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"Can't we get in trouble for this?" Blu whispered violently at Ohm. They walked silently along the castle's hallways. Everyone must be in bed by now but there were still guards out. Ohm gave her a stern look.

"Yeah we could, but I do this all the time-trust me," he said.

"Where are we going anyway?" Blu asked curiously.

"You'll see," Ohm said as a small smile grew on his face. Blu gave him a puzzled look but continued to follow.

They walked through countless hallways, all filled with gold pillars. They even came across a wall, lined with pictures of the past kings. The first picture Blu saw was of a friendly-looking king passed more and more pictures, the smiles of the King's started to fade until she passed King Jonathon's picture. His lips were pressed into a line and his eyes looked almost translucent. Ohm noticed Blu looking at the pictures.

"Sad isn't it?" He said. "How the kingdom used to be such a magnificent and happy place," he sighed. "And now it's just awful." He shook his head. "C'mon."

Ohm led Blu out a secret back door which led to the castle's garden. The garden seemed so much bigger than she remembered earlier that day. Lights were speckled around the whole area. The sound of crickets filled the air. And the crescent moon along with hundreds of stars, shone bright up in the black sky.

Ryan brought Blu to a small hill which kept them hidden, but still had most magnificent views of the whole garden. A large hedge maze stood towards the right.

Blu was astonished. "This is incredible," she said quietly. Ohm smiled brightly as they sat down on the cold grass.

"Just because this castle is home to that nut job," Ohm said tilting his head towards the castle, "doesn't mean it's not beautiful." They sat in silence, gazing down at the garden as their minds took them to another world. Blu thought she could just stay here forever and forget about everything. Then she got back to reality.

"I'm sorry about this afternoon," she said looking down at her hands. "About mentioning your family." At first there was no answer. Then Ohm finally spoke up.

"It's okay. You don't have to be sorry about anything. You didn't know," his words almost jumbled together. Then Blu started thinking about her own family. She missed them more than anyone could ever imagine.

A tear unexpectedly trailed down Blu's cheek. Ryan noticed this and wiped it away. "Don't cry. You're wasting your tears." He said. "At least be thankful you have a family," he said.

At this, Blu brought herself together and looked towards Ohm. His brown hazel eyes gazed through the garden. His expression was emotionless.

"Thank you for bringing me here," Blu said. Ryan gave her a small smile.

"I come here a lot," he said. "To clear my mind. You can sometimes go crazy listening to that man's voice every day," he said shaking his head.

Blu sighed. "I've heard the craziest stories about things he has done. Do you know if they're true?" She asked.

Ohm stiffened and he curled his hands in a fist. "5 grueling years," he replied.

"How long do people stay here?" Blu asked.

"Depends on how much the king likes you. If you seem useful to him, your most likely going to stay longer. One lucky servant even stayed for one year. So it just depends."

Blu nodded, wondering how long her own stay would be.

Suddenly, they both heard a voice that made them jump.

"Hey! Anybody out here?" Said a strong-looking guard along with another one beside him.

Blu's heart sped up. It was only then that she knew she had made a mistake. She should've just stayed in her room along with all the other servants. But now she had to deal with this.

Both Blu and Ohm could see the two guards but the guards could not see them. Well, at least not yet.

Without speaking, Ohm pressed his finger against his lips and then pointed to the hedge maze near them. Blu nodded.

They slightly snuck behind the hill and quietly entered the hedge maze. Although they were hidden, Blu's nervousness did not go away.

The walked along the walls of the maze, hoping the guards have gone.

But suddenly Blu had stepped on a twig, making a loud cracking sound.

And then they heard rumbling feet on the ground and shouts from the guards. "Whose there? Come out!" One yelled.

Ohm turned to Blu, his eyes full of bewilderment. He said one word to her and one word only.

"Run," he commanded. And they ran deeper and deeper into the maze as pounding feet followed behind them.

She turned and curved around turns and corners. She had no idea where she was going, but as long as she stayed away from the guards, she was okay. She zigzagged through the maze, going deeper and deeper.

Then the pounding sound of feet stooped, giving her a chance to catch her breath. Blu stopped in her tracks and put her hands on her knees, gasping for breath. Her hair and head were wet from her sweat as was her clothes. In other words, she was a complete mess.

"Ohm where are you," she shakily whispered under her breath. She looked around to see where she was but was completely lost.

Everything was quiet. Early quiet.

Then she felt two large hands grab her around the waist and a hand pressed against her mouth. It was the two guards.

Her screams were muffled and her fighting was useless. One guard grabbed onto one arm while the other grabbed onto the other.

The two guards wore evil grins of satisfaction. Blu's heart was pounding faster and faster.

"Poor little girl," one guard mocked. "You trying to sneak out?"

"Wait till the king hears about this," the other one cackled. "You're already dead." They walked Blu out of the maze and headed straight towards the castle.

Yet agian, she was going to walk with the king if he even gives her a chance to.

* * *

The guards dragged Blu through various hallways. Her heart beated faster with every step they took.

She knew she was going to die. But she couldn't do anything about it. Fear surged through her whole body. She wasn't ready to die. She still had a long life ahead of her. But once the king hears about this, she's as good as dead.

The guards finally brought her up to a large, tall golden door. She assumed these doors led to the king's room. Now Blu's whole body was shaking with terror. Sweat collected on her forehead as she took quick breaths.

The guards knocked on the door and the sound of echoed through the halls.

"Who is it?" The king said from behind the door. The hairs on Blu's neck stood up to the raspy and angry voice of the king. She could almost hear her own heart thumping in her chest. Once of the guards cleared his throat.

"Your majesty, we have a runner," he said. There was silence on the other side of the door. Then his loud voice spoke again.

"Come in," he commanded. The guards tightened their grip on Blu's arms and snickered as the two golden doors opened with a loud croak.

When Blu looked inside, she couldn't believe her eyes. The room was huge. The walls were blue and golden moldings. In the center was the king's bed. Blu had never seen a bed so big in her entire life. Beautiful designs were carved into his headboard which was made of pure gold.

A large dresser stood to Blu's right as did a giant walk-in closet. To her left was a grand bathroom which was not suprisingly also coated with gold. Blu had never seen a room so magnificent in her whole life.

But she quickly stopped admiring her surroundings when she saw the king standing in front of her.

When his eyes fell on her, his angry face seemed to soften a bit.

"Blu?" He said surprised. He signed and told the guards to leave them alone.

The guards gave each other a confused look but obeyed the king's commands. The doors crooned as they shut but the king did not keep his eyes off of Blu.

"So Blu," the king started. She flinched as he said her name. "Trying to run away?" He said coming closer to her.

Blu shook with fear. "No-I-" she started but the king cut her off when he put his finger to her lips.

"Shh," he said, "Why are you lying to me?" He slowly walked around her. Blu was frozen with fright. She could not move nor speak. The king came to close to her, their noses almost touched.

"Answer my question," he commanded.

"Okay!" Blu blurted out. "Okay!" She cried. "I tried to run away."

The king raised his eyebrows as he backed away from her.

"And what made you think that you could escape from me?" He asked turning his back towards Blu as he walked to the other end of the room.

"I- I don't know y-your majesty," Blu's words jumbled. No matter how hard she tried to hold it in, a single tear trailed down her face.

The king turned back to her. The expression on his face seemed to show as though he felt bad for her. His face softened again as he walked towards her. He reached his hand out towards her cheek and wiped the tear away.

"Just- don't do it agian," he sighed. Blu then became confused at the words that had come out of the King 's mouth. Why is he actually being nice to her? She had never seen this side of the king before. He was like a different person. His voice was much softer and almost charming. And he almost looked quite handsome with the new attitude.

"You not going to punish me?" Blu blurted out but immediately regretted what she had said. She clasped her hands around her mouth. She hadn't meant to say that out loud.

At this the king stiffened and his face changed. He looked meaner, angrier, more firm.

"Do you want a punishment?" He raged. Blu immediately shook her head and backed away from the king.

But the king went right up to her, raised his hand, and smacked her right on the cheek. Blu whimpered as she rubbed her cheek. That would definitely leave a red mark.

The king had finally realized he was being too nice to Blu. What had gotten into him? Why did this girl make him so weak?

The king had finally realized he was being too nice to Blu. What had gotten into him? Why did this girl make him so weak?

"3 days in the dungeon!" He declared as he dragged Blu to the floor. When he opened them, the same two guards stood in front of him.

"Bring her to the dungeon!" The king told them. The guards nodded and dragged Blu away, her Cries echoing behind her.

The king shut the door angrily and laid on his bed. He took a deep breath as the cries of Blu echoed through his head. He must be bipolar. Thoughts and questions swirled around his mind.

But the real question is, was he really mad at Blu? Or was he just mad at himself?

Woah, took me so long to right this, sorry for the wait. Please send feedback about the book, and check out my new story Insane|H2o Delirious Fanfiction

And follow my new Instagram

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