." I said. "Yes.. I heard of this."

"The words of the Dragon of 10 horns and 10 crowns were around far longer than Delphyne ever was. " said Artemis. "But she drew from the words of God and the World and became a symbol of the Devil.. a dragon with 7 heads and 10 crowns.. a pure demon in every sense of the word who hated Leto and the Sun.."

"And why does Delphyne hate me?" I asked. 

"Simply put, I cannot say.." said Artemis. "From the time of your birth, I learned Delphyne possessed an immense hatred for you.. and while she still festers in Tartarus, I could not risk her finding you.."

Artemis looked at me with great worry in her eyes. "I know not the reason for her hatred, but promise me you will never fall in her path.. any dragon who would personify the Devil himself is not to be taken lightly.. it is evil in the darkest sense of the word..  I have only told you of Delphyne to put you on your guard.. "

I nodded. 

"I wish I could raise you myself.. It was why I wished you to join the hunters.. to have you to myself and raise you both.. " whispered Artemis. "But.. giving up Shirou Emiya would not suit you would it?"

"No.. I guess it wouldn't." I said.  "The prophecy.. by the way.. what do you think of it?"

"The next Great Prophecy.." Artemis smiled. "Well.. I would not worry much of it either.."

"Why?" I asked.

Artemis gave me a matter of fact look. "Well.. of course, the world has you.. and I have faith in that.."

With that, Artemis disappeared, leaving me alone with the white wolf as it slept with it's head in my lap now.. 

I scratched the wolf behind the ears and looked up at the sky. 

And for once.. I felt no sense of dread when I looked upon those stars..

Only peace..

End of King Arthur and The Olympians. 

The story will continue in The Heroic Spirits of Olympus. 

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