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Sitting on the rock hard, cold floor of the dungeon was not something Blu particularly liked. It wasn't something anyone would like.

She laid lifeless on the concrete ground as she watched two cockroaches climbing up the walls. Her hands were chained to the ground as was her feet. She thought chaining her to the ground was completely ridiculous and a waste of time. It's not like she was some sort of serial killer. What would a small, skinny girl like her do?

Goosebumps covered her skin as she tried sitting up. The chains connected to her made loud clanking sounds as she sat upright. She could see her breath in small puffs of white. What did she do to deserve this? She hated herself for talking to King Delirious like that. Why would she do such a thing? She knew better. But the thing that kept swirling through her mind the most was why he looked at her with sympathy and wiped away her tears. But of course she had to ruin it and now she wound up here.

Suddenly, she heard many footsteps echoing through the dungeon. She grabbed the bars of her cell to see who it was, but quickly retreated to the corner when she saw the giant shadows of three guards. Their boots padded on the floor and came closer and closer.

She wrapped her arms around her legs as her heartbeat became faster. Finally, the images of the three guards became visible. And they were walking right towards Blu's cell.

They approached the bars of her cell and one guard took out a key. He slowly unlocked The Barred door and came in to take off the chains on Blu's hands and feet. The three other guards stood behind him, not taking their eyes away from her.

But Blu was confused as what they were doing. It hadn't been three days yet. What were they doing with her?

Once the guard took off all the chains, he violently grabbed her by the arm.

"Get up!" He commanded. Blu obeyed and stumbled to her feet. The guard shoved her out of the cell and led her out of the dungeon. Another guard grabbed onto her other arm as the other followed behind

"Where are you taking me?" Blu whimpered. The guards tightened their grip on her and an evil smile grew on both of their mouths.

"That's for us to know," one said. Curiosity overwhelmed her and she started to get very nervous. What were they going to do to her? We're they bringing her to the king? Why did they let her out early?

The guards led her out into an open, outdoor space. What she saw next made her jaw drop and shivers down
her back.

A long rope hung from a wooden stand in the center as a crowd of people surrounded it, their eyes staring at her.

Beside this wooden platform was the king sitting on a huge chair. Then it hit her; they were going to publicly kill her.

"No! Please no!" She screamed as she fought the guards. She kicked and failed her arms but it was no use. And at that moment, she was literally walking to her death.

Blu jolted up from her sleep. She breathed heavily as she looked at her surroundings. She was still in the cell and the chains were still connected to her.

She let out a long sigh and realized it had just been a dream. Sweat trickled down her forehead. She had never had a dream down her forehead. She had never had a dream that felt so real. And in that moment, that was the only time she was thankful to be in her cell.

It was her second day in the dungeon. The only time guards came was when they gave her, her food for the day. But that was about it. She had never felt so alone in her whole life.

She threw her head in her hands as she still recovering from her nightmare. One more day in this bloody cell, she thought.

She looked up and actually found blood stains along the walls. She started to wonder who the blood might have belonged to and why it was there. But she shook her thoughts away.

Spending her days in the dungeon was awful. She was never comfortable nor was she warm. All she did was stare at the wall and let her thoughts take over her.

She wondered where Ohm was and if he was okay. She should have left with him in the first place.

Blu sighed and rested her chin on the palm of her hand. She hated being in this cell, caged up like a wild animal.

But the next day, she was finally let out by the guards. They led her back to her room which was empty. Everyone must have already started working.

The guards practically threw her back in the room along with a fresh pair of servant clothes.

They gave her looks of disgust before shutting the door. Blu sighed. She was actually happy to be back in her room. Although it still wasn't the most comfortable place, it was hundred times better than that nasty old dungeon.

She quickly threw her new clothes on and put her dirty ones away. It was Saturday so the first thing she had in her cycle was Gardening.

She rushed out the door and got to the garden as quickly as she could. She approached a few other servants who were already plainting some flowers.

Blu put her gloves on and immediately got to work. Her fear of what the king could do became even stronger after what had happened. Who knows what he's capable of doing. But Blu never wanted to find out.

She dug a small hole in the dirt and placed a pink flower in it. She then covered the remaining space with dirt and padded it down.

As she looked up to grab more flowers, she noticed someone looking at her. He looked older than Blu but not that much. She quickly looked down to dig another hole.

But as she looked up again, he was still staring at her. What did he want? Why was he staring at her? Blu started to get annoyed, but he suddenly opened his mouth to speak.

"Sorry to stare," he paused, "But I was wondering if you're okay." Blu stared blankly at him and gave him a confused look.

"I heard about what happened," he said, "with the king."

"Oh," Blu said. "I'm fine." She gave him a slight smile. She rest wasn't in a mood to talk to anyone right now but she didn't want to be rude. He was only trying to be nice.

"I'm Craig by the way. But people like to call me by my nickname, Mini."

Then Blu automatically remembered that name. Rachel had mentioned him before.

"Are you the one who had been here for 14 years?" She had remembered Rachel saying that.

"Yeah," he said stiffly.

"Wow, that's- really long," Blu said.

All Craig did was nod. After that, they were left in silence once agian.

After Gardening, Blu had Cleaning.

Cleaning was just another session in which servants had to either scrub the floors dust the shelves, or just clean up around the castle.

As Blu was scrubbing the marble floor of the great hall, she heard someone say her name.

"Blu," The familiar voice said. She spun around and saw the person's figure in frount of her.

"Ohm," she sighed. She was relieved to see his face. He looked at her with much sincerity.

"Im- so so sorry," he stated. "I don't know what to say." Blu looked down.

"I didn't think we would get caught," he said coming closer. "I never got caught before. I'm truly, deeply sorry. They didn't hurt you did they? I can't believe I got you in such a mess. It should've been me they found, not you. There's no way I can repay you," he said sincerely.

"It's alright," she paused, "You didn't know." She sighed as she avoided making eye contact with him. She was pretty angry about it.

Ohm gave her a small smile and Blu looked down.

"Never trust that guy," a voice said from behind her. She turned around to face a boy around her age with Brown hair, brown eyes and a long beard.

"Shut up Luke, will you?" Ryan said annoyed.

"I'm only joking," he replied. Then he turned his attention to Blu. "I'm Luke Patterson," he said.

Blu gave him a smile and was about to respond then Ohm interrupted.

"Alright then," he said clapping his hands together. "Better get back to work." And they went back to work. Although she hated what he got her into, Blu was glad that Ohm was okay; thankful the guards didn't get him. If the guards had gotten him, who knows what the king would've done.

Blu looked up just for a moment, and all of a sudden she saw a figure walking down the main stairs.

The king.

Blu immediately looked down and continued scrubbing the floor. Her heart sped up as she heard his soft footsteps along the carpeted stairs. Although she wasn't looking at the king. She could feel his angry eyes on her.

But when she looked up once more, the king's eyes didn't look angry. His emotion was expressionless. He didn't carry the mean, hateful face he usually had on.

He looked different.

But Blu quickly looked back down and the king's footsteps slowly faded away.

* * *
The rest of the day went normal for Blu. It was the same routine for every day. And finally, when darkness overcame the daylight and the moon shone bright up in the sky, Blu went back to her room to sleep. She actually couldn't wait to sleep on her bed; it was much more comfortable than the dungeon.

When she got to her room she finally saw Rachel. She hadn't seen her all day. When Rachel spotted Blu, she immediately rushed up to her.

"Blu! You're back! Are you Okay? Did they hurt you?" Rachel threw questions at her. Blu looked around to see all the other female servants scurrying around the room. She didn't want everyone hearing what had happened.

"I'll tell you tomorrow," she told Rachel. "Too many people are here." Rachel nodded.

"Well, I'm just happy you're okay," she smiled. "But tomorrow is going to be awful. Something always goes wrong on that cruel day," Rachel scoffed.

Blu gave her a confused look. "What?" She asked. She had no idea what Rachel was talking about.

"Haven't you heard?" Rachel asked.

"Well I was stuck in the dungeon for three days..." Blu replied.

"Tommorow is the king's birthday," Rachel said. "And it's going be the most biggest celebration of the year."

Haven't updated this book in a long time, I was too busy working on my second book I made. By the way if you are confused I changed the character. Instead of Blu's good friend 'Jay' I decided to use 'Ohmwrecker' because I feel like that would be a better connection for the main character, and also use a person we may be all familiar of. Just announcing for all the confusion and because I'm deleting my announcement because I don't want it to be in my book. Anyways, hope you enjoyed.

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