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The next day, Blu couldn't stop thinking about the previous night. About the kiss with King Jonathan. She could feel his lips on hers. Was he out of his mind? What was he thinking? Blu was a servant. He was the king.

She sighed as she dusted the shelves of the library. The library in the castle was quite magnificent. It had thousands of books stacked and packed on every shelf. There were even shelves as tall as the ceiling.

Rachel was beside her, doing the same. Blu mostly stayed quiet. She was debating whether she should tell Rachel about what happened or not. She was too shaken up to even speak.

While Rachel spoke to her or asked her something, she would respond with short answers. It wasn't long before Rachel became suspicious.

"Are you okay? You don't seem yourself," She said to Blu. She shrugged.

"I'm just tired from last night that's all," she lied. Rachel nodded but she still wasn't convinced. They continued to do their job as they both went silent.

Blu was deep in her thoughts. She couldn't get out of her head the of last night. What happened last night was the last thing she would ever dream of. She wanted to know more about the king.

"Tell me more about the king," Blu told Rachel. Rachel looked at her.

"Like what?" She asked turning back to her work.

"Like things he's done; his past. Are the stories people talk about him true?" Blu asked. Rachel sighed.

"Lets see," she said as she walked over to another shelf. "He's shot, hung, beheaded, drowned, and tortured many innocent people if that's what you want to know. I mean he's insane, and physco, and mental," Rachel went on.

"He doesn't even care about anything. All he cares about is himself. And it's sad because his parents were nice but he's like the devil. It's a shame both his parents died," Rachel said. Blu's eyes widened in fear.

"I can just imagine him with tiny red horns on his head," Rachel said.

At this, they both couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Wow," Blu said. He really did some crazy stuff." Rachel nodded.

"One time he kept a man in the dungeon for two whole months. The king told him he would bring him back into the village when he thought he'd been in the dungeon long enough. And right after the man was set free and thought he was going back to the village, the king shot him. Right then and there In the dungeon.

A cold feeling swept through Blu as she listened to Rachel. She remembered looking at the bloodstains on the walls of the dungeon. A shiver went down her spine.

"Okay let's not talk about this anymore," Blu pleaded.

"You're the one who asked," Rachel replied as Blu dusted a long shelf.

Suddenly they both heard a thump on the floor.

They jumps at the unexpected sound and looked down. Relief flooded through them when they realized it had just been a book that fell.

"I got it," Blu said as she reached down to get it. When she picked it up she realized the book had no title or author. It was just a blank cover.

Out of curiosity she opened it.

"What are you doing?" Rachel said. But Blu ignored her and flipped to a random page In the book.

She read it.

January 12th, 1991

Today was another long, hard day for me and all the other servants. The king finally released Michael from the dungeon after two dreadful weeks. No one knows what he did to get himself put in there but something tells me no one will ever find out.

The king also punished me today because I "wasn't working sufficiently." He cut my arm with his knife leaving a small gash. It's not nearly as bad as what three months ago but it still hurts. When am I ever going to get out of this place?

I still miss my wife. I prey every night, hoping I will ever see her again. I can't wait till I get out of this horrid castle. That is, if I stay alive.

-Edward Ayala

Blu nearly dropped the book when she was finished reading. Her heart nearly stopped. Edward Ayala.

"What does it say?" Asked Rachel.

Blu just stared at the name signed at the bottom. Words were not able to come out of her mouth. She couldn't believe the words that lay in front of her eyes.

"Blu!" Rachel whispered violently. "What does it say?"

Blu swallowed and took a deep breath.

"This is a servants journal," she said shakily. "My dad's journal."

Rachel's jaw dropped.

"What? You can't be serious." Blu nodded.

But before Rachel could respond, they heard someone coming in the library. Rachel gave Blu an alarmed look. Blu quickly shoved the book back in it's place.

"C'mon," Rachel said. "The session is just about over." Blu nodded and they exited the library.

She couldn't get out of her mind that her father was a servant. Questions swirled through her head. Why hasn't he told her? She felt a stinging feeling in her stomach. Was it anger? Or sadness? Maybe it was both. Whatever it was, it didn't feel good.

* * *

The rest of the day went by pretty slowly. With the thought of the kiss with the king and her dad being a servant, Blu thought she'd go mad. She hadn't even seen the king all day, which was strange...

She didn't talk to anyone much for the rest of the day. All she felt like doing was going to her room and cry.

How could he? How could her own father not tell her he had been a servant? He couldn't have been a servant for long, otherwise Blu would've known about it. He must've been a servant before he had her.

Blu was walking down the hall to her room. It was already 8:30. She shook her head as tears trailed down her cheeks.

Just then, she heard footsteps echoing through the halls. Her heart thumped quickly in her chest. She prayed it wasn't the king.

She quickly looked behind her and caught a glimpse of a woman turning the corner, then disappearing from sight.

Blu looked back down and continued walking, thinking nothing of it.

But then it hit her.

That was the same woman the king had been dancing with at his birthday. Blu's heart skipped a beat.

What was she doing here?

Oh my gosh I am so proud of myself! I just updated two of my books with one chapter in one day! I've been working so hard on my books lately. Hope you enjoyed the effort that I put in this chapter so you can enjoy.

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