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Blu woke up to the sound of someone banging on the door.

"Everyone get up!" The person shouted. Blu immediately heard shuffling around the room and figures moving around.

She heard footsteps outside the door, thinking whoever had woken them up had left. She still layed in bed, not wanting to get up.

Suddenly, a cold hand touched her arm. She flinched at the unexpected touch. She looked up to find Rachel.

"Come on Blu," she whispered. "You've got to get dressed.

Slowly, Blu started to get up. As she sat upright, she bumbed her head on the top bunk.

"Ow," she groaned, clutching her head. This was going to be an awful day.

Once Blu had gotten into her clothes, she looked at the single mirror in the room. But the person she saw in the reflection was not her. It was not the happy, caring girl from town. It was a shady, broken, and sad servant that would spend so much of her life serving the king.

"Time to go," Rachel said to her. She nodded and followed her and the other servants out the room.

The king had told her her scheduled yesterday. She was working in the kitchen first and preparing breakfast. Thankfully, Rachel was also working in the kitchen.

They walked into the large room she had seen the day before. For some reason it looked bigger than she had remembered it. She gazed at the hundreds of pots and pans hanging along the walls. The other servants working in this session were getting right to work. They were wearing white aprons as they hurried to work.

"Come on," Rachel said. "I'll show you where everything is." And so she did. She showed Blu where the aprons, pans, and pots, bowls, plates, silverware, and where everything was.

After she was finished, they started cooking omelets for the king and his fellows. Blu had always cooked omelets at home. But of course not with such luxurious equipment. Her plates and bowls were used back in town were mostly wooden.

As she stirred the eggs and milk in the bowl, she looked at the servant standing beside her. Just as she was about to pour the eggs in the pan, the servant beside her turn towards her.

"Wait!" he said grabbing her hands to to prevent her from pouring the mixed eggs. "The king likes his eggs really mixed- so that it is almost like water," he said as he took the bowl away from Blu and stirred.

this servant was probably around her age maybe a little older. Blu found him quite handsome. He had hazel brown eyes and dark brown hair but she turned away before he can notice her looking. Once he finished steering, he handed the bowl back to Blu with a big smile on his face. How can someone handsome be so happy in the place like this Blu thought to herself.

"Blu, right?" He said as he went back to his work.

"I'm Ryan, But most People call me Ohm," he beamed. Blu nodded keeping her eyes down.

Ohm laughed. A cute laugh. "Why are you so quiet?" He asked.

Blu signed. "Well maybe it's because I'm still not used to this place and don't wanna be here right now," I said annoyed. Ohm's eyes widen and he stayed silent for the rest of the morning. Blu felt bad for what she said. The boy was just trying to be nice.

Before the servants were to bring the food the dining hall, Blu Grabbed Ohm's arm. He spun around looking confused.

"Hey look I'm sorry for being a jerk, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything. I'm still just not used to this place and miss home," Blu said sincerely. Ohm raised his eyebrows and a smile grew on his face.

"It's alright. I get it," he said assuringy. Blu smiled.

Finally it was time to serve breakfast to the king and his fellows. Blu took the large plate that had the omelet she made, and followed the other servants to the hall. But she was a little nervous. The last time she had seen the king was last night. What would he say to her? Or would he say anything at all?

Finally they came to two huge, wooden doors, almost as high as the ceiling. There stood a guard. Standing like a statue. When he saw the servants coming he looked at them in disgust and opened the door.

Blu's little heart jumped when she saw the king sitting at a long table along with some other people. When the people noticed the servants' presence, they all became silent. The servants quickly rushed over to the table, placing each dish at the middle of it. Blu followed, placing the omelet she had made towards the middle of the table. As she did this, she could feel eyes on her. And when she looked at the king, he was staring right at her. Blu's heart skipped a beat and quickly looked down.

Suddenty loud voice echoed through the room. "Blu, how are you liking your first day as a servant?" The king said. Everyone's head turned towards her. Blu felt like she couldn't breathe. Was she liking her first day here? Certainly not. But she couldn't say that.

"It's interesting," she mumbled without thinking. Everyone stared at her silently. She started to feel uncomfortable. Then suddenly, the king let out a laugh, a laugh that echoed through the whole hall.

"Interesting," he repeated under his breath. "You have no idea," he said mysteriously. Blu shook with fear. She had never felt so scared in her entire life.

The servants started to leave and Blu followed. How could someone be so cruel and shallow? When they returned to the kitchen to clean up, Rachel walked up to her.

"Are you okay?" She asked placing a hand on her shoulder. Blu nodded.

"Yeah," she lied. Rachel tilted her head.

"You sure? You look a bit shaken up," she said.

"I'm fine," she replied. As she said this she couldn't help but notice Ohm staring at her, his eyes full of sorrow. She looked away and walked out of the room, not wanting to speak to anyone at the moment. She ran through the halls and out a back door towards the garden. Tears started to form in her eyes and a sob escaped her mouth.

She sat down on a golden bench and threw her face in her hands. She wanted to go home. She didn't want to be to be here at all. This was the last place she wanted to be. She missed her family and friends who she probably won't see for years. This was hell for her.

She heard footsteps behind her, assuming they were Rachel's. But when she looked up, her eyes met ohm's. What was he doing here? Why is he following her? She let out another sob and threw her head back in her hands. Ohm sat down next to her and placed a hand on her back. But she shook them off, confused as to why he was doing this considering she had just met him.

"Blu" he said in his raspy voice. Blu shook her her head. "It's normal for you to feel like this. I know I did when I first came here. But you just gotta suck it up and get used to it" he said softly.

Blu continued to cry. She didn't say a word. Ohm was about to give up on her when she finally spoke up. "Why are you doing this?" She asked. "I barely know you." Ohm looked at her thoughtfully.

"Because I care about people," he said. They sat in silence once agian.

"How do you do it?" Blu sobbed.

Ohm thought for a moment, unsure of what she was trying to say. "Do what?" He asked.

"How do you get through everything knowing your family is out there somewhere and you may never see them agian?" She cried finally bringing her head up.

Ohm tightened and his eyes were fixed on a certain object in the garden. "I don't have a family," he said gritting his teeth. Blu stopped crying, as she looked at Ohm, his eyes full of hurt. "The king killed them,"he finished. Blu froze, not knowing what to say. They sat there in silence staring at the flowers that lay ahead of them. How could the king do such a thing?

"I'm sorry," Blu said wiping her tears away. Ohm just shook his head and stood up, walking back into the castle without another word. Blu felt bad for him. What he had said made her hate the king even more. She looked up at the Castle and saw a ghost-like figure standing at the window.

It was the king looking down at her. He had no expression on his face. Nothing at all. And then he disappeared from sight.

* * *

For the rest of the day Blu worked and worked and worked. But what Ohm had said kept playing over and over again in her mind.

Finally when she returned to her room, it was almost 6:00. She finished all the work she had to do today. The room was empty so she rested peacefully on her bed.

Just five more minutes aftre, she heard a knock at the door. "Blu" a familiar voice whispered. It was Ohm. What did he want now? "Come out," he said. "I wanna show you something."

Blu groaned softly and without thinking got up from her bed. She opened the door and found Ohm looking at her with excitement. Little did she know this was going to be an eventful night.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading! And sorry I didn't publish the chapter so soon.

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