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Blu awoke to a familiar sound of banging on the door. Her eyes flipped open as she heard shuffling and quiet whispers around the room. She sighed and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She stood up and opened her trunk full of her clothes. They were all the same of course, except for one. And this one outfit was to only be worn specially on one certain day. The king's Birthday. And that was today. Unfortunately...

This outfit was an elegant, simple white dress that all female servants were required to wear only on this day in order to honor the king. As for the boys, they were to wear a tuxedo.

But it wasn't time for them to put this outfit on yet, so Blu threw on her regular old servant clothes. She had remembered Rachel talking about how they didn't have regular sessions today. Today, all the servants were to set up for the grand celebration.

Blu huffed as she thought about this. He didn't deserve a celebration. Why would someone want to celebrate the birth of such a vile human being? But then she thought about the incident that occurred a couple of days ago. He was actually nice to her for a moment. Maybe there's a good side of him... And although she hated to admit it, he was not bad looking.

But Blu soon snapped out of her thoughts when everyone started to leave the room. She spotted Rachel and walked up to her. When Rachel saw her she gave her a slight smile. She smiled back.

Everyone walked silently through the castle's Hallways and headed straight for the grand hall where they were to set up the tables and decorations.

This was going to be fun...

Everyone immediately got to work. Blu started by putting a white tablecloth on a rounded table. She then set up the plates and utensils. One by one, she placed a plate at each chair.

Then, to her surprise, Mini came over to her table. He gave her a smile.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," she replied.

Need some help?" He asked. Blu nodded.

Craig placed the utensils in the correct spots as Blu set down the napkins and glasses. And finally, to finish it up, she placed the center piece in the middle of the table. The center piece consisted of a bouquet of beautiful white flowers in a crystal clear vase.

Blu and Mini stepped back and admired their work. She had to admit it, it was a beautiful set up.

"Great," Blu said. "Now we have fifteen more of those to do." Craig grunted. "How many people are even going to be here?"

"I think around 300," Craig replied. Blu's eyes widened.

She looked around the hall. There were servants scattered all over the great hall. Some were decorating the pillars with white ribbons, some set up a bar, while other set up the tables.

This was going to be a huge event.

Blu had even remembered how big of a deal if was back in the village. All the villagers were required to also have a celebration for the king whether they liked it or not. She remembered dancing in the streets with the other villagers and putting on fake smiles as she pretended to enjoy herself. She remembered watching the beautiful fireworks shining in the night sky. But she hated the fact that it was all for the king.

No villager liked this dreadful day. Why would they honor the king? What good had he done for them? For anyone.

Blu sighed as she set up another table. She looked up to find Ohm looking at her. What was with everyone always looking at her. She quickly looked down avoiding eye contact with him. Thankfully he didn't come over.

As she was placing plates on the table, she saw Rachel coming over.

"Hey," Blu said.

"Hi," she replied. But their conversation didn't go on for long when a large figure stood on the stairwell near them. Guess who it was?

The king. Who else? He stood above all the servants making sure they were all doing everything correctly and in order for his birthday. The hall seemed to hush down. The king scanned the area until his eyes laid on Blu. Her heart leaped in her chest. The king was staring right at her with those Blue eyes. But finally, he broke the stare and Blu let out a long sigh of relief.

She looked down just for a moment, but when she looked back up, the king was gone. It was odd, Blu thought. Sometimes he seemed like a ghost. He was always there, but you couldn't see him. It was disturbing to thing about about so she shoved her thoughts away and continued to work.

No one felt like talking after that. But soon enough, after Blu was done setting up the tables and putting up decorations, she went back to the room along with the other servants.

It was time.

Without hesitation, Blu threw on her white dress as did all the other servants. She brushed her hair and kept it down. When she looked in the middle, she couldn't help but stare. She looked so different. She looked beautiful.

And in the mirror, she saw Rachel come up behind her with her dress on.

"Wow," Rachel exclaimed. "You look really pretty." Blu smiled.

"Thanks," she said. "You do too." Blu started to hear music and voices coming from the grand hall. It must be time.

"Ready?" Blu asked. Rachel gave her a slight smile.

"Yeah," she replied.

So Blu, along with a crowed of women in white, silently walked out the door. It was time for the party.

As she walked down the stairs. She heard the music become louder and louder. Her heart thumped quickly in her chest. The sound of conversation and laughter became more clear as they walked closer.

And finally, when the servants turned the corner, they saw the grand hall completely filled with people in elegant clothes. A small band was playing soft classical music as people chattered away. The decorations they had set up before looked really nice now. Blu silently gasped.

The boys were already working away at the bar and the kitchen. Blu noticed they had on tuxedos. Among them, she spotted Ryan, Luke, and Craig all working at the bar.

But she stopped looking around when a loud voice spoke up above the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention," A guard spoke standing on the side of the main stairs. The music soon faded away and the crowd eventually quieted down. The guard cleared his throat. "The king will now be making his entrance."

And with the king himself emerged from the dark corridors. When Blu saw him, she couldn't believe her eyes. She didn't want to admit it but he looked really really handsome. Wait, what was she thinking? She mentally slapped herself.

All the people bowed to him as he slowly walked down the steps. Not wanting to get in trouble, Blu followed, slightly bowing down to the king. He had on a gorgeous gold and white robe which dragged behind him. He was wearing his gem-speckled crown that dazzled in the light. He wore black leather boots that went up just below his knee. In other words, he looked outstanding.

It was different for Blu. She had been used to seeing him as angry and dark.

Once he got to the bottom of the steps, everyone stood upright. He smiled.

"Welcome my fellow comrades, friends, and family. I welcome you here on this fine night to celebrate my 25th birthday. I hope you all have a wonderful time," he finished. He then walked over to his mere gold throne as the crowd once agian became loud with chatter. Blu immediately got to work and started pouring water into every glass in every table.

There the king sat, on this throne as he scanned the crowd. His eyes landed on Blu but he quickly looked away. What was with him? He looked back into the crowed and suddenly smiled. He stood up and walked over to a beautiful women with black, wavy hair. They spoke and smiled at each other. Blu wished she knew what they were talking about. But it didn't matter. No matter how he acted today, it was all fake. She wish everyone knew how much of a monster he really was. But she quickly turned her focus back to her work.

As she was pouring water into a glass, she felt someone tap on her shoulder. She spun around to find Ohm giving her a half smile.

"Need some help?" He asked. Blu looked at him for a moment then nodded.

"Yeah," she said. He was obviously trying to make up for what he had done. Blu sighed. Every time she looked up, she saw the king talking with someone different.

After she was tired of pouring water, she grabbed a tray full of pigs in a blanket. She walked up to a group of fine-looking people and offered some.

"Pigs in a blanket?" She asked as she presented the tray. She realized how weird that sounded. Two people took one each; The other two just stared at her blankly. And so she continued around the hall offering pigs in a blanket to as many people as she could.

Then she spotted the king talking with a group of people. She didn't want to go up to them but she figured she must. She cleared her throat and walked up to them, her heart thumping in her chest.

"Pigs in a blanket?" She asked. The group stopped talking and stared at her. No one said anything until an arm reached out to grab one.

"Thank you, Blu," the deep, raspy voice of the king said. The people continued talking and Blu immediately retreated the other way, placing down the tray on an extra table. She took a deep breath. There was a weird feeling in her stomach and she didn't know what it was. But whatever it was, she wanted it to go away.

"Hey are you okay?" Luke walked up to Blu. A look of concern crossed over his face. "You look a bit- shaken up." Not the first time she's heard that.

"Yeah," Blu replied. "I'm fine." But he didn't reply when a loud voice echoed throughout the hall.

"May I have your attention please," it was the same guard from before. The music quieted down and everyone turned their focus to the guard. "It is now time for King Jonathan's duel against one brave volunteer."

"What?" Blu whispered to Luke. The crowd of people immediately started buzzing with excitement.

"It's a tradition. Every year on the king's Birthday, he has a sword fight with someone who volunteers for the duel," he said. Blu's eyes widened and Luke noticed. He laughed. "But they don't hurt or kill each other. It's just for fun; kind of like fencing. The king wins every year."

"Oh," was all the came out of Blu's mouth. The people in the room created an opening surrounding the king and a strong-looking man. A guard came towards the middle, handed the king his shining sword and handed the other man one as well.

The room quieted down and Blu watched intently, her heart beating quickly in her chest. The king glared at the man as they walked around each other. The room was full of tension as the people waited for something to happen.

It was the man who made the first mobe. He thrust his sword towards the king. But the king, being the slick man he was, dodged it without much effort. He let out a small laugh.

"That's cute," he said. He then chuckled his sword towards the man, missing him only by an inch. The crowd gasped. Then both of their swords made loud clanking sounds as they fought each other. They moved from the left, to the right, and all over the place. The king dodged, and blocked, chucked, and Blu had to admit he was pretty darn good. Their feet moved quickly and sharply. The crowd cheered.

It seemed like forever until the king toppled the man to the ground by faking his sword left but bringing it down to the right. He stepped over the man, the tip of his sword pointing towards his throat.

The crowd cheered as the man groaned in defeat.

Happy music immediately started playing and Blu watched as everyone in the room found a partner to dance with and scurried to the center of the hall. The king placed his sword next to his throne and walked back to the crowd smiling.

Everyone got into the certain position and the classical song started playing. Everyone started moving around the room, their bodies and feet moving to the beat as they faced their partner. Blu watched in admiration. Everyone moved in perfect sync, circling around the room. She wished she knew how they formally like that.

Blu's eyes scanned over the people and she spotted the king in his dazzling robes. He was dancing with someone. It was that same woman she had seen him with before. They moved perfectly together, their feet stepping to the beat, his hands in her's. Then there was that unknown feeling in her stomach. Was that-jealousy? No it couldn't be, that would be completely ridiculous.

Blu nudged Luke who was standing before her. "Who's that?" She asked nodding towards the woman the king was dancing with.

"She's some queen from some other kingdom. I don't really know. But I think her husband died in a battle," Luke replied taking a sip of water from a glass. Blu laughed at how casually he said that.

She watched them dance. Then suddenly the king looked over at Blu herself and caught her staring at him. Her heart skipped a beat. She quickly looked away and walked outside the hall, away from all the commotion.

She couldn't watch that anymore but she didn't know why. What was up with her?

She walked outside into the garden to get some fresh air. No one would find her here because the king was inside and the guards were to busy guarding the main doors.

She sat on the golden bench she had once been on with Ohm. She sighed as she looked out into the night sky. What was this weird feeling she got whenever she saw the king? She wanted more than anything for it to go away. He slapped you and sent you to the dungeon for three days! She thought.

But she snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a voice from behind her.

"Taking a break?" A deep intimidating voice said from behind. Blu's heart stopped. It was the voice of the king. She was in real trouble now.

She craned her head towards him as he walked over to her and sat next to her on the bench. What was he doing?

"No I was just- um I was getting some fresh air," Blu stuttered as she looked into his Ocean blue eyes, her hands shaking. She would definitely be punished for leaving the party. The king laughed.

"You don't have to be so scared of me," he said. But he said this in an almost kind voice. He seemed different than the last time Blu had spoken to him. He seemed- nice. Blu knew this was his good side. The side that wiped away her tears. The side that was about to set her free, although she had made a grieve mistake. But when she mentally slapped herself. He's the king. Hes not nice. Hes the one who sent her to the dungeon.

"Shouldn't you be in the hall with everyone else?" Blu asked bravely. The king shifted his body towards her and looked into her eyes as if he was thinking really hard. Blu could feel her pulse getting faster. He was extremely handsome.

Then all of a sudden, he leaned in towards Blu. She had no idea what he was doing. Her heart skipped a beat, but she remained frozen; unable to move.

Then before she could process anything that was happening, she felt his lips on hers. Her stomach leaped and that weird feeling became stonger than ever. Just as their lips touched, fireworks of every color shot up into the sky, illuminating the black sky and making loud booming sounds.

Blu was in shock, the king was kissing her. But she didn't kiss back. And when she realized what was happening, she pushed him away.

She gave him a bewildering and confused look. He looked into her eyes and then looked down, the sound of fireworks filling the air. He shook his head and cursed under his breath.

"I shouldn't be doing this," He said, his voice angry. He stood up from the bench and rushed back into the castle, leaving Blu alone on the bench. She touched her lips, not believing what had just happened. Butterflies danced around in her stomach. The king just kissed her. Blu. A servant.

But the thing that she was afraid to admit was that she liked it.

Wow, A lot just happened in this chapter...

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